字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント On a day like today, it sure looks like it could thunderstorm at any moment. You gotta be ready for rain in the rainy season in Japan. 今年も梅雨の季節です ゲリラ豪雨にも注意が必要です [Life in Japan theme song] ジョシュアだね! Whoa! Who's up? Hey big guy! おはよう! Good morning. 朝ごはん? Is it breakfast time guys? ‐ 皆で作ってるよ ‐ 本当に? They're making it, like a cooking room. Oh, lets go see, let's go see. 皆で料理? アナは卵担当だね Is everybody making stuff? Anna is on egg duty. 上手でしょ? Satisfying. Do you like making eggs Anna? Yes. - 卵焼くの好き? - うん What are you working on Sarah? Is this some of your homework? Yea. You didn't get done from last night? サラは何してるの? 残りの宿題? For the Sarah and Joshua, yay! ♪サラとジョシュアの分♪ I was singing 'milk'. Anna's so quiet. Oh my goodness, are you carrying three? アナは静かだね 3つも持って来たの? We were still missing one thing. What's that? It's a...owww. - 足りないものがあるよ - 何? It's stuck. Forks! It got stuck like this and I couldn't... フォークだよ! 絡まって取れなかった We got them now, huh? Yes. ‐ もう大丈夫だね - うん Ok, everyone's ready it looks like. Mommy and Daddy are going to sit down. 準備できたね ママとパパも座るよ Becca, Anna. What are we getting ready for this weekend? What's gonna happen? ベッカ、アナ 週末は何があるんだっけ? Our 6th grader trip tomorrow. 6年生の修学旅行! Tomorrow! 明日? What.. Sugoi, ne? すごいね! We need to leave our house really late. Yeah? Much later than when the go to school. いつもより遅い時間に 家を出るんだよ Like one hour. 1時間も Ok, but we really need to get breakfast going. Ok, let's get eating. - 早く食べましょう - そうしよう Oh, I forgot a knife and fork for daddy, but lets pray. No fork for daddy, ahhh! Ok, let's pray! - パパのナイフとフォークがない - とりあえず祈ろう! Dear Jesus, thank you for this beautiful day, thank you for your presence in our life. イエス様 素晴らしい日をありがとう いつも共にいてくれてありがとう We pray that you bless this food to our use. Bless our day today. この食事とこの日を 祝福してください In Jesus' name, amen. イエス様の御名によって アーメン Where's my vitamin? Where's your other vitamin? - ビタミン剤は? - 無いの? Oh my goodness. Look at this breakfast that the girls are helping mommy make. Oh wow. 子供達がママと一緒に 作ってくれた朝食です It's amazing guys. 美味しいよ! It's the clean up time in here. Clean up. 掃除タイムです Is this randoseru ball? Then I need to put it on too. - ランドセル・ボールかな? - 私も持ってくる Daddy. パパ Time for school. 学校の時間です Everybody has a mask, right? Sarah has her mask. ‐ マスク着けてる? - サラは着けてるよ Is Becca and Anna gonna go at Friday going to the place, we can't do a Friday dance. ベッカとアナは修学旅行だから フライデー・ダンスできないね Oh yeah, so we should do a Thursday dance? サーズデー・ダンスにすれば? What's your favorite part of the walk each morning? 通学路で好きなのは? Like, to see the corn. The corn! Yes, the corn is coming up. I do like the corn. - トウモロコシかな - 大きくなってきたね I wish I could eat all the corn. All the corn? It's so good. - 全部食べたいな - 美味しいよね Especially in America. Yeah, corn on the cob. 特にアメリカのは最高 丸ごと食べたい Ok, this is our favorite part, right? How tall is the corn? お気に入りの場所だよ トウモロコシの高さは? Taller than you. Taller? We'll have to see what it's like later on, huh? - パパより高いよ - 後で測ってみようか You guys have a blessed day, ok? 楽しんで! What time is it? What time is it? It's time to go to school. - 何時? - もうじき始業だよ Now, time for Joshua to go to school. Who's coming home with you today Joshua? Aiden. Aiden! - 次はジョシュアです!誰が来るの? - エイデン! Awesome! How fun is that? 楽しいね! It's his second time. It's the second time he's coming home, yes. - 2回目だよ - 家に来るのは2回目だね I want, daddy to take me back. パパに迎えに来てほしい To bring you back later? Ok, we'll see, ok? 幼稚園に? 考えておくよ If it's raining I'm going to pick you by car. 雨だったら 車で迎えに行くわ If its not raining then maybe I can walk! 降ってなければ 歩けるかも! Do I want a light jacket, I wonder? ジャケット着る? Careful, you're lunch is in there, don't flop it around. Ok Dude. お弁当が入ってるから 気を付けてね Have a blessed day. I love you. 沢山の祝福を! 愛してるよ You too! パパもね Bye. Bye. じゃあね Alrighty, Mama-chan. Bye-bye. Bye. - ママも行ってらっしゃい - じゃあね Today we are going to Northport Mall because they have a Bookoff. ノースポート・モールの ブックオフに行きます And, my kids don't have backpacks large enough to carry all their school overnight things in. 