字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント [narrator] Turn on a faucet and clean water rushes out, 蛇口をひねれば水が出る as much as we want, anytime we want. いつでも 欲しい時に It's easy to forget that the quest for this 忘れがちですが これは大変な苦労の賜物 has been one of the defining struggles of human history. 水を制した文明は栄え ― Civilizations that harnessed water, thrived. 失敗すると滅びました The ones that failed... fell. 現在 人類の7割が ― Today, seven in ten people on Earth 家で水道を使えます can count on having running water in their homes. 水は川から主管に流れ ― [man] The water flows from the risers to connecting mains, 排水管で各建物に 届けられます and finally through service connections into each building on the street. でも実態は… [narrator] At least, so they think. ケープタウンで 水がなくなるかも Cape Town. It could become the first major city in the world ケープタウンでは 水道水の枯渇デイ・ゼロが間近です to run out of water. あと92日で水道水の 供給が止まるかも Cape Town, South Africa, is inching closer now to Day Zero. 原因は干ばつです Just 92 days away from having to shut off most water taps ケープタウンは 大都市で初めて ― because of a severe drought. 水道供給の停止を計画 [narrator] Cape Town is the first major city in the world 400万人の人が 水の配給を受けるために ― to plan to indefinitely shut off its water supply. 長い列に並ぶことになります Four million people would stop getting running water. 他にも ― They'd get water rations, サンパウロ メルボルン ジャカルタ ロンドン and they'd need to line up at city water stations to get it. 北京 イスタンブール 東京 バンガロール And it's not just Cape Town. バルセロナ メキシコシティで ― São Paulo, Melbourne, Jakarta, London, 約20年で 水が枯渇すると予想され ― Beijing, Istanbul, Tokyo, Bangalore, 根本的な変革が必要です Barcelona and Mexico City アミナ・モハメッド 国連事務副総長 will all face their own Day Zero in the next few decades, 水道のおかげで 多くの人が― unless their water use radically changes. 水は無限に使えると 思いがち There are perceptions that it is there in bountiful amounts それが問題です and everyone has access to it because you can turn a tap, 実際は 2040年までに 世界の大部分が水不足に and that's a big problem. 世界的危機であり 深刻化している [narrator] In fact, by 2040 ベッツィ・オットー 水資源専門家 今すでに 分岐点に来ていて― most of the world won't have enough water to meet demand year-round. 放っておけば 手に負えなくなる We're facing a global water crisis and it's getting worse. 水に代替品はなく枯渇すれば 人は数日で死にます We're at a real inflection point where, if we're not careful, なぜ こんな事態に なったのでしょう? we may actually get out ahead of our ability to manage it. 世界はどうなって いくのでしょうか? [narrator] There's no substitute for water. 水道が自然を制しました Each of us will die in just a few days without it. 一部の投資家にとって― How have we built a world これは黄金の液体です where we don't have enough of its most valuable resource? 今すぐ 汚染を止めろ And as this crisis grows, 水は今や商品となり 新たな価値がつく what will the new world look like? 水を空気のように 自明と思っていいのか? [man] Waterways, built by the people 世界の水危機 to free the land of the tyranny of nature. 青い惑星 地球 For some investors, what they see in this glass 水はふんだんにあります その量は3.26億兆ガロン is liquid gold. 過去も未来もずっと Clean water. Now. 氷や水蒸気になっても 地球上に存在します [crowd chants] 地球上のすべての水のうち ― -[in Spanish] In defense of water. -[man 2] Water becomes a commodity. 97%は海水で 2%は南極と北極の氷 It takes on new value. つまり人類が使えるのは 残りの1%だけ People claim it, haul it, treasure it. 水不足の話で 焦点になるのは― [man 3] Dare we take our water supply for granted as we do the air we breathe? その1%の水が 使えるかっていうこと [narrator] Earth is the blue planet. 答えは場所によります There's no shortage of water. We have 326 million trillion gallons of it. クエートは 水が最も少ない国の一つ Always have, always will. 