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Hi, is it hot enough for you?
That's one of the phrases we use in English to jokingly talk about hot weather.
Right now, in Ontario, Canada, we're in the middle of a heat wave.
It's going to be over 30 degrees for about three or four days straight, and we call that a heat wave.
3、4日連続で30度を超える気温になります。これを「heat wave(熱波)」と呼びます。
I know for some of you, that probably sounds like really nice weather, but for us here in Canada, that's very, very warm.
So, right now, I thought it would be a great time to make a lesson about how to talk about hot weather in English.
Well, welcome to this English lesson where I'm going to help you learn how to talk about hot weather in English.
The sun is kind of beating down on me right here, and it certainly is a hot day.
Usually, I'm inside, working on my computer in the air-conditioned house, and Jen is outside, working in the heat of the day on the farm.
And sometimes she'll come in and she'll say, "Wow, it's a hot one out there."
This is a very common phrase in English.
When someone comes in from the outside and has experienced extremely hot weather and wants to tell someone else that it's hot,
you will often hear English speakers come into a nice air-conditioned place and say to someone else, "Wow, it's a hot one out there."
英語話者がエアコンの効いた場所に入ってきて、誰かに「Wow, it's a hot one out there.(わあ、外は暑いよ)」と言うことがよくあります。
Another phrase we use in English to describe a hot day is to say, "It's a scorcher," or we might say, "It's a real scorcher."
暑い日を表現するのに使われる、もう1つの英語のフレーズが「It's a scorcher(暑いね)」、もしくは「It's a real scorcher(本当に暑いね)」です。
It's certainly a real scorcher today.
The sun is very intense, and it's also a little bit windy, which is a good day for making hay.
There is another English phrase, "You need to make hay when the sun shines."
もう1つ、英語のフレーズがあります。「You need to make hay when the sun shines(限られたチャンスを十分に生かせ)」です。
If you look across the river here, you can see that my neighbor is starting to make hay.
I'll get another little clip to show you in a sec.
But because it's a real scorcher today, the hay is drying quickly and it's a great day to bale some hay.
Another phrase we might use on a day like this is to say, "It's a cooker," or, "It's a real cooker."
こんな日に使うもう1つのフレーズは、「It's a cooker(めっちゃ暑い)」または、「It's a real cooker.(めちゃくちゃ暑い)」です。
If you look behind me, you can see some of these plants are starting to wilt a little bit.
"It's a cooker out here today."
「It's a cooker out here today.(今日はめちゃくちゃ暑いです)」
It's like they're being cooked in the sun.
The sun is so hot that the plants can't take up water fast enough.
So, if you wanna describe a hot day where you see plants wilting, you could say, "It's a real cooker."
植物がしおれるような暑い日を表現したい時は、「it's a real cooker.(めちゃめちゃ暑い)」と言えます。
Another similar phrase that we use to talk about hot weather is to say, "It's baking hot."
もう1つ、暑い日について話すのに似たようなフレーズがあります。「It's baking hot.(焼かれるように暑い)」です。
It's baking hot out here today, and I'm happy that I'm in the shade.
You'll notice sometimes we say "cooking hot" and "baking hot".
「cooking hot」とか、「baking hot」と言う時もあります。
We often use the same terms we use for cooking and preparing food to talk about hot weather.
So, once again, I'm really happy to be in the shade of this tree because it's baking hot out there in the sun.
Oh, and just for a quick review, that is my "shadow", and under the tree there is "shade".
That's my "shadow", that is "shade".
We also sometimes just say, "It's boiling outside," or, "It's a boiling hot day today."
時々こう言うこともあります。「it's boiling outside(煮えるように暑い)」もしくは、「it's a boiling hot day today.(今日は煮えるように暑い)」
We use the word "boiling" to describe the hot day.
You could also use this to describe yourself.
If you were really hot, you could say, "Oh, I'm boiling today," or you can say, "I'm just boiling up today."
