字幕表 動画を再生する
our second day in comodoro rivadavia chubut argentina didn't quite go to plan
we woke up to torrential rains that pretty much lasted the whole day this was just a
day of misadventure in which really nothing went according to plan i mean we still went
、計画どおりに何も 進まなかっ た単なる 不幸な日でした。つまり、まだ そこに
out there to explore a bit unaware of the fact that the weather had shut down most of the city
出かけ ていました。天気が街のほとんどを閉鎖したという事実に少し気づかずに探検するために、
but basically everywhere we went was closed so let's fast forward to
the next day when we tried it all over again this time with a bit of sunshine
、私たちが今度は少し日光の 良いおはよう世界 でもう一度それを試した次の日に
good morning world good morning guys greetings again from comodoro rivadavia patagonia and it is
早送りしましょ う コモドーロ・リバダビア・パタゴニアからおはようございます。
a sunny day so i am feeling very happy what what a difference a day makes it felt like armageddon
晴れた日なので、 昨日の アルマゲドンのような一日の違いがとても嬉しく思います。
yesterday and now is gorgeous outside sunshine the warmth has come back look at look at how we're
今は外の日差しがゴージャスで、暖かさが戻ってきました。 「 我々は 今日の石油博物館を訪れ上 の第二 の試みを
dressed t-shirts and shorts at least for me you've got a t-shirt jeans so we're gonna have a second
attempt on visiting the petroleum museum today i actually i phoned them this morning are you open
再 私は実際に私は今朝、それらに電話をかけ、あなたが 、彼らは私たちがイエスだ 開いています
they said yes we're gonna take a cab out there the more i think about it it's understandable
タクシーを 持って 行くつもりだと思うと、 昨日は閉まっ
that it's closed yesterday like it was really the weather was quite severe like there was a
ているのは理解でき ます。天気はかなり厳しかったので、
bit of flooding there was severe winds and rains like a lot of things were shut down i just think
it's funny that we didn't realize the weather was bad enough that maybe sightseeing wouldn't
天気が悪いことに気づかなかったのはおかしい と思います。
be a good idea we're like walking around comodoro rivadavia cameras we were committed to the cause
観光は 良い考えで はないかもしれません 。私たちもビデオを作るために
of making a video um we're also going to head back to our favorite restaurants where we had
コミットしたコモドロリバダビアのカメラを歩き回るようなもの です。 最初のデートでシーフードを食べた
seafood on the first date the place is phenomenal yeah and they specialize in paella for two people
お気に入りのレストランに戻ると、 その場所は驚異的です。彼らは2人用のパエリアを専門としてい
yes you can also get a single portion but of course we'll get enough yeah
so that's the plan that's gonna be lunch and also we've got the lookout point to visit so
uh yeah basically everything that we were kind of hoping to do yesterday we'll get to do today
たちは 親切我々が今日やってもらうよ昨日行うことを期待してのもので
and we've got a great lunch and i think we'll also make some time to visit a famous um ice
あり、我々は偉大なランチを持っていると私は思う よう ええと、ええが、基本的にすべて
cream shop it's called chocolate i believe yes it is we'll have a little bit of ice cream so um
私たちがよ 訪問することを見張りポイントを持っていること
yeah a really fun day planned and gorgeous weather it's very inviting let's just go outside and enjoy
this what's this all about and this is a really interesting monument it's
クリームショップチョコレートと呼ばれていますそうだと 思います アイスクリームが少しあるので 、とても楽しい日が計画されていて、ゴージャスな天気がとても魅力的です外に出て これ を楽しんでみましょう
right nearby the beach by the boardwalk this is a monument tango you can't have
tango music without that little accordion indeed key instrument right right here
右の近くのビーチには、 理由は 私たちの最初 に 、これはあなたが
also what a huge difference it makes here between low tide and high tide because on
その小さなアコーディオン右右ここに確かに重要な手段なしにタンゴの音楽を 持つことはできませんタンゴ記念碑
our first day we arrived at high tide and the waves were just like crashing into the beach
も 巨大どのような違い、それは干潮と満潮の間ここになります され遊歩道で です 満潮に達した日、波はまるで
into the walls that are kind of like protecting the coastline
海岸線を守るような ビーチ の壁にぶつかるような
it was insane like we cannot believe the size of the waves just like smashing and
ものでした。波の大きさが信じられないほどの大き さで、空中に飛び上がる
like jumping up in the air it was crazy um and now by comparison it looks so calm like
ようなものでした。 クレイジーでしたが、今では比較すると 、サーフィンをするのに十分な大きさではない小さな波の ように穏やかに
just little rolling waves not even big enough to surf on or anything it just looks inviting almost
見えます。ほぼ その日、私たちはカドコデルマールで昼食をとりました。電子何か、我々は より多くのために戻って人々の
that day we had lunch at cadoco del mar yes again when we like something we're the kind
一種だ とそれは 私たちが 私たちは数日前にここにいたvaidamだと私が持っていた
of people to go back for more and that's exactly how we felt about this restaurant
