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  • By now, you may have heard the term Internet of Things.

  • Sounds Interesting but what does the internet of things actually mean?

  • IoT is an evolution of mobile, home, and embedded applications.

  • They're being connected to the internet, integrating greater computing capabilities, and using data analytics to extract meaningful information.

  • Billions of devices will be connected to the internet.

  • And soon hundreds of billions of devices.

  • As related devices connect with each other, they can become an intelligent system of systems.

  • And when these intelligent devices and systems of systems share data over the cloud and analyze it

  • they can transform our businesses, our lives, and our world in countless ways.

  • Whether it's improving medical outcomes,

  • creating better products faster with lower development costs,

  • making shopping more enjoyable,

  • or optimizing energy generation and consumption.

  • Use an example of the big picture.

  • Imagine an intelligent device such as a smart traffic camera.

  • The camera can monitor the road for congestion, accident, and weather conditions.

  • And communicate that status to a gateway that combines it with data from other cameras, creating an intelligent citywide traffic system.

  • Now imagine that the intelligent traffic system connected to other citywide transportation systems which get data from their own intelligent devices,

  • creating an ever-larger intelligent system of systems.

  • The really big possibilities come from analyzing the end-to-end data across that system of systems.

  • For example, let's say the city intelligent traffic system detects massive congestion due to an accident.

  • That insight can be sent to the citywide transportation system, which can analyze the accident impact on other city systems.

  • Recognizing the accident is near the airport and two city schools,

  • it could notify those systems so they can adjust flight and school schedules.

  • It can also analyze and derive optimal route around the accident

  • and send those instructions to the city digital signing system to guide drivers around the accident.

  • And that's just one example of the potential benefits that can happen when intelligent devices share insight with other systems,

  • forming ever-expanding systems of systems.

  • But how do we get there?

  • Regardless of the solution, Intel processors are designed to help you get to market faster and easier.

  • You can scale solutions across a variety of performance, power, and price points

  • with a single set of application code that runs on every Intel processor.

  • So what would you develop to help drive and accelerate the Internet of Things?

  • We'd love to help. So please contact your local Intel representative or visit us on the web at to find out more.

By now, you may have heard the term Internet of Things.


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B1 中級

Intel IoT -- モノのインターネットは何を意味するのか? (Intel IoT -- What Does The Internet of Things Mean?)

  • 1545 136
    Anastasia Hsu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日