字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント One of the greatest illusions in life is continuity. 最も重大な錯覚のひとつに ”永続性”がある 66 million years ago, the continuity of the dinosaurs had been going on for around 6600万年前 165 million years already - and it didn't seem this would change any time 恐竜はすでに1億6500万年を存続しており soon. The world was warm, and pleasant, and most of the land was covered with lush forests 急に変化が起きるようには見えなかった and an incredible diversity of trees, flowers, ferns and trillions of critters. 世界は暖かく快適で ほとんどの土地は深緑におおわれ Dinosaurs were ubiquitous and had diversified into hundreds of species of all shapes and sizes. 多様な木、花、シダ そして何兆もの生物が存在していた Titanosaurs, large gentle giants shared the world with famous beasts like Tyrannosaurus rex 恐竜はどこにでもいて 形や大きさの多様な数百種に分かれていた or Edmontosaurus. Pectinodon hunted in the undergrowth while Edmontosaurus 穏やかで巨大なティタノサウルスは、 ティラノサウルスやエドモントサウルスと共存しており wandered coastlines and swamps. An ancient paradise, a world of plenty, full of life. ペクティノドンは藪の中を 66 million years ago, maybe on a Tuesday afternoon, life was the same as it had エドモントサウルスは 海岸線や沼地をうろついた been the day before or a thousand years before or pretty much a million years before. Things 古代の楽園、豊かで生命に満ちた世界 were good for our feathered dinosaur buddies. Until a tiny, tiny detail in the sky changed. 6600万年前、それは火曜日の午後だったかも If there were dinosaurs watching the stars, one night they may have noticed the appearance of a 暮らしは昨日と変わらず それは1000年前、100万年前も同じだった new star. A tiny dot, that for many weeks slowly became bigger and brighter. Until one fateful day, 羽毛恐竜たちにもいい世界だった 空に小さな小さな変化が起きるまでは it looked like another, small moon in the night sky. And then it faded from sight as 恐竜が空を見つめていたなら ある夜、新たな星の出現に気づいたかも it dipped into earth's shadow. For a few more hours the illusion of continuity was upheld. 小さな点が数週にわたり 大きく、明るくなっていった Until it was not anymore. In the morning the object suddenly appears again. ある時点までは、夜空にうかぶ もう一つの小さな月に見えただろう Now almost as large as the sun in the sky and growing every moment, そして、地球の影に隠れて見えなくなった heading for the coast near the Yucatan Peninsula. It takes the その後も数時間は ”永続性”という錯覚が維持された asteroid only two seconds to pass through the thin layer between space and the ground それが消え去るまでの時間だ to make contact. As it enters the atmosphere at almost 60 times the speed of sound... 朝になると、突然その物体が再来し Let us stop time. もう太陽ほどになり 刻々と大きくなりながら Here we see the unnamed asteroid about to commit specicide. ユカタン半島付近の 海岸に向かっていた Larger than Mount Everest, it reaches from the ocean 小惑星が成層圏を通過し 地表と接触するまでたったの2秒だ high into the atmosphere, higher than passenger planes would fly millions of years later. 音速の60倍近い速度で大気圏に突入し… At this moment the world was one way. In a fraction of a second ここで時間を止めよう it would be fundamentally different. Let us make the transition. 今、種を絶滅させようとする 名もなき小惑星を見ている As the asteroid hits the shallow ocean and the bedrock below エベレスト山より大きく 海面から大気圏まで到達するほどで the energy of billions of nuclear weapons is released all at once as the asteroid vaporizes. 数百万年後の旅客機よりも高い A flash of light illuminates the sky as an eerie bright white sphere grows over この瞬間にはもう、世界が一瞬で 根本的に変わってしまうことは確定していた the Gulf of Mexico . Bedrock, melts into seething hot plasma at tens of thousands 推移を見てみよう of degrees celsius. The thermal radiation from the explosion travels at the speed of light and 小惑星が浅海とその下の岩盤に衝突すると immediately burns everything within a radius of about 1500 kilometers. while the energy 数十億の核兵器に相当するエネルギーが 一気に放出され、小惑星は蒸発する from the impact pushes so hard against earth's crust that it loses all strength and flows away 閃光が空を照らし、不気味な白い球体が メキシコ湾で拡大していく from the impact site like a liquid, creating a hole 25 kilometers deep and 100 kilometers wide. 