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Hi everyone jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question.
皆さん、こんにちは。Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation questionです。
We have three words today nutrient
nutrition and nutritious and these words all refer to substances that provide nourishment.
So let's take a look at our words: We have nutrient nutrition and nutritious.
そこで、私たちの言葉を見てみましょう。 nutrient nutritionとnutritiousがあります。
All right so let's start with syllable number one new - nice and easy touch the tip of your tongue
それでは、音節番号1の新しい音から始めましょう - 舌の先に触れるように、いい感じで。
to the back of your top front teeth for that n sound air will move out of your nose for that
nasal n sound; and then puck your lips for the oo and make that vowel nice and long. New new. Yes
it's just like the word new. For nutrient, next, we are going to move to the tree syllable. To say
tree you are going to touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your top front teeth for that t
and then you are going to move it away either
back away from the teeth or down to the bottom of the mouth for the r tr tr tr
のために歯から離れたり、口の下まで下がったりして、r tr tr
It's not a ch sound it's not a cha it's a tr tr your tongue is staying
is moving more down or flipping back
not just pulling back I do have a video on that sound i'll link it, um in case you are interested.
And then you are going to smile for that long e tree tree tree.
So let's put those first two syllables together new tree nutri nutri new tree.
では、その最初の2つの音節を合わせてみましょう......new tree nutri nutri new tree.
And then we're going to end with ant short unstressed u sound mouth is just relaxed,
and then say that n touch the teeth, air comes out of the nose,
and then as you pull the tongue away from the teeth air just pops out of the mouth.
unt unt unt
nutrient nutrient nutrient
ニュートリエント ニュートリエント ニュートリエント
Now for nutrition and nutritious,
what we're going to do is we're going to shift that stress to the tr, to that middle syllable,
and we're no longer going to say an e. It's going to be a short i. So you're going to relax
your mouth a little bit for that short i, E is up here , short i, ih, is just down here. Your tongue
will go from way high for the e, pop down a little bit, still going to be flat and high for that ih.
E ih E ih
E ih E ih
And then we're going to end with shun, pucker your lips for that sh sound,
air moves out. Move to that short uh sound and then end with the n by touching the tip of the
tongue to the back of the top front teeth. Air moves out of the nose for the shun or shus.
Then you are just going to do the sh short u uh s and then the s sound key here is make sure
続いて、sh short u uh sを行い、sの音を出すのがポイントです。
your lips are pulled back and no longer puckered. For that s sound tip of the tongue is either down
唇は後ろに引いて、くぼみを作らないようにします。 そのためには、舌の先端を下に向けるか
or behind the back of the top front teeth. Let's put these all together: new tri shun new tri shus
または上の前歯の裏にある。これらをまとめて、「ニュートリシュン ニュートリシュス」としましょう。
Let's give them all a try. nutrient nutrient nutrient
全部試してみよう 栄養素 栄養素 栄養素
nutrition nutrition nutrition nutrition nutritious nutritious nutritious
nutritious nutritious nutritious nutrient nutrition nutritious
栄養満点 栄養満点 栄養満点 栄養満点 栄養満点
So I hope that you were getting a lot of your nutrients from your foods that have that are
very nutritious and good for your nutrition. So give it a try I know people are going to notice
the difference. If you found this helpful we'd love a like a share and a subscribe,
check out our products on google play itunes, and our classes at Tarle Speech.
google play, itunes, Tarle Speechでのクラスをご覧ください。
Thanks everyone have a great week!