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Hello, everyone. I'm Jade. We're talking about commonly mispronounced words today in this
pronounciation lesson. No, pronunciation lesson. So I'm going to mention words that people
say in the wrong way sometimes, maybe because they're not easy to read these words or maybe
because a lot of people say them wrong, therefore, you learnt to say them in a way that's wrong.
The first things we're going to look at are not words, they're letters. I'm telling you
this because I've mentioned this before in videos that sometimes in Britain, you're judged.
No, you're always judged by your language in Britain. So when you say these letters,
some people will listen to how you say those letters and they'll judge you if you say it
in the wrong way, and they're like: "Oh, you're not educated", or: "Oh, that's very common",
間違った言い方をすると、彼らは"あ、教養がないんだな "とか"ああ、それはよくあることだ "と。
as in not being... Having the right parents and the right kind of background.
So, the first letter, a lot of people say: "haitch", with a "ha" sound, but according
だから、最初の文字、多くの人が言います。"ha "の音で "haitch" と言う人が多いですが
to people who decide these things, you're not meant to say: "haitch", you're meant to
こういう事を決める人たちには、「ヘイト」と言う意味ではなく"ヘッチ "と言うのではなくて
say without it: "aitch", according to them, so there you go. And what about this letter?
なくてもいいと言う。"アッチ "と言うのだそうだ、それでいい。この手紙はどうですか?
How do you say this letter? Do you say: "dubya"? Well, this one is meant to be: "double-u".
So we're going to cross those ones out.
Moving on, some of them are tricks because the verb for this is: "pronounced." We "pronounce"
次のステップに進むと、いくつかのトリックがあります。これの動詞は "発音 "です。"発音する"私たちは "発音する"
words, but when we say the noun, it changes; it becomes: "pronunciation." And I've had
単語は、私たちが言うときには、名詞が変化しますが、それは「発音」になります。"発音 "になりますそして、私には
people say things to me in my videos before: "Oh, you're saying that word wrong." Well,
no, no, I know that I'm not. You're wrong. Okay? I know you're wrong. Trust me on that
one. So now you know. Okay? You can do that to other people when they tell you you're
wrong because it's like you've got... When someone does that, you can say: "You've got
間違っているのは、あなたが持っているようなものだからです。誰かがそんなことをした時に、あなたはこう言うことができます。"You've got
egg on your face." Okay? "You're wrong because you tried to tell me I was wrong, but in fact,
you were wrong. Now you've got egg on your face." So anyway, "pronunciation."
あなたは間違っていた"今、あなたの顔には卵がついている"とにかく "発音 "だ
This one, it's a hard word to spell. So I can hear creative... This is... Wouldn't be
a native speaker on this one. Creative interpretations of this word, let's say that, usually like:
ネイティブスピーカーに聞いてみましょうこの言葉の創造的な解釈は 普通に言ってみましょう 好きなように
"ton-gu" or something. Sounds like a game that you can play, but "ton-gu" is not right.
It's: "tongue", that's a bit weird, I'm not going to do that in my video.
Looking at this word now: "height". I think this one breaks our expectations, you could
say, because the other words related to it: "width", "length", have the "th" sound. "Width",
と言うのは、それに関連する他の単語があるからです。"幅", "長さ" は "th" の音を持っています"幅 "だと
"length". This one, not spelt the same way, doesn't have the same sound. So it should
"長さ"これは同じスペルではありませんが 同じ音を持っていますということで
be: "height", "height", not: "heigth", a lot of people say: "heigth". Wrong. Right: "height"
になります。"身長"、"身長 "ではなく"heigth"、多くの人が言っています。"heigth "です。間違っています。正しい: "身長"
with a "t". So it's the exception, it doesn't... Doesn't go with "width" or "length". Are there
any others? "Depth", "depth", oh, that's hard for me to say. "Depth", too hard for me to say.
