字幕表 動画を再生する
play is the highest form of research.
Einstein allegedly said today, play also happens in video games and teachers use them in class or for homework.
For this video, we teamed up with the folks at G two A, the world's largest marketplace for games to learn about the three dimensions of game design.
今回のビデオでは、世界最大のゲームマーケットであるG two Aの皆さんと協力して、ゲームデザインの3つの次元について学びました。
Four things games can potentially teach us, and five video games that are great for learning one of which is played at Harvard Business School.
Mm First, the three dimensions of video game design games typically range from simple to complex.
Mm まず、ビデオゲームのデザインの3つの次元は、一般的に単純なものから複雑なものまであります。
They can be played in a single or multi player mode and can be played collaboratively or competitively.
We can divide games along the spectrum of simple to complex and non social to social.
Simple single player games include puzzles and jump and run games like super Mario complex.
Non social games include the shooters like Far Cry or simulations like Sim City.
ソーシャルゲーム以外では、「Far Cry」のようなシューティングゲームや「Sim City」のようなシミュレーションゲームがあります。
Then there are simple multi player games like Guitar Hero or Need for speed and games that are complex and social such as halo Minecraft or Among us games can be competitive, cooperative or both.
また、「Guitar Hero」や「Need for speed」のようなシンプルなマルチプレーヤーゲームと、「halo Minecraft」や「Among Us」のような複雑でソーシャルなゲームがあります。 ゲームには対戦型、協力型、またはその両方があります。
Complex multi player games are usually most effective for learning.
Now onto the four things games can teach us.
Video games can increase our cognitive abilities, boost our motivation, make us aware of our emotions and strengthen our social skills.
Games can increase cognition by strengthening particular areas of our brain.
One meta analysis showed that video games effectively teach mental rotation abilities and that such learning can be transferred to the real world logic and mathematical thinking can also be effectively learned through specific video games, shooter games, for example, often train our understanding of relations among objects in space better than regular high school programs.
Games can boost our motivation and warm us up for learning feedback loops that adjust to one's abilities.
Keep players within what begat ski called the zone of proximal development.
And as we learned that we advance through the process of trying failing and doing, we can develop a growth mindset.
Some of the confidence we gain through games can be transferred to other aspects of life.
There are emotional benefits and some studies report a causal relationship between playing video games and improved mood.
This makes sense being that according to uses and gratifications theory, Most of us seek diverse forms of media to manage our mental state.
Putting the books aside for a short game break can therefore enhance our emotional state.
One study reported that gamers often experience high levels of stress and as a result learn to manage their emotions.
Yeah, there can be social benefits as we form new relationships.
In some games we need to learn who to trust, how to communicate and when to take the lead.
Video games that are designed to reward cooperation, promote pro social skills, particularly well.
One longitudinal study found that Children who played more pro social games at the beginning of the school year were more likely to exhibit helpful behavior is later on in the year.
Finally, let's look at five games that deliver powerful learning experiences.
Mhm Remission is a video game that teaches sick Children how to deal with cancer.
Mhm Remission」は、病気の子どもたちにがんとの付き合い方を教えるビデオゲームです。
In the game, the Children control a nanobots that shoots cancer cells and manages the side effects of the treatment.
A randomized controlled trial showed that Children who played remission significantly increased adherence to the treatment protocol and cancer related knowledge.
The game has since helped hundreds of thousands of young patients.
The game Minecraft promotes creativity, collaboration and problem solving through trial and error.
Players build their own world and alongside apply math and learn about shapes and geometry.
Some do electrical engineering and build machines that run in the virtual world and others explore human history.
It's education edition gives teachers special control and access to a wide catalogue of lessons in democracy.
Players get to know the challenges of being a politician.
They learn the basics of economics and discover how policies affect real people.
They have to deal with difficult issues like immigration and unemployment and then still try to win the majority support in the next election.
Yeah, the app Brain quake allows students to learn math in a playful way and without using symbolic language controlled experiments, showed improved math scores by 20%.
このアプリ「Brain quake」は、遊び感覚で数学を学ぶことができ、記号的な言語を使わずに実験を行ったところ、数学のスコアが20%向上したことが分かりました。
When third graders play the game for just 10 minutes per day, three days a week for a month.
The game was developed with the help of the popular math teacher keith Devlin.
このゲームは、人気の数学教師であるkeith Devlin氏の協力を得て開発されました。
It's Education edition allows teachers to monitor student's progress and creativity.
The so called Harvard Root beer game is a team based business simulation in which players manage a factory, a distributor wholesaler or a retailer of root beer.
At the beginning of the game, the root beer isn't popular, but then it becomes a big hit.
Each player now needs to decide what to do as they examine inventory, anticipate demand and write orders.
The game is played at top business schools because it teaches the importance of open communication and teamwork.
What about you?
What do you think about the up and down sides of playing video games for learning?
And have you ever learned something in a video game that was later useful in real life?
If you want to learn more about the topic that people at G2 a have developed a free online course, especially designed for teachers, Just check it out at G two a dot co slash academy or read the description below for more details.
G2 aのスタッフが教師向けに開発した無料のオンラインコースをご覧になりたい方は、G two a dot co slash academyのページをご覧ください。
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