字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント This is a day in the life of a Japanese Mechanic 今回は整備士の1日に密着すっぞ! [Music] 彼の名はYUTA This is Yuta, 25 yrs old. Living in Chiba, part of the Greater Tokyo area 関東エリアにある千葉に住む25歳 And he is just waking up for work 仕事に起きたところだ He lives alone in this one LDK apartment and if you haven't noticed, he loves his animes 1LDKにマンションに一人で住んでる Often visiting Akihabara when he's not working もう気づいてるかもしれねーけど YUTAはアニメ好きだ Anime is such a popular hobby for Japanese adults under 30. 休みの日はよく秋葉原に行くぞ It's currently the only growing entertainment category catching up to the top two, variety shows and movies. アニメは30代以下の日本人の間で すっげー人気の趣味なんだ This is what you usually eat for breakfast. 実は、テレビ番組のカテゴリーのうち 唯一人気度が成長し続けているのがアニメで [Music] バラエティ番組と映画の次に 人気のカテゴリーらしいぞ Wow, he sure loves his milk tea. いつも朝食はこんな感じ? How long does it usually take you to get ready. ミルクティーすげー好きじゃねーか! [Music] 朝、準備はどのくれぇかかるんだ? Unlike the 40 million train commuters in the Greater Tokyo area, Yuta drives a 30-minute commute to work every morning. 関東エリアは約4000万人の電車通勤者がいるんけど So Yuta works as a Seibishi, in English (Mechanic) YUTAは毎朝車で通勤してるぞ He attended a specialized four-year professional school of Saitama Automotive University. YUTAの仕事は整備士 英語ではMechanicだな Earning a degree in car mechanics. YUTAは4年制専門学校「埼玉自動車大学校」で He was hired straight after graduation. Common in japan. 自動車整備の学科で勉強した後 As 91% of vocational school graduates secure a job and currently in his third year as a Mechanic 新卒で就職が決まったんだ 日本ではわりと一般的だな Good morning y'all. I'm back with another day in the life. 日本の専門学校卒業生の就職率は91% Super excited for this one. Just a little bit different than the usual. そして今、整備士として働いて3年目だ! But it should be awesome regardless. おっす、みんな!今日は1日密着の取材に来てるぞ Yuta should be coming down the stairs right now let's see how he's doing this morning 今回はいつもとちょっと違うから 楽しみにしてたんだ Good morning. そろそろあそこの階段から降りてくるはず did you sleep well last night 来たら話を聞いてみようぜ so youtube works as a mechanic at isuzu おっす! motors one of the oldest automobile 昨日はよく眠れたか? manufacturers in japan since 1916. these YUTAは、いすゞ自動車で整備士として働いてんだ days they're best known for their 1916創業で、日本で最も古い歴史を持ってる 自動車メーカーの一つなんだぞ commercial vehicles like trucks and 今はバスやトラックなどの 商用車メーカーとしてよく知られてんだ buses but interestingly the company 実は、造船会社の一部署として始まったのがいすゞの原点で itself started off as a department 長い年月をかけて現在のいすゞになったんだ within a shipbuilding company which over トラック業界No.1の実績は 36,000人以上の従業員に支えられてる many years transformed in the company we タイムカードを押す前、 体温測定と呼気検査が義務付けられてるぞ know today with more than 36 thousand トラックを運転するもんな employees and crowned the number one 制服がいっぺーあんぞ! truck seller in japan これ、全部YUTAのなのか? before clocking in youtube is required ここでは、従業員が清潔感ある服装を していることも大切にしてるみてぇだな to check his temperature as well as do a それは、整備作業をする時でも breathalyzer as he'll be driving trucks だから、毎日着用する作業服は クリーニング業者が洗濯してくれるんだ today 作業開始する前に、全員でラジオ体操をするぞ [Music] 英語ではRadio Exerciseだな wow that's a lot of uniforms are these 音楽に合わせて朝の体操で all yours 昔から職場で実施されてきた習慣の一つなんだ at his company it's important that all 今でも多くの会社で行われてるぞ their employees present a clean 毎朝、従業員全員で集まって「全体朝礼」をするんだ appearance despite working in a garage 日本の伝統的な朝礼のスタイルで 業務連絡や通達をする場でもある so they employ a cleaning vendor to wash 全体朝礼の最後は、経営理念と行動方針の暗唱をすっぞ their uniforms every day 全体朝礼の後は、整備士だけのミーティング [Music] ここで今日の業務が割り振られるんだ before the day starts all the staff どこ行くんだ? gather for rajo taiso meaning radio 作業の前に、5S活動ってのをするんだ exercise a typical japanese calisthenics 5Sってのは、職場環境を整えて快適に 業務に取り組めるようにするために guided by music one of the oldest 日本の企業でよく適用されてる customs in a japanese workplace still 「整理・整頓・清掃・清潔・しつけ」を意味してるぞ practice today 具体的に何を見てるんだ? every morning the staff have a zentai chorei この部屋は何なんだ? a traditional japanese all company 作業の内容を正確に記録するのも 整備士の重要な仕事 morning meeting to discuss news and 行政の記録としても使われるからな announcements followed by a recitation この部屋はディスパッチャーが終日、 整備士に仕事を割り振るオフィスでもある of the company's philosophy and behavior 最初の仕事だ!