字幕表 動画を再生する
[narrator] Cricket is an old British sport.
Very well played, sir.
Cricket... of course, doesn't even have rules.
クリケットの競技規則は “法律”と呼ばれる
It has laws.
気取ってて 大げさな印象だ
And that immediately strikes some people as pompous and self-regarding.
“法律”の大半は19世紀に 作られました
[narrator] Those laws were mostly written in 19th-century London
発祥の地とされる ロンドンの“ローズ”で
at a pitch still considered the home of cricket
called Lord's.
貴族ロードのための ―
[newsreel narrator] For this is Lord's:
伝統と形式に根ざした スポーツです
deeply rooted in tradition and in the ritual tradition brings.
試合中に ティータイムまである
You know, God bless cricket.
It has a tea break in the game.
5日間 続けて プレーすることも
[Brian Lara] It's definitely a test of attrition.
A lot of people can't get their mind around,
より収入が見込め ―
"How do you stand out there for five days?"
観客を呼ぶ 新しい形式が 生まれました
[narrator] But cricket has changed.
There's a new form of the sport
That's bringing in more money, fans, and a different style of play.
But one thing hasn't changed.
[Kimber] It's complicated.
それでも 10億人もの人が ―
It is one of the most complicated sports on Earth.
2015年のインド対 パキスタン戦を ―
It's totally wiggly.
It doesn't even follow any apparent obvious reason.
[narrator] That didn't put off the one billion people
英国生まれの 複雑なスポーツが ―
that were estimated to have watched a single cricket match in 2015
なぜ ここまで大人気に?
between India and Pakistan.
That's one in seven humans.
柳の板と球を使った 細やかな戦い
So how did this confusing British game
become one of the most popular sports on Earth?
[newsreel announcer] And here's the England side coming into the field.
[crowd cheering]
ワールド・カップ 驚きの展開
[newsreel narrator] A subtle battle between a slice of willow
もはや 英国紳士の スポーツではない
and a round of leather.
[man shouts] Yeah! Got it.
[crowd cheering]
11人のチーム 2チームが対戦
[announcer 1] West Indian skipper, Brian Lara.
攻撃側の2人が ピッチの両側について ―
[announcer 2] What a great victory.
打撃を行い ―
[announcer 3] Unbelievable scenes here at the World Cup.
[announcer 4] This is certainly not an Englishman's game anymore.
[theme music playing]
スタンプ3本と ベイル2本から成ります
[Mandvi] Two teams of 11 play each other
バッツマン打者はその前に立ち ―
on a field shaped like an oval.
反対側から ボウラー投手が 投げる球を打ちます
The batting team has two players on the field at a time
打撃に成功すると ―
on either end of the pitch.
2人のバッツマンが 場所を入れ替え ―
They're trying to score runs,
その間 守備側は球を拾い ―
while the fielding team is trying to get them out.
どちらかの ウィケットに当てます
On each side of the pitch is a wicket.
バッツマンが着く前に ベイルが落ちたら ―
The wicket is three stumps topped by two bails.
アウトとなり 打者交代です
A batsman stands in front of a wicket
打球が遠くに飛べば 走る必要はなく ―
trying to hit the ball delivered by a bowler
from the other end of the pitch.
If the batsman hits the ball, they score runs
守備チームが 捕球すればアウト
by exchanging positions with the other batsmen.
ボウラーの投げた球が ウィケットに当たり ―
Each exchange equals one run.
While they're running, the fielders try to get the ball
バッツマンが球を見送るか 空振りしても ―
and hit one of the wickets before a batsman gets there.
ウィケットが倒れない限り アウトになりません
If they don't make it before the ball knocks the bails off the stumps,
ボウラーが 投げられるのは6球まで
they're out and the new batsman comes in.
この投球数は “オーバー”と呼ばれ ―
If the batsman hits the ball hard enough, they won't have to run.
1オーバー毎に ボウラーが交代します
If they hit it to the boundary, it's worth four runs.
バッツマン10人がアウトで ―
And all the way over the boundary...
1イニングとなり 攻守交代します
that's six.
従来では両チーム 2イニングずつ
If a fielder catches the ball,
最後に得点が 多い方が勝ちです
the batsman is out.
