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  • For nearly a century Kodak completely owned

  • the nostalgia market.

  • Oh yeah!

  • Got so much style with that silly old smile

  • ♪ I'm gonna get you with a Kodak kiss

  • Any memorable moment from a child's first steps

  • to a wedding, was branded a Kodak moment.

  • But recently a Kodak moment has become, let's say

  • less nostalgic.

  • At some point, I think became a crypto company.

  • And now apparently it's a pharmaceutical company.

  • In 2020, the American film giant has made headlines

  • for it's foray into, of all things, pharmaceuticals.

  • Specifically to treat COVID-19, with the help of

  • the $765 million U.S. government loan.

  • And if you think that's kind of odd, you're not alone.

  • Just so many weird themes of America today, I think are

  • wrapped into this story which is why it's so fascinating.

  • [MSNBC News Announcer] $765 million loan for Kodak

  • to begin producing pharmaceuticals.

  • Turn another, it's a Trump story.

  • They're doing something that's a different field.

  • And it's a field that they've really hired some of

  • the best people in the world.

  • Governor Cuomo's involved.

  • It will create 300 new jobs.

  • And the story of how Kodak is trying to become

  • a pharmaceutical company is just as strange as

  • the announcement itself.

  • This is how Kodak went from selling nostalgia

  • to making drugs.

  • Kodak is a iconic American company.

  • It once symbolized everything that was great about America.

  • For the better part of a century, Kodak could be

  • considered the closest thing to a monopoly without

  • ever becoming one.

  • And that was no accident.

  • Founded in 1888 by George Eastman, Kodak was born

  • with one mission, to revolutionize the world

  • of picture taking.

  • He wanted the camera to be as ubiquitous and as easy

  • to use as the pencil.

  • And he adopted a business strategy that says

  • to the customer, "You push the button and we do the rest".

  • The rest would turn out to be

  • an extremely aggressive business strategy.

  • Look at what happened in the first 40 or 50 years

  • of the 20th century.

  • Scale was the way to win in this.

  • There were a lot of little camera companies and a lot of

  • photo companies and photofinishing companies that sprang up.

  • It got into the camera business by buying a whole bunch

  • of camera companies that not always wanted to get bought.

  • Typically that doesn't happen by just soft management.

  • That happens, pretty tough management.

  • By acquiring these companies Kodak was able

  • to not only dominate the camera market but the film market

  • as well.

  • One of the reasons it became so powerful is

  • that Eastman understood either sell the cameras cheaply

  • or give them away because we're gonna make all our money

  • on film and photo processing.

  • And it worked on so many levels.

  • Everything was vertically integrated.

  • You bought your Kodak camera where you put Kodak film inside

  • and-

  • Well if you brought your film in to get it

  • developed, you brought it to a Kodak store.

  • Throughout much of the 20th century Kodak

  • could do no wrong.

  • Every product launch from cameras like the Brownie

  • and the Instamatic, to engineering feats in film

  • like Kodachrome and Ektachrome were a hit.

  • Even creeping into pop culture.

  • Momma don't take my Kodachrome away

  • Kodak didn't just set the tone for the film

  • and camera industry, it was the film and camera industry.

  • In the mid-70s, 1976 Kodak owned 95%

  • of the film market and 85% of the camera market

  • in the United States.

  • Employment peaked in the eighties at like 150,000.

  • This wasn't just a fortune 500 company, this was

  • a fortune 50 company.

  • It was a brand that everybody recognized

  • and it was dominant.

  • But Kodak didn't just do photography because of

  • the chemicals used in film, they also developed

  • blood analyzers, x-rays, pharmaceutical manufacturing

  • and copiers, just to name a few.

  • What Kodak didn't know at the time was an invention

  • by one of its own engineers in 1976, would eventually lead

  • to the organization's demise.

  • Kodak engineer Steven Sasson, invented the prototype

  • that would eventually become the digital camera.

  • It was a feasibility demonstration.

  • You saw pictures of it and it was obviously not

  • a commercial product.

  • Kodak saw the writing on the wall that their days,

  • while still decades away were ultimately numbered

  • as a film business.

  • I began to look at something Gordon Moore had

  • come out with just a couple of years before that

  • and it became known as Moore's Law.

  • Moore's Law said that the capacity of transistors on

  • an integrated circuit was gonna double every 18 months.

  • We were able to conclude in 1978, that by about 2008

  • consumer electronic imaging oughtta overtake

  • traditional photography.

