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  • Learning how to make effective study guides can really help you achieve a better grade

  • and prepare you for future tests and exams.

  • But what is a study guide?

  • A study guide is mainly a document where you write everything you need to know for you

  • evaluation, point for point, in the most condensed way possible.

  • It is similar to an outline in that way that it's meant to be a quick guide to solve

  • any questions related to your material, a light set of pages that you can tuck in your

  • backpack and use to revise for your test if you commute for school or before going to

  • bed.

  • So what do you need to create your own study guide?

  • Simply grab the most complete source of information you have for the specific material you need

  • to learn and stick with that source only.

  • In my case, it's my law textbooks.

  • Afterwards, you just need a pen and a piece of paper.

  • Generally I will create a study guide for each chapter on my textbook and my goal is

  • to keep each guide to a maximum of two pages, so I have a sheet of paper for each chapter.

  • If you procrastinated and left all of your studying for the end of the term or semester,

  • it is also possible to create all study guides out of a textbook in a few days but your laziness

  • will not be worth the effort.

  • I advise you to start as soon as you can, because in that way you can study during the

  • semester and have all of your preparatory material ready for finals week as soon as

  • it arrives.

  • Normally, I will read my textbook before class so I am aware of the topics that we will be

  • addressing and one of the best ways to prepare myself better is to read the lectured lessons

  • in my textbook.

  • As I do so, I highlight any relevant information I can findand that means highlighting

  • only 5 or 10 percent of that page and mainly keywords.

  • There are tons of information in textbooks that will be totally irrelevant for your studying,

  • like page references, overly repetitive information, and self-explanatory material.

  • Your goal is to really force your way through the textbook and see what is actually new

  • or interesting and what you think you won't remember just by logical thinking.

  • This takes a bit of practice but as you experiment with different textbooks and different ways

  • to highlight information you will be surprised at the amount of unnecessary words they just

  • throw at you and force you to memorize, although you don't really need to.

  • When you finish reading a chapter just look at the highlighted information you have in

  • front of you.

  • Your goal now is to use bullet journaling principles to write your study guide.

  • By bullet journal principles I mean, using a bullet form to write sentences and connect

  • information, use the simplest phrasing and vocabulary you can find and break down bigger

  • paragraphs, sentences and ideas to smaller chunks of information.

  • Keep colors to a minimum, using a very simple color code (if any) and don't worry about

  • cramping informationthat's the point of a study guide, a document with condensed

  • material, one or two pages that you trust to contain all you need to learn for your

  • test.

  • Also, if you need to, don't hesitate to use symbols to identify examples or definitions.

  • The more concise, the better.

  • After that, you are done!

  • I hope you've enjoyed this video!

  • Don't forget to subscribe and I will see you next week.

  • Bye!

Learning how to make effective study guides can really help you achieve a better grade


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A2 初級

Study Guide 101

  • 26 1
    田舜仁 に公開 2021 年 04 月 20 日