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  • With two weeks left to go in our spring broadcasting season, we're happy to have you watching.


  • My name is Carl Azuz.


  • We're starting with a look at some new guidance, and some questions about it, when it comes to wearing masks in the United States.


  • Late last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said most Americans who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can now stop wearing masks whether they're indoors or outdoors and that they no longer need to keep their distance from each other.


  • One thing to point out here is that this is guidance from the CDC; it's not national law.


  • Many US states did not require wearing masks whether people were vaccinated or not.


  • But several states that did have mask mandates removed them after the new CDC guidance came out.

    しかし、先週までに CDC の新ガイダンスが発表された後、マスク着用義務を設けていたいくつかの州では、マスク着用義務を解除しました。

  • Until last week, the CDC had advised that even Americans who'd been vaccinated needed to keep masks on when they were indoors or in crowds.

    先週まで CDC は、予防接種を受けた人でも、屋内や人混みの中ではマスクを着用する必要があると勧告していました。

  • The health agency said they still might be carrying the virus.


  • Now, it says the latest evidence indicates it's unlikely that vaccinated people are carrying the virus, so they can be mask-free.


  • Publix, Starbucks, Walmart, and Walt Disney World were among the companies that changed their mask policies following the new guidance.


  • But it created some confusion in some other businesses which are trying to decide what their policies are for customers and employees returning to work and in schools where many students are too young to be eligible for an authorized emergency use vaccine.


  • The CDC says schools should keep mask mandates in place.

    CDC は、学校はマスク義務化を維持すべきだと示しています。

  • None of the vaccines has been shown to be one hundred percent effective against coronavirus.

    どのワクチンもコロナウイルスに 100% 効果があるとは言えません。

  • There have been a number of breakthrough cases recorded when people who are fully vaccinated still tested positive for the disease.


  • And America's biggest union of registered nurses has spoken out against the CDC's decision, saying it's not based on science, doesn't protect public health, and threatens medical patients and workers across America; the union says it's too soon to relax mask mandates

    アメリカ最大の看護師組織は、今回の CDC の決定は科学的根拠がなく、公衆衛生を保護するものではなく、アメリカ中の医療患者や労働者を危険な状況にさせるものであると反論しています。

  • CDC data shows that new coronavirus cases in the US have dropped dramatically since their peak in January.

    CDC のデータによると、米国におけるコロナウイルスの新規感染者数は、1月のピーク時から大幅に減少しています。

  • Experts say this is because of vaccinations and natural immunities in people who've already had the disease.


  • For the nearly 122 million Americans now fully vaccinated this weekend came with a mix of relief, and some cases, some questions.

    ワクチンを完全に接種した約1億 2,200 万人のアメリカ人にとって、この週末は安堵感と、場合によっては疑問が入り混じることもあります。

  • With only 37 percent of the country fully vaccinated, "is it too soon to unmask indoors?" asks Wilson Hung.

    ワクチンを完全に接種した人が 37% しかいない状況で、「室内でマスクを外すのは早すぎるのではないか」とウィルソン・ハングは問いかける。

  • I work in elementary school where I think I will still, probably, still wear a mask until... until I feel it's safe enough to not. Yeah.


  • And... you know, it's not just to protect me, but to protect, you know, like the city has said, to protect the ones around us.


  • All over the country, Americans like Hung are choosing to keep the mask on even after the CDC announced it's okay to lose it indoors if you're fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and under most circumstances.

    CDC が「新型コロナウイルスの完全な予防接種を受けていれば、ほとんどの状況下で室内でマスクを外しても問題ない」と発表した後も、全米でハングのようなアメリカ人がマスクを付け続けることを選択しています。

  • Some experts maintain it's a personal decision, recommending you look up transmission rates in your community or county if in doubt:


  • If it's high, consider some activities to be risky and keep the mask on, if not, feel free to unmask, like David Harris.


  • I feel comfortable, but I understand that some people might not feel comfortable. I, I feel, um, comfortable outdoors and I think in some settings, indoors might feel more uncomfortable if it's particularly crowded.


  • At least 19 states lifted mandates for vaccinated people following the CDC's new guidance, others still studying the recommendations before deciding.

    少なくとも19の州では、CDC の新指針に基づき、ワクチン接種の義務化を解除しましたが、その他の州では、まだ勧告を検討した上で決定しています。

  • Businesses face some tough decisions of their own; at grocery chain Stew Leonard's, mask signs are gone, but not actual masks.


  • A lot of our customers are still a little uncomfortable walking through the store with no masks, so all of our team memberswe have 2,500 team membersare all required to wear masks right now.

    多くのお客様は、マスクなしで店内を歩くことにまだ少し抵抗を感じているようです。そのため、2500 人のチームメンバー全員にマスクの着用が義務付けられています。

  • Um, we're not gonna throw people out of the store if they come in with no masks.


  • The new challenge will be knowing if those discarding their masks really are fully vaccinated.


  • - President Biden! - The Biden administration maintains Americans will be on an honor system.

    - バイデン大統領 - バイデン政権は、アメリカ人は名誉制をとるとしています。

  • I'm also, like, a little unsure about that because I definitely feel like you're going off of, like, what people are saying and, like, there's no, really, way to like hold someone accountable to something like that.