this time around we tried some different seafood dishes that had piqued our interest
我々がこのレストランについての この時間を
i got vaidam we were here a few days ago and i had their seafood casuela which is kind of like a soup
感じた正確にどのようです 彼らのシーフードイカはスープ シーフードシチューの ようなもの
seafood stew yeah and we noticed they had on their menu
so we were like we need to come back for this and today was the day today is that day
it's delightful it's definitely a different twist on fire like in spain it would be drier here it's
more soupy but it is very good and we have mussels we have shrimp there's um calamari a bit of
everything put everything in there huh and over here the seafood good times keep on rolling so
over here we've got pan-fried shrimp and a tomato-based sauce with garlic oh my goodness
look at all the shrimp delicious plum shrimp that's very very good i'm calling the sharing
rule into effect because this looks delightful and you have roasted potatoes yeah time to try those
これは見た目が良く、ポテトをローストしたので 、共有
those are really good i'm gonna throw a little bit of salt on there and they'll be even better
ルールを有効にしています。 t RY ものは本当に良いです 、それらは 私がそこに塩を少し投げるつもりだと彼らは 午後には、我々が コモドーロ・リバダビアにある町の中心部から 3 キロ
that afternoon we began the walk over to the national petroleum museum which is about three
程度である国家石油博物館にオーバー散歩を始めたことを さらに良くなるだろう
kilometers from the center of town in comodoro rivadavia argentina since it was sunny we were
in the mood for a long stroll but just as a heads up you are basically walking
長い散歩の気分に あった が、あなたヘッドアップは、基本的には
on the side of a highway so if you visit you might be better off taking a taxi our plan had
高速道路の側に 歩いているだけのように あなたが訪問もしそうなら、あなたは我々の計画が
been to stop halfway at a park overlooking the ocean but that was close for renovation sadly
で途中停止して い たタクシーを取ったほうが良いかもしれません 海を見下ろす公園です が、 残念 ながら 改修が間近でし
it was a long walk but we eventually arrived at the national petroleum museum where we
had a guided tour we got to see where they first struck oil and learn how this event
ガイド付きツアーで彼らが最初に石油を打った場所を確認し、このイベント が どのように
gave birth to the city but more on that a bit later
誕生した かを学び ました。市ですが、少し後で
this museum has an indoor and outdoor component so after touring the exterior and viewing some of
この博物館には屋内と屋外のコンポーネントがあるので、外観を見学し、いくつかの 機械を 見た後、
the machinery we went indoors to take part in a simulation where you can experience
屋内に行ってシミュレーションに参加しました。そこ では、dへの旅行がどのようなものか
what it would be like to travel to the depths of an oil well
を体験できます。 油井の深さ、
and while it kind of felt a bit like an earthquake technically this activity is
geared more for kids and school groups but that didn't stop us from trying it
を 試してみるのを止めませんでした
well guys i have just learned something new petroleum does not come in black alone it can be
all sorts of different colors as you can see here it says that it really all varies on the chemical
いろいろな色がありますが、ここでわかるように、化学 組成の粘度と密度
composition viscosity and density so some rather pretty tones which is kind of surprising i thought
によって実際にはすべて異なると言われている ので、かなり美しいトーンがいくつかあります。 これは基本的に
this was basically it so that's kind of cool still learning fascinating stuff about petroleum here
はそういうことだと思い ました。クールなまだ石油についての魅力的なことをここで学ん
um i'll translate this for you guys but it's basically saying that 5 000 years
ago the egyptians were already using petroleum to embalm their mummies what then 4 000 years
ago it was being used in construction to like stick bricks together kind of like the glue
then 900 years ago during the middle ages it was you it was being used as a medicinal
、900年前の中世の間にそれは おそらく良い考えではない 薬として使用されて
product probably not a good idea guys and then just a few decades ago they
いたのですそしてそれからほんの数十年前に彼らは w石油から灯油を抽出するだけ
were just extracting the kerosene from the petroleum use it in lamps to eliminate rooms
で、訪問中に 部屋をなくすためにランプに使用すること
during our visit we also learned that every year comodoro rivadavia patagonia crowns the
もわかりました。毎年、コモドロリバダビアパタゴニアが 国の石油の女王を
national petroleum queen so they had some photos from the early days of that pageant
戴冠している ので、彼らはそのページェントの初期の写真をいくつか持っていた
all right guys so we are visiting the national petroleum museum and today has been quite
eye-opening because it turns out the history we thought we knew of the city isn't maybe quite as
