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  • Hey everyone! Jennifer from Tarle  speech with your Two for Tuesday!

    皆さん、こんにちは。TarleスピーチのジェニファーがTwo for Tuesdayをお届けします。

  • These are homophones. These words have  different spellings different meanings  


  • but they are pronounced exactly the  same way. And today is a two for two  


  • Tuesday with a bonus word  thrown in so stay tuned .


  • All right so our words today are bin and been.


  • So a bin is a storage container and  been is the past participle of to be.

    つまり、a binは収納容器、beenはto beの過去分詞です。

  • I am teaching the American version of been which  is pronounced exactly the same way as the word  


  • bin. So to say these two words correctly we're  going to start with a b put your lips together  


  • and open them up and the air puffs out. Next  we're going to move to that short i. You can  


  • see my mouth is not tensed. My lips are relaxed  and in doing that my mouth is just slightly open.


  • My tongue is high in my mouth. It's behind the top  front teeth and it's just relaxed and it is flat.


  • If you confuse this vowel with the long  


  • e all you need to do is smile for  that e in e and then relax your lips.


  • You can see when I relax my lips  my tongue just pops down a tiny bit  


  • and then I'm able to say that short i and with  the end n sound nnn. To do this you touch the  


  • tip of your tongue to the back of your top  front teeth air moves out of your nose.


  • So again these two words pronounce the  same in American English bin and been.


  • Now here's your bonus word - bean. And a bean  is a small food and we would say b eeee n

    さて、ここでおまけの言葉、beanです。豆は小さな食べ物で、私たちはb eeee nと言います。

  • with that long e.


  • So we say bin differently than bean.


  • And yes this word gets a little bit confusing  for our uh American English learners because  


  • we have the two vowels together which  typically we pronounce as a long vowel.


  • But in this case we do the shortinstead. So again we have bin been and bean  

    しかし、この場合は、代わりに短いiを使います。この場合も、bin beenとbeanがあります。

  • bin been been bean bean bean.

    bin been been bean bean bean。

  • And now for your sentence: I've  been to the bin to buy some beans.

    そして、次はあなたの文章です。I've been to the bin to buy some beans.

  • Give it a try people are going to notice  the difference! If you found this helpful  


  • we'd love a like a share and a subscribeIf you need more help we have products  

    いいね!」「シェア!」「サブスクライブ!」をお願いします。 さらに詳しい情報が必要な場合は、以下の製品があります。

  • on google play and class options at Tarle  speech thanks everyone have a great week!

    google playやTarleスピーチのクラスオプションなど、皆さんありがとうございました!今週もよろしくお願いします。

Hey everyone! Jennifer from Tarle  speech with your Two for Tuesday!

皆さん、こんにちは。TarleスピーチのジェニファーがTwo for Tuesdayをお届けします。

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