岩盤は溶け、数万度のプラズマになる The ocean is pushed back for hundreds of kilometers, like when a kid jumps into a puddle. 熱放射は光速で伝わり As the crust bounces back, melted and flowing crust forms a temporary mountain stretching 半径1500km以内の全てを直ちに焼き尽くた 10 kilometers into the sky.. An incredible amount of material is blasted into the higher atmosphere 一方、衝突のエネルギーは 地殻を強く押しこみ or even out into space, as much as 60 times the original mass of the asteroid. 地殻は強度を失って 液体のように流れ出し The violence of the strike is felt everywhere on earth within minutes. 深さ25km、幅100kmの穴ができた A magnitude 11 earthquake,, maybe the most powerful quake any living thing has ever witnessed 海は何百キロも押し出される 子どもが水たまりに飛び込んだ時のように in billions of years. It is so insanely strong that in India it might have shaken gigantic lava 地殻が跳ね戻ると、溶けて流れた部分が 一時的に高さ10kmの山を形成する fields and causes volcanic eruptions that would last for 30,000 years and cover half 驚くべき量の物質が大気の高層 あるいは宇宙にまで吹き飛ばされ of the indian subcontinent with lava. Even on the side of earth opposite the impact, その質量は元の小惑星の60倍にもなる the ground still moved by several meters. Nobody would sleep through this day. 数分後には地球上のあらゆる場所に衝撃が伝わる The gigantic explosion crashes against the atmosphere with unprecedented violence and causes マグニチュード11 a shockwave that reaches speeds of more than 1,000 kilometers per hour near the site of impact, おそらく、ここ数十億年で生物が目撃した 最も強力な地震だ similar to the hyper hurricanes on gas giants like Neptune. In middle America, basically any soil, あまりにも強力で vegetation or animal is just shredded into pieces and catapulted thousands of km away. インドでは巨大な溶岩地帯で 3万年続く噴火を引き起こし Now the formally displaced oceans return. As the temporary mountain at the site of impact インド亜大陸の半分を 溶岩で覆ったとされる collapses, a ring of tsunamis as high as one kilometer, enough to cover all skyscrapers 地球の裏側でさえ 地面が数メートル動いたという humans would ever build, heads in all directions. As they crash into the coasts of the continents この日を寝過ごした生物はいなかっただろう surrounding the impact, they will drown thousands of kilometers of coastline. 巨大な爆発は大気圏に 未曾有の暴力性で衝突し 15 hours later some of the waves that get refracted around South America 衝突の地点での衝撃派は時速1000kmを超えた will still tower as much as 100 meters into the sky. 海王星などのガス惑星に生じる ハイパーハリケーン並みだ But we still have not talked about the worst thing yet. アメリカ中西部では、土も植物も動物も細切れにされ 数千kmも吹き飛ばされた A lot of the debris yeeted into space will orbit earth for thousands of years, some hit the moon or さて、押し出されていた海が戻ってきた even Mars. But most of it comes right back. When things fall through the atmosphere at such speeds 衝突地点にできていた山が崩れ 高さ1kmの津波の輪が they get very hot, like hundreds of degrees hot. And this happens to millions of tons of ―どんな高層建築よりも高い波が 四方八方に広がっていく material everywhere. This rapidly heats up the atmosphere to insane temperatures. We don't know 衝突地点周辺に津波が達すると 海岸線が数千kmにわたり沈んだだろう exactly how hot it got or how long this heat shock lasted but there are two ideas here. 15時間後、南米周辺で屈折した波の一部は Either the air was heated to hundreds of degrees, for a few minutes. Or to thousands of degrees, for なおも100mの高さにそびえたっていた around one minute. In any case, the air becomes as hot as the inside of an industrial oven. How bad これでもまだ 最悪の要素には触れていない the global effects of this were is contested but if enough heat reached the surface a lot of plants 宇宙に放出された多数のデブリは 数千年にわたり地球を周回し and animals would have died very quickly if they couldn't bury themselves or escape into caves. 