accurate as we thought it was so basically we had read that they were looking for water when they
正確で はないかもしれない ということがわかったからです。彼ら
found oil that they were drilling to you know make a well and boom there's oil but apparently
that is not so that was just a cover-up because as soon as we got to the museum we were visiting the
が、博物館に着くとすぐ に2番目の穴のある場所を 訪れていたので、それは単なる隠蔽ではなかったようです
the site with the second perforation hole it's right here in front of the museum and they have
ここは博物館の前にあり、 少し歴史のある2つの電報があります。最初の電報は 石油 を最初に
two telegrams with a little bit of history the first telegram was sent when they first
発見した とき に送信され、電報はドイツの石油と石油の専門家によって送信されました。
discovered oil and the telegram was sent by a german expert in petroleum and then another man
彼と一緒に働いていた 別の男性 が、500メートル以上掘削し、ついに ここで石油
who was also working alongside him and it said we have drilled over 500 meters and we finally struck
を打ったと言ったの ですが、彼らがアルゼンチンの大統領と連絡を取り合っていた詳細
oil here are the details they were getting in touch with the president of argentina
and our guide here at the museum was telling us if they had been looking for water they would
最大50から100メートルのように掘削していた であろう水を探し
have been drilling like 50 to 100 meters max they wouldn't have been going down 500 meters because
ていた彼らは500メートル下がっていなかったでしょうそれ よりもずっと早く水を見つける
you can find water a lot sooner than that so that's super fishy yeah and then the second
こと ができるのでそれはとても魚のようですそして 私たちが持って
clue we have is the second telegram that was sent in response to the first telegram
いる2番目の 手がかりは2番目です最初の電報に応えて送られた電報で
and it was basically the president of the nation saying like okay within five leagues of where
、基本的には、 この石油が見つかった 5つのリーグ内で大丈夫だと言っ
this oil has been found no one is allowed to come here and make any claims on natural resources and
ていたのは、誰もここに来て天然資源や 何とか何とか何とか 主張することは許可されていません。
blah blah blah so they are basically trying to keep everyone away we have found oil it is ours
and the guide was telling us that this whole water story was just a bit of a cover-up
get people talking like oh they're drilling for water but really it was all oil um so
that was yeah that's so fascinating that um the origin story of this of this city is uh
is incorrect it's especially in our travel guide book yes the wrong information yeah
that afternoon we went to chocolates which is an ice cream and chocolate shop
here we happen to meet a family that watches our videos so we sat down for a chat
こちら私たちはチャットのために座っ て、我々は
and then we sampled some of the delicious artisanal ice cream flavors
おそらく、おそらくアイスクリームのための私たちのお気に入りの国 多分イタリアの アルゼンチンで おいしい職人のアイスクリームフレーバー アイスクリームアイスクリームの時間
ice cream ice cream time in argentina probably probably our favorite country for ice cream
の一部をサンプリングした ように、私たちのビデオを見て、家族を満たすために起こります 服ですがジェラートですが、アルゼンチンはもう少し
maybe italy's clothes but it's gelato but i think argentina does a little better
真実を伝え ていると思います ええ、これはチョコレート チョコレートと
truth be told yeah this is a cool little local spot we've come to a place called chocolate
呼ばれる場所に来たクールな小さな地元のスポット ですそしてええそれはアーケードのような楽しい小さな場所
chocolate and yeah it's just a fun little place just like an arcade there's
です子供向け の ゲームがありますにんじんカルーセルがありますここ に アイスクリームがあります
games for kids there's a carrot there's a carousel we've got ice cream over here
we've got chocolate over there we've got pastries um yeah just a fun family place
and we've got two flavors of ice cream to try so which one did you order well i went for my
childhood favorite strawberry strawberry i'm gonna try yours first and then we'll move on to mine
行きました。 最初に試してから、次に進みます。
oh that's good yeah very natural flavor yeah it's artisanal ice cream
and over here guys i am whenever i get the chance of dulce de leche i i do
and so we're getting coconut with dulce de leche it's a bit of a running joke that i always have
と、それが ドゥルセ・デ・レチェを 持っている私はいつも 私たちも、いくつかの地元の人々が彼に出てくるとドルチェ・デ・レチェ そう私」
dulce de leche we've even had some locals come up to him and be like dolce de leche
のようなことがありました ことを実行しているジョークのビットだだが、ドゥルセ・デ・レチェとココナッツを取得し、我々はそう
yeah i'm mr dulce de leche also mr perato so i've got a couple nicknames here let's try this
m mr dulce de leche also mr peratoだから、ここにいくつかのニックネームがあります。これを試してみましょう。ここで
my gosh it tasted real coconut in there a little bit of dulce de leche