最も豊富な国の一つ カナダには ― Water may freeze into ice or evaporate into air, なんと その1万倍の 水があります but it doesn't leave our planet. もう一つ大事なのは ― If you sucked up all the water on Earth, it would fit into this sphere. 液状の淡水1% But 97% of it is salty and 2% is trapped in ice at the poles, 地下にあり 汲み上げが困難なことです so all of humankind relies on just 1% of that water to survive. そのため人類の大半は 水や湖のそばに住むように When people talk about running out of water, 人口の約9割が 淡水から 10キロ以内に住んでいます what they really mean is, アステカ人が湖のそばに 定住しメキシコシティに do they have access to that very small percentage? これは その頃の 運河の名残です [narrator] And the answer depends a lot on where you live. 16世紀に スペイン人が上陸し ― Kuwait is one of the poorest countries in terms of water per capita, 水に浮かぶ街の 魔法のような景色に ― and Canada, one of the richest, doesn't have twice as much 魅了されました or even ten times as much. It has 10,000 times as much. その後スペイン人が 湖を干拓し ― But it also matters where the water is. 空いた場所に 人が住むように That 1% of Earth's water that we all rely on, 地表水はメキシコでも ― most of it is underground and really difficult and expensive to get to, 貴重な資源として 扱われました so humans have mostly settled close to surface water, like rivers and lakes. 1950年以降 メキシコシティの人口は急増 Around 90% of the world's population 現在では2200万人に lives less than ten kilometers from a freshwater source. メキシコシティにとって 最大の危機の一つは― Hundreds of years ago, when the Aztecs settled on what is now Mexico City, 水問題だ they saw a giant lake. ロンドンより 降水量が多いのに ― These are the last remnants of the canals they made. 今や雨水が集まる 湖がないため ― When the Spanish came in the 16th century, 洪水が起きます one soldier marveled at the Aztec city rising from the water 同時に 他の地域から 水を引いたり ― that seemed like an enchanted vision. 地下水も汲み上げます But then the Spanish started draining the lake, 地下水の汲み上げ技術は 進歩しました and over the next few centuries that space was filled by people. でも問題も Like in most places, surface water in Mexico 帯水層と呼ばれる この水源は― was treated as a public resource, key to development. 蓄積に何千年もの時間が かかります And since 1950, Mexico City's population has exploded. 地下水は定期預金に似てる It's now home to 22 million people. 本当に必要な時に 利用するものよ I would say some of the most important threats ところがメキシコシティは… for Mexico City are related to water. 水供給の約5割を 帯水層からまかなっている [narrator] Mexico City gets more rain than notoriously rainy London. つまり今後30~50年で その5割の水を失う But the lakes that would have collected that water are long gone, もう一つの副作用は ― so the city floods. 土壌の圧縮です But they still need to pipe in メキシコシティは 沈みつつあり ― most of their water from other parts of Mexico. 年間 約23センチ沈む地域も Or they pump it from underground. NASAの衛星から インド北部の帯水層が ― We've gotten a lot better at accessing groundwater. 10年で 29兆ガロン 減ったことがわかります But there's a catch. 人口増加が その理由 Those water deposits, called aquifers, have accumulated over millennia 水の消費は今世紀で7倍に and they'll take millennia to fill back up. 川や湖を満たし 農業に 不可欠な雨や雪の量も ― Groundwater is sort of like the savings account, より不安定に which it's fine to draw on sometimes, especially when you have a drought. 気候変動で使える水が減り― [narrator] That's not what Mexico City's been doing. 世界中で 非常に長い 干ばつが起きている We take out from the local aquifer around 50% of our water supply. 問題は 人口増加だけではなく ― That means that probably we'll lose half of our supply of water 使い方にも in the next 30-50 years. 人が1日に飲む水は 約3.8リットル [narrator] Sucking up that groundwater has another side effect. 歯磨きや手洗いにも 約3.8リットル It compresses the soil. 今ので約11リットル Mexico City is literally sinking. でも個人の使用は ― In some places, as much as nine inches a year. 