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In this English lesson, I'm going to help you learn how to respond to three very common English questions.
Those questions are: "What are you up to these days?" "What are you up to?" and "What are you up to today?"
それらの質問とは、「最近は何をしているの?」 「今何してますか?」 「今日は何するの?」
Even though these questions look very similar, you need to answer each of these in a slightly different way, and in this lesson, I'll show you how to do just that.
[How to answer "What are you up to ..."]
What are you up to ...にどう答えるか。
Well hello and welcome to this English lesson.
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And for everyone watching, if this video helps you learn just a little bit more English, please give me a thumbs up.
ご覧になっている皆さん。このビデオを見て、少しでも英語の勉強に なれば幸いです、 いいねを押してください。
So, the first question: "What are you up to these days?"
それでは最初の質問 What are you up to these days?(最近何してるの?)
This question is actually asking about the past.
It's asking about the period of time from the past right up until this moment.
So, when you answer this question, you need to use, uh, answers like this.
You would say, "I have been reading a lot lately."
I have been reading a lot lately (最近よく読んでいます)
"I have been working a lot lately."
I have been working a lot lately.(最近は仕事が多いです)
Now, English speakers are usually in a hurry, so I would actually say, "I've been reading a lot lately."
英語圏の人はたいてい速いです実際にはI have been reading a lot lately (最近よく読んでいます)となります。
I would use a contraction.
Or, "I've been working a lot lately."
I've been working a lot lately(最近は仕事が多いです)とかです。
But you'll notice I'm talking about things that have already happened.
If you want your answers to sound a little bit more natural, you can start with the phrase, "not much."
自分の答えを少しでもナチュラルにに聞かせたいなら、Not much(そうでもない) というフレーズから始めることができます。
For some reason, English speakers, even if they've been really busy, sometimes start by saying, "not much."
なぜか英語圏の人たちはもし忙しくても 「そうでもない」と言ってしまうことがあり、
And you can add the word "just" into the sentence as well.
just という言葉を文中にも入れることができます。
So, let's look at my original answer.
"I have been reading a lot lately."
I have been reading a lot lately(最近よく読んでいます)
If I was to answer this at full speed with my normal informal English speech, I would say, "Not much, I've just been reading a lot lately."
もし私が速い速度でこれに答えるとしたら私の通常のインフォーマルな英語のスピーチの場合、 私は「そうでもない」と答えます。 I've just been reading a lot lately.(最近はただひたすら読書をしています。)
So notice I added the phrase "not much."
そこで、not much という言葉を加えたことに気づきます。
Who knows why?
It just sounds good.
And I've added the word "just," which means, you know, I've simply been reading.
なので、just という言葉を加えましたこれは単に読んでいただけという意味です。
So, the long, slow version, "I have been reading a lot lately."
The version I would use, "Not much, I've just been reading a lot lately."
私が使うバージョンでは、Not much(そうでもない)最近はただひたすら読書をしています。
Let's look at the second question.
"What are you up to?"
What are you up to?(今何してますか?)
This question is asking about what you are doing right now.
What are you doing in the present?
So, if someone says to you, "What are you up to," usually they'll ask this when they give you a phone call or maybe when they walk up to you in public.
だから、もし誰かに「あなたは何をしているの」と言われたら通常は、電話をかけてきたときや、 公衆でのときに聞かれることが多いと思います。
They'll say, "What are you up to?"
And you would answer using phrases like this.
"I am doing the dishes."
"I am watching TV."
But of course, we would speed it up.
I would say, "I'm doing the dishes" or, "I'm watching TV."
And if you want, you can throw "not much" and "just" into these answers as well.
I might say something like this:
"Not much, I'm just doing the dishes."
"Not much, I'm just watching TV."
So again, I'm not sure why we put not much at the beginning.
なぜ最初にnot much(たいしたことない)をつけたのか、よくわかりません。
I think it's just a way to start responding, because even if we're busy doing something, we might say "not much."
