字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント We thoroughly planned for months, got cleared to travel, 今回の帰国は特別です flew to America, got hugs and then jumped into the car for a 3 week road trip over 12 states to see family again. 数か月かけ計画した 3週間で12州を巡る旅 One week is done, but the biggest part of the trip lies ahead of us, 最初の週が終わり 新しい旅が始まります and what happens next will be forever remembered! 思い出に残る夏が待っています [Life in Japan Theme Song] スモーキーマウンテンを ドライブしています Driving through the Smoky Mountain National Park. This is gorgeous. 次の目的地はフロリダです ジョージアで1泊して向かいます Our next destination is Florida, and to get there, we need to drive for 2 days, staying one night in Macon, Georgia. ジョシュアが来ました Here comes the big guy. どこまで見えるかな? Ok, let's see. How far can you see? So far? この山を越えてきたんだよ Oh my goodness. Wow! That's what we just drove up all of that. どうした? Here, you got it? There he is. やあ! Hey dude. そろそろ出発です We're back to the car. Let's get in? Time to go. 景色を楽しみたいですが 先を急ぎます Even though we'd love to stop and see more, we can only admire the views from our car. 3年ぶりに妻の親戚 ルービック家で集まります We're on our way to Hrubik family reunion, and it will be the first time we have all been together in over 3 years. 楽しみです! The excitement is palpable. 高速道路をひたすら南下します So this whole way today, we've been on highway cutting through the south. ノースカロライナとジョージアを通過します So, through North Carolina, through Georgia. Just beautiful scenery 今はマコンです Here we are in Macon. 今日の宿です There's where we are going to stay. 到着です Ok, here we go. ごめん!間違えた! Oh!! Oww, Sorry. I pulled the wrong one. 気を付けて Careful. ドアとカーテンにぶつかった I got slammed by a door and now I get slammed by a curtain. That was the wrong one. - 何の映画? - ホームアローン2 What are we watching girls? Home Alone 2. どうだい? Home Alone 2. いいね Ow! Yes. 今日はオーランドを目指します What are we doing Dude? ひたすら高速道路 Oh, what a spot. フロリダ州だよ! Today we are heading down the road. We are going to make it to Orlando today. トイレに行く? Interstate. High speed all the way. フロリダ観光案内所 Here we go guys. We are going into Florida. - 暑い! - フロリダへようこそ! Oh, you guys need to go to the bathroom bad, huh? - あれはレモン? - オレンジ色のイルカだね Florida welcome center. 面白いイルカ Hot! It's hot. Welcome to Florida, huh? 動いた Why is there a lemon..? It's orange dolphin. ありがとう! An orange slice dolphin. That's cool. 来たよ! Oh, here it goes. 大きな沼地があるわ Thank you! 待ち兼ねた瞬間です There it is! Alright. お父さん! ようこそ私の部屋へ! There's big swamp lands. Maybe that's where Disney's swamp came. 着いたね Finally, we had the moment we were waiting for. うれしいわ! ブルーノも! So long! Hi Dad. Welcome to my hotel room. うれしいね!ビックハグ! There you go. オリンピック中継よ Oh, it's so good to see you. Hi Bruno. 久しぶりね! Oh my goodness. We're getting big, big, big hugs! 二人はまだ双子? And we are watching the Olympics. 皆も Life in Japan に出る? Oh, its so good to see you. カッコいいだろ? Are you girls still twins? ピース! You guys want to be on Life in Japan? Would that be cool? やっぱり撮らないで Would that be cool? Yeah. 楽しそう! Peace. Don't. No, don't video me. ゴーグルをつけて Oh, fun! ダニエル 来て! He's gotta get his goggles on. Get your goggles on dude. 3・2・1 ジャンプ! Come run Daniel, come with us. いいね! 3, 2, 1, jump! 家族で集合!最高よ! Oh! Yes! 日本のコンビニに近いのは アメリカではガソリンスタンドです Ahh! So fun to have my family here! セブンイレブンの ガソリンスタンドです The closest thing to the Japanese convenience store is the American gas station. 空港でレンタカーを借りて 皆で貸別荘に向かいます And check it out. I found a 7-Eleven gas station. 日本のおせんべいよ! So we came to the airport so the family could pick up their rental cars now here today and now we are going to go to our rental house which will be awesome. - これは? - リップスティックよ I brought you senbeis. Giving away gifts from Japan. 子供達です What are these? Lipsticks. Pri said you can pick one. 