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Charles Dickens once famously wrote: "It was the best of times and it was the worst of times.”
It was a dumb thing to say, and has nothing to do with this video, but it was in a book called "A Tale of Two Cities," which is what this episode is about.
Well, technically, the tale of two cities within a bunch of cities, but Dickens never wrote a book called that.
He was too busy getting rich writing about how hard being poor is.
The point is, cities are split between the wealthy folk and the not-so-wealthy folk, and in many cases, the not-so-wealthy folk live on the city's east side.
Now, this divide, whether in New York City or Paris, surprisingly has nothing to do with the fact that west rhymes with "best" while east rhymes with "yeast" - and also "niece" if you kind of slur the end.
この動画はニューヨークやパリでも、西は "best "で韻を踏み、東は "yeast... "で韻を踏み、最後にスラーリングすると "niece "にもなるという事実とは無関係です。
Rather, the reason why the eastern sides of so many cities are poorer has to do with the wind.
If we are to shame the wind responsibly, we must first understand it.
These are westerly winds, named after leftist activist Cornel West.
Or because they originate from the West, maybe.
I-I don't know.
Look guys, I'm not a gynecologist or whatever it's called.
Between 30 and 60 degrees latitude, westerlies are what wind scientists call prevailing winds because when another wind challenges them for wind-direction-supremacy, the westerlies always prevail.
Why these winds go from west to east as consistently as white guys who are obsessed with anime has to do with the general roundness of the planet and the fact that it's spinning.
If the planet weren't spinning - well, first of all, we'd all be dead - but also, warm air from the middle latitudes would simply do what Georgia Republicans failed to do in January, and head to the "poles."
もしも地球が回っていなかったら—まず、私たちはみんな死んでいたでしょうが、それだけではありません、中緯度地域からの暖かい空気は単に ジョージア州の共和党が1月にできなかったことを実行、ポールに向かいます。
But because the planet is spinning counter-clockwise, and because the air closer to the equator is spinning faster due to the fact that, much like me, Earth is thicker at its midsection, these winds consistently flow through the middle latitudes in the northern hemisphere on a northeastern trajectory.
しかし地球は反時計回りに回転しており、また地球は中央部が厚いため赤道に近い空気はより速く回転していて、 これらの風は、北半球の中緯度地域を一貫して北東の軌道で流れています。
This is called the "Coriolis Effect," named after some dead nerd probably, but for our purposes, it just means that if you're a city's sitting in the middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere, which includes a majority of the largest 100, then most of your wind is coming out of the west.
これはコリオリ効果と呼ばれるもので、おそらくナードにちなんで名付けられましたが、ここでは、北半球の中緯度に位置する都市を意味していて、 最大の100個のうちの大部分が含まれていれば、風のほとんどは西から吹いていることになります。
But wind doesn't make one poorer by itself - that's a power reserved for the users of Reddit's WallStreetBets.
しか、風はそれだけでは人を貧しくすることはできません。それは Reddit WallStreetBets のユーザーだけが持つ力です。
Now, it's actually what the wind carried for decades and decades that led to wealth disparities on certain cities' east/west axis.
You see, while you may find cities to be gross and stinky today, they were even grosser and stinkier before - and not just because people hadn't yet invented floss or sewers or the concept of showering.
Back in the day, well before you could make a living googling random facts and hiring unpaid interns to make them into videos, people in cities had to make things or things that make things or things that make things that make things.
We call this period the Industrial Revolution.
With revolution came rubbish in the form of pollution.
For much of the 19th century, pollution released into the air floated out of downtown chimneys in all its dark, noxious splendor, and caught a lift on the prevailing westerlies, which brought the pollution eastward, where it tickled the noses and lunges of east siders from Manchester to Helsinki.
19世紀のほとんどの時期大気中に放出された汚染物質は、ダウンタウンの煙突から暗くて有害を放ちながら流れ出し、偏西風に乗って上昇していき、 その結果汚染が東に向かって進み、マンチェスターからヘルシンキまでの東側諸国の人々の鼻と肺に影響を与えたのです。
As it turned out, people living in the 19th century are similar to people in the 21st century in that they weren't huge fans of toxic air and inescapable, unrelenting pollution, so those who had money decided to leave for less stinky neighborhoods while the working class who couldn't leave or relied on the cheaper cost of living stayed.
その結果、19世紀の人々は、21世紀の人々と同じように有害な空気や避けられない容赦のない汚染を嫌っていたことがわかり、 そのためお金を持っている人は臭いの少ない地域に出て行き、 出て行けない人は物価の安さに頼り労働者階級が残りました。
Now, a lot has changed since the Industrial Revolution.
Northern hemisphere cities have outsourced industrial pollution to the developing world and rural areas like the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska, and radical environmentalists like Richard Nixon have passed laws to slow down how much poison we pump into the air.