世界の淡水利用の 約8%にすぎません NASA satellite data shows aquifers in northern India 大部分は農業と工業に 費やされます decreasing by 29 trillion gallons in just a decade. コカコーラを作るのに 必要な水の98%は― There are simply more people on Earth consuming more water. この瓶には入ってない This century, water consumption has increased sevenfold. 必要な水の98%は 材料を作るために使われる And the rain and snow that we count on to water crops and refill lakes and rivers ビール1杯には 74リットルの水が is getting less reliable. コーヒーには130リットル [Otto] Climate change is making available water much more erratic. 綿のシャツには 2500リットル必要です We're seeing areas around the world でも一番 水を使うのは肉 that are experiencing much more extended dry periods. ウシの飼料にする アルファルファは ― [narrator] But the problem isn't just that there's more people on Earth using water, 1キロ育てるのに 510リットル必要です it's how we're using water. ウシはこれを 1日12キロ食べるので ― Humans need to drink almost a gallon of water per day. 計算すると ― Brushing your teeth, washing your hands typically uses about a gallon. ハンバーガー1個で 1650リットルの水が必要に [flushes] 世界の食文化は米国化し ― There goes three gallons. 肉の消費量が増えています But the drinking, washing and toilet flushing でも完全に米国化するには ― of every person on Earth only accounts for 8% of our freshwater use each year. 水の量が足りません Most of the water goes to agriculture and industry, 水は資本主義の原則に 当てはまりません and into the food and products we use. 農家が払うお金はわずか Let's take a bottle of Coca-Cola. 水の費用は バーガーには含まれず ― 98% of the water in that bottle バーガーは 安い価格で売られます is not what you see in that bottle. 驚きの 99セント 98% of the water is actually embedded in all the ingredients that were grown たった2ドル 99! to make that bottle of Coca-Cola. 世界の大部分で ― [narrator] 74 liters of water goes into every glass of beer. 水の価格は非常に低いため ― A cup of coffee? 130 liters. ムダ使いが増えてしまいます Each of your cotton shirts - 2,500 liters. 南カリフォルニアでは 年間2兆ガロンが ― But nothing has as much embedded water as meat. アルファルファ栽培に 使われます Alfalfa is a common ingredient in cattle feed, 水源はコロラド川 and growing a kilogram of it takes 510 liters of water. 水代は輸送費より安価です An average cow consumes about 12 kilograms of feed a day. 南アフリカのワイン産業が 使う水のごく一部で ― Divided up, ケープタウンの 水道水が 賄まかなえます just one quarter-pound hamburger takes around 1,650 liters of water to produce. インドと中国は 水が大量に要る穀物を ― The world is eating more and more like Americans. 乾燥地帯で育てています Higher calorie diets with more meat. 水不足が これを変えるかも But everyone can't eat like Americans. ゴールドマンサックスは ― There actually isn't enough water in the world. “水は21世紀の 石油になる”と予想 Water doesn't abide by some of the basic rules of capitalism. ヘッジファンド等が 水の買い占めを始め ― Farmers hardly pay anything for it. 利益目的で利用する懸念も 高まっています 〝次の希少資源で稼ぐには〞 So the true cost of water doesn't end up in the cost of the burger. 〝モハーベ砂漠で 水億万長者になる計画〞 まるで映画「007」の悪役が 現実になったよう Which is why those fast food places can offer you bargain burgers. 現時点で― [man 1] How can it be 99 cents? 我々はボリビアの水の 60%を手中に収めている [man 2] For only 2.99. You heard right: 2.99. 新政府の水道事業を 一手に担うことになる [narrator] In most places in the world, でも 価格上昇にはいい面も water is treated and priced like there will always be enough of it. 水の価格が上がってコストを 気にするようになれば― So we end up using it in absurdly wasteful ways. 砂漠でアルファルファは 栽培しない Arid Southern California uses over two trillion gallons of water a year この点を覚えておいて下さい to grow alfalfa, which they get from the Colorado River, 乾燥地域で 農業を営んだら― hundreds of miles away. 