何かに追われていても、そうでもないと言ってしまうことがあるので それがきっかけで反応するようになったのだと思います。
It's kind of funny how English speakers do that.
So, again, the slow version: "What are you up to?"
そこでまた、スローバージョンは What are you up to?(今何してるの?)
I would answer by saying, "I am doing the dishes" or, "I am watching TV."
But, as a native speaker, I would probably say, "Not much, I'm just doing the dishes or, "Not much, I'm just watching TV."
と言いたいところですが、ネイティブスピーカーとしては、おそらく「たいしたことない、私はただお皿を洗っていただけです。」 それか「たいしたことない、私はただテレビを見ていただけです。」
Let's look at the third question.
"What are you up to today?"
What are you up to today?(今日は何するの?)
You could even say, "What are you up to this week?"
What are you up to this week?(今週のあなたの予定は?)と聞いていいでしょう
This question is asking actually about the future.
It's asking about things that you are going to do later that day or later that week, and so when you respond, you need to talk about the future.
その日のうちに、あるいはその週のうちにする予定のことを聞き、 対応する際には、未来の話をする必要があります。
You might answer by saying, "I am going to go shopping."
Or of course, as a native speaker, I would say, "I'm going to go shopping."
あるいは、もちろん、ネイティブスピーカーとしては、I'm going to go shopping(私は買い物に行くつもりです)
I would say it very, very quickly.
Or you might even talk about things that you have to do, things that you are required to do that day.
You might say something like, "Today, I have to get my car fixed."
"Today I have to get my car fixed."
That's how I would say it.
And then, of course, you can again add "not much," and you can add "just" to each of these sentences.
そしてもちろんまた、大したことないものを加えることもでき、それぞれの文章に just をつけることができます。
I could say, if someone said, "What are you up to today?"
I could say, "Not much, I'm just going to go shopping," or, "Not much, I just have to get my car fixed."
So, again, when you throw "not much" and "just" into these responses, it sounds a lot more natural.
だからまた、これらの回答に「たいしたことない」や「ちょうど」を入れる 方がより自然に聞こえます。
You'll sound a lot more like a native English speaker.
I do wanna mention as well, with each of these questions, you can actually answer and broaden the time period that you are talking about.
またそれぞれの質問に対して、実際に回答して期間を広げることができることもお伝えしておきます あなたが言っていることの期間を広げることです。
So, if someone says, "What are you up to," you don't simply have to talk about what you're doing right now.
だから、もし誰かが What are you up to (何しているの?)と言ってきたらただ単に、今やっていることを 話せばいいというわけではありません。
You can tell them a story.
You could talk about the past, the present, and the future.
So if you said to me, "What are you up to these days," or, "What are you up to," or, "What are you up to today," I could actually answer like this.
だから、もしあなたが私に「最近、何をしているの?」「今何しているの?」それか「今日は何するの?」と私に言ったら、 私はこのように答えることができます。
I could start by talking about the past.
I could say, "Yesterday, my car broke down."
"Right now, I'm looking at the engine, but I don't know what's wrong."
"Later today, I'm going to take my car to the garage."
So, in spite of which question was asked, you do have the freedom to talk about different periods of time when you're answering it.
だから、どのような質問をされたかに関わらず答える際に、異なる期間について話す 自由はありますよね。
So, don't feel too limited.
If you want to answer in a more complex way, talk about what happened yesterday, talk about what's happening right now, and talk about what's going to happen tomorrow.
もっと複雑な方法で答えたい場合は、昨日のことを話し、 今起きていることを話す そして明日のことを話しています。
Well, thank you so much for taking the time to watch this little English lesson.
I hope it was helpful.
Remember, if this is your first time here, don't forget to click that red subscribe button, and give me a thumbs up if this video helped any of you learn a little bit more English.
初めての方は、赤い登録ボタンをクリックして、このビデオが役に立ったと思ったら 私にいいねをするのを忘れないでください 英語の勉強も頑張ってください。
And if you have the time, why don't you stick around and watch another English lesson?