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  • Good morning. Welcome to

  • A day in the life at American Public School I'm going to take you guys along with me on video.

  • Also, it's cold and I have to bike.

  • Just like my last video, I gotta start it off with an American school bus.

  • All right. I'm gonna drink up my coffee and let's go to school.

  • I put a button on my shoe ... and some safety pins

  • You know, you could call me a fashion designer.

  • But you know...

  • It's about a British guy

  • who spends a year in France.

  • Last day of classes tomorrow (for my mom - she's a professor)

  • Bonjour / Hello

  • Do you want to say goodbye?

  • Yes? No?

  • Goodbye...

  • All right. Bye Bye.

  • All right.

  • Squirrel! Squirrel!!!

  • Look at him!

  • He's right there.

  • No way, you guys, it's going to be a good day.

  • That's like it's good luck. All right.

  • to be completely honest,

  • it actually feels kind of nice.

  • There's no going back from here.

  • Made it in (wohoo!)

  • First period. No one's here...

  • Thank you and have a great day.

  • Yeah, because no one stands up for the pledge anymore.

  • This is the architecture squad ?

  • Would you ever buy a Rolex?

  • No, I wouldn't buy one.

  • I mean, you know, you can get them on the streets

  • in New York for about five hundred. That's true.

  • We won't be able to tell the difference.

  • They all look the same.

  • Some of the stuff, you know, and oh, look at this and I've checked the price.

  • Oh, twenty five hundred dollars.

  • Oh, I'm thinking, What the hell are you doing? You ain't got that money ?

  • Oh my god.

  • This is supposed to have bulletproof windows and be resistant to sledgehammers. (tesla truck)

  • Oh, that's what they need in Chicago

  • Exactly!

  • Waiting for the bell...

  • Second period: American history

  • taking a test today.

  • So, Ash, more cash.

  • This is it's for. My. Campaign.

  • You know, American schools, we like to.

  • Come common core education You want to be in the video?

  • Right now, we're going to get some printed papers and images for our poster,

  • for our French presentation that we have to do.

  • On cocoa in thete D'Ivoire, so

  • You can see the construction..

  • We do? OK, so you're using the color printer and we need it.

  • I'm just going to take forever now.

  • It's going great.

  • Dang that's fast!

  • Yeah, I woke up with a fever of one hundred point four this morning. (100.4° F / 38°C) ?

  • So why are you here?

  • Shoutout the Library

  • Ah, it's one of those that don't work..

  • What do you mean it doesn't work?

  • Oh.... Would you look at that!

  • What's good Max? (an American greeting)

  • Yo Davis tonight? (the local university library) Cause I like actually have to grind (he needs to get a lot of work done)

  • I might yeah, I might

  • Hey! Are you filming? Yep.

  • Oh hi, Max's camera.

  • He's walking backwards in the hallway.

  • Which is probably a bad idea,

  • but I just wanted to let you guys know that you're worth every penny.

  • And you guys are awesome, and Max is kind of a cool guy,

  • even though he's wearing some wacky pants. But they're kind of neat.

  • He's going to AP psych to learn about your brain and how it works.

  • Oh... bye! I'm going to be late to class...

  • You've got four-point six done by tomorrow. (it's due)

  • We are testing a week from yesterday, so testing Monday,

  • next Monday, Thank you Mr.Whitehouse

  • American Lunch

  • Yes. Very sad. Give us the rundown.

  • So this is an untoasted bagel. And...

  • I didn't have time to make it in the morning because I was super rushed. All right.

  • So it looks like this.

  • It is not that great looking, but it'll do.

  • What's your favorite part of American public school.

  • If I had to pick it, it'd be my friends

  • What's the worst part?

  • The worst part? Americans expect a lot from you...

  • And sometimes you just don't have those.

  • You just don't capability abilities.

  • Can I give them an outfit tour?

  • So, Mr. Campbell, it's him

  • My friend has a YouTube channel and we're taking it ghsnfjbns (idk)

  • Come on. I'm sorry.

  • Okay let's tell you a little secret stuff about Max.

  • Oh my god, look at this lighting. He's really nice.

  • And he always, yeah, we're vlogging.

  • Do you want to say hi to the blog?

  • Madam Campbell. I just think it's a fun fact.

  • Oh oh my God, the lighting is so bad.

  • We took over Max's blog. This is my ex-teacher.

  • Oh, dear friend of mine.

  • I know, I know I love you.

  • I love you too. I mean, you could just stay with french and then we could.

  • Hang out every day.

  • So, Madam Campbell, what's something you have to say about Max? He's a sweetie.

  • It's been fun watching him get like. Grow up and ..

  • Do you remember us freshman years? Of course, I remember- you were little babies

  • A little annoying, but I still love you.

  • This is our library:

  • Just pretend that we're not filming

  • It's on my acount. No.

  • Hey guys, so something that I have really

  • noticed about Max since he started his YouTube channel.

  • Is he's gotten a lot less shy.

  • I don't even have to ask why you did so this is one of Max's friends, Andre.

  • Max's best friend. Well.

  • What's something about Max he would like to share with his fans?

  • Yeah, I just really admire how he balances everything, you know,

  • balancing junior year while managing a YouTube channel?

  • That's impressive, to say the least.

  • Sam - Where are you going to for college?

  • NC State For what?

  • Swimming? Hell yeah.. Sam!

  • Guys, so I was inspired by Max

  • Me and Max both run cross-country and track he's like, a lot faster than me guaranteed,

  • but because I wanted to try new things.

  • So I decided to join the swim team this year. Yah she did.

  • And you know what? And I what?

  • I wasn't going to compete in meets...

  • But yeah, I was inspired by Max

  • And it's my first swim. No. Wait

  • Want to be in the video?

  • All right. See ya!

  • This is my radish plant: Day 36 (of the experiment)

  • Got some nice flowers looking pretty.

  • That was smart to put the one, two, three, four on the sides (of the container)

  • How many leaves? I didn't count yet...

  • I do care if I tell....

  • And that concludes a day in the life

  • At American public school Is that Ryan Ziiaaaeee???

  • No way. Dude, can I get your autograph? Me?

  • It's a pleasure to meet you. It's a pleasure. Oh my god.

  • I'm sorry I distracted you during French class Guys it's Ryan Zaie... holy sh*t

Good morning. Welcome to


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  • 31 1
    蔡家瑜 に公開 2021 年 08 月 20 日