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  • - Hey there! Please take a chair.

    - お待たせしました。椅子に座ってください。

  • This episode of The Juice is beyond compare!

    今回の「The Juice」のエピソードは、比較にならないほど素晴らしいものです。

  • - Ugh, enough already, dude!

    - もう、いい加減にしてくれよ。

  • - What's the matter, Pear?

    - どうしたんだ、ピア?

  • - Yeah, what's the "mattaire" Pear?

    - ああ、「マタタビ」の梨ってなんだ?

  • - You know very well what the matter is, Orange!

    - オレンジさんはよくご存知ですね。

  • Dude, you've been listing off things that rhyme

    Dude, you've been listed off things that rhyme

  • with my name all day long!


  • - Things that rhyme with Pear? I do declare!

    - 梨で韻を踏むもの?I do declare!

  • - GRR!!!

    - GRR!!!

  • - Relax, he'll run out of rhymes eventually.

    - 落ち着いて、彼はそのうち韻を踏まなくなりますよ。

  • Just tell us about today's episode.


  • - Yeah, please share. Hahaha!

    - ええ、シェアしてください。アハハハ!(笑

  • - ARGHH!!!

    - ARGHH!!!

  • - Okay, okay. So today, ExtremeKakarot wants to know

    - わかった、わかった。というわけで、今日はエクストリームカカロットが知りたいのは

  • "if you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go?"

    "If you could go anywhere on vacation, Where would you go?"

  • - Whoa! You're saying we could go anywhere? Hahaha!

    - おっと!どこにでも行けるってことですか?ハハハ!

  • - Ugh.

    - うう。

  • - Seriously though, great question.

    - 真面目な話、素晴らしい質問ですね。

  • Hope you're thirsty fruit-lovers


  • 'cause I want to know, what's another rhyme for "pear"?

    私が知りたいのは、"pear "の他の韻を踏む言葉は何かということです。

  • Hahahaha!


  • - I'll kick things off by answering the vacation question.

    - まずは、休暇中の質問に答えることから始めます。

  • Whoa! - Corey can't seem to keep


  • his derrière on that chair over there.


  • - Orange! - No, he's right. Whoa!

    - オレンジ!?- いや、彼は正しい。おっと!

  • I keep flying off the couch


  • like some kind of butt-less wonder.


  • New butt arrives Tuesday. So I'm looking forward to then.


  • Whoa! - Just out of curiosity,


  • How is it being delivered? By ground or by air?


  • Hahaha!


  • - Oh my gosh, dude.

    - 驚いたな、おい。

  • Well, I know where I go on vacation, Madagascar


  • because it's as far away from Orange as I can get.


  • - Madagascar? I didn't know we could pick movies.

    - マダガスカル?映画を選ぶことができるとは知りませんでした。

  • - Yeah, believe it or not, it was a place

    - ああ、信じられないかもしれないが、それはある場所だった。

  • before it was a movie, Corey.


  • - Oh, sorry.

    - あ、すみません。

  • I lost the geography side of my brain in the accident.


  • - You know Pear, you could get further away

    - あなたは梨を知っている、あなたはもっと遠くに行くことができる

  • from Orange than Madagascar.


  • - Really? I'm pretty sure it's on the

    - 本当ですか?に載っているのは間違いないですね。

  • other side of the world.


  • - Who said anything about staying on the world?

    - 誰が「世界に残る」なんて言ったんだ?

  • - Oh, that's true.

    - ああ、それはそうですね。

  • - Pear, you could go to the moon.

    - 梨、月に行けるんじゃないか?

  • - [Marshmallow] Or Mars, yay!

    - マシュマロ】またはマーズ、イェーイ!

  • - Totally!

    - 全くだ!

  • - Pear, you should get a one-way ticket to Pluto!

    - 梨さん、冥王星への片道切符をゲットしてくださいね。

  • - Okay. Easy.

    - いいよ。簡単ですね。

  • Now it just feels like you don't want me around.


  • (cricket noises)


  • - Hello? Now would be an appropriate time for someone to say

    - こんにちは。今こそ、誰かに言ってもらいたい。

  • "No, we want you around Pear," or something like that.

    "No, we want you around Pear, "みたいな感じで。

  • - If I could go anywhere on vacation,

    - 休暇でどこにでも行けるとしたら

  • I'd stay right here with my friends.


  • - Aww

    - Aww

  • - Seriously, though. Where would you actually go?

    - 真面目な話ですが。実際にどこに行くのか?

  • - Jamaica, obviously!

    - ジャマイカに決まってるじゃないですか

  • - Little Apple, where would you go?

    - リトルアップル、どこに行く?

  • - Um, I don't want to say it.

    - あの、言いたくないんですけど。

  • - Aw, why don't you want to tell us?

    - おや、どうして教えてくれないのですか?

  • Is it someplace you're embarrassed of?


  • - Is it somewhere secret?

    - どこか秘密の場所ですか?

  • - Is it something that rhymes with pear, like Delaware?

    - Delawareのようにpearと韻を踏むものですか?

  • Hahaha!


  • - Orange!

    - オレンジ!

  • - No, it's nothing like that.