他には?"深み "とか "深み "とか言いにくいな"深さ "とは言い難い
Looking at the next word now, a non... A non-native mistake: "suit", "suit". Some people say:
"suite", "suite", all kinds of wrong pronunciations for that one. Thing to remember there is it's
"スイート "とか "スイート "とか 間違った発音が多いんだそこで覚えておきたいのは
the long "u" sound, "oo", "suit", "suit".
Then it seems like there are a lot of issues with the "p" words in pronunciation. These
words here, I'll talk about them together because it's the same issue. "Prescription",
"prerogative", they're spelt "pre", both of them, but the first syllable sounds like this...
"prerogative "は "pre "と綴られています どちらもですが、最初の音節はこのように聞こえます...
Well, actually: "prescription", but a lot of people say it like this: "perscription".
まあ、実際には。"処方箋 "ですが 多くの人はこう言います"perscription"
And I think that happens because they're putting the stress in the different place. They're
そうなるのは違う場所に ストレスを溜め込んでいるからだと思います彼らは
putting the stress here and making that a schwa, "perscription". Okay? So a lot of people
ここにストレスをかけて、それをシュワにして、"仮植 "にします。いいですか?だから多くの人は
say that. And a lot of people would say: "perogative", not necessarily because they don't know how
と言うでしょう。そして多くの人が言うであろう"perogative "は、必ずしもどのように
to spell the words, but because that to them is a schwa. But anyway, the stress is meant
単語を綴るために、しかし、それらには schwa であるため。しかし、とにかく、ストレスが意味するのは
to be on the second syllable in those words, so it should be like: "prescription" and "prerogative".
はそれらの単語の第二音節にあるので、次のようになるはずです。"時効 "と "特権 "のようなものです
"Prescription" is when you... When you go to the doctor and need some medicine, the
"処方箋 "というのは...。お医者さんに行って薬が必要になったときに
doctor will give you a prescription and you can go and get your medicine. "Prerogative",
that's a difficult word, might not be something you know. It's sometimes used in a phrase:
"That's your prerogative", and it basically means: "That's your decision, you can decide
"That's your prerogative" と基本的には意味があります。"That's your decision, you can decide
and do what you want." Quite a formal word. And it means something that is your decision
to make. Okay? You're allowed to make that decision, that's your prerogative.
作るんだいいですか?君が決めることは許されている それは君の特権だ
The next one is a confusion between two almost identical words. The first one is: "prostate"
and the second one is: "prostrate". So the difference is the "r" here, but people confuse
で、2つ目は"prostrate "です。違いはここでは "r "ですが、人々は
these words a lot because "prostrate" is a formal word for... To lie down or to be lying
"prostrate "は正式な言葉だからです。横たわる、あるいは横たわる
down, formal, whereas "prostate" is this sort of medical word for male balls, basically.
So some... Like a man can get prostate cancer, but many people say... Talk about prostrate
cancer, they put the "r" in there because they're confused. So, yeah, this one just
癌の場合は "r "を入れているのは 混乱しているからだだから、ええ、これは
remember is associated with men and it's a medical word and there's no "r" so it should
rememberは男性に関連していて、医学用語であり、"r "がないので、それが必要です。
be: "prostate" with no "r" sound.
What happens when you go to the coffee shop in an English speaking country? Do you ask
for an "espresso" or do you ask for an-I'm running out of space. Maybe I don't need to
"エスプレッソ "を頼むのか、それとも "エスプレッソ "を頼むのか......スペースが足りない。多分、私は必要ないと思います
write it-"expresso"? A lot of people do the pronunciation with "x", "expresso". "I want
と書くと "expresso"?多くの人が "x" "expresso" と発音しています"I want
an expresso." But it's more elegant to pronounce this word with an "s", "espresso", "espresso".