すごく暑かったら、「Oh, I'm boiling today(茹でられているように暑い)」"とか、「I'm just boiling up today.(今日は茹でられるように暑い)」と言えます。
And you do know what boiling is, right?
「boiling」 って何か分かりますよね?
When you put a pan on the stove with water in it, eventually the water will boil, or maybe if you put a kettle on for tea, eventually the water will boil.
So, again, we do use a lot of the same words and phrases that we use in the kitchen when talking about cooking and baking to talk about hot weather.
So, it's definitely boiling hot out here today.
今日は確かに、「boiling hot(煮えるように暑い)」ですね。
So, I don't have a sidewalk to show you, because I live out in the country, so I'll have to put a picture of one up here.
But sometimes, in English, when it's really hot, we'll say, "It's so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk."
すごく暑い時、英語では、「it's so hot, you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.(すごく暑いね。歩道で卵を焼けるよ。)」と言うこともあります。
Now, of course, we're exaggerating; I don't think it ever actually gets that hot.
But there are certainly some days in the summer where people probably wonder, "Is it hot enough that I could fry an egg on the sidewalk?"
Because if you walk on a sidewalk with bare feet in the summer, it certainly is really, really hot.
So, we talked about using cooking and baking to talk about hot weather.
We also say things like this, "It's like an oven out there," or, "It's an oven out there."
「It's like an oven out there(外はオーブンのようだ)」とか、「It's an oven out there.(外はオーブンだ)」と言うこともあります。
I know a few weeks ago, we had a heat wave as well, and I came in and I was "sweating buckets".
数週間前にも、熱波がありました。屋内に入ると、僕は「sweating buckets(バケツくらいの汗をかいた)」でしたよ。
When you're "sweating buckets", you're just sweating a lot.
「sweating buckets(バケツくらいの汗をかいた)」とは、汗をたくさんかくことです。
And I said to Jen, "It's like an oven out there."
そしてジェンに言いました。「It's like an oven out there.(外はオーブンみたいだよ。)」と
It was so hot.
I think on that day it was 33 degrees Celsius.
That's a little too hot for Bob the Canadian.
We sometimes describe a hot day by saying, "It's burning hot."
暑い日について、「it's burning hot(焼けるように暑い)」と言うこともあります。
"It is burning hot today."
「It's burning hot today.(今日は焼けるように暑い。)」
On a burning hot day, things like the steering wheel on my tractor⏤because they are black⏤get hot to the touch.
When I touch the steering wheel, I feel like I should go put gloves on, because the steering wheel is hot to the touch.
On a burning hot day, if I was to say that today is burning hot, things like my steering wheel get really, really hot to the touch.
When we talk about hot days, besides heat, there's also "humidity".
"Humidity" is water moisture in the air and it can make it kind of uncomfortable.
Because I live close to the Great Lakes, and because there are lots of bodies of water in Ontario, we have very humid weather in the summer.
So it's just very "muggy" and "sticky".
Those are two more words we use to describe a hot day when the humidity is really high.
"It's kind of a muggy day today."
「It's kind of a muggy day today.(今日は少し蒸し暑い。)」
"It's a very sticky day today."
「It's a very sticky day today.(今日はすごくじめじめする。)」
It's just not very enjoyable.
And then there's a little phrase we say jokingly to each other on a hot, muggy day.
We'll sometimes say, "You know, it's not the heat, it's the humidity."
「You know, it's not the heat, it's the humidity.(暑さじゃなくて、湿気だよ。)」と言うことがあります。
And it's just kind of this funny phrase that we use to bug each other or to make each other smile or laugh when we're talking about days like this one,
where the humidity is really high and where the temperature is reaching almost 34 degrees Celsius.
Well, thank you so much for watching this English lesson, and I hope you learned a few more phrases to talk about hot and muggy weather in English.
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And if you have a little bit more time, why don't you stick around and watch another English lesson?