  • At the time Kodak wasn't worried it had a leg up

  • on the competition and had plenty of time to prepare.

  • Dealing with major shifts in technology that quickly dated

  • their research, the transition to digital signaled

  • the beginning of Kodak's decline.

  • During the early 80s recognizing this transformation

  • was coming, Kodak set up an internal school where we sent

  • chemists and chemical engineers to in-house school

  • to turn them into electrical engineers.

  • That turned out to be not very successful.

  • If you just look at the earning statement of the company

  • you'd have to say, "What are we doing this for?

  • Because at this point they're still making money

  • hand over fist.

  • There was kind of an ingrained fear

  • of cannibalizing that core business, of killing

  • the golden goose.

  • They were a monopoly in film but they couldn't stop

  • disruptive technologies.

  • You know, from coming along and unseating their business.

  • It's sort of the classic innovator's dilemma problem.

  • If you have this great cash cow which is your film camera

  • business and you're one of the dominant players there

  • you're reluctant to totally disrupt it yourself.

  • By the time the 90s rolled around, Kodak's push

  • into digital was in full force.

  • CEO Georg Fischer, who headed Kodak from 1993 to 1999,

  • pumped $2 billion into research and development

  • for digital technology.

  • They had this event in San Francisco.

  • It was March 28th, 1995.

  • They call it the big event.

  • The Chicago Tribune, I remember they had their headline

  • was "The Big Gamble".

  • And it was Fischer's big announcement that you know,

  • Kodak was moving you know, full steam ahead to digital.

  • And each attempt was a flop whether it was

  • the massively overpriced DCS 100, the photo CD that could

  • hold up to 25 images, which was quickly outpaced

  • by the growing capacity of hard drives.

  • And the DC 20, an incredibly cheap camera

  • that everyone agreed took awful pictures.

  • The disc camera was a disaster.

  • They called it the adventure of the incredibly

  • shrinking negative.

  • And it was so small that the images were horrible.

  • The 90s were also a time when Kodak

  • started spinning off its other businesses

  • to pay down its debt.

  • Selling its entire office imaging business, its digital

  • printer and copier division and turning

  • its chemical division into Eastman Chemical.

  • In 2003, under new CEO Antoniorez, who joined

  • from Hewlett Packard, the company once again made the claim

  • that Kodak would become the leader in digital cameras.

  • Kodak is back!

  • They're taking this digital thing to a level on dreamed of.

  • They learned early on that the devices weren't the thing.

  • It was what the devices allowed you to do.

  • It was the fall on business, all the ancillary stuff

  • is where they made the money.

  • They didn't have the right kinda culture to sell cameras,

  • digital cameras in a frenetic you know, low barrier to entry

  • market and to beat back everybody else.

  • Compared with cameras that require film

  • margins related to the use of digital cameras

  • are a disaster.

  • Film generates a profit of as much as 70 cents

  • on the dollar.

  • Digital imaging might make a nickel.

  • It's like that old joke about like we're losing

  • money on every unit we make but we'll make it up on volume.

  • In 1987, the company employed 145,000 people

  • at its enormous facility in Rochester.

  • 20 years later in 2020, that number has fallen all the way

  • down to 4,900 and it keeps on shrinking.

  • I would like to take this time to answer a few important

  • questions about Kodak.

  • In light of our decision to file for reorganization.

  • With the failure to successfully pivot

  • to digital complete, on January 19th, 2012 Kodak filed

  • for bankruptcy.

  • This once great company files for bankruptcy

  • and now they're trying to build with whatever you can.

  • So you get Jim Continenza comes in as the chairman at

  • that point, is sort of their standard barer.

  • While this was the end of Kodak as mainly

  • a film business Kodak emerged from bankruptcy in 2013

  • and started the first of its many pivots.

  • Well, some investors are crazy about cryptocurrencies

  • right now.

  • Kodak is launching its own cryptocurrency KodakCoin.

  • The cryptocurrency system will allow photographers

  • to register work that they can license and then

  • receive payment.

  • It was coming at a time where it seemed like everybody

  • was announcing a coin as a way to raise a bunch of money

  • because there was so much mania.

  • And so you have Kodak, which is a publicly traded company.

  • A lot of the crypto coin ideas didn't have a public company

  • to latch on to.

  • So you attach this idea to a public company and all of

  • a sudden, the stock price soars.

  • In one day of trading shares soared 120%.

  • Going from $3.10 to $10, but it wouldn't last.

  • It was widely lampooned I think by the press.