北半球の都市では、産業汚染が発展途上国やメキシコ湾岸やアラスカなどの農村部に流出しており、またリチャード・ニクソンのような過激派の環境保護主義者が 空気中に放出される毒物の量を減らすための法律を制定しました。
But, still to this day, the east sides of Industrial Revolution cities like London, Paris, Toronto, and Pittsburgh are feeling the toll of their stinky past.
You see, in a study authored by these three fancy academic folks on the relationship between industrial pollution and economic segregation in Britain, quote: "These equilibria persist to this day even though the pollution that initially caused them has waned," which is basically liberal coastal elite Illuminati talk for: "Even when the pollution stops, the money doesn't come back into the east sides of cities.”
この3人の著名な学者が書いた研究では、次のような関係性が指摘されていますイギリスにおける産業汚染と経済的分離、 「これらの平衡状態は、最初に原因となった汚染が減少したにもかかわらず、今日まで続いています。」 これは基本的にリベラルな沿岸部のエリート・イルミナティの言葉で、「汚染がなくなっても、お金は都市の東側には戻ってこない」という意味です。
What may flip this trend though, comes in the form of gentrifiers: oat milk latte-sipping, distressed jeans-wearing, Great Gatsby-reading, exposed brick-loving hipsters, drawn to the grit and blue-collar feel of east ends, who move into these poorer eastern areas, bringing with them open floor plan coffee shops and Korean-fusion taquerias.
しかしこのトレンドを覆す可能性があるのは、オートミルク・ラテを飲んでいる高級志向の人々です、ディストレスト・ジーンズを履き、グレート・ギャツビーを読み、レンガを愛してやまないヒップスターたちで、 イーストエンドの厳しさやブルーカラーの雰囲気に惹かれて、このような貧しい東側の地域に移り住む人み オープンフロアのコーヒーショップや韓国風フュージョン料理のタキーラを持ち込んでいる人たちがいます。
This hipster takeover, however, is rarely, if ever, a fair economic boost for downtrodden urban areas, as it prices out and pushes away the area's working-class base.
So, if you find yourself on the east side of a city and think "Oh this is a bit rough," then blame the wind, but if you say, "This is a bit rough, but the craft beer scene is popping," then blame wind and gentrification.
だからもしあなたが都市の東側にいて、「ああ、ここはちょっと荒れているな 」と思ったら風のせいにしますが、「ここは少し荒れているが、クラフトビールのシーンが広がっている」と言えば風や都市の富裕化現象のせいにします。
And if you say, "I love this pour-over coffee place and its industrial feel," then take a long look in the mirror when you get home.
Of course, not all cities came to be during the Industrial Revolution, not all cities sit at the mercy of westerly winds, and not all east ends are poorer.
There have been plenty of other factors through history that have shaped inequality in cities like proximity to ports and rivers, the growth of suburbs, and, particularly popular in the US, racism - often in the form of redlining and racial segregation.
歴史上都市の不平等を形成した要因は他にもたくさんあり、港や川に近いこと郊外の発展、そして特にアメリカで人気があることなどが挙げられます、 人種差別はしばしばレッドライニングや人種隔離の形で行われます。
But if you are planning to move to an industrial city in say China or somewhere in the developing world, don't just consider how far away the nearest Trader Joes is from your neighborhood, make sure to think long and hard about what you're downwind from.
しかしもしあなたが中国やその他の発展途上国の工業都市に移住することを計画しているのであれば、最寄りのトレーダー・ジョーズが近所からどれだけ離れているかだけを考えるのではなく、 風下にあるものが何であるかよく考えてみてください
Ultimately though, whether you're living on the east end, west end, next to a Trader Joes or miles and miles away, you are still the master of your own domain, be it a house, an apartment, or a bedroom, and to make the most out of that space, I suggest taking Christopher Griffin's Skillshare course, "Plants at Home: Uplift Your Spirit and your Space."
しかし、最終的には、あなたがイーストエンドに住もうが、ウエストエンドに住もうが、トレーダージョーズの隣に住もうが何マイルも離れた場所に住もうが、あなたは家という自分の領域の支配者であることに変わりはありませんし、 アパート、あるいはベッドルームでそのスペースを最大限に活用するためには、 クリストファー・グリフィンのスキルシェアコース「Plants at Home」を受講することをお勧めします。「あなたの精神と空間を高揚させます」
If you're anything like me, creativity, productivity, and general day-to-day sanity are a function of my environment - my surroundings.
Christopher's class shows how the care, curation, and upkeep of houseplants can help foster a calm, welcoming, creative at-home environment.
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新しい趣味を育てたり、自分の好奇心を追求して広げていったり、自分を磨いたりSkillshare は広告なしのクラスを何千も提供しています 仕事でも家庭でも、自分のスキルセットを拡大することで、自分にぴったりのものを見つけることができるでしょう あなたが純粋に何を学びたいのかということです。
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