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  • [Music]...

  • [Music] As an airline passager

  • you may barely notice the changes

  • taking place of the next ten years

  • to fulfil your flights.

  • [Terminal brocasting]...

  • But you will appreciate

  • the increased safety, environmental benefits,

  • and reduced delays

  • as the Next Generation Air Transportation System

  • is adopted.

  • [Dynamic music]...

  • [Dynamic music] [ATC communications]...

  • ... Roger!

  • Best illustrate the benefits of NextGen,

  • let's first look at how your flight saves

  • from Los Angeles to Washington

  • that is managed today.

  • [Engines sound]...

  • As your plane pulls away from the gate

  • and gets in line,

  • your pilot is talking to the controller

  • in the LAX Tower

  • for the critical routing information.

  • [Engines screaming]...

  • After takeoff,

  • a TRACON controler steers the pilot through

  • the maneuvers to rise a thousands of feet

  • while covering about a hundred ground miles

  • At about twenty-three thousand feet,

  • your pilot talks through another controller,

  • Los Angeles Center,

  • to direct the plane to its final cruising altitude

  • of thirty-five thousand feet.

  • Across the country,

  • your plane follows other planes

  • like cars on the interstate highway

  • as with cars the route is dictated

  • by what's on the ground.

  • Your plane must pass the radar fixes

  • generally not the most direct paths.

  • And every time the plane crosses

  • an airspace boundary,

  • your pilot changes radio frequencies

  • more than twenty five times across country;

  • and makes adjustments in the flight,

  • speeding up, slowing down,

  • and changing directions.

  • [Thunderstorm striking]...

  • Bad weather overset in the Midwest

  • will force your plane into

  • inefficient flight paths,

  • and keep other planes on the ground

  • creating delays that ripple throughout the country.

  • When your plane begins

  • the slow descent to Washington,

  • your pilot steps down,

  • levels off,

  • and speeds up;

  • but also moving aroud to safely align

  • with other traffic

  • on the way to the runway at Dulles.

  • [Engines sound]...

  • Now, let's look at how NexGen

  • will improve your flight...

  • [Tape rewinding sound]...

  • [Music]...

  • The approvement's kicking in

  • as your plane leaves the gate.

  • Surface Traffic Management on the ground

  • makes things simpler, safer,

  • and more orderly for both pilots

  • and Tower controllers.

  • [Music] For one, they spend less time

  • talking to each other on the radio,

  • this reduces communications errors

  • as digital data communications

  • presides a visual instruction,

  • expedites clearances.

  • The orders of departure setup automatically

  • reducing long waits and enhancing safety.

  • As the plane heads to the runway,

  • pilots and controllers,

  • each have a real time GPS map

  • for all ground traffic

  • within such tools as ADS-B and ASDE-X

  • This greatly improves airfield safety,

  • through a reliable shared view

  • of the planes' surroudings,

  • particularly during bad weather.

  • During takeoff,

  • precision RNAV and RNP procedures

  • allow multiple-departure paths for each runway

  • which increases airport capacities.

  • These same precisions get your plane

  • quickly out of busy, lower level air sapce

  • to the cruising altitute while saving fuel.

  • At thirty-five thousand feet,

  • GPS-enabled RNAV, RNP and ADS-B,

  • allow the planes fly closer together

  • without any losses of safety

  • which increases airspace capacities.

  • Meanwhile, aircraft flies more direct paths

  • that counter wind, destination, traffic

  • and weather.

  • [Thunderstorm striking]...

  • Weather which now counts for seventy percent

  • of delays becoms the last problem

  • the thunderstorm over the Midwest

  • that causes so much trouble today

  • will be easily handled when shared

  • networking-able weather information

  • is fused into decision making tools

  • through SWIM

  • Data communications' so useful in the airport

  • is also useful in the air

  • as it reduces radio frequency congestion,

  • errors, and delays.

  • As your plane lines up

  • for arrival with other planes

  • it's placed in line is planned

  • hunreds of miles in advance.

  • Instead of the current step-dwon approah,

  • tailored arrivals and continuous descent arrivals

  • allow a smoother descent into the airport.

  • The more precise landing path

  • allows a steady descent with reduced power

  • That's cuts time, fuel,

  • noise, emissions, and holding patterns.

  • [Engines booming]...

  • As your plane comes in

  • for landing in Dulles

  • Data communications relays the runway

  • exit point, assigned gate,

  • and taxi routes to the pilot,

  • so you'll quickly arrive at the gate doors

  • exit the plane,

  • and pick up your luggage.

  • [Music]...

  • [Music] As a NextGen passenger,

  • you may notice the scoop of the flight.

  • But the really gets your attention

  • is being on time more often,

  • you'll also know your own life is safer,

  • and more fuel-efficient.

  • And that's what matters

  • from gate to gate.




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B1 中級

FAA NextGen Gate to Gate - ダイレクトアクセス (FAA NextGen Gate to Gate 新一代飛航管理系統- 門戶直達 [CC字幕])

  • 1868 101
    黃翊丞 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日