コロコロ転がせる作業箱を移動してんぞ guidelines 日本語では「キャディ」とも呼ぶらしい and shortly after that Yuta breaks トラックがいっぺーある!!! out with the mechanics for a separate ここでは約30名のスタッフが、 meeting to discuss their assigned tasks 1日約70台のトラックを修理、メンテナンス、点検してるんだ for today ナイス!YUTAが作業する最初のトラックだ! where you going now 最初の仕事は車検 first he performs facility maintenance a 法律で義務付けられてる 自動車の安全性をチェックする継続検査だ 5s group activity common in japanese 2年毎に行われることが多くて companies designed to help build a 正しく整備されているか、公道を安全に走行できるかを 確認するために行われるぞ strong work ethic as well as healthy 軽自動車よりも大きな規格のトラックは 毎年車検が必要なんだ(一回目を除く) working environment 5s meaning organized 日本の車検はすっげー厳重で コストもかかることで知られてる order cleanliness standardized and 診断を含めて、検査項目が60以上あるんだぞ disciplined what are you exactly looking 金額はだいたい500ドル〜 大きな車両では2000ドルになることもあるんだって at トラック一台の車検は どのくらいの時間がかかるものなんだ? what's this room 注釈:複数人で車検を行った場合での自分の作業にかかる時間 it's a critical part of a mechanic's job YUTA、なんで整備士になろうと思ったんだ? to record and detail all work performed でも、なんでトラックなんだ? as it's even used for government records YUTAは昔から車好きだったんだ also the room serves as a dispatcher's 愛車スープラでレースしてた事もあったんだぞ office where the mechanics get assigned ドリフト中の事故を経験して、辞めることにしたんだって tasks as they come in throughout the そんで、自分の本当の夢だったでっかいトラックに関わる仕事にフォーカスできたってわけだな day to start his first job he brings それなんだ? along his rolling tool chest in japanese やっぱ、すっげー詳しいんだな! it's called a caddy 日本で公認の整備士になるためには 国家試験を受けなきゃなんねーんだ look at all these trucks apparently more 整備士の資格は1〜3級があるんだけど、 than 70 trucks are maintained repaired 4年制専門学校卒業者は 3級を飛ばして2級から受けられるんだ and inspected by about 30 on duty 1級の資格の国家試験を受けるためには、 2級整備士の資格と経験年数が必要なんだ mechanics every day そして、YUTAは2級の整備士として 経験を積んでる最中だ nice, he's gonna work on his first truck そろそろ終わりそうか? yuta's first job is to perform shotgun a 車検では、目視検査で規定のレベルから 程遠い状態の車両は間違いなく引っかかる vehicle safety inspection required by 日本の公道を走る車の状態がスッゲー良いのは これが理由なんだ japanese law usually every two years to YUTAはもう少し時間がかかりそうだから ensure vehicles are properly maintained ちょっと休憩して、この中を探検しに行こうぜ and safe to drive on public roads 整備士のキャディの中に何が入ってるのか interestingly trucks larger than a mini オラ、ずっと気になってたんだ! 見てみようぜ k-class truck are required to be クールな工具がいっペーだ! inspected every year vehicle inspections エレクトリカルテープ、カリパス、カッター、スペアの電球 in japan are one of the most stringent ここにはマスクのボックス and expensive in the world requiring a ボンドっぽいものにスクリュードライバー! 60 part inspection including diagnostics ここはとにかく広い! the base fee starts at about five 見渡すと、作業スペースが10?12? hundred dollars going upwards to two もしかしたら13?とにかくたくさんあるんだ! thousand dollars for larger vehicles how すっげー!ここの部屋は他と全然違うぞ! long does it take to perform a shotgun 何してるのか、あの人に聞いてみようぜ inspection for a trucker すみません、今何してるんですか? [Music] 何をするために? [Music] この支店には塗装専用の部屋があって he always loved cars since he was young このスペースにはペイントのストックが置いてあるんだ he used to even race his own car a supra どんなトラックの修理にも対応できるように なんでも揃えてあえるぞ in the mountains but got into an 塗装の部屋の床には 特殊な換気システムが備わってんだ accident while drifting and decided it 空気中のペイントやホコリを吸い込んでくれるぞ wasn't for him which allowed him even カスタムカラーってやったことある? more time to focus on his true passion すっげー!オラ、ギラギラのトラックも好き! working on oversized trucks あそこに大きなトラックが止まったぞ! 