月や火星に衝突するものもあったが The heat together with raining debris also may have ignited material on forest floors 大半はすぐに戻った and sparked wildfires as the earth rotated under the searing hot plume. In a few hours 高速で大気圏を落下する過程で デブリは数百度にまで熱せられる massive wildfires were probably burning around the globe. Some of them may have これが数百万トン分 いたるところで起きたのだ lasted for months and turned earth into a horrifying hot hell-ish version of itself. これが大気を異常な温度まで熱した As the day of the impact draws to an end, many of the dinosaurs are already dead, この時の温度や期間は正確には不明だが 2つの仮説がある but the worst is still to come. 数百度が数分か 数千度が一分程度か The gigantic plume of vaporized material reaches the upper atmosphere and spreads around the whole いずれにせよ、工業用オーブンの 内側のような高温となった globe. Together with the soot from the burning planet and the aerosols generated at impact, the この現象が世界に及ぼした影響には 議論があるが planet sinks into a deep darkness, with only the remaining raging fires illuminating the scenery. 地表に十分な熱が届いたなら、土や洞窟に隠れない限り 動植物は速やかに死んだだろう Whatever plants survive the firstorms will now be starved for sunlight as global デブリの運んだ熱により林床の物質が発火し 山火事が発生したと考えられている photosynthesis is temporarily shut down. Within days temperatures crash as much as 25° celsius. 灼熱のプルームの下で 地球が自転するに伴い The oceans were especially hit hard. The lack of sunlight killed over 90% of plankton 数時間後には世界中で 大規模な山火事が発生していただろう which form the basis of the food web of marine life. Ultimately this would いくつかは数カ月も続き、 地球を地獄じみた暑さにしていたかもしれない kill off the large marine reptiles and ammonites that used to dominate the seas. 衝突の日が終わる頃 すでに多くの恐竜が死んでいるが The biosphere the survivors now find themselves in is like an alien landscape. Ash, 最悪の事態はまだ続く debris and the burned remains of the formerly lush and blooming life 気化したプルームは大気圏に到達し cover the ground, the sky is dark and it is cold and fresh food is scarce, while fungi thrive. 地球全体に広がっていく For months and years the planet will be a hostile and deadly place. The sudden global winter 山火事によるススや衝突時に発生したエアロゾルで 地球は闇に閉ざされ will last for decades. At least 75% of all species on earth will just vanish from existence. 燃え盛る炎だけが景色を照らしている And so, as the day ends, the world is suddenly different. The continuity that 生き残った植物も日光に飢え 地球上の光合成が一時的に停止する went on for millions of years is no more. The Era of the dinosaurs is over. Just like that. 数日後には、気温が25度も低下する Eventually, from the ashes of the old world, survivors emerged. Birds that are the direct 海への影響は特に深刻だ descendents of the dinosaurs and mammals that would eventually become the dominant animals on 日光不足により食物連鎖の基礎となる プランクトンの90%以上が死亡した the planet. Without the Asteroid, who knows what life on earth would look like today. 結果として、海を支配していた海洋大型爬虫類や アンモナイトが絶滅してしまう Without the sudden disruption of dinosaur continuity, that completely changed the 生存者が目の当たりにする生物圏は これまでとかけ離れている planet and all life on it, we might have never had the opportunity to become what we are today. 