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Hello! Jennifer from Tarle Speech with your Two for Tuesday!
こんにちは。タルル・スピーチのジェニファーが、あなたのTwo for Tuesday!
Our words today are earn - to obtain money
今日の言葉は、again - お金を得ること
and urn - a tall round vase with a base and a lid.
and urn - 背の高い丸い花瓶で、底面と蓋がある。
So earn and urn are
だから earn と urn は
homophones - homophones are two words that are spelled differently and have different meanings
同音異義語 - 同音異義語とは、異なる綴りで異なる意味を持つ2つの単語のことです。
but they are pronounced exactly the same way. So these words are pronounced exactly the same way.
So to say these words correctly we only have two little sounds we're going to start with the er
sound. The American er I like to describe as long and strong. You can make that with square
tensed lips you do not want to pucker. If you pucker it'll sound more like a w.
緊張した唇は、パッカーしたくありません。 唇を尖らせるとwのような音になります。
So square tense lips and the tip of your tongue can either be pointed down
or flipped back. It never touches your teeth for the r sounds and the back of
your tongue is going to be pulled up high towards the roof of your mouth. er er er
Now you need to move the tip of your tongue to the back of the top front teeth and the air is
going to shift from coming out of your mouth for the er to out of your nose for the er.
er n earn
er n earn
earn earn earn earn earn earn earn
稼ぐ 稼ぐ 稼ぐ 稼ぐ 稼ぐ
You need to earn more money in order to afford to buy the expensive urn.
Give it a try I hope people notice the difference!
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All the best everyone take care!