I push myself to do a lot of scary things, starting a Youtube channel, moving to Nagoya by myself, moving to Japan by myself modeling, getting married to somebody that I met long distance, like all of these things scared the crap out of me, starting a business now, I'm starting a business and I'm starting a business to change people's lives, that, that was the end of, that was a realization that was my life purpose, finding your life purpose is a lot deeper and there is a Japanese concept that goes with it and it just has been a very good blueprint for me to follow throughout my twenties that got me to where I am today, but doing things that scare you is one thing that can help you figure out what you are good at and what your skills are and what you like and what you don't like, whether it's in relationships community career, any part of your life, in order to reach the goal of figuring out what you truly need in your life or what you want, you have to do things that scare you all my life, you know, in the beginning, in my early twenties I was always like oh this is too hard or someone else maybe can do that, but I can't do that.