娘たちはお泊り用の 大きい鞄を持ってないので So, I need to go buy a backpack. 2人にバックパックを買います Major intersection here. 大きな交差点です Leading right up to another major intersection. また別の交差点に繋がってます With a train going over it. Welcome to Japan! その上を電車が走ってます さすが日本ですね Starting to look like Yokohama. Starting to look like rain. - 横浜っぽい風景です - 雨も降って来そう It's rainin' hard. It is raining pretty hard up there. - すごい雨ね - 土砂降りだね Northport's parking garage goes up for 7 or 8 stories. ノースポートの駐車場は 7階以上あります And up and up. 上に行くわよ And so begins the ascent. 登り坂です Just don't like parking here because the parking spots are so teensy weensy. 駐車スペースが狭いから 苦手なのよね And in Japan you back in to all of the spaces. 日本ではちゃんと奥まで バックします We made it. お疲れ! Mode Off, look out. モードオフです I see some more backpacks. あっちにもあるわ We found one that she likes already, wow. もう見つけたみたいです Ok, here we go. 行きましょう! Let me check inside. 中を確認するわ This could be a tough decision. 迷います I think I'm going to buy this for Anna. これはアナに買うわ Oh, no I'm not. やっぱりやめた Yummy! Lunch time. A little Taco Bell today. Yum. - 美味しそう! - 今日はタコベルです In between the time that we went into the mall and we came out, it just down poured. 買い物中にすごい雨が 降ったみたいです Because it's rainy season and then now it looks like its going to get sunny again. This is just like when we lived in Brazil. 梅雨ですがまた晴れてきました まるでブラジルの気候です Wow. Look who it is. 誰かな? And me. Aiden and Joshua. What's going on guys? - 僕もいるよ! - エイデンとジョシュア! Are we going to come play at home? 家で遊ぶの? We are going to make chocolate chip cookies. 一緒にクッキーを作るんだ Gonna make chocolate chip cookies? クッキーを作るの? Joshua, where's your mask? マスクは? Oh, it's starting to rain again! また雨です! Oh, here comes a train. I can see it! I can see it too. Its the yellow one. You can see it? There it is, there it is. - 電車が来たよ - 見えた! Get ready for it! - 黄色い電車が見える! - 来たね! I was scared that my mask would just fly out of my pocket. Oh my goodness, how many masks do you have in your pocket? Four. 来るよ! Get the hats on its raining, its raining. Protect your heads! ‐ マスクがポケットから落ちるかと思った - 何個入ってるの? Let's get back, huh? It said it wasn't going to rain for the next hour! 4つ That's right. They said no rain for an hour. 帽子をかぶって! And then, down pour. - 早く帰ろう! - 予報では1時間後のはずなのに Ok. 予報はそうだったね I know this guy. I've seen him on TV before. でも雨だね Mega Lightning McQueen. A mega, yeah. どうぞ So, is this what we meant by we're making chocolate chip cookies? Does that mean... テレビで見たことある I make it, they eat it. It's cleaner that way. Yes. マックイーンだよ! In the meantime, I'm making a fresh pot of coffee, oh yeah. チョコクッキーを作るの? Should we play a... I'm just going to show you my game. クッキーを作るわ I can have this dinosaur. コーヒーを淹れます Five minutes later, my dough is ready. Super fast. Glorious. Super easy - crowd pleaser. ゲーム見せてあげる! And in the meantime, the coffee is ready. Good timing. 恐竜だよ! Here's something that's a game that's really cool. 生地は5分で完成! 楽ちんレシピよ So we actually can hang this up somewhere. コーヒーも出来たよ Like right there. I'm the one that found that board. It was hiding in there. 面白いゲームだよ! Then they can stick on, see. 引掛けるよ You're gonna hold it Joshua for him? That's brave. - いいね - 僕が見つけた! If Aiden gets it here you get 100 points. くっつくの We need to find a hooking thing so it can hook on. ジョシュアが持つの?凄い! And Aiden... Here, why don't we close one of these and put it on the door. ここが100点だよ! Very good. 引っ掛けないと It can stick on. ドアの後ろは? Sarah. Coming home from school. Hi honey. うん! Hi. How was school today? Good. Good, what did you do? くっついた! We did a practice of doing an earthquake. サラ お帰り! An earthquake drill practice, oh my. How did it go? Good. 今日の学校は?何したの? Oh, very cool. Guess who's at home right now. 避難訓練 Mommy? Yep, and? 地震に備えてだね どうだった? Joshua? And?? 