字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント The girls decided that they want to switch rooms around. 子供部屋の模様替え Which usually means lots of work for mom. 大仕事よ We gotta empty out some drawers 物を片付けて Now we gotta figure out where to put these things. 整理し直さないと [Life in Japan theme song.] - どうしたの? - 待って Ok, what happened in here? Wait. Wait. 私の机は向こう サラの机はここ So we are going to move our 2 desks in there - Anna and mine. Sarah's desk is going to go right there... By my futon. - そこに移動するの? - 開かないから Oh, your desk is going to go back there? Because it won't open because of this. - そうだね - ベットは奥に Oh yeah. Then gonna push the bed a little bit more that way. Oh ok. 新しい2段ベットがここに来るの! And then if we have enough space right there, we're gonna get another bunk bed. Yay, yay. ここに置くの? Oh another bunk bed will go here?! Whoa! 空っぽのママの部屋も見て! Oh my goodness! And come look at mommy's office. It's really empty. - どれ? - 見て! Oh, is it coming along well? Yeah, look at that! - 物はどこ? - 廊下だよ Oh my goodness! Where did everything go? It's in the hallway - for now. カメラ! [Sarah] Camera! 呼ばれています We're being called back over here. ここに入れたの This is where all the stuff was. 3, 2, 1... 3・2・1 Whoa! All organized and nice, huh? These are all the toys. - 綺麗だね! - おもちゃだよ Very good! いいね! And look! I can jump on the bed! Oh, we know that. - ジャンプできるよ! - そうだね Ok, but I don't want it right now, honey. ちょっと待って I've just been offered all my son's money to buy him more Mario Lego pieces. お小遣いでマリオのレゴ買ってほしいって You're going to give mommy all your money, why? お小遣いを預けるの? Because so we can buy a lego Mario. So more lego Mario pieces, huh? - レゴのマリオを買ってほしいの - なるほどね Are we done organizing our room tonight? Yep, yep. - 掃除は終わった? - うん What did we... what happened? We moved my bed. - どうしたの? - ベットを運んだの You moved your bed? Um hum. お引越し? Whoa ho. Whoa! ワーオ! Whoa! Where did everything go? 他の物は? So, we are going to move these. And then, right there is Sarah's desk. これも移動するの あれがサラの机 Then if you look in there, it's changed. ここも変えたよ It's still a little bit of a mess but mommy got tired. Well, you still have more days to organize. - 途中だけど疲れたわ - 数日かかりそうだね Wow! Oh that works out perfect, doesn't it? Right? 上手な配置だね! Living in a small space means you're always looking for ways to improve its use. 部屋の有効活用は我が家のテーマです And if you're looking to do that, then you're bound to end up at ikea, or as you say in Japanese, IKEA. 英語での発音は ”アイケア” イケアは心強い味方です We reorganized the kids' room, again, and now we need another bunk bed 子供部屋の模様替えで ベットを新調します because we're gonna take the kids off the floor, put them in bunk beds so that we have a little more space. So let's go shop! 2段ベットで部屋を有効活用します Cause I think this $70 one's just a little too... Expensive. 7千円は高いわ Expensive, is that what you think? そうかもね What do you think? A good night? Well... - どう? - おやすみ So we're gonna go with this one. これに決めました The HAFSLO. Single. ハフスロー What is going on down here? 何してるの? We got... Bunk beds, bunk beds. 2段ベット! We got this bunk bed, but this is the one we want, but with the bottom bunk. この形で2段の物がいいわ Ohhh, yeah. そうだね So, I came to pick up the mattress, and it looks like it... マットレスの在庫だけど It really is Nate! 何これ! That is crazy! The whole mattress is coiled up like that. すごい梱包です! That's insane! すごい! It's cool! そうだろ? Well, the good news is we can take the mattress home today, huh? 今日決まりそうだね That's insane! ビックリよ! What's insane? That's the whole mattress right there. - 何が? - これがベットになるんだ It came in. 数日後 It came in. 来ました This is the joy of IKEA furniture. 遂に! The students studies. これぞイケアです I want this mesh thing to be right over there instead of over... yeah. 