  • At least 7 states have reached the Biden administration's goal to vaccinate 70 percent of their adult population with at least 1 shot.

    少なくとも7つの州では、成人人口の 70% に最低1回のワクチンを接種するというバイデン政権の目標を達成しています。

  • New Jersey became the latest this weekend.


  • 10-second trivia: What accounts for the largest share of the cost of building a new house?

    10 秒クイズ:新居を建てる際に、最も大きな割合を占める工事は?

  • Interior finishes, foundation, framing, or major systems?


  • Interior finishes like flooring, cabinets, plumbing, and appliances account for more than 25 percent of a home's construction cost.

    床材、キャビネット、配管、家電製品などの内装工事は、住宅建設費の 25% 以上を占めます。

  • (This house was 3D printed in Austin, TX.)


  • (Housing non-profit New Story has partnered with ICON, a construction tech company.)

    (住宅関連の非営利団体「New Story」は、コンストラクション・テックの「ICON」と提携しています)

  • (The groups developed a new 3D printer called the Vulcan.)

    (このグループは、新しい 3D プリンター「Vulcan」を開発しました)

  • (To build homes in underserved areas around the globe.)


  • (3D printing houses is nothing new.)

    (3D プリンターで家を作ることは、今に始まったことではありません)

  • (For example, Apis Cor 3D printed a 409 square foot house in less than 24 hour.)

    (例えば、Apis Cor 社は、409 平方フィートの家を24時間以内に 3D プリントしました)

  • (In 2015, Oak Ridge National Laboratory printed this mobile home.)

    (2015 年、オークリッジ国立研究所がこのモバイルホームを印刷した)

  • (It can draw power from the lab's 3D printed car.)

    (研究室の 3D プリンターで作られた車から電源を取ることができます)

  • With the start of the Tokyo Summer Olympics just over 2 months away, new questions are being asked about whether the games should go on.


  • Japan has recorded 45,000 new positive COVID tests over the past week.

    日本では、この1週間で新たに 45,000 件の新型コロナウイルスの陽性反応を記録しました。

  • That's a fraction of those recorded in the US, even accounting for the population difference.


  • But Japan's cases are growing.


  • Should we have the games? Yes, we should.

    大会をするべきか? そうですね、しましょう。

  • Can we have them safely and secure?


  • I believe we can.


  • Four test events have gone on; organizers say the Games will go on.


  • But...


  • We're just about 10 weeks away from the Tokyo Olympics and a growing course of high-profile voices in Japan are raising alarm about the Games, including sponsors, athletes, politicians, and the medical community.

    東京オリンピック開催まであと 10 週間となり、スポンサー、アスリート、政治家、医療関係者など、日本の著名な方々が東京オリンピックに対する警戒感が高まっています。

  • Most recently, Toyota, a top Olympics sponsor, said that the company is concerned about the public frustration against hosting the Games in the middle of rising COVID-19 cases in Japan and a strained medical system.


  • This comes after 2 of Japan's star athletes, tennis players Naomi Osaka and Kei Nishikori, said they're conflicted about whether the Olympics should be held this summer.


  • As we get closer and closer to the Games, the setbacks continue to mountat least 35 towns in Japan said they are canceling deals to host international athletes, citing COVID-19 concerns.


  • The US track and field team has canceled its pre-Olympic training camp in Japan.


  • The torch relay has been canceled or moved off of public streets in parts of the country; several test events have been canceled or postponed.


  • On top of all of this, Japan has only fully vaccinated about 1 percent of its population.


  • Yet, amid all of this, the International Olympic Committee continues to reiterate that they are determined to host the Olympic Games as planned.


  • In the most recent virtual press briefing, however, the press briefing was cut short by a protester, and here in Japan, the local polls show that the majority of the Japanese population think that the Games should be canceled this summer.


  • Selena Wang, CNN, Tokyo.

    CNN のセレナ・ワンが東京からの取材です。

  • Rating 10 out of 10


  • When you are doing a live weather report and there's a technical glitch, the best thing you can do is have fun with it.


  • That's what Fox 9 Meteorologist Jennifer McDermed recently did.

    これは、Fox 9 の気象予報士であるジェニファー・マクダーメドが最近したことです。

  • At first she tried some hand waving, then she broke out a bit of a silly walkit's almost a robot.


  • And finally, a full conga line of closer and closer up Jennifers hilariously made their way across the shot.


  • It wasn't pre-screened, it was green screen, and it was a screen to see the way she owned it.


  • When McDermed's report got clouded by a storm of technical trouble, she rained down humor by precipitating a freestyle forecast that was partly glitchy with a hundred percent chance of awesome.

    マクダーメドのレポートが技術トラブルの嵐で曇ってしまったとき、彼女は「一部不具合あり、100 %の確率になりました」という素晴らしいフリースタイルの予報で、ユーモアの雨を降らせました。

  • I'm Carl Azuz, and that's CNN 10.

    カール・アズスです。本日の CNN 10は以上となります。

  • Hiram High School, shout-out to you, our viewers in Hiram, Georgia.


  • We hope you and everyone else will be watching for the next 2 weeks until we break for the Summer.


With two weeks left to go in our spring broadcasting season, we're happy to have you watching.


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