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Hi everyone this is Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question.
Our question today is how do I pronounce the word laboratory,
and that is a place for scientific exploration. So quick tip first, if this word is too difficult
そして、それは科学的な探求の場でもあります。 ですから、まず簡単なヒント、もしこの言葉が難しければ
to say you can just say lab for short and everyone is going to understand you.
So to say the word lab correctly start with the l: tip of the tongue is behind the top
front teeth, lips are kind of pulled back, make sure you don't pucker them. We do not
want that. And then we are going to move to that short a sound wide open circle mouth,
tip of the tongue down, back of the tongue pulled way high up, and then end with the b, close the
lips and the air puffs out of the mouth. lab lab lab
so again you can stop watching the video if that works for you,
but if you want to say the longer word, let's get into the rest of the lesson.
So we're going to talk about four syllables lab ra tor ee labra tori laboratory laboratory laboratory
そこで、4つの音節の話をします lab ra tor ee labra tori laboratory laboratory
So to do this we're going to start with the lab, and then we're going to say ra. To do
this for the r sound think of square tense lips, you don't want to pucker your lips too much,
you don't want to smile too much, you want them square and tense, the tip of your tongue will
either be pointing down or flipped back, as long as the back of that tongue is pulled way high up
towards the roof of the mouth, and is nice and tense. Then we're going to relax the mouth and
add that short uh sound. That schwa sound labra labra labra then we're going to move to the tor.
この短い音を加えます。そのシュワの音 labra labra labra それから tor に移ります。
To do this touch the tip of the tongue to the back of the top front teeth for the t,
the air puffs out, then we're going to pucker, and then move to the r: or or
tore and then smile because it's all over, you're finished, and add that nice long e.
Let's put it all together labra tour e laborator e laboratory
まとめてみよう labra tour e laborator e laboratory
laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory laboratory
実験室 実験室 実験室 実験室
And now for a sentence: The scientist spent many hours in his laboratory.
And if you want to be quicker about it you can say The scientist spent many hours in his lab.
また、もっと手短に言えば、The scientist spent many hours in his lab.と言えるでしょう。
So give it a try people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful we'd love
a like and share and subscribe check out our products on google play and itunes and all of
our products all of our classes at Tarle speech. Thanks everyone!
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