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How can you stop translating sentences from your native language to your target language in your head before you say them?
Most people say, "Eventually, it just happens," which is a frustrating answer, if you ask me!
ほとんどの人は、「最終的には、そうなるんだ 」と言います。私に言わせれば、それは悔しい答えです。
Others recommend having a few drinks to help the language flow more easily, but you shouldn't have to rely on liquid courage to get you through your conversations!
Stick around, I'm going to share a few concrete strategies to help you start thinking in your target language.
I'm going to tell you why this way of speaking a foreign language is not optimal, and give you tips to break the habit, but first I want to make sure you've subscribed to our channel because I don't want you to miss any of our new videos!
なぜこの外国語の話し方が最適ではない理由をお話しします、そしてその習慣を断ち切るためのヒントをお教えしますが 私たちの新しい動画を見逃してほしくないので、あなたは私たちのチャンネル登録をしてください!
So, this translation process is problematic for two reasons: first, it slows you down.
And it's frustrating and discouraging when you can't contribute to a conversation because you're too slow.
And second, when you translate in your head instead of thinking directly in English, or another target language, the English you do speak is much less natural because it mimics the sentence structures and expressions from your native language, which usually aren't the best ways to say what you're thinking.
そして2つ目は、英語や他の言語で直接考えるのではなく、頭の中で翻訳する場合です、あなたが話す英語は、文の構造や表現を真似ているため自然ではありません 母国語からは通常自分の考えていることを伝えるのに最適な方法ではありません。
If you're new to a language and don't think you have this problem, it probably means you're not speaking enough!
So, my first tip is: [Speak! And allow yourself to make mistakes.]
It's better to say something, even if it's wrong, than to spend time translating and potentially miss the chance to speak.
If it is wrong, the native speaker you're talking to will probably correct you with a version that's more idiomatic.
Note it down, and memorize that structure so that you'll be able to use it spontaneously next time, which leads me to my next strategy:
[2. Learn language in "chunks."]
そこで、次の戦略を考えてみました:2言語を 「チャンク 」で学ぶです。
"Chunks" are what our friend Gabriel Gelman, who was in a recent video with Luca and several other polyglots, calls longer, idiomatic phrases - the most natural way of expressing something.
「チャンク」とは、私たちの友人である Gabriel Gelman が、最近の動画で Luca や他の数人の polyglots と一緒に長くなりますが、慣用句-最も自然な表現方法です。
With our app, the first thing you learn won't just be a word like "name.”
このアプリを使えば、最初に覚えるのは 「名前 」という単語だけではありません。
Instead, you'll learn phrases like, "My name is…”
代わりに“My name is…”のようなフレーズを覚えます
If you were to translate that directly from a language like Spanish or French, you might end up saying something like, "I call myself…," which is no good.
それをスペイン語やフランス語などの言語で直訳すると、"I call myself... "のようになってしまいよくありません。
It also helps to imagine where you could use these chunks, so that you can recall them more easily when you get into those real situations.
It gives you more of an incentive to learn them, because you know they'll be useful.
[3. Don't forget to listen.]
3. 聞くことを忘れない
Listening and speaking are intimately linked, so you'll never be able to produce natural language chunks if you don't listen to lots and lots of English.
TV, podcasts, audiobooks - whatever you enjoy, listen as often as you can and keep a list of chunks that you want to try out!
Careful though, translating in your head works in both ways, for speaking and understanding.
Instead of trying to translate every word into your native language when listening to longer content, listen for the big picture.
If you don't, it's easy to lose focus and end up totally lost.
[4. Associate words with images, not translations.]
4. 翻訳ではなくイメージで言葉を連想する
If you learn with the MosaLingua app or web platform, you know that our method actually relies on translations.
MosaLingua のアプリやウェブプラットフォームで学習している方は、私たちのメソッドは、あなたが知っているように実際には翻訳に頼っています。
But you'll also notice that our flashcards include images.
When you translate a word in your head, it goes through your native language, and sometimes even the other languages you speak!
If you associate a word with an image instead, you can cut out a step and speed up the process.
Another way to put this tip into practice is to label everything in your home with a post-it note, so that the first thing you think of when you see your plant, book, or shoes, is the foreign-language word you want to remember.
このヒントを実践するもう一つの方法は家の中のすべてのものに付箋でラベルを貼り、あなたの植物、本、靴を見たときに最初に思い浮かぶのが、 覚えておきたい外国語の単語になるようにです。
[5. Be more aware of your thoughts.]
5. 自分の考えにもっと気づく
Next, try to be more self-aware.
If you catch yourself thinking, or even better, dreaming, in your target language, give yourself a pat on the back.
When you're first getting used to thinking in English, do it out loud.
While you're cleaning up the house or getting ready in the morning, talk to yourself about your day, something you heard on the news, etc.
Who cares if what you say is wrong; the point is to get more comfortable producing spontaneous speech.
[6. Simplify.]
6. 簡易化
A common mistake is to try to use the same complex and linguistically rich sentences you'd use in your native language.
This is frustrating because you don't yet master English like you do your native language.
Remember, your goal is communication, not to be a poet!
If you do translate, it's best to use short, simple sentences.
Think of this acronym when you open your mouth:
KISS: "Keep It Short and Simple!"
KISS(キス) = Keep (キープ) 短くそしてシンプルに!
The point when you stop translating in your head and start thinking in English is also usually what pushes you past the intermediate plateau that Luca has talked about before on our channel, to a place where you really feel confident in your skills.
頭の中で翻訳するのをやめて、英語で考えるようになった時点でLuca(ルカ)が以前にチャンネルで話していた中級者向けのプラトーを超えて 自分のスキルに自信が持てるようになるのもたいていはこれがきっかけです。
So try out these strategies, and remember to be patient - eventually, it just happens!
Happy learning and take care!
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