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  • So tell everybody what this one is about.

  • This--

  • OK.

  • Yeah.


  • As the official spokesperson of the plotline--


  • Pitch Perfect 3 is the Bellas having

  • what's called a quarter life crisis, which is apparently

  • a thing now with the young people.


  • So sad.

  • And we've graduated college and we are out in the world

  • doing all different things.

  • And we realize, like, aw, our lives

  • aren't going the way we hoped.

  • So Aubrey's dad is in the military

  • and invites us all to reunite to go on to USO tour

  • to just support the troops and entertain them

  • all around Europe.

  • So that's what the Bellas do in the third movie.

  • And there's other surprises that happen--

  • Yeah.

  • Maybe [INAUDIBLE].

  • There's a scene where y'all are in the water.

  • And I'm wondering because I think

  • how many takes you have to do for things like that

  • and how long.

  • How long were you--

  • It was a couple day, right?

  • Yeah.

  • Like four days or something?

  • Four days in the water?

  • [INAUDIBLE] shooting.

  • There was a massive water tank.

  • We're supposed to be in the ocean.

  • So they built this massive--

  • that is us being amazing and professional.

  • Yay.

  • Was it cold?


  • It was colder outside of the water.

  • So we decided to stay in the water between takes and just--

  • Yeah.

  • Have a pool party.

  • Just in our clothes.

  • And nothing like a big tank of water to turn you

  • bougie really quickly.


  • Yeah.

  • Rebel got--

  • It's just like a giant jacuzzi.

  • And sometimes we had drinks.

  • And we were just floating around.


  • Not like alcoholic drinks.

  • Who drinks the most here?

  • Let's just be clear.

  • Oh God.

  • Brittany.

  • Oh my god.

  • Oh good.

  • I'm glad it wasn't me.

  • I thought you were going to say me.


  • I mean I guess?

  • You drink responsibly.

  • She is a one woman party.

  • Yeah.

  • I like to party.

  • But it's not that I'm crazy?

  • No.

  • No.

  • My parents are so, so sad right now.

  • It's the perfect amount.

  • It's the perfect amount.

  • It's just more than them.

  • Well also, if you had a problem, we wouldn't have said that.

  • Yeah.

  • No.

  • This is a my intervention.

  • Yeah.

  • That's why you're here.


  • Rebel, so the premiere was in Australia.

  • Right?

  • Yes.

  • What part?

  • Sydney, my hometown.

  • Your hometown.

  • And you brought how many people to the premiere?

  • Just like an easy 200.


  • You really did, didn't you?

  • Basically it was just a premiere for my family and friends

  • who believe that they are entitled to the world premiere

  • down under.

  • And it was awesome.

  • My grandpa got out of hospital just to come.

  • Yeah.

  • And my grandma came on her walking frame.

  • Aw.

  • They love the movies.

  • And my mom-- well, I had to ban her a bit.

  • We call her the Mamarazzi because she

  • likes to stand on the red carpet and take pictures of me

  • with the other paparazzi.


  • Yeah.

  • They just loved it because it's so joyful.

  • And it's for the holidays.

  • And--

  • Very, very funny movie.

  • Very funny.

  • Is this going to be-- because it keeps--

  • you think there's not going to be another one.

  • And then you come up with another idea.

  • Is this the last one?

  • Or will you have another?

  • Because they're hugely successful.

  • I mean we don't know.

  • I don't want to say goodbye.

  • I'm in denial that this the last one.

  • I know.

  • Yeah.

  • I feel like it is.

  • It is a good-- like, if it is the ending,

  • we tried to make it's satisfying and cathartic.

  • And it was certainly really emotional for us

  • because we don't know.

  • It's not up to us if there's any more.

  • We would do them forever.

  • Right.

  • But we hope that, if it is the last one, we tried to make it--

  • Yeah.

  • It's funny.

  • It's going to do--

  • it's huge.

  • It's going to be huge.

  • It really will.

  • Thanks.


  • I mean that's what people need right now,

  • this holiday season, is to go and laugh and feel good.

So tell everybody what this one is about.


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A2 初級

‘Pitch Perfect 3’ Cast Talk Sequels with Ellen

  • 25 1
    Patty Huang に公開 2021 年 08 月 09 日