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  • At some point or another, we've all tried to improve our diet, whether it was for health

  • reasons, physical appearance, or both.

  • But we often overlook the most complex organ in our body when considering what foods to

  • eat.

  • Our brain is in control not just of our thoughts and feelings, but breathing, heartbeat, senses,

  • and so much more.

  • Increasingly more scientific research is showing that what we eat every day actually has a

  • huge impact on our brain functions, affecting our moods, cravings, and overall mental health!

  • The brain is always active, even when we are asleep, and requires a lot of vitamins, minerals,

  • and antioxidants to stay well-nourished and happy.

  • What are the best brain foods you ask?

  • Well, here are 6 of the best foods for maintaining a healthy mind and body!

  • 1.

  • Fatty Fish Fish is most well known for its source of

  • omega-3 fatty acids (EFAs).

  • But what does it actually do for the brain?

  • Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the most important groups of nutrients for the brain, and some

  • studies have shown that as many as 70% of us don't get enough of it.

  • These essential fatty acids, or EFAs, are required for biological processes

  • and they are key structural component for brain cells

  • A major scientific study published in Lancet, in 2007 studied the diets of 12,000 women.

  • It was actually found that children of the women who consumed the last Omega-3 fatty

  • acids scored in the lowest quarter percentile on IQ tests.

  • This goes to show the incredible importance these EFAs have on human growth, development,

  • and cognition.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids are also anti-inflammatory, which has major implications for the treatment

  • of chronic illnesses like heart disease, and also mental illnesses such as depression,

  • anxiety, ADHD, and Alzheimer's.

  • Not only that, but fatty fish is a source of vitamin B12 as well as protein, which helps

  • to form key neurotransmitters and is essential for a healthy mind.

  • 2. Blueberries

  • According to Dr. Steven Pratt, blueberries

  • help protect the brain from oxidative stress and reduce the chances of having Alzheimer's

  • disease or dementia.

  • Blueberries are one of the highest antioxidant-rich foods, and they include vitamin C, vitamin

  • K and fibre which all are responsible for capturing radicals that damage our brain cells,

  • helps to regulate the blood and oxygen flow.

  • In addition to destroying these radicals, they rejuvenate cells to protect our brains

  • from degeneration and stress.

  • 3.Walnuts

  • Walnuts are a good source of antioxidants,

  • fibres, iron, magnesium, vitamin E, and omega-3s which are all essential for brain development

  • and growth.

  • The human brain is made of 60% structural fat so it requires high-quality fats like

  • omega-3s, particularly DHA, to keep the brain fluid and flexible.

  • Research says that walnuts are the best nuts for improving cognitive performances, and

  • prevent age-related illnesses.

  • A research study at Chicago's Rush University Medical Centre was conducted to study the

  • lifestyle habits of 6,000 people who were unaffected by Alzheimer's.

  • It was found that those who have the most intake of vitamin E-rich foods have a lesser

  • chance of developing diseases that are memory and age-related.

  • Maybe there's a reason walnuts kind of look like our brains….

  • 4. Avocados

  • Nowadays, avocados are made into

  • sandwiches, creams, spreads, jams

  • and even ice cream!

  • But it actually contains a monosaturated fat, which is a healthy fat

  • and helps in regulating a healthy blood flow because it decreases LDL cholesterolthe

  • bad cholesteroland increases the HDL cholesterolthe good cholesterolThis

  • prevents the hardening of blood vessels.

  • According to a review published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience in 2008, some nutrients,

  • like folate, that are found in avocados can also improve one's memory and concentration.

  • Another study done in the Oregon State University Linus Pauling Institute has suggested that

  • folate reduces the risk of a stroke.

  • 5. Coconut Oil

  • If you've noticed, coconut oil is often mentioned

  • when talking about at-home remedies.

  • It's almost as if there is nothing that coconut oil cannot do!

  • According to a study by Dr. Mary Newport, just over two tablespoons of coconut oil

  • will help in restoring and renewing neurons, and nerve

  • functions in the brain.

  • Coconut oil consists of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) that convert the oil inside the body

  • to ketones.

  • Ketones are what fuel our brains.

  • The MCT we put into our bodies goes directly to our liver to release the newly-converted

  • oil to energy.

  • Coconut oil also works as a natural anti-inflammatory food.

  • It helps to prevent memory loss or any age-related illnesses or disorders and destroys bad bacteria

  • that stay in our stomach organs.

  • 6.Dark Chocolate

  • You might have started to worry that none

  • of these foods will satisfy your taste buds but luckily, chocolate can actually be beneficial

  • to our brain health.

  • Dark chocolate is packed with magnesium which increases the production of endorphins and

  • serotonin, and flavonols, which is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

  • A study published in Neurology found that dark chocolate decreased blood pressure, and

  • could even lower the chances of having a stroke by 17%!

  • It also contains small amounts of caffeine to improve mental alertness and short-term

  • memory which is why a lot of students also eat dark chocolate while studying.

  • So those were some of the best foods for a healthy brain.

  • Other superfoods include eggs, sea vegetables, fermented foods, and leafy greens! :D

  • It's imperative to be conscious of the foods that we eat because they can have a much bigger

  • impact on our bodies than we realize.

  • And remember, having a healthy body also means having a healthy brain!

At some point or another, we've all tried to improve our diet, whether it was for health


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B2 中上級

6 SUPERFOODS That Will Boost Your Brainpower

  • 43 5
    joey joey に公開 2021 年 04 月 25 日