5日経っても終わらない場合 引き分けに
The bowler can also get a batsman out if their delivery hits the wicket,
knocking the bails off the stumps.
その内容は ―
A batsman can choose not to swing
or swing and miss the ball,
and he won't get out as long as the wicket is safe.
審判の役割や 守備位置の種類
The bowler, however, can only bowl six deliveries at a time.
ミッドオン ミッドオフ エキストラカバー…
That's called an "over," and it's really important.
全てが独特すぎて わかりにくい
After each over, a teammate takes their place.
英国人はクリケットを 世界に広めました
When ten of the 11 batsman are out,
18〜19世紀の 植民地化の結果です
it's called an "innings" and the other team bats.
In traditional cricket, each team has two innings in the match
and the team with the most runs at the end wins.
カナダは寒くて根付かず アイスホッケーが人気に
If they haven't finished after five days,
the umpire calls a draw.
米国では 野球に とって代わられました
Technically there are ten ways to get out.
米国では“植民地主義の 匂いがする”と―
But if you ask someone to explain them,
cricket can get very confusing very quickly.
他の植民地にとっては 英国を ―
Leg before wicket, one of the ways someone can be out
打ち負かす機会を 意味しました
and the nature of the umpire,
英国は実力を測るため ―
the nature of fielding positions:
各国チームを招いて “テスト・マッチ”を開催
silly mid-on, silly mid-off, extra cover, third man.
長い試合形式は 今もそう呼ばれます
It's all very coded and peculiar, cricket. I suppose that's the problem.
[Mandvi] The British didn't just write the rules of cricket...
“イギリスを 見返してやりたい”とね
they spread it around the world
そして 1975年から その機会が増えることに
by taking it to their colonies in the 18th and 19th centuries.
British soldiers played it,
W杯がなければ クリケットは―
and the local people either took to it or didn't.
In Canada, they didn't particularly.
W杯のおかげで 皆にチャンスが
A bit cold.
大会では ―
So they went to the ice hockey instead.
短時間で勝敗を決める 必要があります
But in the warmer countries, it seems obviously to have taken off.
オーバーの数を制限し ―
[Mandvi] Even the United States played
before baseball became the patriotic pastime.
最初の2年は 西インド諸島が連覇
America decided cricket smacked of colonialism,
and therefore, they were not going to play.
試合の内容には 興味がなくても―
[Mandvi] But in other colonies, playing cricket was an opportunity
クリケットは 大きな意味を持つ
to beat the colonizers at their own game.
And the English began inviting teams
1983年 W杯 インド対西インド諸島 3年目 英国は 決勝出場を逃します
to come test their skills against them in England.
英国を下し 決勝進出したインドは ―
The competitions were called test matches,
それまで W杯通算1勝でした
which is what the long form of the game continues to be called.
誰もインドが勝つとは 思わなかった
Most of the countries and the top countries that play the game
ミアール・ボズ 作家 クリケット研究家
has that little element of wanting to get back at the English.
決勝当日のインド代表は 闖入者ちんにゅうしゃ扱いだったよ
[Mandvi] And the colonies got a new opportunity
しかし インドはかつての 宗主国を尻目に ―
to do that starting in 1975,
when cricket got a World Cup.
83年は インドが初めて ―
Without the World Cup, cricket would still be a gentlemanly agreement.
"Oh, yeah, we're free at that time of year. We'll come over."
Whereas the World Cup gives everyone the chance to prove themselves.
経済成長は 始まる前だったが ―
[Mandvi] In order to play a tournament, matches needed to be shorter
国として 自信を得た 瞬間だった
and end with a winner and a loser.
So they played a one-day form of the game
that limited the number of overs faced by each team.
〝必ず勝つ〞という 決意を持って戦った
[crowd roaring]
The first two World Cups were both won by the West Indies.
イギリスの支配から 解放され―
My mother was jumping in the kitchen when the West Indies were winning.
Did she care about the game that much? No.
Did she understand the game that much? No.
経済が豊かになり テレビが普及すれば―
But cricket meant a lot to us as West Indians,
クリケットの強豪にも なれるとわかった
and not just in the Caribbean.