勉強中です Page 13. Page 13 to start. メッシュの部分が向こうになるように Even though over half of our house is furniture from Ikea that we put together, nothing had prepared us for the bunk bed we were about to construct. 13ページからね It will forever be etched in our minds as the “The Ikea BunkBed Nightmare.” 我が家の家具の半分がイケアですが こんな事になろうとは… This has the worst design ever! Everything's unboxed. Holy cow! 正に "イケアの悪夢" でした We got this on sale but now we see why. - 大変すぎる - やっと全部出したね It is going to take some work to set up. セール価格の理由が分かりました Anybody else out there ever bought IKEA furniture and put it together? 準備が大変です Lesson number one: never buy an Ikea bed that involves mesh. It will only complicate every single screw you have to install. イケアの家具を組立てた事がありますか? This is where Nitori is a million times better. <①メッシュデザインの2段ベットは要注意!> Cause, they put it together. ニトリは本当に凄いわ ある程度まで出来上がってるから This is the worst instructions ever to mankind. 史上最悪の説明書ね Lesson number two: never assume that an Ikea assembly will go smoothly just because you've done a bunch of them. <②沢山組立てても進んでるとは限らない!> Plan at least twice as much time as you think it should take, then double it. 所要時間を2倍にして 更に倍にした方がいいです Well, how about the numbering system on this one? This one sucks, let me tell you what. - 番号は対応してる? - 最悪よ! Whoever designed this bed at Ikea should be fired. 設計者はクビかもね Lesson number three: Keep calm and move forward. Pain is temporary, but the gain is long term. Don't say anything you'll regret later. <③ 落ち着きましょう! イライラすると自分が損をします> Let me tell you what, my sanity... I'm a little less sane right now. 分かる?変なテンションよ I'm loosing brain power trying to do this thing. 気力が果てたわ So, we were trying to get this all screwed in and look, it doesn't line up! It doesn't line up! ネジが完全に入りきりません Oh my goodness! 大変! Holy... もう! So, wouldn't you know, we got it all set up, ready, and two of the boards on the bottom were switched around! We had to 底の部分を取り付けた後 やり直す羽目になりました We had to completely take it apart, put it back together again. My goodness. 完全に分解してから やり直しです If Ikea ever created a worst product, it doesn't exist. これ 完成しそうにないわよ My fingers are so freakin sore, nothing fits. 指は痛むのに 部品ははまらない Now I have to put 50 million little screws in and screw it all into that! 大量のネジを またねじ込まないといけないのよ! With it together like this? Uh, yeah. - こう? - そう! It took me 30 minutes to put this together. これだけで30分! Oh man! 大変だ We had to call in the reserves. Yes. 援軍がいるね Well, put the mattresses on it and.. Yeah, but that is an interesting thing! - マットレスを置こう - やっとよ! Here's the mattress! We couldn't believe this is the mattress. これがマットレス! 凄く小さいだろ? Is it too wide? No, it is made for this. - 大きすぎない? - 合うはずよ Are you sure? 本当? Here it goes! Wait Joshua, wait. - 行くよ! - 待って Joshua, let's watch this one. ジョシュア これ見て Oh, because it's still in the plastic maybe? Oh yeah. まだ剥がれない? You have to cut the sections. I wonder if we wanted to have cut it first, huh? Watch out. ここを最初に切らないと Let's watch! It's going to be awesome! Hi Luiza. ルイーザも楽しみだね! Our supervisors! 援軍です It's like opening champagne シャンパンを開ける感じ? They really don't want it to come undone, let me tell you what. 出てきたくないみたいです I don't know how to do this. So its not accidentally. - 変よね - そうだね Yeah, this is definitely gonna be on purpose if it gets open. どうなってるのかしら Layers. Ohh its stretching. I think that might be the one. 膨張してるのかも Look, Joey, look! ジョーイ 見て! Is this like what its like having a caesarean? Oh, it makes noise! - 帝王切開みたい? - 開きそう! Oh my goodness. The springs are opening up! 遂にだね! It's kinda scary. Ahh. ちょっと怖い Popcorn, popcorn! ポップコーン! Oh my goodness. We should have done it from the other side. Whoa!! 反対から開けるべきだったかも I hope its right side up. 正しい向きだよね? I think ... it's upside down. I think it's the other way, isn't it? It's upside down. 