    - いいえ、そんなことはありません。

  • It's just.. Okay, well, I visited 49 state capitals


  • and I kind of want to take care of the 50th.


  • - So then, which one's left?

    - では、どれが残っているかというと

  • - Little Rock, Arkansas.

    - アーカンソー州リトルロック

  • - Bwaahahaha!

    - ブワッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッハッハ

  • - See! This is why I didn't want to say it.

    - 見てください!これが言いたくなかった理由です。

  • - I'm sorry, I'm sorry

    - ごめんね、ごめんね

  • but that answer was straight up "hilair".


  • - "Hilair"? Don't you mean "hilarious"?

    - "Hilair"?ヒラメキ」という意味ではないのですか?

  • - No, it's a new slang word I whipped up out of thin air.

    - いや、私が勝手に作った新しい俗語です。

  • - Stop inventing slang terms that rhyme with my name.

    - 私の名前と韻を踏んだ俗語を作るのはやめてください。

  • - That's fair.

    - それはフェアだ。

  • - Ahhh!

    - ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ

  • - Corey, where would you go?

    - コーリー、あなたならどこに行きますか?

  • - Well, mine is a bit weird, but you know that haystack

    - まあ、私のはちょっと変ですが、「干し草の山」は知っていますよね。

  • over on the other side of the airport?


  • - Yeah, why?

    - ええ、なぜですか?

  • - There! That's where I'd go.

    - そこ!?私はそこに行きます。

  • Whoa! Slipped out of my seat again, ha ha ha.


  • - So you'd go to a haystack next to the airport?

    - では、空港の隣にある干し草置き場に行くのか?

  • - I think Corey lost a half of his brain that makes sense.

    - コリーは脳の半分を失ってしまったのだと思います。

  • - See, for me, it's not about the destination,

    - 私にとっては、目的地ではないのです。

  • - it's the journey.

    - それは旅のことです。

  • And for me, it's all about how I'd get there,


  • on my sweet hog, of course.


  • - No way! Are you saying you want to jump

    - まさか!?飛び降りたいと思っているのか?

  • over an airport on your motorcycle?


  • - Heck yeah, it's never been done.

    - ヘーキヘーキ、やったことがない。

  • - Wow! I was going to pick Waikiki as my vacation spot

    - わーい!」と声が上がります。バケーションスポットとしてワイキキを選ぼうと思っていたのですが

  • because it sounds funny, but watching Corey jump


  • over the airport sounds way "bettair."

    over the airport sound way "bettair".

  • - That's not how the word better is pronounced.

    - betterの発音はそうではありません。

  • - No, I like my way "bettair."

    - いいえ、私は自分のやり方を「ベッタイア」と呼んでいます。

  • Hahaha!


  • - Argh!

    - Argh!

  • - Hey! Can I change my answer too?

    - ねえ、僕も答えを変えていい?

  • Watching Corey jump his motorcycle sounds


  • way more fun than Arkansas.


  • - Yay! Could we watch Corey jump over the airport right now?

    - イェーイ!コリーが空港を飛び越えるのを今すぐ見られるかな?

  • - Wow. I wasn't expecting so much enthusiasm.

    - すごい。こんなに熱狂的になるとは思っていませんでした。

  • Well, I do just happened to have my motorcycle and gear


  • and ramp here, so..


  • - Do it! Do it! Do it!

    - Do it!やれ!Do it!

  • - Okay. Ha ha, wow.

    - なるほど、ハハハ、ワオ。

  • I guess this is happening.


  • Open the studio skylight!


  • - Corey, if you don't make it,

    - コリーさん、間に合わなかったら

  • just know that you were like a half brother to me.


  • - Thanks, that means a lot.

    - ありがとう、それはとても助かる。

  • Here we go!


  • Three, two, one, and...


  • Whoops! Fell off my seat again.


  • Man, I could really use that new butt right about now.


  • (motorcycle crashing)


  • - Um, guys!

    - あの、みんな!

  • - Well, fruit lovers, I was hoping to end today's episode

    - さて、フルーツ好きの皆さん、今日のエピソードを終わらせたかったのですが

  • on a more triumphant note


  • but I guess there'll be no such fanfare.


  • - Argh!!

    - Argh!

  • - That's okay Orange, it was a good episode anyways!

    - それは大丈夫だオレンジ、それはとにかく良いエピソードだった!

  • - Guys, I think a motorcycle is loose in the studio.

    - みんな、スタジオにバイクが逃げ込んだみたいだよ。

  • - Man, I was so ready for something exciting to happen.

    - 私は何かエキサイティングなことが起こると思っていました。

  • That's such a bummer.


  • - A real "bummair", indeed!

    - さすが「バンメア」ですね。

  • - That's not how it's pronounced, and you know it!

    - 発音が違うんだよ!知ってるだろ?

  • Also, there's a motorcycle loose in the studio!


  • - Really, where?

    - 本当に、どこで?

  • - There!

    - そこ!?

  • - Ahhh!

    - ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ

  • (groovy music)

    (groovy music)

  • (groovy music)

    (groovy music)

  • (groovy music)

    (groovy music)

  • (groovy music)

    (groovy music)

  • (groovy music)

    (groovy music)

- Hey there! Please take a chair.

- お待たせしました。椅子に座ってください。

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