赤字になる The amount they pay for it doesn't even cover the cost of delivery. おそらく世界の 灌漑かんがい農地の 95%が ― Just a fraction of the water used by South Africa's wine industry 非効率な灌漑技術の使用を ― would be enough for Cape Town's taps. やめるでしょう India and China both grow their most water-intensive crops 政府も 投資を最大限に 活かすため ― in some of their driest regions. 水インフラを修繕するはず But as water gets more scarce, that may change. 現状ではインフラの維持に 必要な― The bank Goldman Sachs predicted that water would be 投資が有効にできてない the petroleum of the 21st century. その結果 排水の途中で 水道の42%が― And private interests, like hedge funds, have started buying up water, 漏れてしまっている prompting fears that they'll take advantage of scarcity to turn a profit. 街の存続が危ぶまれる中 ― And if that sounds like a villain's plot in a James Bond movie, 飲料水の半分が 漏れているのです that's because it was. 下水と農業 工業の排水は ― As of this moment, 1日200万トンに上ります my organization owns more than 60% of Bolivia's water supply. 水がどれほど貴重なものか 価値が全く理解されてない This contract states that your new government... なくなって初めて その価値に気づく will use us as utilities provider. 2017年 メヒカリ市は ― [narrator] But putting a higher price on water might have benefits. コンステレーション・ ブランズ社と契約 The benefit of valuing water as we should 人気ビールのメーカーが ― and sending, you know, a price signal, 醸造所を造ることに is that we wouldn't be growing alfalfa in the desert. 地域で最大規模の 投資で ― [narrator] Remember that point. It'll be important later. 750件の雇用が生まれます We wouldn't be growing crops that don't make sense in really arid places. 市は対価として 大量の水供給を保証 Because the economics of it wouldn't make sense. でも市の水資源に問題が [narrator] And 95% of the irrigated farmland in the world 主な供給源のコロラド川は― probably wouldn't use the most inefficient irrigation method... ロッキー山脈の 雪解け水が水源です just flooding the fields. でも近年 気温の上昇で 降雪が減り水量が低下 And if water had a higher price, 水面の 跡あとからも明らかです governments might decide it's worth the money コロラド川は南に流れ ― to repair our water infrastructure. デンヴァー ソルトレイクシティ [Kramer] We are not investing the financial resources needed ラスベガス フェニックス LA等を通ります to make a good maintenance of the system. そして約600エーカーの 農地も One critical result of this is that we have 42% of leakages メリカリ市に着く頃には ― in the water network. こんな風に [narrator] Mexico City, which is facing an existential water crisis, <水不足が始まったのは ずっと前だ> loses close to half of its drinking water to leaky pipes. <醸造所が稼働を 始めたら―> We value water so little, サルヴァドール&ローラ メナ・ガルシア 農民 we dump two million tons <数年で 地下水が尽きる> of sewage and agricultural and industrial waste into it every day. <一番 損害を受けるのは 農民よ> There's no sense of value <彼らの年間使用料は 2千万立法メートル> to what is really an incredibly invaluable resource in water. <例えば エンセナーダ市は―> But then when we run out, we find what the cost of water truly is. <年間900万立法メートル 使うけど―> [yelling] <その倍以上だ> [speaking Spanish] <街1つの倍だよ> [narrator] In 2017, 水が希少になるほど 競争が激しくなり ― the city of Mexicali finalized a deal with Constellation Brands, 勝者と敗者が生まれます the maker of Modelo and Corona beers, 決めるのは政府 to construct a brewery. 2018年7月 ― It would be the biggest investment the region had seen in years, メキシコ政府は法令を発布 creating 750 permanent jobs. コンステレーション・ ブランズのような企業が ― And, in exchange, the brewery was guaranteed a lot of water. 水を確保しやすくなりました But Mexicali doesn't have a lot of water to spare. <強盗と同じだ> Its main water source is the Colorado River, <メキシコ国民と 世界に向けた警告でもある> which starts in Colorado, in the U.S. <世界中の多くの人が―> Fed by melting snow in the Rocky Mountains, <企業だけが潤うような 私有化の流れと戦ってる> warmer temperatures in recent years have meant less snow, 2018年1月 ― which means less river. 