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Have you been working hard on your English lately? Well if you have I
have 20 incredibly hard-working idioms that you can use to describe hard work. Let's go!
Hello everyone, Anna here from englishlikeanative.com, the website with courses
みなさん、こんにちは。englishlikeanative.comのAnna 、すべてのレベルの英語の
for all levels of English, and a community to keep you motivated and engaged. Now let's get to work.
コース を 掲載したWebサイト 、そしてモチベーションと エンゲージメント を維持するためのコミュニティです。それでは、仕事に取り掛かりましょう。
Back/nose to the grindstone To return to/start a hard tedious task.
Right, that's my break over, I had better get back to the grindstone.
Be on a roll Experiencing a period of success or good luck.
We signed up two new clients last week and 4 new clients this week,
with 3 more in the pipeline. We are on a roll.
Be snowed under Be overwhelmed with
雪が降る 非常に大量の作業(またはコミットメント)に 圧倒され
a very large quantity of work (or commitments). I'm so sorry I missed the teacher's meeting today,
ます。今日は先生の会議に出席できなかったので、申し訳ありません。 試験が間近に迫っていて
with the exams around the corner and several
、スタッフの 何 人
members of staff self isolating I'm completely snowed under at the moment.
か が自己隔離しているので、今は完全に雪が降っています。
Bend over backwards
To work extra hard to help someone or to make them happy.
I don't understand why he continues to bend over backwards for Julia, she doesn't appreciate it.
Blood, sweat, and tears If something needs blood, sweat, and tears then it
血、汗、涙何かが血、汗、涙 を必要とするなら、 それ
is hard thing to do and requires a lot of effort. We spent 15 years building this business,
it took blood, sweat and tears to make it what it is today.
たが、今日の ビジネスを実現
Burning a candle at both ends To work too hard as well
するには、血と汗と涙が必要でした。 両端でろうそくを燃やす 他のことをしようとする
as trying to do other things. My boss had a nervous breakdown last month,
だけでなく 、 一生懸命働く こと。私の上司は先月神経衰弱しました、
it's not surprising, he was burning the candle at both ends for many months.
Get cracking Get started on a project or task.
Right, do we all know what we are supposed to be doing? Great, let's get cracking.
Give it 110%
Try really hard to achieve something. I know that you are all tired,
it's really hot outside, and you would rather be relaxing in the shade eating ice-cream but
today is a very important day for our school so I want you to get out there and give it 110%.
Go the extra mile To do more than what is expected
何かを実現するために 期待さ れている以上のことをしたり、誰かを助けたりする
to make something happen, or help someone. We have decided to promote Nick. He went the
ために、さらに一歩進んでください 。 Nickを宣伝することにしました。彼は パンデミックの最中に私たちのためにさらに一歩
extra mile for us during the pandemic and really showed us his commitment.
進んで、 私たちに彼のコミットメントを本当に示しました。
Hang in there Don't give up. Keep going through the hard times.
The next few months will be hard for all of us, just hang in there, things will improve.
Jump through hoops Go through an elaborate or
フープを飛び越える 目的を達成するために
complicated procedure in order to achieve an objective.
、手の込んだ、または 複雑な手順を実行します。
We are in the process of applying for a mortgage, but we have to jump through so many hoops.
Knuckle/buckle down To focus and work diligently on a task or problem
If you all knuckle down and do your revision between now and the exams then you will pass
今から試験までの間にナックルダウンして修正を行うと、 飛んでいる色で 合格
with flying colours.
Make up for lost time To do something as much as possible because
失われた時間を埋め合わせる 以前はできなかった
you were not able to do it before. To catch up. I haven't seen my family for over two years,
ので、できる限り何か をすること。追いつくために。私は2年以上家族に会っていない
so we are going to go on holiday together, we really need to make up for lost time.
Move mountains Make
every possible effort, doing the impossible if needed.
Trust me, I will move mountains to make sure that you are satisfied with your new branding.
No pain no gain
Suffering is necessary in order to achieve something.
何かを達成するために苦しみは必要 ありません 。
The athletes are complaining about having to train on a Sunday, but no pain no gain.
Pull one's own weight To do your fair share
自分の体重を引く 人々のグループが一緒に行っている仕事の
of work that a group of people is doing together. James, you have taken a lot of time off this month
公平な分担 をすること。ジェームズ、あなたは今月多くの時間を休みました、
and when you have been in you haven't done very much work. We are all working hard to reach our
そしてあなたがそこにいたときあなたはあまり仕事をしていません。私たちは皆、 締め切りに間に合うように
deadline, so we need you to start pulling your own weight otherwise we will have to let you go.
一生懸命取り組ん でいるので、あなたが自分の体重を引き始めなければなりません。さもなければ、あなたを手放さなければなりません。
Raise the bar
Raise the standards which need to be met in order to qualify for something.
Apple have really raised the bar with their latest iPhone.
Stay ahead of the game To react quickly and gain/keep an advantage.
We are changing our marketing strategy,
advertising will now include TikTok. We must stay ahead of the game.
Stay the course To keep going strongly
コースを継続 するレース、コンテスト、またはタスクの最後まで 強く進み続けるため 。私たちは
to the end of a race or contest or task. We have been working with this client for
このプロジェクト でこのクライアントと 12か月間 協力してきましたが 、コースを継続して仕事を終わらせる予定です。
12 months on this project, we plan to stay the course and get the job done.
困難または危険な状況に断固として対処するために 、雄牛を角で連れて行ってください 。 私は彼に何度か尋ねましたが、彼は私を無視します。私は雄牛を
Take the bull by the horns
角で 連れて行き、
To deal decisively with a difficult or dangerous situation.
I've asked him several times but he ignores me. I must take the bull by the
horns and tell my landlord that I am moving out unless he fixes the central heating.
ない限り私が引っ越していることを伝え なければなりません 。 雄牛を角で捕まえること。これは、困難または危険な
To take the bull by the horns. This means to deal decisively with a difficult or dangerous
状況に 断固として対処することを意味し ます。私は彼に何度か尋ねましたが、彼はただ私を無視します。私は雄牛を
situation. I've asked him several times but he just ignores me. I must take the bull by
角で 連れて行き、 家主にセントラルヒーティング を直さ ない限り私が引っ越していることを伝え なければなりません 。
the horns and just tell my landlord that I'm moving out unless he fixes the central heating.
There you go 20 idioms for working hard. Now if you are a hard worker
、英語を上達させたいという意欲があるなら、私 と他のやる気のある学生と
and you're motivated to improve your English then why not join me
一緒に ELAN(English Like A Native)コミュニティ
and other motivated students in the ELAN (English Like A Native) community
のELANコースの1つに 参加してみませんか 。詳細については、Englishlikeanative.comにアクセスしてください。
on one of the ELAN courses. Head over to Englishlikeanative.com to find out more!