"エスプレッソ"でも、この単語は "s "をつけて発音した方がエレガントです。"エスプレッソ" "espresso" "エスプレッソ
And looking at the last word in the list here: "business" is that word, but sometimes people
そして、ここで最後の言葉を見てみると"ビジネス "はその言葉ですが、時々人は
are confused by the "i" in there. And if you're the kind of person who pronounces words based
はそこにある "i "で混乱していますそして、もしあなたが単語を発音するような人であれば
on just what you see, which would make sense, actually, I can see why you're doing that...
But it's not "business", sometimes hear: "business". "Let's get down to business." Doesn't sound very good.
しかし、それは "ビジネス "ではありません、時々耳にします。"ビジネス "とは"本題に入りましょう"あまりいい響きじゃないな
Here's a little list of the most commonly pronounced... Commonly mispronounced silent
letter words in English. So I get in situations sometimes with... Actually, I don't... I don't
correct people outside of lessons. If someone I know in my personal life has asked me to
correct them if they make a mistake, I will. But in general, I don't correct people because
it can be impolite.
So, so often even with like really, really, really advanced speakers of English who like
speak English all the time in their lives basically, because they've been speaking it
so long, they make mistakes with these words, like this one: "iron". We don't... We don't
限り、彼らはこのような言葉で 間違いを犯す。"鉄"私たちは...私たちは...
say the "r". Well, how do I say that? We don't say the "r", it's just like that: "iron".
と言うと「R」と言う。どう言えばいいの?私たちは "r "とは言いません、そんな感じです。"鉄"
This one, if you're having a fight, not many people use these for a fight nowadays, but
it's a kind of weapon: "sword", silent "w". What about this one? When you buy something
in the shop, they give you a "receipt", no "p". Also, I should mention about this word,
店頭では「レシート」を渡され、「プ」ではなく「レシート」を渡されます。また この言葉についても触れておかなければなりません
that very often people confuse it with "recipe". "Recipe" is to do with cooking. That's meant
"レシピ "と混同されることが非常に多いです。"レシピ "は料理をすることですという意味です。
to be some... That's meant to be something you cook with and they don't know why.
何かを...それはあなたが料理をすることを意味していて 彼らは理由を知りません
That's the worst drawing in the world. Anyway, "recipe" is to do with cooking,
and "receipt" is to do with buying things.
And this word: "subtle", it means something that is difficult to notice a detail that,
you know, you may miss because it's difficult to notice. "Subtle", silent "b", not: "subtle"
あなたが知っていても、気づきにくいので見逃してしまうかもしれません。"微妙"、無言の "B"、ではない"微妙"
or something like that.
Let's look at words that not... Are not mispronounced, they're just not words. So, we'll talk about
why. So we've got: "interpretate", similar to-oh, it's not going to fit there. Is it?-"interpretation",
なぜだ?ということで"interpretate "に似ていますね...ああ、そこには収まりませんね。そうですか?"interpretate"
"in-te-pre-ta-tion" or the verb is: "interpret", "in-ter-pret". So, I can see where that comes
"in-te-pre-ta-tion "とか動詞は:"interpretate" "in-ter-pretret "ですねということで、どこから来るのかというと
from. It's not actually a word. A lot of people make that mistake.
What about: "unpossible"? When we make words to show the opposite, sometimes we use...
どうなんですか?"不可能 "は?反対のことを表す言葉を作るときには、時々使うことがありますが...
Sometimes we use: "un", sometimes we use: "dis", sometimes we use: "im". So that one's
時々使うことがあります。"un "を使うこともあれば、"dis "を使うこともあります。"dis "を使うこともあれば、"im "を使うこともあります。"イム "を使うこともありますということは、その1つの
just a case of people using the wrong prefix on the word. Should be: "impossible", "impossible".
Something is impossible, you can't do it.
And next example: "unhonest". Again, same kind of mistake. We don't say: "unhonest",
そして次の例。"誠実でない"またしても同じような間違いです。我々は言わない"unhonest "とは言いません。
we actually use: "dis" in this case. Someone is a "dishonest" person, is a liar. Bad liar.
