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  • I saw it!

  • It was big! It was all wiggly!

  • And it ate everything!

  • That's horrible!

  • It was an Alaskan bull worm!

  • [clamoring]

  • I got it!

  • Let's all buy a Krabby Patty.

  • Boo!

  • We should take Bikini Bottom and push it somewhere else.

  • That idea may just be crazy enough...

  • to get us all killed!

  • Uh, what's wrong with my idea?

  • I'll catch your worm for ya.

  • That is, if'n you're willing to pay.

  • No! You'll never get a cent out of me!

  • Never!

  • I'd rather that worm come in here right now

  • and eat you all alive!

  • [panting]

  • [laughing] Aw, shucks.

  • I don't want your money.

  • I was just playing up the drama of the moment, is all.

  • [laughing nervously]

  • [sobbing]

  • Nope, I'm gonna take

  • that spineless critter down for nothing,

  • 'cause this is personal.

  • Look. My tail's gone!

  • [gasping]

  • Vermin must've got it while I had my back turned,

  • the coward!

  • I am gonna get back what's mine!

  • But, Sandy, you don't know what you're up against!

  • We're talking about an Alaskan bull worm!

  • Well, I don't know nothing about Alaska, but looky here.

  • Back in Texas I wrangled bulls, and I wrangled worms.

  • Far as I'm concerned, doing 'em both together just saves rope.

  • Now I'm gonna go kick me some worm tail!

  • Yee-haw!

  • But, Sandy, you don't know!

  • We have the utmost confidence in you!

  • Sandy! Whoo-hoo!

  • Now, what was that idea of yours?

  • Push!

  • [grunting]

  • [panting]

  • Wait! Sandy!

  • Hey, SpongeBob, you coming to watch?

  • - Sandy, don't go! - Why not?

  • Sandy, I saw it! It's big, scary, and pink!

  • What you think is big and what I think is big

  • are two totally different bigs.

  • Besides, he's got my tail. I can't take that sitting down.

  • Okay, but what if the worm didn't take your tail?

  • If that worm ain't got my tail, who does?

  • Um, I do?

  • You do? Where?

  • Um, in my pocket.

  • Well, why didn't you just say so? Give it here!

  • Come on!

  • Oh...

  • [whimpering]

  • SpongeBob, that's a paper clip and a piece of string.

  • How would you know!? It's always behind you!

  • There ain't nothing too big or too ornery for me to catch.

  • - Okay. - Say it.

  • There isn't anything--

  • Ain't nothing!

  • Ain't nothing too big or too ornery for you to catch.

  • - But-- - Ah!

  • - But-- - Ah!

  • - And-- - Oh!

  • [sniffing]

  • Worm sign.

  • He's in that cave.

  • Sandy, are you sure you--

  • 'Course I am! I'm going in, and I ain't coming out

  • 'til I got me a big heaping plate of worm stew.

  • [whimpering]

  • Ah-ha!

  • There you are, you tail-nabbing vermin!

  • Hi-yah!

  • [fighting]

  • I'm winnin', SpongeBob!

  • Sandy, that's not...

  • [fighting]

  • Hiyah!

  • Yee-haw!

  • I got him, SpongeBob!

  • Sandy...

  • Boy, howdy.

  • This critter put up some sort of fight.

  • But I'm from Texas, and as you can see,

  • no worm is a match for me.

  • I even found my tail!

  • - That's not the worm. - Pardon?

  • That's not the worm. That's his tongue.

  • Oh...

  • This is the tongue,

  • and the whole thing is the worm.

  • Run for your lives!

  • [roaring]

  • [panting]

  • So what's the plan, Sandy?

  • Run faster!

  • I could've thought of that.

  • Hey, wait a minute! I was right, wasn't I?!

  • Can we talk about this another time?

  • - Say it! - SpongeBob!

  • - Say it, or I'll trip you! - No!

  • You were right and I was wrong.

  • I was wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!

  • Are you happy now?

  • I knew it.

  • [roaring]

  • [screaming]

  • [panting]

  • [roaring]

  • Uh, Sandy?

  • Yeah?

  • What do we do now?!

  • [panting]

  • [roaring]

  • [panting]

  • I've got it! SpongeBob,

  • you still got that paper clip and that string?

  • I'm way ahead of you, Sandy.

  • Look, it's a necklace!

  • S for "SpongeBob" or S for "Sandy"!

  • That way they can identify our bodies!

  • No, silly! How about S for "save our skins"?

  • Yee-haw!

  • We'll be nice and safe up here!

  • [steam engine whistling sound]

  • [screaming]

  • [panting]

  • - We did it! - Yay!

  • He'll never get out of there!

  • We saved the town!

  • Yay! Let's go tell everybody!

  • [Patrick] Push!

  • [shouting and grunting]

  • Push!

  • [shouting and grunting]

  • [cheering] Hurray!

  • Ouch...

I saw it!


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SpongeBob vs. The Alaskan Bull Worm IRL! ?⚠️ SpongeBob Episode with Puppets

  • 8 0
    Summer に公開 2021 年 09 月 26 日