誰が家に居ると思う? Aiden! ママ? They are playing like two peas in a pod, let me tell you what. - ジョシュア? - そして? Hey, Joshua said, Joshua said, no you can't go upstairs because it's only boys, no girls allowed. エイデン! No girls allowed upstairs? Oh my goodness. 二人は凄く仲良しだね Well, maybe you'll need to send daddy upstairs if you need to get something. この前は「男の子だけ!」って 2階に入れてくれなかったの Ok! ダメだったの? Hurry! パパが代わりに行くよ I love it, I love it! OK! Aiden! Just move mommy! 急いで! It will maybe go over there if it crashes its just going to fall down. すごい! Oh no. エイデン! But he did fly! It was its second time! It flew. It was its second time. Awesome. 落ちちゃうかも Editing a video here. I think its time to get a refill on a cup of coffee and see if those chocolate chip cookie bars are done. That sure sounds good. - でも飛んだね! - 2回目だよ! Oh my goodness! コーヒーを楽しみながら編集します チョコクッキーが楽しみです Look what happened here. You guys built quite the ramp. すごい! Whoa! Too hard. レースキットが出来てる! If you go too hard it launches outside the track. すごい! There you go! That was a good one. 強すぎると飛び出るね Gonna grab another car. I heard the piano, the girls must be home. 今のは上手! Hey, you know Aiden comes? Alright girls, how's it going? Good. - もう1回 - 誰かがピアノ弾いてるね I'm scared. Scared? Whatever for. - エイデンが来てるよ! - 元気? You're not scared. Ok, sit down. What's the name of this? - 怖い - どうして? Yama no Ongaku kai. 大丈夫だから座って What's that mean? I don't know. "やまのおんがく会" It's the mountain's ongaku kai. - 意味は? - 分からない Awesome. 山の音楽会 Hey, did you guys want to take it to the park? すごい! Yeah! This ball can kick super high. Whoa, you almost hit me. 公園に行く? You can see the moon way up there, huh? - 高く蹴れるよ! - 当たりそうだったよ That's cool. 月が見えるね Ok, here we go. Its fun time at the park time. すごいね The park is full. Lots of people playing. There's Becca and Anna over there playing with their friends. 公園で遊ぼう! Sarah's over here playing with her friend. 沢山人がいます ベッカとアナもいます Well guys, is it time to go home Aiden? サラと友達もいます Yes. Boo-hoo, huh? Joshua's pretty sad about it. Joshua? エイデンが帰る時間だね Joshua, are you hungry? Let's get some food? ジョシュアはご機嫌斜めみたいだ Mommy made some food, I just have to pull it out of the oven. お腹空いた? What did she make for you guys? ママの御飯を レンジから出すよ Oh, my goodness. 何かな? Oh wow guys! すごい Wait until you see this! みんな! Munch, munch. Yummy, yummy, yummy. ちょっと待って Sarah, come get me. もぐもぐ Munch, munch. サラ おいで Ummm, yum? もぐもぐ I'm out for my jog. This is it. 美味しい? Beautiful night like this is just the perfect time for a jog. ジョギングに来ました Great way to end a work day. ジョギングにぴったりの時間です This is the big one. 最高な瞬間です Yes, I want this. You can tighten it right here. It comes down to my butt. 大きいわよ This is my angry song. Angry song, why? - これがいい - 調節できるわよ So Anna, if you wanna use this one. It's an awfully cute one and it snaps right here. - 怒っている歌 - 何で? And it is light blue. とっても似合ってるわよ Close your eyes and put your hands out. Ok, open it. 水色だよ! What did we get? Show me! 目を閉じて!いい? What is it? 何? Kupa. A Kupa or a Gumba in English. 何? Anna! What are you looking forward to with your trip tomorrow? クリボー! The waterfall. Me too! The waterfall? You too? アナは何が楽しみ? Oh, sweet. - 滝! - 私も! The fan, the air. いいね Close all the... I don't like closet doors open. 空調を入れて Get it all prepped and ready. Oh, Yoshi. クローゼットを閉めるわよ Tell me princess, now when did you just let your heart decide. 準備完了です What happened? The camera. ♪ お姫様!教えて下さい! ♪ Joshua, did you get into your tent already? どうしたの? Now its going to shoot something. ジョシュアはテントの中? Whoa! What a cool little tent you made here on your bed. 撃つよ! When I press right here then its, this is a ... you can also spin this one. カッコいいテントだね! Ok guys, while you are doing that, the verse of the day. ここを押すと回転するの At night... With Dad 準備できた? Can you give me some water.
B1 中級 日本語 ジョシュア サラ パパ アナ ママ すごい 雨の季節の日々|日本での生活|第114話 (These Rainy Season Days | Life in Japan Episode 114) 15 3 Summer に公開 2021 年 07 月 02 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語