this is delicious it's just the perfect this is our marienda before we go for pizza later tonight
oh my god this is perfect just a little bit we don't want to ruin our appetite for pizza
これは完璧です私たちはピザ への 欲求を台無しにしたくありません
and for dinner you won't be surprised to hear that sam found a pizzeria two nights in a row who would
そして夕食のためにサムが これ を 信じる だろう2夜続けてピザ屋を見つけたと聞いても驚くことはありません
believe it this place was called puerto mitre oh hider pizza monster i am the pizza monster
oh my gosh we went to the museum this afternoon and the the staff there were super nice they
gave us a brochure of different restaurants we could get out of the city we saw a photo
で、街から出られるさまざまなレストランのパンフレットをくれました。 この場所からピザの
of the pizzas from this place it's called puerto mitre and it's only three blocks from our hotel
写真を見ました。 これはプエルトマイターと呼ばれ、たった3ブロックです。私たちのホテルから
like we gotta come and try their specialty the seafood pizza a patagonia and specialty pizza
来て、彼らの特製シーフードピザパタゴニアと特製ピザを試してみる必要があり ます。
and it comes with shrimp uh green pepper and uh black olive sorry red pepper oh my green red
pepper it's not green yeah so eight slices have santa julia malbec wine an old familiar favorite
we've we can buy this in canada we've also had in argentina it's a really nice table wine and
time for me to try the first bite here with a giant shrimp and a copious amount of cheese
were you missing pizza
the pizza in argentina is excellent and in fact we've had a chance now to try some seafood pizza
アルゼンチンのピザは素晴らしく、実際 、海岸沿いで
along the coast i remember we had it in puerto madrid and it's always been good especially the
シーフードピザを試す機会がありました。 プエルトマドリッドで食べたのを 覚えてい ます。 特に
shrimp pizza you get the giant shrimps so juicy it goes so well with the cheese delicious guys salute
エビのピザはとてもジューシーです。 yそれはチーズととてもよく合いますおいしい人は
hello hey guys we're back devouring devoured pizza that was really good that was absolutely
こんにちはこんにちは 人に敬意を表し ます私たちは本当に おいしかった
delicious incredible price too about 16 17 yes huge pizza medium-sized bottle of wine and uh
食欲をそそるピザを食べていますそれは絶対に 美味しかった信じられないほどの価格も約1617はい巨大なピザ中型のワインとええ
flavored water for you sam ate three quarters of the pizza fyi i only have fruit for breakfast guys
actually it's still a little bit greedy anyways like a great day though love i've just i've really
実際にはそれはとにかく素晴らしい日のようにまだ少し貪欲 です私はここにいること を本当に
enjoyed being here i probably keep saying the same things but getting caught up on work having fast
internet having delicious food and then having a beautiful day after like armageddon yesterday
it was really nice and we've also we've also met a lot of people who've watched our videos here yeah
so we've really appreciated uh everyone coming up to us and saying hi and we've done uh we've had a
really good time connecting with uh with locals here and tomorrow is another day we're actually
はここで地元の人とつながる のに 本当に楽しい時間 を過ごしました、
leaving tomorrow night on a bus to rio gallegos but it's not until late yeah that's not until the
そして明日は私たちが実際 に明日の夜にリオガレゴスへのバスで出発する
evening so we're gonna do some sightseeing during the day yeah we're planning to go to a nearby
別の日です がそれはlまでではないええ、それは 夕方
town called ratatilly supposed to be a beautiful beach some delicious sushi we've noticed and um
までではない ので、私たちは日中にいくつかの観光をするつもりですええ私たちは
yeah we're just gonna have a chill day there kind of we got a lot of time to kill our bus doesn't
ラタティリーと呼ばれる 近くの 町 に行く予定 です寒い日が
leave until close to 9 p.m and we're expected to check out of here by 10 a.m so you know 11 hours
来る ので、バスを殺すのに多くの時間があり、 午後9時近くまで出発 しません
to kill almost 10 11 hours and so we'll spend the day there and uh yeah we'll be catching
a bus and heading further south new province will be in san diego a new province and um from
ほぼ10人を殺す ことができます。 11時間なので、そこで1日を過ごします。
there we're going to be visiting two of the most famous places el calafate and el chalten exactly
バスに乗り、さらに南に向かうと、新しい州がサンディエゴ になります。そこ から
and so uh yeah we couldn't be more pumped about about our upcoming travels and we hope you'll uh
、最も多い2つの 州を 訪問します。有名な場所カラファテとエルチャルテンは正確
you'll stay tuned for those and yeah thanks again for watching ciao from comodoro rivadavia
かつのでええと、ええ、私たちはより多くの私たちの今後の旅行についてについてポンピングすることができませんでしたし、私たちは、あなたが、ええと 、あなたがコモドーロ・リバダビア チュブパタゴニア からCIAOを見るために再びものと、そう感謝をお楽しみましょう いただければ幸いです
chubut patagonia argentina