多分逆だね Oh my goodness, well, that's about right. No matter what, it's going to do it always upside down. 何と逆向きでした And this is my bed. 僕のベット! It's a little nerve-wracking 落ち着いて AHHH! まるで撃たれた気分よ! You really do feel like you are getting shot! - もうヤダ! - スローで撮りたかったよ It scared the poop out of me! 大変だ! Hey, can you put it back in there. I want to do it again in slow motion. Yeah, right. 2歩で上がれる Oh man! 簡単に登れるね Ahhhh! もしかしたらジャンプできるかも There's only 2 steps - ジャンプで移れる? - もしかしたら Anna. You don't have to go very far at all, do you? 快適? Huh? If there was a trundle bed, I could make it all the way up here. もう楽しい! You could almost just jump up there onto your new one, huh? Can you? No, I can jump to here. 後ろ見て! Ohhhh, hows it feel? Is it comfy? サラのベットは? It's just so fun already. Oh, nice. 気分は天国?もう床で寝なくていいね Look behind you! Oh my goodness! サラ よかったね! Sarah, bara! What's going on Sarah? - ジョシュアの新しいベット? - うん Oh, are you just in heaven? You're not on the floor anymore, are you? Ohhh. Um Hum. Yeah, I'm in heaven. いいね! Wow, Sarah. How nice! Finally. - 水置く場所もあるよ - そうなの? Joshua. Is this where you sleep now? Yeah. - いいね! - 今持ってくる Oh my goodness! おはよう! And we can put our water and stuff right here. You have a place for your water? 私の番はまだ That's good. But I'm going to go fill it up right now. ラミーキューブだね! Good morning everybody! Good morning! ベットはどう? It's not my turn yet... 最高! Oh my goodness, a little bit of Rummicube! 熟睡だった So, how were the new beds last night? 5時に起きたよ Really good. Wonderful! 起きたくなかったの? Wonderful? I didn't even wake up. 夜中に目が覚めなかったって I only "waked" up at five. Oh wow. 私も同じ! You didn't want to wake up? - 文法が間違ってるよ - ”起きなかった” She didn't wake up during the night. 初めてなの I didn't woke up too. I didn't "wake" up. サラは新しいベットどうだった? Say "I didn't wake up too." I didn't wake up too. - 最高 - まだ半分寝てるね This is my first time ever. 午後 Sarah, yeah, you were on a new bed too. How was it? ルースがイケアで 買い物したそうです Goo... Good? You're still waking up! これから帰ってきます LATER THAT DAY... イケアに懲りたかと思ったのに I've just received word that the girlfriend has received more IKEA purchases ショールームは素敵よ And they're coming this way now for me to unload. Let's go see what it is. 何買ったの? I'm kind of surprised you ordered something more from Ikea. パティオ用のテーブルと椅子 Well, they get ya! They have their showrooms. いいね! What did you get? ズボンは? A table and chairs for my little patio. 今年最高の暑さね Nice! ずれ落ちちゃうの You have pants on? Yeah. そうね On the hottest day of the year?! ここに置く? I know! 見えない So, should we put it right here like this? こっちも良さそう No, it's too hard to see it そうね It can also be right here I think. 待ってね Yea, it could be right there actually. 長い道のりでした Try to make it work. 無い部品をもらいに イケアに行く必要がありました It's the end of a saga, which is the assembly of this bed. 歴史的瞬間です Had to go back to IKEA to get the piece that was no more. おしまい! There it is. Momentous occasion. おしまい! Nice! 長い道のりでした! The top goes on! 似合ってるね My goodness, that went in a long ways! 隠れ家よ Oh, well now that's more like it, huh? 組立ては? Yes, my secret haven. 兄さんにやってもらったわ How was this for construction? 最高! For this one, I just had my brother come over and put it together for me. 大変な体験でした I didn't touch it! それでもイケアのファンです So that was our epic experience, "いいね!" と "チャンネル登録" をお願いします! But obviously we really do like IKEA because we keep buying their products. オリジナルTシャツも販売してます So please like and subscribe and continue watching us on Life in Japan. (※概要欄に「Life in Japan オンラインストア」の案内があります) You can buy this shirt at our store. Bye bye! 上手!いいね! Yes Becster! Awesome. Way to go!
B1 中級 日本語 イケア ベッド マットレス サラ ikea ジョシュア IKEAベッド建設の悪夢|Life in Japan Episode 113 (IKEA Bed Construction Nightmare | Life in Japan Episode 113) 17 2 Summer に公開 2021 年 06 月 25 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語