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Sometimes the tiniest errors in grammar, pronunciation, and spelling can lead to very big – and very funny – consequences.
So be careful you don't make these mistakes in your speaking and writing.
1. The correct sentence is: "Let's go to KFC to get some chicken.”
1. 正しい文章は 「Let's go to KFC to get some chicken. (KFCに行ってチキンを食べよう)」です。
The incorrect sentence is: "Let's go to KFC to get some chickens.”
間違った文章は 「Let's go to KFC to get some chickens. (KFCに行って鶏たちを買おう)」です。
Unless you're talking about whole chickens, you'd just say "chicken" because meat is uncountable.
This is just confusing for chicken meat
because most other meat names are different from the names of the animal that meat comes from.
Beef comes from cows.
Pork comes from pigs.
But chicken comes from chickens.
でも「chicken (チキン)」は「 chickens(鶏)」からきています。
If you want to talk about the parts of a chicken, like the wings or legs, these are pieces of chicken.
Next, the correct sentence is: "Thanks always for helping me.”
次です。正しい文章は 「Thanks always for helping me.(いつも助けてくれてありがとう。)」です。
A related sentence with a very different meaning is: "Thanks anyway for helping me.”
関連した文で意味が全く違うのは、「Thanks anyway for helping me (助けようとしてくれてありがとう)」です。
If you want to say thank you to someone for helping you many times, you'd say: "Thanks always.”
何度も助けてくれた人に感謝の気持ちを伝えたい場合は、こう言います。「Thanks always.(いつもありがとう)」
It's like, "Thank you for always helping me," or "Thanks for all of the help you've given me.”
「いつも助けてくれてありがとう 」とか、「いつもお世話になっています 」のような感じです。
But when you use "Thanks anyway," you're saying that the person was NOT able to help you,
しかし、「Thanks anyway(助けようとしてくれてありがとう) 」を使うと、その人が自分を助けることができなかったが、
but you still want to thank them for their time or attention.
For example, if I ask someone for directions and they don't know where to go, I can thank them for their time by saying, "Thanks anyway.”
例えば、私が誰かに道を尋ねて、その人が道を知らなかった場合、「Thanks anyway(助けようとしてくれてありがとう) 」と言ってお礼を言うことができます。
This would be correct and polite.
But if the person DID help me, I'd just say, "Thanks.”
でも、もしその人が自分をちゃんと助けてくれたなら、「Thanks (ありがとう)」とだけ言います。
Only when someone is helping you often would you use, "Thanks always.”
よくお世話になっている人にだけ、「Thanks always.(いつもありがとう)」を使います。
Next, the correct sentence is: "Thank you for your cooperation.”
次。正しい文章は 「Thank you for your cooperation(ご協力ありがとうございます)」です。
The incorrect sentence is: "Thank you for your copulation.”
間違った文章は 「Thank you for your copulation(セックスをしてくれてありがとう)」 です。
These two words do sound very similar.
"Cooperation" means working with other people,
「Cooperation 」は他の人と一緒に仕事をするという意味ですが、
but "copulation" is a formal term for having sex.
「Copulation 」はセックスをするという意味のフォーマルな言葉です。
So, be VERY careful with these two.
Remember "cooperate" as "co," meaning "with,"
and "operate," which means to do some kind of action.
Usually, when you want to ask customers or people to do something in a polite way,
you'd thank them for their cooperation.
But you probably wouldn't thank them for copulating.
Next, the correct sentence is: "Time to eat, children.”
次にの正しい文章は 「Time to eat, children.(子供たち、食事の時間だよ。)」
The incorrect sentence is: "Time to eat children.”
間違った文章は 「Time to eat children.(子供を食べる時間 です。)」です。
Funny how one little comma makes a VERY big difference in meaning.
With the comma, you're talking to someone.
Here, you're telling some children that it's time to eat.
But without the comma, you're saying it's time to eat some children.
Notice how my pronunciation is also different:
"Time to eat, children." "Time to eat children.”
「Time to eat, children.(子供たち、食事の時間だよ。)」
Finally, the correct phrase is, "Executive Board Room."
最後に、正しい表現は 「Executive Board Room (重役会議室)」です。
The incorrect phrase is, "Executive Bored Room.”
間違ったフレーズは、「Executive Bored Room (重役の退屈な部屋)」です。
These two sound the same, but a board room is where people, like the board members of a company, meet.
A bored room, if such a place existed, would be a room for people who feel uninterested, or have nothing to do.
「bored room」というのは、もしそんな場所があったとしたら、興味がない、やることがないと感じている人のための部屋でしょう。
Some board room meetings might be boring, but don't get these confused when you write!
取締役会(board room)の中には退屈なものもあるかもしれませんが、書くときにこれらを混同してはいけませんよ。
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