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These are some surprising laws in Japan that might get you arrested.
逮捕されちまうかもしれない 日本のびっくりな法律
Mm mhm.
長い間日本にいると、外国人にとっては気付きにくい 日本の法律があることに気づいたんだ
Over the years I've come across some japanese laws that aren't completely obvious, especially those visiting Japan.
So I wanted to make this fun video and share it all with you.
実際、この日本の法律は 多くの日本人がマナーや常識だと思ってて
In fact, these Japanese laws are ones that many japanese consider manners or common sense, but they've taken it one step further and made it official law just in case someone decides to go against the grain whether or not Japanese authorities decided to prosecute though maybe a different story.
誰かが守らないときのために 公式の法律として制定されてるらしいぞ
But nonetheless, these laws are maybe one of the reasons why things in Japan stay in order.
But before I start this video, like always, if you want to see what I'm doing on the daily check on my instagram account.
それでも、この法律は日本が秩序を保ってる 理由の一つかもしれねぇからな
If you want help, some of the channel, check out the ship to emerge and if you have any questions about Japan or your Japan travels, check out my discord community.
早く紹介したいところだけど オラの日常はインスタでチェックしてくれ
All right, let's get this list started.
Number one, cutting in line to buy tickets.
日本のことや日本旅行について知りたい人は オラのDISCORDコミュニティーをチェックだ
Believe it or not, the act of cutting in line to get on the train or to buy a train tickets could do you find or arrested in Japan.
This like many items on today's list all under Japan's Kayhan zero or minor crime law, which is sometimes explained as a law that stipulates the minimum level of morality that citizens should observe in their daily lives and it targets bad acts that are often seen in daily life.
信じられねぇかもしれないけど 電車に乗る時とか切符を買う列に割り込むと
All minor crime law violators could face a fine between about $10 to $100 or jail time of 1 to 30 days.
Keep this punishment in mind for the rest of this video for anything pertaining to the minor crime law.
So yeah, be careful before you decide to cut in line and interrupt the flow of business as this law applies to other public forms of transportation as well as other public events To say the least.
軽犯罪法に違反した場合には 1000円以上1万円未満の罰金か
Japanese are serious about their lines.
Number two challenging someone or accepting a fight in Japan.
There's a law that says there shall be no dueling.
100年以上もの間、ほぼ適用されてなかったから 廃止されたみたいになってたんだけど
So anyone who initiates a fight or the person who fights back, even witnesses or the person that provides the venue can all be punished under this law, it dates back to 18 89 with a punishment of six months to two years.
でも1989年に突然、一対一のケンカに適用されて それ以来、多くの事例があるらしいぞ
But for more than 100 years it was considered a dead law with only a few cases of its application, but since 1989 it was suddenly applied to a one on one fight.
今では誰かに戦いを挑んだり、受け入れたりすると それが口頭やメール、掲示板などであっても
And there have been many cases since then.
Nowadays challenging someone to a fight or accepting a fight, whether it be verbally, email message board etcetera can still get you six months to two years while getting into an actual fight will up it from 2 to 5 years.
If somehow you injure someone in the fight, you can get fined starting from about $5000 and face up to 15 years in prison, Spectators are also on the hook and can get between one month to one year imprisonment.
どちらの法律が適用されるかは 悪質性の度合いによるぞ
Sounds like flight is the best option in Japan, number three, giving the wrong direction to a delivery person.
So the act of lying when asked for directions could land you in some hot water in Japan and it actually violates two japanese laws.
居住エリアから回収されたゴミは リサイクル業者に売られて
The first crime is interfering with the business of another person, be a prank as defined by the minor crime law.
While the second crime is obstruction of business by deception, which is defined by article 2 33 of the japanese penal code punishable up to about $5000 or up to three years in prison, which is obviously more severe than the minor crime laws, punishment, which law applies will depend on the severity of the maliciousness, So pranksters be worn number four dumpster diving in this case, another man's trash may not be another man's treasure in Japan garbage disposal, believe it or not is big business as waste collected from residents is likely resold to recyclers, a huge profit for local governments.
だから多くの自治体では、指定された人以外は ゴミを持ち出せないという条例を制定してるぞ
So much so that many have enacted the city ordinances preventing anyone but designated personnel from taking away the trash.
In other words taking someone else's trash is a punishable offense in Japan and on several different levels.
First, a violation of city regulations punishable by fines, then a theft crime as waste discharged from households is considered property of the city punishable up to about $5000 or up to 10 years, which is obviously more severe than the minor crime laws, punishment.