実際に使っていますこの場合の "dis "ですある人は「不誠実な」人で、嘘つきです。不誠実な嘘つき。
Dishonest person. Which brings me to the last one. A lot of people make mistake with this
because we... Maybe you don't... Yeah, we use the prefix: "im" with "p" words, so there's
なぜなら...そうじゃないかもしれないけど...ええ、私たちは接頭辞を使います。"イム "に "プ "を付けて使うから、
another "im" example: "impolite".
もう一つの "im "の例です"無礼な"
Which brings me back to the fact of something I said earlier. I didn't want to be impolite
when I was talking about this word: "prostate", because it's a gland. Something up here in
この言葉について話していた時に "前立腺 "と言いました 腺だからですこの中の何か
a man and you can... You can get problems with it. So, yeah, that's why people make
mistakes sometimes. They say: "prostrate problems", not: "prostate", "prostate". Okay? So, commonly
ミスをすることがあります。彼らは言います"prostrate problems "ではなく"前立腺 "ではなく "前立腺 "ですいいですか?だから、一般的には
mispronounced words, we've got more in a sec. Join me for the next commonly mispronounced words.
Let's have a look now at French words which have come into the English language, but because
of that, we pronounce... We pronounce them incorrectly much of the time because we don't
know how to say these French words with their different pronunciation. So, let's take a
look at this word. This word is: "quay" and this is a place where boats come. Boats come.
この言葉を見てください。この言葉は:"岸壁 "で ここはボートが来る場所です船が来る
This is a boat, believe it or not, and this is the water. Boats come to the quay so that
they can stop and let off their cargo I guess. It's a little bit different to a port, but
anyway, "quay" with a "k" sound. When something has "qu", it can take the "k" sound. People
とにかく、"k "の音を持つ "quay"。何かが "qu "を持っていると "k "の音を取ることができます人は
might not know how to say it when they first see that word.
Moving on, a lot of French words that are in English have something to do with authority,
power, military, and things like that and that's because... Well, I don't know why,
but this is... These mean... Lots of the words in English come from French are to do with
authority, military, and stuff like that. So, what about this word? This is a rank in
the military or the army: "colonel"? No, it's not: "colonel". It's "er", so even though
軍隊や陸軍の"大佐"?いいえ、そうではありません。"大佐 "だ"er "だから、たとえ
it's "olo" here, it becomes "er". "Kernel", "colonel". Sounds very different maybe to
ここでは "オロ "だと "エル "になります。"カーネル" "大佐"とはかなり違うように聞こえるかもしれません。
what you expect it to be.
Moving on, this word gives me a little bit of pain when I see it because I remember when
I was at university, I was reading something out loud to the class and I could see this
word coming. I don't know if you're like me, if you're reading to people, you sort of see
what's coming. I see this word coming and I as like: "Oh, I'm not sure how to say it",
何が来るのかこの言葉が来るのを見て 私は好きなように見ています"ああ どう言えばいいのか分からない "という感じです
because I wasn't sure of two pronunciations. Is it: "marquis" or is it: "marquis"? And
2つの発音がわからなかったからです。それは"marquis "か、それとも"marquis "なのか?とか、「侯爵」と「侯爵」とか。
I didn't want to read something wrong in front of my English literature class where we're...
Where we're all supposed to know how to read.
So, anyway, I decided that I would stop and just say: "Oh, I'm not sure if it's marquis
or marquis", just to cover each option. And this girl was like: "Haha, you don't know
how to say it", like saying as if I'm like the most stupid person in the class and it
was really mean, and it was really, really upsetting.
Anyway, later I went and checked it and found out that you can say it either way. Well,
no, I found out people do say it either way, but the French pronunciation is: "marquis",
whereas let's say according to the dictionary, the standard pronunciation of that in English
is: "markwis". So that's probably the kind of thing that will matter if you are in very
aristocratic circles. If you're not, you might not... It might not be a really awful thing
for you that you confuse the pronunciation of that.
