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hi everyone jennifer from tarle speech with your pronunciation question super quick lesson
皆さん、こんにちは!Jennifer from tarle speech with your pronunciation question super quick lessonです。
today the word is executive which is a senior business leader you have lots of options and
i'm going to go through some of those options for you so again our word is executive which
i pronounce egg zek ya div i will hear people say egg sek you div and x zek you div or x
私はegg zek ya divと発音しますが、人々はegg sek you div and x zek you div or xと言うでしょう。
zek you div so many many options just wanted to point those out to you but we're going
zek あなたは多くの選択肢を持っているので、それらを指摘したかったのですが、私たちはこれから
to focus on option number one so to say this we're going to think about saying egg like
yes the food that you eat so short e eh mouth is slightly open and relaxed tongue is between
the teeth closer to the bottom teeth and then point the tip of the tongue down for the g
and the back will be pulled up egg next we're going to move to the z sound z to do this
tip of the tongue is behind the top teeth or pointed down air is moving out of your
mouth voice box is on again another short e short s sound and then end with the k similar
to the g same tongue position tip down back up but this time it is going to be voiceless
so your voice box is not on and it is not moving next we're going to move to syllable
three yeah to do this the tip of your tongue does not touch your teeth if it helps you
you can gently bite the outside of the back of the tongue with between the top and the
bottom teeth yeah
and i am adding that short uh sound there i wrote it as yeah as easy to remember and
then we're going to end with div and to do this touch the tip of the tongue to the back
of the top front teeth voice boxes on short i your tongue is a little bit higher in your
mouth again relaxed lips and your tongue is going to be higher just below the top teeth
and then end with the v vvv to do this you're going to gently bite the inside or the outside
そして、最後にv vvで締めくくります。そのためには、内側か外側をやさしく噛むようにします。
of the bottom lip air keeps moving do not pucker or it will sound like a ww let's put
it all together
egg sek ya div egg sek ya div egg sek ya div executive executive executive and now for
egg sek ya div egg sek ya div egg sek ya div executive executive executive and now for
a sentence the senior executive is an excellent leader the senior executive is an excellent
a sentence the senior executive is an excellent leader the senior executive is an excellent
leader give it a try people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful we
would love a like a share and a subscribe check out our products on google play and
itunes and our classes at tarle speech thanks everyone
itunesとTarle speechのクラスに感謝します。