準備出来たね Oh, here's the kids. - 何食べてるの? - アイスクリームサンドイッチ There we go. アイスを食べながら女子トーク What is it that Ruth likes? Ice cream sandwiches. It's a lot like this one. It is a lot like that one. ルービック家といえばこれです! Ice cream sandwiches and chatting with her family. 流れるプール! Here comes a Hrubik family tradition, the whirlpool. いいね! Get the whirlpool going. Here it goes! もっとかき回せ! Here it goes! ベスおばさん Get that whirlpool moving! デビーおばさん Here comes Aunt Beth. ママちゃん Aunt Debbie. 良い感じの流れです! Momma-chan. 誰か端っこにいます! We got a good whirlpool going here. リバース! Looks like he's stuck in the corner of the whirlpool! Noooo! 流れてるね Reverse! Reverse! Oh, relax? Everybody's floating. 沈みそう! Oh, lazy river. いきます! My belly is making me sink. - こんにちは - イジーだね! Here we go. すごいでしょ? Hello. Izzy's turn. 1・2・3 ジャンプ! That's totally amazing tough, right? サラはおばあちゃんと水泳だね 1, 2, 3, jump. 上手だね! Sarah, she's learning how to swim with Vovo. 全員でジャンプします Way to go Sarah! 1・2・3 ジャンプ! Ok, on go, [1, 2, 3 go] we are all going to jump in. おじいちゃんが祈るわよ 1, 2, 3, jump! 神様 この再会を感謝します Ok, so Vovo with pray, then Evie, well, let Evie pray first. この時間を祝福して下さい Father we just want to thank you so much for this special time with family. お互いを良く知る機会になり Lord, we just want to pray that this time together here will just really be special this week, 主が褒め称えられますように Getting to know you better and getting to know each other better. イエス様の御名によってお祈りします Lord, may all that we do this week just be honoring and glorifying to you. - 夕食は? - チキンアルフレッドよ And we give you all the honor and glory. In Jesus' name, Amen. チキンアルフレッド What are we making here tonight? Chicken Alfredo. 夕食です! Chicken Alfredo. 僕にYouTubeを勧めてくれた ブルーノです! It's dinner time! パパがチキンを冷ましてます It's time to eat dinner. モグモグ! It was Bruno Sene who first said Nate you should do a YouTube channel. - ポールの調子は? - いいよ! That's what dad's do, they cool off the food. Oh yea! コショウが合います Yum! Yum! ルイーザ 元気? How is it there Paul? It's doing good. Amazing. ご飯は? Spicing it up with some pepper. 女性陣です Well, hey Luiza. How's it going? こちらは男性陣 How's it going? You eating dinner? 気持ちよさそうだね! All the ladies sat at one table. 理想のベット? And all the guys sat at the other table. 枕は5個! Oh my goodness. How awesome is this? This is my dream come true. - アナ あと3個使う? - 使う! This is a dream come true? What? A huge bed just for you? こうやって寝るの! Yes, and 5 pillows. And 5 pillows. その姿勢で? 出来たら凄いね! Anna, you're getting 3 more pillows. I don't use that many pillows. Yes, yes, yes give me all the pillows you want. ここでお泊り会? I'm going to sleep like this. You come in during the night and look at me. - うん - アナと雪の女王だね! Oh my goodness, you think you'll still be like that? I'll be amazed if you actually are. - 好きなキャラクターは? - エルザとオラフ Hi! Are you guys having a sleepover in this room? ココアビーチに行きます Yeah. It's the Frozen room! Wow! 曇りです 晴れるといいです Who's your favorite person from the Frozen? Elsa and Olaf. Olaf! 真っすぐな道です We're headed to Cocoa Beach, along the Atlantic Ocean. クルーズ船が見える? The sky's a little bit cloudy, hopefully it won't rain on us, and we'll have a great afternoon. サラは準備万端? アナは? This road is as straight as it gets. 日焼け止めだよ Do you guys see all of the cruise ships? 波で遊ぶ? Oh, what do you think Sarah? You ready for ocean? You too Anna? 興味ない?そうでもない? Getting it on. Sarah. 待って! Do you want to hit a big wave again? 波で遊んでいます Not really? Like last time? I want to. You want too? Wait, wait, wait. You need sunscreen dude. 大きな波です There they are out there. Taking in the waves. 丁度良い水温です Here comes a big one. こんにちは! Oh the water is just right ルイーザ! Hi! Hi. Hi Luiza! サラ 楽しんでる? ママちゃんは? How's it going Sarah? Good? Momma-chan? 砂のお城を作っています! The Hrubik boys and Joshua are making a sandcastle. 