  • I think the BBC called it one of the worst ideas

  • to come out of CS or something like that at the time.

  • It was during legit crypto mania.

  • From the peak of the announcement of KodakCoin

  • until early 2020, Kodak's stock price fell from $36.88 cents

  • to around $2.70 cents.

  • Until-

  • Shares of the company soared yesterday after news that

  • the U.S. government awarded the firm $765 million in loans.

  • They just need to become a cannabis company

  • and a meat-free company and then they've really got

  • the trifecta of all things,

  • millennial and gen Z. Don't forget electric cars.

  • Most people heard about the Kodak loan

  • on you know, July 28th.

  • We have president Trump himself talking about

  • the $765 million loan, we have Peter Navarro,

  • the trade representative, going on TV talking about it

  • and the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, thanking

  • the president for it.

  • That all of a sudden wakes everybody up in the world

  • to this.

  • And just like with the announcement of KodakCoin-

  • The share price goes crazy, it tops out at $60 when it had

  • been trading around $3 for months and months.

  • For a moment, it was actually a feel good story

  • a once great American company, having its second act.

  • There's a ton of media attention on it, everybody's asking

  • why this company, can Kodak really do it?

  • Why are there all these strange things about

  • how they handled the announcement?

  • And then suddenly you have everybody investigating.

  • Regulators look into improprieties allegations

  • of insider trading.

  • [MSNBC News Announcer] The trading volume for Kodak

  • shot up right before the deal.

  • Kodak, after the announcement comes out, files that

  • just before the announcement came out, they had

  • granted options to a bunch of their executives.

  • Which would seem to give them access, the ability

  • to buy shares at a low price.

  • Dated to before the share price really surged.

  • Kodak said it made the mistake of not placing

  • an embargo on the press release.

  • And without the embargo, journalists were quick to report

  • the news which impacted trading.

  • The source of the loan was also a big area of interest.

  • It was given out by

  • the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation

  • or the DFC.

  • This is bout investing in a company that is going to

  • not only produce 25% of the generic pharmaceuticals that we

  • need the ingredients in the United States.

  • But it's going to be financially sustainable

  • for the long-term.

  • So they had a big advanced purchase order and we were able

  • to give them that money, the $765 million collateralized

  • on that.

  • So I knew we're gonna build a brand, we're going to make

  • Americans safer and we're going to make money

  • for the American taxpayer.

  • Randomly Adam Boehler is Jared Kushner,

  • Trump's son-in-law's former summer roommate.

  • So it's very Trump world.

  • So you have the DFC it's this outward facing body

  • focused on international development but it seemed like

  • you know, a friendly entity in Trump world.

  • While a review commissioned by Kodak says

  • CEO Jim Continenza's stock options did not violate

  • internal policies, the SCC investigation is ongoing.

  • And the damage in the eyes of some has already been done.

  • What happened at Kodak was probably the dumbest decisions

  • made by executives in corporate history.

  • Peter Navarro certainly has plenty of reason to try

  • and distance himself from this deal.

  • You know, when he was announcing it he was trying to take

  • all the credit in the world and this was really his baby

  • trying to shepherd it through and encouraging the government

  • to give Kodak this loan.

  • The underlying question here is, was Kodak some sort of

  • pump and dump scam, where by shooting the share price up

  • with this loan announcement did Kodak or anyone around Kodak

  • unfairly profit off just the share price skyrocketing alone?

  • In a statement Kodak said based on

  • an exhaustive review of law and facts, our lawyers

  • have concluded that Kodak and its officers, directors

  • and senior management did not violate

  • the securities regulations or other relevant laws,

  • engage in a breach of fiduciary duty or violate

  • any of Kodak's internal policies and procedures.

  • So while Kodak is in trouble, both as a company and as

  • a company defining its identity, it doesn't necessarily mean

  • that they made the wrong decisions.

  • Some say that companies just aren't always meant to be

  • on top.

  • It's not obvious that companies exist forever.

  • The notion that a company has to exist and if

  • it doesn't exist, somebody failed, not accurate.

  • The function of management is not to keep the company

  • in business, it's to create wealth.

  • If you don't have a balance where the revenue exceeds

  • your cost, you eventually go out of business.

  • This isn't just an iconic company, this isn't just

  • a corporate tragedy.

  • It's a piece of America that's being lost you know, forever.

For nearly a century Kodak completely owned


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The Rise and Fall...and Rise of Kodak

  • 15 1
    joey joey に公開 2021 年 08 月 17 日