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Hi. It's Neil from BBC Learning English here.
こんにちは、BBC Learning English のニールです。
Just to let you know, we are offering a new weekly extra episode of 6 Minute English exclusively on our website!
So, go to bbclearingenglish.com to hear Georgina and I discussing how color can affect your mood.
bbclearingenglish.com へ行って、Georgina と私が、色が気分に与える影響について話しているのを聞いてみてください。
It's available now. So, see you there! bbclearingenglish.com.
現在も聞くことができます。では、そこでお会いしましょう! bbclearingenglish.com でした。
Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English.
こんにちは。BBC Learning English の6分間英語です。
I'm Sam.
And I'm Rob.
Rob, would you describe yourself as a wine connoisseur?
If you mean am I someone who enjoys wine and knows a lot about it, then no - although the enjoy part is true -particularly a nice glass of red.
Of course, wine might not be everybody's cup of tea, not something they like, but wine has been an important part of history and language.
And even if you don't drink alcohol, wine can be used as a commodity you can invest in and sell at an auction.
And that brings me on to my quiz question, Rob.
In 2018, a bottle of wine dating back to 1774 sold at auction in eastern France for a record-breaking price.
Do you know how much it was sold for? Was it...
a) $20,800
a) $20,800
b) $120,800
b) $120,800
or c) $220,800?
それとも c) 220,800ドル?
I know wine can fetch a high price , but not as high as some of those options, so I'll say a) $20,800.
ワインは高値で取引されることは知っていますが、これらの選択肢ほど高くはないと思うので、a) $20,800とします。
I'll reveal the answer later on. But let's talk more about wine now.
A glass of the stuff can be sipped and savoured or just glugged.
Glug is a good word, meaning drink in large gulps or mouthfuls, not something a wine expert would do.
Glug というのはいい言葉で、大量にゴクゴク飲む、または口いっぱいにして飲み干すという意味で、ワインの専門家がやることではありません。
For some people, drinking and serving wine is almost an art form.
If you go to a restaurant, there might be a sommelier, a person whose job is to serve and give advice about wine.
They may have had years of training to learn about the different types of wine and the individual flavors or aromas, known as notes.
This job has fascinated journalist and author Bianca Bosker.
She wrote a book called 'Cork Dorks'.
彼女は「Cork Dorks」という本を書きました。
And here she is talking on the BBC World Service program The Why Factor, describing her fascination with sommeliers
そして、BBC ワールドサービスの番組「The Why Factor」で、ソムリエの魅力について語っています。
These were people who had taken wine, which I always thought of as a thing of pleasure, something you turn to after a long stressful day, and turned it into something approaching sheer God-awful pain.
They licked rocks, trained their palates, they divorced their spouses to spend more time reviewing flash cards,
they had hired voice coaches and memory coaches, they took dance classes to learn how to move more gracefully across the dining room floor.
Like me, Bianca thought drinking wine was a pleasurable activity, something that helped her relax after a long stressful day.
So she was surprised at how sommeliers turned this activity into 'something approaching sheer God-awful pain'.
The word 'sheer' is used to emphasise the amount of something, or to mean 'nothing but'.
She thought the work of a sommelier was nothing but pain, they seemed to dedicate their life to wine!
One thing a sommelier does is train their palate, this is their ability to distinguish and appreciate different tastes and identify types of good wine from their taste.
I guess this is quite important.
But divorcing their spouses does seem a bit extreme!
I m afraid I wouldn't take it so seriously, I'll stick to drinking poorer quality, cheap red wine - sometimes called plonk!
WeIl, Rob, cheap wine doesn't always have to be poor quality.
いいですか、ロブ。 安いワインは必ずしも質が悪いとは限りません。
Interestingly, there is some evidence that shows we only think wine tastes better because it's more expensive.
Ah yes, this is research Hilke Plassmann from INSEAD Business School in France spoke about on the BBC World Service's Why Factor program.
そうそう、これはフランスの INSEAD ビジネススクールの Hilke Plassmann が BBC World Service の番組「Why Factor」で話した研究です。
She's been looking into what influences consumer behavior.
The price tag affects that region in your brain that encodes your liking of the taste, so in other words, you not only think that you like the more expensive wine more, you feel you like the more expensive wine more,
because your brain region that encodes this feeling is influenced by the price tag.
So, our brain is possibly playing tricks on us.
When we see the price tag on a bottle of wine, our brain encodes the information and tells us how it should taste.
Encodes means changes the information into something that we can use or understand.
Drinking more expensive wine makes you think it tastes better.
So perhaps, when buying a supermarket wine or wine in a restaurant, it may be better telling yourself that the cheaper option is OK!
I'll drink to that! But I wonder how that most expensive bottle of wine ever sold at auction tastes?
いいですね! でも、オークションで落札された一番高いワインの味はどうなのか気になります。
The one dating back to 1774 that you asked me about.
So you thought it sold for $20,800, but sorry, Rob, that's too cheap.
あなたは 20,800 ドルで売れたと思ったわけですが、すみません、ロブ、それは安すぎです。
It was in fact sold for $120,800.
実際には 120,800ドルで販売されました。
I assume it wasn't drunk.
I hope not. Well, I think I'll stick to my plonk for now, Sam.
酔ってないことを願っています。さて、私は Plonk を引き続き飲み続けますよ、サム。
Plonk was one of our vocabulary words today and describes cheap, poor quality wine.
Plonk は今日のボキャブラリーの一つで、安くて質の悪いワインを表す言葉です。
We also mentioned a connoisseur, someone who enjoys a particular thing and knows a lot about it.
また connoisseur にも触れましたが、これはある特定のものを楽しみ、それについてよく知っている人という意味です。
A sommelier is someone who serves and gives advice about wine in a restaurant.
sommelier とは、レストランでワインを提供したり、アドバイスをする人のことです。
Sheer is a word used to emphasize the amount of something, or to mean 'nothing but'.
Sheer は何かの量を強調するときや、「~でしかない」という意味で使われる言葉です。
A palate describes someone's ability to distinguish and appreciate different tastes.
palate は異なる味を識別し、理解する能力のことです。
Finally, encodes means changes information into something we can use or understand.
最後に、encode とは情報を私たちが利用したり理解したりできるものに変えることです。
But now we're out of time so 'cheers' everyone.
Thanks for listening and goodbye.