援軍が必要です! Here comes more help. Send in the reforcements. 食べれないよ It tastes better if you don't eat it. - デビーは休憩だね - サンドイッチよ! Debbie I think you got the right idea here. I'm getting into the sandwiches. アナです! Here comes Anna Cakes! アナ!どうだった? Hey Anna Cakes! How was it? ママちゃんは? How was it Momma-chan? 最高よ! 水分補給しないと Oh, it's wonderful! We're just here for a drink. 誰だ?! Who's? Wait a second! 誰?何してるの?! Who is this? What are you doing? 今夜はそこで寝る? Are you going to sleep there tonight? No. Nah? エリアナの凧 Eliana's flying. Oh my goodness Eliana. 凧を飛ばすのが好き? Do you like flying a kite? It is all the way untangled. Yeah? とても高いね! Wow! Look at it! It's so high up there! 砂はどう?寝転んでる? How's the sand? Are you just flat pooped? サラは楽しんでる? How was it Sarah? Did you have a lot of fun? 凧を片付けます Getting the kites put away. 楽しかった? Yes. 日焼けした You had so much fun huh? 帰り道の夕陽が最高でした I got sunburned. You got sunburned? Where? サンシャインステートと 呼ばれる由縁が分かります Driving home from the beach that day, the sunset did not disappoint us. 髪はどう? You can see why Florida is called the Sunshine State! 見て Girlfriend how about that hair. これじゃあ トランプ大統領みたいだわ! Watch this. 写真撮らなきゃ! I mean, it will stay! I look like President Trump! 凄いな!面白い! I gotta take a picture with you. - 誰の番? - 1を持ってるのは? My goodness. It's so funny! 教えない Who's turn? Who had the 1's? So is it your turn? ベッカは私に渡して We won't tell you. - ベッカはどこ? - ここだよ Ok, Becca give me all your 1's. お気に入りの箇所 箴言18章21節 Where's Rebecca? Right here. Ok. 知ってる人は? This is one of our favorite verses and it's Proverbs 18:21. "死と命は舌に支配される どちらかを愛して 人はその実を食べる" Does anyone know what that verse is? いとこで集合だね 泳ぎに行く? [Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat of it's fruit.] ジョーイと遊んでる All the cousins. Are you guys ready to go swimming soon? - こんにちは! - 泳ぎに行く? I'm making Joey laugh so much. - 浮き輪なしで泳げるよ! - いいね! Hi! Hello. Are you ready to go swimming soon? Yeah. Oh great. I already know how to swim without a float. Oh cool. 新しいプールに行くよ! Hey dude. We're going to try a new pool. Won't that be cool? - ポールも来たね! - 元気? Look who else is here. Whoa! Wassup? 大人数だと移動も大変です When you got a big group it takes a long time to get everybody there. - 大勢なら遠くにも行けるさ! - カッコいい! You can go faster by yourself but you can go farther with others. Oh wow, that's profound. 撮影してる? Hello Life in Japan. もちろん! Hello. ルービック家は水が大好きです In case you haven't figured it out yet, the Hrubik family loves the water! ルイーザ! Oh, Luiza! Hi! ポール! Whoa Paul! サラ! Sarah! ジョシュア!最高だね! Joshua, awesome dude. How was it? Cool? 家族で集まれれば 場所は問いません For us, it really doesn't matter where we go, so long as we can spend time together as family. 離れ離れで暮らしている時 再会は貴重な時間です When you live so far away, each moment together is precious, and you want to make the most of it that you can. みんな!虹が見えるよ! Hey guys, rainbow out front. 虹を見る? Do you guys want to see a rainbow? The rainbow's out front. 見えない! I don't see it. See the rainbow out there? - こっちよ! - 見えた! Here! Whoa there it is. 雨と太陽! The rain and the sun. リブ Ribs. 今夜はリブ ご馳走です! Ribs tonight! Oh my ribness. イエス様 素敵な休暇をありがとうございます Let's pray. Thank you Lord Jesus so much for this great day and for this fun family vacation. あなたを愛します イエス様の御名によって アーメン We love you Lord and we worship you. In Jesus' name, Amen. お祈りしたら一番乗り? If you pray you get to go first. Yeah! みんなで頬張ります! The kids digging in! ジョシュア 美味しい? Joshua, is it yummy? Oh yeah, dig in. ポールも沢山食べます I think Uncle Paul's gonna beat them all though. ロードトリップでは 荷造りが大変です The thing about going place from place is living out of bags and when you're living out of bags, 積み込みと荷卸しの繰り返し 大変です! You do a lot of loading and unloading and packing and unpacking. Oh boy. チェックアウトします This is it. Checking out of the Florida home. 