Also a home invasion crime if the garbage dump is on a non public road or apartment premises, which is trespassing and is fined up to about $1000 or up to three years in prison.
住居侵入罪にもなるぞ 公道でないマンションの敷地内だったらな
Finally, it also violates the minor crime law by entering a prohibited place without justifiable reason.
不法侵入は10万円以下の罰金か 懲役3年以下が科せられる
And again punishable under Japan's minor crime law, for example, in november of 2018, a female in her sixties was reported by neighbors and then arrested for stealing candy from a local city garbage dump site.
それから、軽犯罪法違反だな 禁止されている場所に正当な理由なく侵入した罪だ
In reality, she was collecting the cans as a form of goodwill working towards 1200 kg of aluminum camps so she could donate it to the city council of Social welfare.
She had already contributed four wheelchairs prior in the same way.
例えば2018年11月、住民の通報で60代女性が ゴミ収集所から缶を盗んだとして、逮捕された
Nonetheless, it was still considered theft in Japan and she was lightly punished.
実際には、彼女は1200kgのアルミ缶を 慈善のために集めてたんだ
So I guess in Japan another man's trash, we'll just get you arrested.
So before we continue one, I want to give a quick shout out to our sponsor for this video squarespace.
彼女は以前にも同じ方法で 車椅子4台を寄付していたんだ
If you don't already know squarespace is the number one way to build your online presence.
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ここでこの動画のスポンサー SQUARE SPACEの宣伝だ
All right, let's continue on with this list number five, stopping a wedding you've probably seen in the movies where the minister goes, Does anyone object to this wedding?
SQUARE SPACEはオラが信頼を置いてる ウェブサイト制作をするサイトなんだ
And a guy stands up and says, I do Well, something like that could be a punishable crime here in Japan.
オラの過去の動画を見てたらSQUARE SPACE おすすめなの知ってるよな
If done as a prank, Japan's minor crime law says you may not interfere with public and private ceremonies as a prank, whether it be a wedding or other ceremony like graduation or entrance ceremony.
Now, if the prank interferes with a business like the wedding hall and has intend to assault threaten intimidate etcetera.
It could violate Japan's penal code, obstruction of business with a more severe punishment of about $1000 or one year in prison.
So does anyone object to this wedding, I guess not.
Let's move on number six ice cream in the mail post really this one is on the list, yep, I guess so.
カスタムしたり、パスワード機能もつけられる 限定の人だけ見られるようにな
It's illegal in Japan to put ice cream in the mail post under article 78 of the postal act.
パワーアップしたブログ、コメント機能を使うと スレッドやコメント、返信、いいねもできて
Any person who damages or otherwise obstruct the mail service by damaging property used exclusively for male or property actually used for mail service is punishable up to about $5000 or five years in prison.
Unfortunately, it's happened more than once.
A 19 year old Tokyo mail through a happy and ice cream in a postbox, ruining 67 pieces of mail, 62 of which were New Year's cards and a 42 year saitama mail through a stick of ice cream into a post box right in front of the post office and was soon arrested.
閲覧者やユニークビジター、ページビューなど 期間別に確認できるぞ
Oh, breaking news.
もう方法はわかるよな? squarespace.comにアクセスしてまず無料トライアル
The postal workers wiped off all the New Year's cards and delivered the 67 pieces of mail to the recipients while apologizing, gotta love Japan and number seven spitting on the street.
準備が整ったら squarespace.com/paolofromtokyoにアクセス!
Well damn, this could ruin some people's holidays.
Any person who spits or urinates or causes others to spit or urinate in the street park or places where the public congregate violate the minor crime law and is punishable as mentioned before.
This minor crime law was established to maintain public hygiene and public morality.
For example, in May 2020 a male in the sixties was charging osaka or spitting in front of a japanese pickle shop.
司会者が「この結婚式に異議のある方は いませんか」って言うと
Apparently the store had been filing complaints against the man's violent actions for about one year and the police finally arrested him at the scene of the crime.
誰かが立ち上がって「I DO」と言うなんてやつ
So yeah, don't spit pee or poop on japan and there you go.
Let me know what you thought about these laws in the comments and how it compares to your country.
Also, if you guys like this video helped me out and hit the like button, if I get enough likes, I'll do another video like this.
日本の軽犯罪法では公私問わずイタズラで儀式を 妨害してはいけないとされている
And like always if you guys want to see more videos about Japan or anything related to Japan, hit the subscribe button and the button and I'll catch you guys in the next one.