4年後 インドは初の 英国外でのW杯を主催
[Mandvi] In the third World Cup, England didn't even make the finals.
1987年 W杯 インド対イングランド
They had lost to India,
〝タマシャ〞 という言葉は―
a team playing against the West Indies
楽しさや興奮 ドキドキ などの感情を意味する
after having won a single game in the first two World Cups.
ワンデイ・マッチは 一瞬でタマシャに
In the final, nobody gave India a chance.
They were like interlopers.
かつてはイギリスの 教会の脇の野原で―
On the day of the match, the feeling was,
“よろしいですな”なんて やってたスポーツが―
"Who are these people? Why are they at Lord's?
大歓声の上がる 一大行事になった
Why isn't England at Lord's?"
1992年 W杯 パキスタン対イングランド
[Mandvi] But on the turf of their former colonizer
8万7千人の 観衆を前に勝利です!
and with odds of 66 to one,
India won.
打ちました 4点です
[Bose] In '83 was, for the first time,
Indians at home watch their team win abroad.
1999年 W杯 パキスタン対インド
[crowd cheering]
This is a new India emerging.
I mean, the economic prosperity of India came a decade later.
But if you think, that marked the moment when India was confident.
[crowd cheering]
インドとパキスタンの 影響力で より対等になった
We played like winners.
英国とオーストラリア 主導から よりグローバルに
Throughout the game, throughout the series.
英国内では人気が低下し ―
Everybody fight for their lives,
対策が採られた結果 逆に ―
and they said, "We will do it."
アジアでの人気が 加熱することに
Nineteen eighty-three, that generation began to feel
2000年代初頭 英国のテレビ局が ―
they didn't look to have a merit certificate from England
マーケティングのプロに 問題の解明を依頼
to feel that they were good enough to compete in the world.
とっつきにくい イメージが強かった
India, for the first time, began to show that a country of that size,
解決策は ―
if it has prosperity,
if it has television reach,
オーバーを各チーム20回に 制限すれば 試合は3時間に
it can play an enormous part in reshaping cricket, which it has done.
“クリケットの試合が 3時間以内だったら―”
[Mandvi] Four years later,
India hosted the first World Cup
試合を観に行ったことが ない人でも―
outside of England.
[crowd cheering]
この試合形式を “ トゥエンティT20”と命名 ―
There's an Indian word called "tamasha,"
クリケット界のトップに 売り込みました
which means fun, excitement, glamour,
uncertainty all rolled into one.
英国全土から集まった 幹部たちが座った
And one day cricket became instant tamasha.
伝統的なクリケットを 愛する60代白人男は 普通―
[crowd cheering]
-[whistle blows] -[cheering continues]
投票になり 挙がった手を数えた
[Fry] You just are amazed
11対7で“採用”に 決定したんだ
that something that was started on green turf
翌夏 英国でT20がデビュー
at the site of an English church,
and, you know, polite applause
and, "Well played, good fellow,"
becomes this screaming religious ceremony.
-[crowd roaring] -[announcer 1] Pakistan win the World Cup.
私は 疑いを持って見ている
A magnificiant performance in front of 87,000 people.
Imran Khan is waiting inside.
ニュージーランド オークランド 2005年 他の国にも 試す機会が訪れます
[crowd cheering]
ここオークランドで 世界初の ―
[announcer 2] McGrath wide on the crease and that goes for four.
T 20インターナショナル 開幕です
And the crowd loving every minute of it.
ニュージランド対 オーストラリア
[announcer 3] Could be caught...
Is caught.
Sachin Tendulkar celebrates.
[Kimber] Political power then became
まったく 何事でしょう
that the World Cup was worth so much money
皆 ふざけてた
and that India and Pakistan were bringing in so much of that money,
酒以外は なんでもアリだったよ
that the sort of democratization of the game,
なんと まあ!
and it went from being England and Australia running the game
70年代のサイケデリック バンドみたいだな
to a more global thing.
T 20のW杯が始まると ―
[Mandvi] In England, domestic cricket was losing fans,
広告も明言しました T 20のターゲットは ―
so something was done to save the sport at home,
but it would only accelerate the power shift to Asia.
