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  • is not only the legal skill but a familiarity  with the inner workings of the military  

  • in short captain i'd like to  suggest that i be the one who that  

  • that it be me who is assigned  to represent them myself

  • amanda galloway once you get yourself  a cup of coffee thank you sir i'm fine  

  • commender i'd like you to leave the room so we  can talk about you behind your back certainly sir

  • i thought this coke red [ __ ] wasn't  going on anymore with the marines the  

  • gitmo who knows what the hell goes on down  there well we better find out what the rest  

  • of world does damn thing could get messy all  right what about this uh commander galloway  

  • she's been working a desk in internal  affairs for what uh a little over a year  

  • now before that she disposed of three cases  in two years three cases in two years who's  

  • she handling rosenbergs she's not cut out for  litigation she's a hell of an investigator jerry  

  • an internal affair sure she can crawl uplawyer's ass with the best of them well when  

  • it comes to trial work i think i know i know  all passion no street smarts bring her back in

  • joe

  • commander we're going to have the  defendants moved up here in the morning  

  • thank you sir and i'll have  the vision to sign them council  

  • but not me well from what i understand from  your colleagues you're much too valuable in your  

  • present assignment to be wasted on what i'm sure  will boil down to a five-minute plea bargaining  

  • week's worth of paperwork sir i think there might  be more involved than that don't worry about it  

  • i promise you division will sign the right man  for the job all right let's go let's get two  

  • sorry nothing to be sorry about cherby you just  looked the ball into your glove shooting two

  • sorry you gotta trust me sherbet you keep  your eyes open your chances of catching the  

  • ball increase by a factor of ten taffy let's try  it again cathy dave you seem distraught we were  

  • supposed to meet in your office 15 minutes ago to  talk about the mcdermott case you're stalling on  

  • this thing now we either get it done and i mean  now are no kidding kathy i'm going to hang your  

  • boy from a [ __ ] yard arm daughter jervy does  navy still hang people from yard arms i don't  

  • think so dave sugar doesn't think the navy hangs  people from yard arms anymore i'm gonna charge him  

  • with possession and being under the influence  while on duty you plead guilty i'll recommend  

  • 30 days in the brig with loss of rank and pay  it was oregano dave it was 10 worth of oregano  

  • yeah well your client thought it was marijuana my  client's a [ __ ] that's not against law cafe i  

  • got people to answer to just like you do i'm gonna  charge him what possession of a condiment kathy  

  • dave i tried to help you out of this but if you  ask for jail time i'm going to file a motion to  

  • dismiss it you won't get it i will get it and if  the mtd is denied i'll file a motion in lemony  

  • seeking to obtain an evidentiary ruling in advance  and after that i'm going to file against pre-trial  

  • confinement and you're going to spend the next  three months going blind on paperwork it's a  

  • signalman second class bought and smokeddime bag of oregano let's go let's get two  

  • be misdemeanor 20 days in the break  see mr meaner 15 days restrictive duty  

  • i don't know why i'm agreeing with  this you have wisdom behind your ears

  • morning good morning those babies sam  there i think she's getting ready to say  

  • her first word any day now how can you tell  she just looks like she has something to say  

  • excuse me sorry i'm late all right danny  i know you don't have a good excuse so i  

  • won't force you to come up with a bad one  thank you sir this first one's for you  

  • seems you're moving up in the world been requested  by division requested to do what guantanamo bay  

  • cuba a marine corporal named dawson illegally  fires around from his weapon over the fence line  

  • and into cuban territory what's a fence line sam  a big wall separating the good guys from the bad  

  • guys teacher's pet pfc william santiago threatens  to rat on dawson the naval investigative service  

  • dawson and another member of his squad pfc  loudon downey go into santiago's room tie him up  

  • stuff a rag down his throat and an hour later  santiago's dead attending physicians says the rag  

  • was treated with some kind of toxin you poisoned  iraq not according to them what do they say not  

  • much they're being flown up here tomorrow and on  wednesday at 0-600 you'll catch transport down to  

  • cuba for the day to find out what you can meantime  go and see lieutenant commander joanne galloway  

  • with internal affairs any questions uh the flight  to cuba was that 0-600 in the morning sir seems  

  • important to division this would be handled by the  book so i'm assigning co-counsel any volunteers  

  • no sam sorry i got a stack of papers on my desk  about a minute work with kathy on this doing what  

  • caphill had this done in about four days doing  various administrative things backup whatever in  

  • other words i have no responsibilities  here whatsoever right my kind of case

  • right right okay but i've got  to have that report by wednesday

  • hi hold on hi daniel cafe  i was told to meet with uh

  • retired commander galloway

  • that a briefing i'll call you back

  • you're the attorney division assign  i'm the counselor sam weinberg  

  • i have no responsibilities here  whatsoever come in please have a seat

  • lieutenant how long have you been in the navy

  • going on nine months now and how long have you  been out of law school a little over a year i see  

  • have i done something wrong no it's just that  when i petitioned the vision to have counsel  

  • assignments hoping i would be taken seriously  no offense taken case you're wondering commander  

  • lieutenant cathy is generally considered the  best litigator in our office he's successfully  

  • plea bargained 44 cases in nine months one moreget a set of stake knives have you ever been in a  

  • courtroom i once had my driver's license suspended  danny commander from what i understand if this  

  • thing goes to court they won't need a lawyer  they'll need a priest no they'll need a lawyer  

  • dawson's family's been contacted downey's closest  

  • living relative is jenny miller  his aunt on his mother's side  

  • she hasn't been contacted yet would you like me  to take care of that sure if you feel like it

  • one of the people we'll be seeing down there  is the barrack ceo colonel nathan jessup i  

  • assume you've heard of him who hasn't it he's  been in the papers lately he's expected to be  

  • appointed director of operations of national  security council really these are the letters  

  • that santiago wrote in his eight months at  gitmo that's guantanamo bay i knew that one he  

  • wrote to the fleet commander hq atlantic to the  commandant of the marine corps even as senator  

  • he wanted to be transferred off the base  no one was listening are you with me yeah

  • finally he wrote to the naval investigative  service where he offered information about  

  • corporal dawson's fence line  shooting in exchange for a transfer  

  • right is that all lieutenant this letter  makes it look like your client had a motive  

  • to kill santiago gotcha and santiago is who the  victim write that down am i correct and assuming  

  • that these letters don't paint a flattering  picture of marine corps life or guantanamo bay  

  • yes someone further right in assuming that  a protracted investigation of this incident  

  • might cause some embarrassment for the security  council guy colonel jessup 12 years i'm sorry  

  • i'll get them to drop the conspiracy  and conduct i'm becoming 12 years  

  • you haven't talked to a witness  or looked at a piece of paper  

  • pretty impressive huh you're gonna have to  go deeper than that commander do you have  

  • some sort of jurisdiction here that i should know  about my job is to make sure that you do your job  

  • i'm special counsel for internal affairs so  my jurisdiction's pretty much in your face  

  • read the letters i'll expect a report when  you return from cuba sure you're dismissed

  • i always forget that part

  • he's a little preoccupied the team's  playing bethesda medical next week  

  • tell your friend not to get cute down there

is not only the legal skill but a familiarity  with the inner workings of the military  


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B1 中級

A Few Good Men 法庭08

  • 6 0
    Yiu Fung Chow に公開 2021 年 09 月 06 日