何しに来たのか聞いてみようぜ What's that? すみません、何をしにきたの? wow he really knows his stuff in japan このトラックはすぐに修理が必要みたいだ in Japan to become a certified mechanic そして、フロントスタッフがディスパッチャーに 整備士を調整するよう指示するんだ candidates must pass one of three この人は何してるんだろう? nationwide exams car mechanic graduates 今、何してるんだ? are able to skip to the rank 2 exam 1日、何個くらい洗うんだ? while rank 1 exams are reserved for only この会社に勤めてどのくらい経つんだ? rank 2 mechanics with years of おめでトラック! experience so for now このトラックの車検は終わったみたいだな 2 mechanic working hard every day to 修理や点検後、客に返却する前に 必ず綺麗に洗車するんだ gain more experience 整備士が責任を持って洗車すっぞ! are you almost done 割り振られた作業が終わったら、 記録簿の記入をして、データベースに登録する作業 as part of the japanese shotgun きちんと作業が完了したことを客が確認できるように 作業中に撮影した写真もアップすっぞ! inspection vehicles undergo a visual うわっっ雨が降ってきた inspection and will immediately fail if 次のトラック、どうやって取りに行くんだ? it's far behind the manufacturer's set よっしゃ、次行くぞ conditions and is the main reason why in すっげーでかいタイヤだな japan cars on the road are for the most 大きなトラックは部品もパーツもとにかくでかい part always in great condition so it だから、整備士は周りに十分注意して 作業に取り組むことが必然なんだ looks like heath is going to be doing パーツを落としたり、指を挟んだりするような小さなミスが 大きな怪我につながるからな this for a little bit so while he's 終わった? doing this why don't we take a break and やったー昼メシだ! check this place out YUTAは、いつも自販機で飯を買って 同僚と休憩室で食うんだ [Music] その弁当作ったのか? so one of the things that i've always タダなのか? wondered is what's in a mechanics caddy うめーのか? let's see wow so many cool tools スタッフに低価格の弁当を提供するってのは 日本の古い会社ではよくある習慣なんだぞ electrical tape calipers a cutter extra 1食、約2〜3ドルってのが相場かな! light bulb a set of wrenches a box of これがあれば金銭的にも時間的にも節約できる! face masks some adhesive spray cans and 仕事が始まるまで少し時間があるから some screwdrivers this place is just so この時間を利用して、畳の部屋で昼寝すっぞ big you can see behind me there's 10 to おはよー 12 maybe even 13 parking spots it's ちゃんと寝れた? crazy 昼メシの後は昼礼に参加すっぞ oh wow look at this room it's completely ここで午後の業務を振り当てられるんだ different than the other ones let's see 今からは何すんだ? what this guy is doing あれが次に作業する車だな excuse me can i オラの東京の家よりもでかいぞ! ask what you're doing 今回は工場二つあるフロアリフトの 一つを使って作業するみたいだな at this garage they have a dedicated YUTA曰く、大型トラックの作業をする時は 下に回った方が作業しやすいらしい paint room and this is their storage このトラックはメンテナンスの作業をしてるみてぇだな area where they keep the paint stock 今回は、他四人の整備士と一緒に作業に入ってる required to fix and repair any truck トラックのサイズや作業内容によって damage the paint room itself has a ディスパッチャーが複数の整備士を 割り振ることもあるんだ specialized ventilation system built それ、なんだ? into the floor which quickly removes any どのくれぇのオイルを使うんだ? excess paint or dust in the air have you YUTA曰く、ここの先輩後輩の関係性はすごく良くて painted custom colors before 経験豊富な先輩に相談しやすい環境だから スキルアップにもつながるんだって i like it an oversized truck with bling それなんだ? Oh wow there's a huge truck over there, lets see what they're doing. わかりやすいリマインダーだな Excuse me what are you here for? トラックは3ヶ月毎に定期点検が必要なんだぞ [Speaking Japanese] 今、何してるんだ? Oh, it seems like the truck is in a dire for repair. それなんだ? [Speaking Japanese] よくあることなんだけど、 このトラックは車検で引っかかった項目があるんだ Now the front desk contacts the 一般的な消耗が原因で、想定内の内容なんだけど dispatcher to arrange a mechanic. 日本の厳しい安全基準に達するために 修理・メンテを行う必要があるんだ Oh, I wonder what this guy is doing. もちろんこの場合、コストがかかってくる Excuse me can i ask what you're doing? 日本人が古い車をメンテし続けずに、 買い換えることを選ぶのはこれが理由なんだ [Speaking Japanese] あ、ここは部品在庫を管理してる倉庫だな How many did you watch a day? 部品の種類が多数あるにもかかわらず [Speaking Japanese] そのほとんどの在庫を完備してるのがいすゞの強みの一つ なんだ How long have you been with the company? 万が一、在庫を切らしたが場合でも [Speaking Japanese] 同日発送で用意できるシステムになってるんだって Congratulations! 整備士の仕事で好きなところはなんだ? [Speaking Japanese] この仕事の難しいところってなんだ? [Truck backing up] YUTAは、タイヤにグリースをつける作業が残ってるから [Music] もうちょっと探検に行こうかな! Okay he's finished with the truck, でっけートラックが宙に浮いてるのって迫力あるよな as part of any inspection or maintenance ゴミ収集車もあるし trucks must be cleaned before the return あそこには長ーいトラックも浮いてる to the customer which is also the 今度はフロアリフトの地下に来たぞ responsibility of the mechanic. トラックの下に回ったときはこんな感じだ When he's done with an assignment, あ、YUTAがさっき作業してたトラックだ! he creates a report and logs it into the このガレージは最終点検をするエリア database, and he also uploads pictures of 客に返す前に、車両を一通りチェックすんだ the maintenance performed for customer records. おっす!