ICCワールドT 20 9月 11〜 24日
In the early 2000s, a British TV Network
paid for Stuart Robinson and his marketing team
to research what the problem was.
The key word that came out of that was cricket was "inaccessible."
It was a sport for the posh.
ヨハネスブルグでのW杯は インドはしぶしぶ参加した
[Mandvi] Robertson had an idea:
an even shorter form of cricket
代表は若手ばかり それが功を奏した
limited to just 20 overs for each team
若者はベテランと違い T20を理解してた
that would last three hours.
[Robertson] And we asked those people
2007年ワールドT 20 インド対オーストラリア
if we introduced a game of cricket that lasted less than three hours,
would they come to see the game?
インドは決勝で パキスタンに―
And all of those people who were indexed
as never having come to a cricket match before,
だが 〝決勝の一打〞と―
they massively over indexed in saying,
"Yes, we would come to that."
上がった キャッチ! インドの勝利!
[Mandvi] They called the new format "twenty20,"
"T20" for short,
おかげでインド人は T20を見直した
and pitched it to the heads of English cricket at Lord's.
We were arranged around this enormous table in alphabetical order.
2008年 インドで T 20トーナメントが開幕
So it started with Derbyshire, then Durham, Essex,
インディアン・ プレミアリーグ
and it went all the way around to Yorkshire.
インディアン・ プレミアリーグ
You know, the 60-year-old white males
IPLの市場価値は 2年で倍増
who had loved their traditional cricket, don't particularly like change.
その後10年で ―
Then the vote went up,
started counting the hands as quickly as I could,
エンタメとアクションを 融合し ―
and we realized that it was 11-seven in favor.
[Mandvi] The next summer, T20 made its debut in England.
オーナーには 映画スターも名を連ね ―
The guy on the P.A. system,
at start of the game, he said,
クリケットと映画は 最高の組み合わせよ
"Welcome to the future of cricket."
インド人はついに気づいた クリケットこそ まさに―
And it was amazing. It was a great statement.
[Mandvi] Not everyone agreed.
I still remain... to be sold on the idea.
シーズン前のドラフトは オークション式
I don't like the razzmatazz that's going to go with it.
各チームは 自分で 応援歌を製作します
[Mandvi] The rest of the world got their opportunity
ボリウッドスターの オーナーも登場
to judge the new format in 2005.
[announcer] We welcome the world into Eden Park, Auckland, New Zealand,
実にテレビ的な 派手な手法で―
the first ever Twenty20 international in the history of the game.
ダンサーや炎など 見事な演出を取り入れている
New Zealand against Australia.
アメリカの ええと…
It felt a little bit like they weren't taking it very seriously.
[announcer] And here they come.
Look at Hamish Marshall in the background.
クリケットが ゴールデンタイム
-[laughter] -Goodness me. What is he on?
Or a lot like they weren't taking it very seriously.
T20は本来 観戦客を増やす ために作られたが 今や―
They were all but drinking during the game.
And that tells you how serious the game was.
前進あるのみだ スポンサーが投資を望み―
Oh, my heavens!
They look like a psychedelic funk band
from Chicago in 1975.
[Mandvi] That reputation stuck,
ワンデイの国際試合数は ―
and when the format got its own World Cup,
the advertising made it clear that T20 cricket was for...
一方 T20の国際試合は増加
[man] Party people!
イギリスが植民地に 広めてから1世紀以上
The ICC World T20. From 11 to 24th of September
T20はインドから 世界に広まります
it's off the hook!
India were like, "This is stupid. We've already got one-day cricket.
IPLの成功を見て 他国も “同じことをやろう”と
We're more than happy. We don't need this other stupid thing."
ただし 業界の規模が―
T20 cricket was an English invention.
India was almost dragged
into the World Cup of 2007 in Johannesburg.
成功してるが 視聴者数は少なめだ
They were were virtually dragged there.
They sent over a young team.
That happened to be the best thing they could've done,
各国選手への アンケート調査
because a lot of the old players didn't really understand T20 cricket,
“T20プロリーグに 良い条件で誘われたら ―”
whereas the young players kind of understood
“自国の代表入りを断るか” と尋ねると ―
that you had to go as hard as you could.
[announcer] Yuvraj goes into the crowd.
That's massive.