出発するよ! Well, we're all loaded up, ready to go. 今日は9時間運転します! We're going to drive another 9 hours today. ノースカロライナを経由して 明日は5時間運転します! Go to North Carolina, and then the next day we drive 5 hours. バージニアで ジョーおじさんの100歳の誕生日を祝います! So we get to Virginia where Papa Joe lives and celebrate 100 years. ランチタイムです Lunch time. Lunch time with the little Reutter's. ジョージア州サバンナです There's Savannah, Georgia. レインボーブリッジみたいです It looks like a mini Rainbow Bridge. 東京湾ではありません That's not Tokyo Bay down there. 調子どう? Hi guys. Can I unpause? Sure, unpause. ずっと移動です Well, this has been the traffic today. まだ続きます A lot of it. 土砂降りね It's pouring rain. - 見えないわ - ゆっくり行こう We can hardly see. We are going pretty slow because we just can't see. 何してるの? What's going on in there? ジョシュア達か!調子はどう? Whoa! Look who's in there. What's up guys? - 走りたい! - 今? I want to run around some. You want to run around now? サラも? You too Sarah? ママちゃんも休憩です Here comes the Momma-chan from a nice little bathroom break. 来ました! Oh, look who's here! 長かったね Wow! How cool is this? ビックハグ! Awe, big hug. - 道はどうだった? - 平気だよ How's it been guys? Good. Oh, do I get a hug. ポールとゲームして勝ったよ We did a game. Paul and I raced and I won. Oh, you won? - お義父さんが運転? - ストレッチしないと Dad, the driving? Oh, we need to stretch. ノースカロライナ州 シャーロットに到着です After a little more driving, we made it to our destination for the night: Charlotte, North Carolina. みんなでピザです Oh! Here's a plate for you. We made it. It's pizza time. オリンピックとピザ Olympics and pizza. - オリンピックとピザ! - USA!USA! Yay! Olympics and pizza and family and Jesus. USA! USA! USA! ホテルのコーヒー いいですね Hotel coffee. Sometimes you do what you just gotta do. カフェインが必要です Hotel coffee is there when you need it. どうした? What's happening over here? ジョシュアが熟睡しています Big J is still catching some zzzz's. 寝かせてほしそうです He says leave me alone. Oh, there he is! サラでした! What? There is Sarah! - 良く寝た? - うん How did you sleep? Good. ママは今日も綺麗です Look at the beautiful Momma-chan all ready for the day. 朝食の後で教会に行きます Well, this morning we're grabbing a quick bite to eat, then we're going to head to Elevation Church. 初めて行きます It's my first time going there パズチャーチも賛美に力を入れてますが ここは本場です We use a lot of there music at Paz Church and it's going to be really cool to go there in person. もうすぐです There's a little bit of time left. チームが準備しています Oh my goodness. The team is getting in place. Lookout! オーディオを調整中です That's where they are mixing all the audio. みなさん 教会へようこそ! Welcome to church everybody. 見ててください I'm going to teach you how to look. 彼女は拾い始めたんです She started picking stuff up. "何しているのか分かる?” She said, "see what I'm doing?" 見ながら持ち上げてる I'm lifting while I'm looking. アナ どうだった? 日本にこんな教会があったら? What do you think Anna? Would it be cool to build a church like this in Japan? - あったらみんなで行きたいね - うん Would that be awesome? Would you guys all come if we did that? Yep. 歌手?それともダンス? Would you be one of the singers? One of the dancers? I will. You will? 凄かったです Well, that was so cool. Now we're going to drive another 5 hours and get to our hotel where we're going to see Papa Joe tonight. ジョーおじさんに会うために 5時間運転します 100 years old, Papa Joe! Awesome. 100歳のお祝いです! On the next episode of Life in Japan, we finally see Papa Joe, 100歳になったジョーおじさんと再会 we visit the Historic America of the settlers 入植時代の足跡を訪ね and we get some thrilling rides, old and new. アトラクションにも挑戦します! You don't want to miss the next Life in Japan! 次回もお見逃しなく! Here we go! Don't let go! 行くよ! And we're off! 行くよ!
B1 中級 日本語 サラ フロリダ ちゃん ポール ジョシュア ノースカロライナ 東京からフロリダへ ~サンシャイン・ステートを訪ねて~|Life in Japan Episode 123 (From Tokyo to Florida — Visiting the Sunshine State | Life in Japan Episode 123) 21 0 Summer に公開 2021 年 09 月 03 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語