今何してんだ? Oh no, it started to rain! 最終点検では、車検の項目や修理完了してる箇所を 別のスタッフがチェックするんだ [Speaking Japanese] 日本の安全基準に基づいた診断もしていくぞ How are you going to get to the truck? これは何する機械? [Speaking Japanese] 明るさとか? Now to the next truck. このグレーの倉庫には何が入ってんのかな Wow that's a humongous tire! すっげー!エンジンの倉庫だ! Yuta says that since he often works on larger トラックのエンジンが丸ごと入れ替えになった時のためだな vehicles many of the parts and tools are おっす!今、何してるんだ? also large and heavy so it's critical ミラーがぼっこぼこじゃねーか! that mechanics at his garage are always 修理の内容によっては、 部品を外さなきゃいけないこともある cognizant of their surroundings as a 「板金」は英語でbodywork simple accident like dropping apart or 板金塗装には特別な資格が必要だから、 板金塗装の担当者がやるんだ getting fingers caught would easily そろそろ終わりそう? result in severe injury. YUTA、どこにいくんだ? Are you done? YUTAの仕事は、トラックを整備することだけじゃねぇ [Speaking Japanese] 客とのやりとりも大切な整備士の業務の一つ Finally, lunchtime! 作業内容の説明をしたりするんだ He usually picks up 入社してすぐのトレーニングで 接客を学ぶ機会があったらしいぞ food from the vending machine and eats 誰がいつ来ても、良い接客が受けられるようになってるんだ it in the break room with his co-workers 1日の終わりには、自分たちで責任を持って 設備内の清掃をする Did you bring that bento? 清掃業者を入れていないんだ [Speaking Japanese] 最後に整備士は集まって終礼をするぞ Oh, is it free? 1日の最後のミーティングだ [Speaking Japanese] 残業がある場合は、ここで仕事の振り分けがある How is it? ちょっと変わっているのは、 残業の終わり時間が決められているところだな It's common for traditional Japanese YUTAは1時間の残業をすることになったみたいだ companies to offer their employees あ、終わったみたいだ! reasonably priced bento lunch boxes 日本の会社では、退勤時に目上の人に 挨拶をする習慣があるんだ every day for work usually about two to 敬意を示すためだな three dollars per day so the staff can 自分が早く帰るときは特にそう save on costs as well as time 今日は残業で決められた定時よりも早く終わったから he has some time before his work starts 夜はゆっくりできるな again so he usually takes advantage of 今日の晩めしは昨日の残りのカレー this time with a short nap in the tatami 捨てたらもったいねぇもんな room すげぇ!家でも車の芳香剤使ってる! good morning 通りで新車みてぇな匂いがするわけだ have a good nap? コロナの前は友達や同僚と遊ぶことが多かったけど [Music] 最近は、できるだけ家で漫画を読んだりしてるんだって after lunch 今は何読んでんだ? Yuta has a midday meeting called Churei YUTAはこのまま漫画を読んで in this meeting he gets assigned new tests 12時頃に寝るってさ for the afternoon 日本の整備士の1日はこれで終わり what are you doing now? コメントで感想を教えてくれよな [Music] チャンネルサポートはグッズ購入でお願いな oh that's his next truck i think it's 日本、日本観光に関する質問があったら オラのDISCORDコミュニティをチェック bigger than my tokyo apartment オラの日常はインスタでチェックできるぞ and this time they're using one of the 今回みてぇな1日密着動画が見たかったら チャンネル登録してくれよな two floor lifts in the garage. Yuta says また次回会おうぜ that it's a little bit easier to go underneath a giant truck than it is to hoist one in the air. It seems like this truck is having maintenance but this time he's working with four other mechanics on the job depending on the size of the truck and the amount of work dispatchers assign multiple mechanics to complete the job what's that? how much oil do you use? Yuta says that the garage boss is a strong senpai kohai or senior junior relationship where he's able to easily draw on the experience of his seniors helping him to quickly build his own skills. What's that ? Nice reminder! In japan trucks are scheduled regular checkups every three months What are you doing now? What's that? This is one of the many vehicles that won't pass a shaken inspection simply due to normal wear and tire which is almost expected. So it requires additional repairs and maintenance work to meet japan's strict road safety standarts Obviously, it's gonna cost more money and is one of the reasons why many japanese would rather buy a new car than to bear the cost of maintaining an older one after several years Oh! This is where all the parts are stored. Apparently the company is known for always having parts on stock despite having such a wide catalog of products Even if the part is unavailable at this garage, Any