“母国より カネが大事なのか”と
Of all the teams that India were playing, it was Pakistan.
They were going to lose to Pakistan in the final,
and then Misbah-ul-Haq, just as he's about to hit the winning runs,
hits the ball straight up in the air.
毎晩 観てストーリーを追う
[announcer] In the air, Shrijan takes it.
India wins!
[Bose] The Johannesburg miracle.
And, as a result of that,
クリケットは進化してる エンタメの要素がカギだ
India said, "Oh, this is T20."
テスト・マッチは 素晴らしいし―
If one day cricket was tamasha,
僕のキャリアの 中心ではあるけど
this was super tamasha.
変化していることも その必然性も―
[Mandvi] In 2008, India launched a new T20 tournament
called the Indian Premier League.
そして 変化の方向を ―
[man] Indian Premier League, say!
決めるのは会議室の 英国紳士ではありません
[Mandvi] In the first two years, the IPL doubled in value.
And in the decade since,
it has developed a unique brand of cricket
that combines entertainment with fast-paced action
世界文明の象徴としての ローマと同じで―
and attracts players from around the world.
[crowd cheering]
[narrator] Team owners include Bollywood stars
日本語字幕 加藤 智子
like Preity Zinta and Shahrukh Khan,
who take an active role in promoting the league.
India, cricket, and film is a religion,
and blending the two is quite a mix.
It's quite exciting.
With IPL, the Indians finally discovered a three-hour Bollywood movie
which is actually live cricket.
It is player number eight.
[Mandvi] Every season opens with the auction
where celebrity owners bid for players.
Teams also create their own anthems,
like this one promoting the Kolkata Knight Riders
and featuring Bollywood star and team owner, Shah Rukh Khan.
-♪ We're too hot ♪ -♪ Too hot ♪
-♪ We're too cool ♪ -♪ Too cool ♪
♪ Kolkatta Night Riders ♪
♪ We rule ♪
The Indian Premier League version,
with its extraordinary made-for-television excitements
and these wonderful sort of routines
and dances and flames going up.
They've brought in American...
What do you call them? Not the can-can girls...
American cheerleaders.
Cricket has never had a prime-time TV product
that we can put on every night of the week.
And that is essentially what has turned T20 in
from being a very good game for crowds to go to
to being the number one thing in cricket.
There's no turning back.
If the sponsors are telling you
this is where they want to put their funds,
and the spectators are coming through the gates
and the TV rights are huge in T20 compared to other things,
then you've got to run with it.
[Mandvi] The number of international matches
of one-day cricket has declined over the last decade,
while the number of international T20s has increased.
Over a century after England introduced test cricket to the colonies,
this new form of the game has spread outwards from India.
India has given a model for other countries to follow.
When the IPL was successful, all these other places went,
"Oh, we'll set up our own leagues and we'll try and be successful."
The difference is that the money and the TV
is just not as strong in some of those other places.
So the BBL in Australia is very successful league.
It just doesn't have a billion people willing to watch it.
Now it is IPL is where they earn the money.
All the cricketers from this country want to go and play in IPL.
[Mandvi] When international cricketers were asked
if they would consider rejecting an opportunity to play for their country
if they were offered more money to play professional T20,
half responded, "yes."
People will develop an opinion
that some players don't like playing for their country.
They're just running the money down,
but sport is about money, you know?
You have to make a living. You're a sportsperson.
This is entertainment.
And you can watch it every night, and there'll be an unfolding narrative.
And that's what sport is at its best.
I've got no problem with that.
If cricket isn't trying to entertain people,
I'm not really sure why we're playing it.
The game has evolved.
And, again, entertainment is key.
So even though I have a great appreciation for test cricket
and my career was spanned over the period when test cricket was strong,
I still have an understanding of where the game has to go,
where it has gone,
and there's no turning back.
[Mandvi] And wherever the game goes,
it won't be decided by British gentleman sitting in a boardroom.
[kids shouting]
The power of cricket has shifted from England to India.
There's no question about it.
Why Lord's is still seen as the home of cricket?
That's the symbolic home of cricket.
It's like seeing Rome as the great capital of the world.
That was a long time ago.
You know, that is in history.
[theme music playing]