灰、瓦礫、みずみずしかった生命の焼け跡が 地面を覆っており It is not clear how long the Human Era will last. So far modern humans have been around for 0.1% of 空は暗く、寒く、新鮮な食物は不足し 一方で菌類が栄えている the time the dinosaurs were. And in this short amount of time we've achieved impressive feats, 数カ月から数年にわたり 地球は劣悪で死に満ちた場所になる from making the world our own, to reaching space and splitting the atom. Yet our future 突如訪れた地球の冬は数十年続いた and our long-term survival is not a given. If we are not careful, it could end in an instant, 少なくとも地球上の全生物種の75%は 存在しなくなった like the Age of the Dinosaurs ended. But in contrast to them, こうして一日が終わり 世界は突如として別のものになった we know that our continuity is fragile, even if it doesn't feel like it. We can be prepared 数百万年にわたった連続性は もはや途絶えた and be vigilant and hopeful. If we are lucky, our journey will go on for a long, long time. 恐竜の時代はこのように 突如として終わったのだ Speaking of journeys, we want to address something in the spirit of transparency. Kurzgesagt has やがて旧世界の灰の中から生き残りが現れた changed in the last two years: We've become more than a youtube channel or animation studio 恐竜の直系の子孫である鳥類や and now also run a paper shop that sells hundreds of thousands of calendars, posters and notebooks. 後に地上の支配者となる哺乳類だ It's not a happy accident – many of us have a background in graphic design. Paper products 小惑星の衝突がなければ、現在の地球上の生命は どうなっていたのか、知りようもない are our roots and we actually started out creating posters, books and print infographics. 恐竜の突如の絶滅と 生物圏への根本的な変化がなければ We love that you can touch them, smell them, nerd about small details and printing techniques. 現在の私たちに至るきっかけ自体が 無かったかもしれない Just like the channel, we started small and without great ambition. Step by step, we found 人類の時代がどれだけ続くのかは不透明だ the right printers and papers, learned about shipping and expanded our shop. We put a huge 現時点で、人類の存続期間は恐竜の0.1%だ amount of research, love and hours into it because this is the only way we know how to do things. この短期間に、多くの偉業を成し遂げた We don't just want to make generic merch but things that fit our mission of making science 世界を人間のものにしたり、宇宙に到達したり 原子を分割したり exciting and creating beautiful things. Things that persist and are made with high quality and しかし、人類の未来や 長期的生存は保証されていない love. Our shop gives us another outlet to do this and as a nice side effect, has turned into 下手をすると、恐竜の時代のように 一瞬で終わってしまうかもしれない our main source of income for everything we do on this channel. Which also keeps us independent and しかし恐竜と違って 人類は自分たちの永続性が脆いことを知っている our video free for everyone. So we want to build further on that and create more things that last. 直観的にそうは思えないにせよ We just started a new notebook line called Pocket Log that we will expand on in the future. The 人類は備え、警戒し、希望を持つことができる first edition is a dinosaur themed collection that will hopefully serve a future paleontologist well. 運が良ければ、人類の旅は長く長く続くだろう There are loads of plans for sciency stuff, more journals and calendars and infographics! 旅の話題にかこつけ 透明性のために伝えたいことがあります Let us know what you would like us to make, for your room, kids, classrooms and yourself. Kurzgesagtはここ2年で変わりました In the end the things we do work because you like them, and because you enable us Youtubeチャンネルやアニメーションスタジオを超え 何十万ものカレンダー、ポスター、ノートを販売する ペーパーショップも運営しています to put thousands of hours into videos and hundreds of hours into posters and journals. 幸運にも、メンバーの多くはグラフィックデザインの 背景をもっていました Thank you so much for that. We are looking forward to making fun sciency stuff for you, 紙製品が私たちのルーツであり、実際にポスターや本 印刷物のインフォグラフィックを作ることから始めました no matter if it will be a video, a poster or something else entirely. Thank you for watching. 触ったり、匂いを嗅いだり、細かいディテールや 印刷技術を知ることができるのも魅力です
B1 中級 日本語 米 恐竜 衝突 km 地球 大気 惑星 The Day the Dinosaurs Died – Minute by Minute 62 0 OolongCha に公開 2021 年 07 月 04 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語