part thinkable can be same day shipped nationwide What do you like about being a mechanic? What's the most difficult part of your job? So, it looks like Yuta go to be greasing up the tires just a little bit longer so while he's doing that let's go explore the place! This is so crazy seeing all of these trucks in the air. I've never seen it before You have a dump truck and then right there you have a long bed truck all hoisted up So this is what it's like on the basement floor and just underneath all of the trucks Oh, that's a truck Yuta was working on earlier So this garage is a final inspection area, where they check the cars before they send them out Hi, what are you doing? In this final inspection, staff review all the items that were performed during the shaken inspection or regular maintenance. Plus, perform several diagnostics required by japanese safety standarf laws. What does this do? check the brightness [Music] huh i wonder what's in this gray little shelter over here Oh, wow! This is the engine stop room. Just in case a truck needs an entire engine replacement. Hi, what are you guys doing? Oh, this mirror is wrecked so sometimes they need to take things apart for repair. "Bankin" means bodywork in english The garage have dedicated workers responsible for bodywork and paint, since a special licenses is required to perform this work. Are you almost done? Yuta, where are you going? He doesn't only work on trucks, but as a mechanic, he's also responsible for interfacing with customers to share service information about their trucks. Apparently, Yuta participated in a customer service training course His first month working at the company to ensure all customers receive a high level service each and every time. At the end of the day, the team is responsible for cleaning up the facility, as they don't hire outside cleaning services. Now, all the mechanics gathered for shurei, the final day's meeting. At this time each mechanic is assigned jobs, But unlike most overtime, this overtime has a set finishing schedule And it seems that yuta has accepted an extra hour of work Oh, it looks like he's finishing up! So in a traditional japanese company, it's customary for Yuta to seeks out his superiors and greet them when he finishes as a sign of respect, especially since he's leaving before them and despite the formalities, he's still able to finish overtime a little bit early So he has the rest of the evening ahead of him "Thank you for a good job" Tonight for dinner, he's having leftover curry from the day before as he doesn't like food to go to waste Oh, cool! He uses car air fresheners even in his house! I was wondering why his room smelled like a new car Before COVID, he often hung out with friends and co-workers after work But nowadays, he tries to stay home and read his manga What are you reading? So, it looks like Yuta just gonna continue reading his manga and then probably go to bed at around 12 o'clock or midnight But that's pretty much a day in the life of a japanese mechanic. Let me know what you guys thought in the comments If you guys want to help support the channel, definitely check out my tokyo merch If you guys have any questions about japan or japan travel check out my discord community. And if you guys want to see what i'm doing on the daily then definitely check out my instagram. Finally, if you guys want to see more videos like this day in the life videos. Hit that subscribe button and the bell button. i'll catch you guys in the next one
B1 中級 日本語 トラック 日本 作業 music 仕事 検査 日本のメカニックの一日 (Day in the Life of a Japanese Mechanic) 26 3 Summer に公開 2021 年 10 月 18 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語