Moving on: "viscount", and I should say this word as well: "marquis", they are titles that
移動します"子爵" この言葉も言うべきだな"侯爵 "と言うべきでしょう
aristocracy have. "Viscount" is somebody... Is a man who did something, I don't know what
貴族が持っている"子爵 "は誰か...何かをした人です 何をしたのかは知りませんが
they did especially, but we say: "vicount", even though it's "vis" here. So we don't say:
彼らは特にしましたが、我々は言います"vicount" と言います ここでは "vis" であるにもかかわらずですだから私たちは言いません
"viscount", that's wrong. It's "ai", "viscount".
"子爵 "は間違ってる"ai "で "子爵 "だ
Moving on, we have a different pronunciation for this word in American English and British
English. It makes sense in American English because I can read the word and say it correctly.
"Lieutenant", okay? American English. But in English English, we need to make it a little
"中尉 "だアメリカ英語です。でも、英語の英語では、もう少し
bit more difficult, so we say: "leftenant". I don't know why it comes out so different,
but it's really confusing. If you want to pronounce it correctly, you can make a mistake there.
Another lot of French words that we have in English are to do with restaurants. That's
probably because we got a lot of our food culture from France. We didn't have our own
おそらくフランスの食文化を 受け継いだからでしょう私たちは自分たちの
restaurant culture here and we adopted a lot of French cooking, methods and things like
that, so these words came into English from French. When you go to a restaurant and you
get these like little, little things to try at the beginning of your meal, they are called:
"hor d'oeuvres", singular: "hor d'oeuvre". Right. Doesn't sound anything like the way
"hor d'oeuvre "単数形で"hor d'oeuvre"そうだな何の音もしない
it's written there. If you didn't... If you haven't seen that word before written down, you
could get it written wrong. You might say: "hors d'oeuvre". "Can I have some hors d'oeuvre,
書き間違えてしまう可能性があります。あなたはこう言うかもしれない"オードブル "と言うかもしれない"Can I have some hors d'oeuveuvre.
please?" And that wouldn't sound like you knew what you were doing in the restaurant.
"お願いします"レストランで何をしていたか 知っているようには聞こえないだろう
It should be: "hor d'oeuvre" or: "hor d'oeuvres".
そうでなければならない"hor d'oeuvre" または: "hor d'oeuvres "です。
And then lastly, let's look at the word: "queue". What do British people love to do? They love
to "queue", love standing in a line. Wherever we go, if I see some people queuing, I just
have a need to join them, to get behind them and just wait there a while, and see what
happens. Because it's a "qu" word, it can be hard to pronounce. So, again, the "qu"
が発生します。"ク "の単語なので 発音が難しいことがありますなので、またしても「ク」の
words taking the "k" sound: "queue", and it's just one syllable: "queue".
"k "の音を取る言葉"queue" と一音節だけです"queue "です
Let's take a look at this sentence I've got here. There are some pronunciation errors
in here. Let's have a look. Let's correct it. So I'll say it in a wrong way, and then
we'll go through and we'll make some changes. "The unhonest viscount bought a sword but
didn't want a receipt." So how can we change that? Do you remember the word that's not
a word? It's not a word, but we can say: "dishonest". What was wrong with "viscount"? We actually
use a different vowel there, it's "i". What's wrong with this word: "sword?" Silent letter.
母音が違うから "i "なんだよこの単語のどこが悪いんだ?"剣?"無音の文字だ
What's wrong with this word: "receipt"? Another silent letter. There you go.
Yeah, so there are the general words that we've covered today that I'll often hear people
mispronounce. If you want to follow-up on this lesson, please go to the engVid site,
do the quiz on this lesson. And before you go, subscribe here because you can see more
of my lessons, not just on pronunciation, but other things about learning English, English
words, all kinds of things
come back soon, but for now, I'm going to use my sword and have a fight with a viscount. Ha!
すぐに戻ってくるが 今は剣を使って 子爵と戦うつもりだはっ!