字幕表 動画を再生する
Hi everyone it's Jennifer from Tarle speech with your question of the week. Today's
question is how do I say the word absolutely which means totally or without limitation.
Here's the word absolutely and we have two choices today. I think this word
gets confusing for some people because oftentimes people will stress this word
and then they will make all of the vowels longer so you might be hearing two things.
So we can say ab so lewt lee
だから私たちはab so lewt leeと言える。
or absa lewt lee so this is going to be the long o and this is going to be the short uh the schwa.
or absa lewt lee......これが長いoで、これが短い......シュワになります。
So to say this word again we can start with ab and to do that mouth open wide for that ah
tongue tip is low back of the tongue is pulled up and then close the mouth for the b ab
舌先は低く、舌の後ろは引き上げるようにして、b abのために口を閉じます。
We're gonna skip all the way over here to the lewt just because it's the same in both words
to say that syllable you're going to touch the tip
of your tongue to the back of your top front teeth lll pucker for the
ew and then touch the tip of the tongue to the back of the top front teeth for the t lewt.
舌の先を上の前歯の裏に当てて、「t lewt」とします。
And then end with the lee and to do that touch the tip of your tongue
to the back of your top front teeth and then smile for that long e lee.
Now for the so versus the sa going to start both of those with the s tip of the tongue
is either down or behind the top front teeth it's not touching air continues to move out.
If you choose to say so you're just going to round your lips for that long o
if you choose to say the suh, the unstressed uh sound, just going to relax your mouth.
強調されていない "uh "という音である "suh "を言う場合は、口元をリラックスさせてください。
So let's give those both a try let's start with the so version number one
ab so lewt lee absolutely absolutely
ab so lewt lee absolutely absolutely
you can also say ab suh lewt lee absa lutely
ab suh lewt lee absa lutelyとも言えます。
absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely
And let's give it a try in a sentence:
Absolutely I plan to have a wonderful week. You should absolutely do the same!
So give it a try I know people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful
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iTunes and our classes at Tarle speech thanks everyone have a great weekend!