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  • Hi guys, welcome to another English lesson with me Anna English here on English Like a Native.

    皆さん、こんにちは。English Like a Native のアナ・イングリッシュとの、英語のレッスンへようこそ。

  • As you can see, I'm not in the normal setting.


  • In fact I'm here in Marsa Alam, Egypt, and as I'm by the Red Sea, I thought I would give you five water-based idioms/phrases that we use in the UK.


  • Number one: A fish out of water.

    1. A fish out of water

  • If you're 'a fish out of water', it basically means you're in a situation where you do not feel comfortable.

    'fish out of water' というのは、心地よくない状況にいる、という意味です。

  • Imagine a fish jumping out of the water: the fish would not survive for very long because it's not equipped to be out of the water.


  • So, if you are 'a fish out of water' then you are not comfortable or confident in your environment.

    'fish out of water' というのは、自分がいる環境が心地よくない、自信がないという意味です。

  • Number two: Water off a duck's back.

    2. Water off a duck's back

  • 'Water off a duck's back' basically means that it doesn't bother you.

    'Water off a duck's back' とは、自分は全く気にしない、という意味です。

  • Imagine if you pour water onto a lady wearing her best outfit, she would be very upset, but if you pour water onto a duck the duck would not mind at all.


  • It would ruffle its feathers and shake off the water, but it would be perfectly happy.


  • So, if something doesn't bother you, then you can say it's 'water off a duck's back' - it does not bother me.

    何かについて全く気にしないという時には、'water off a duck's back' と言えます。気にならないよ、ということです。

  • Number three: Smells fishy.

    3. Smells fishy

  • If something 'smells fishy', we're not talking about the actual aroma, we mean that something doesn't seem right.

    何かが 'smells fishy' というのは、実際のにおいについて言っているのではありません。何かがおかしい気がする、ということです。

  • So, if someone's behaving in an unusual way, you could say, 'Mm something 'smells fishy', there's something fishy going on with him.'

    誰かが、普通でない振る舞いをしていたら、'Mm something 'smells fishy', there's something fishy going on with him.'(何かおかしいぞ、彼に何か変なことが起きているな)と言えます。

  • It means it's just not quite right.


  • Number four - To have a sinking feeling.

    4. To have a sinking feeling

  • If you 'have a sinking feeling' then it means that you are becoming more and more aware that something bad has happened or that something bad is about to happen.

    'have a sinking feeling' というのは、何か悪いことが起きた、起きそうだということに、気づき始めているという意味です。

  • It's having a feeling or a sense of doom on its way.


  • You've 'got a sinking feeling' just like if you're in the ocean you're going down, down, down into the murky depths of the ocean, to 'have a sinking feeling'.

    暗く深い海の中で、どんどん下に沈んでいくような気持ちが、'have a sinking feeling' です。

  • And number five is: Water under the bridge.

    5. Water under the bridge

  • If something is 'water under bridge' then it means it has been forgotten about, it's no longer something that bothers you or has any impact on your daily life or how you feel.

    'water under the bridge' というのは、あることが忘れられていて、あなたはもう気にしていないということ、日々の生活や、あなたの気持ちに何の影響もないということです。

  • So, if you and I have a fallout, and at the time I'm very upset about it, but five years down the line, I'm no longer concerned about that argument, and I'm not angry anymore or upset anymore, then I can say: 'Oh that argument, it's "water under the bridge", let's just be friends."

    あなたと私がけんかして、ある時には私はすごく怒っていたけれど、5年もたてば、その争いはもう気にしませんね。もう怒ってもいないし、気分を悪くもしていません。そういう時、'Oh that argument, it's "water under the bridge", let's just be friends."(ああ、あのけんかは、もう気にしていないよ。友達でいようよ)と言えます。

  • So there you go, five water-based phrases we have: 'fish out of water', 'water off a duck's back', 'something smells fishy', 'to have a sinking feeling' and 'water under the bridge'.

    さて、水に関する5つのフレーズ、'fish out of water', 'water off a duck's back', 'something smells fishy', 'to have a sinking feeling' です。

  • Guys, if you know any other water-based phrases then please do put them in the comments box below.


  • Remember to give this video a like, don't forget to subscribe, take care, and... sounds like my boat's getting started.


  • See you later! Bye!


Hi guys, welcome to another English lesson with me Anna English here on English Like a Native.

皆さん、こんにちは。English Like a Native のアナ・イングリッシュとの、英語のレッスンへようこそ。

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