工事を阻むために 人々が集まりました You can tell how much less by that big bathtub ring. <あの道路に 大勢の警察が―> The river flows south, quenching a few American cities along the way, <盾を持って集まり 隊列を組んだ> like Denver, Salt Lake City, <彼女はパイプを持って 向かって行った> Las Vegas, Phoenix and Los Angeles. <水を守らなきゃ> Oh, and almost six million acres of farmland. <水がなきゃ生きられない> By the time the Colorado River reaches Mexicali, <何よりも大切なものよ> it looks like this. 水不足が世界中で 暴力的な対立を呼んでいます [man, in Spanish] It's been a long time since we've had enough water. 私が切迫した状況を 目にしたのは― If the brewery settles in and starts producing, ナイジェリアの北東部 in a few years, we'll run out of underground water. ここ数年で チャド湖が干上がり― [in Spanish] The farmers are the ones who get the worst of it. 生活ができなくなって 対立が始まった [in Spanish] They need 20 million cubic meters per year. 政府も制御できないほどに If we compare that to, say, cities such as Ensenada, 水不足はダルフール紛争の 原因にも which need nine million cubic meters, it's more than double. 2003年以降 何十万人もが 亡くなりました More than double of a city. シリア内戦のきっかけも ― [narrator] The more scarce water gets, more access to it becomes a competition, 2006年の干ばつだという 専門家も with winners and losers, 水を巡る緊張が高まり ― often with governments picking. 各国政府は一見 突飛な案に注目しています In July 2018, 水の製造です the federal government of Mexico issued a decree 海水の脱塩は過去10年で 倍増しましたが その量は ― making it easier for businesses like Constellation Brands 全体の1%にも達しません to extract surface water all around the country. 安価な方法の開発を 皆が待ってる [in Spanish] We see this as a stick-up. 海水や 地下から取れる 半塩水を脱塩して― It's also a warning 飲料水にする not only for the Mexican people but the entire world. 今は多額の費用と 電力がかかる We know that many other parts of the world そのために 水の価格を上げると ― are fighting against these privatization projects 水を使う様々な消費財の 価格も急増することになり ― that line the companies' pockets. 崩壊する産業も出るかも [narrator] In January 2018, コンスタレーション・ ブランズ等の企業は ― protesters tried to physically block the construction 拠点を変えるかも of the brewery's aqueduct. というのも… [in Spanish] The entire group of policemen came through that road in the front. 水の価格が上がってコストを 気にするようになれば― They came here with their protective shields, in a single file. 砂漠でアルファルファは 栽培しない She's the lady that shows up in the video holding a pipe. 彼らが砂漠で育てるのは まさにウシの飼料です [in Spanish] But we have to defend our water. 水の価格が上がれば ― Because it's a vital liquid. 仕事を失います It's the most important thing we have right now. 水は石油とも 他のどの資源とも違います [narrator] Water scarcity is increasingly driving violent conflict around the world. 水がなければ 死ぬからです My personal experiences of where this has been dire 2010年 国連は水と衛生を 人権に認定 have been in northeast Nigeria. 問題はまさにここです As we saw over the years of the drying up of Lake Chad 適正な価格を設定し 同時に 皆が使えるようにするには? so did livelihoods dry up. And that tension really did erupt 設備の整備や節約のため 水の値段を上げれば ― in a way in which governments could no longer contain it. 貧困層に影響が出ます [narrator] Water scarcity is at the heart of the ongoing conflict in Darfur シドニー水道公社が 15%値上げし ― which, since 2003, has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. 家計の負担が増えます And some analysts say the Syrian civil war 節水に向けた 今回の動きが― was caused in large part by a severe drought in 2006. 貧困層の負担になります As tensions rise over freshwater, これ以上 支出の増加は カバーできない governments are increasingly eyeing an idea that was once far-fetched. 水の平等な供給は できなくなるかも Creating more of it. 人が1日で使う水のうち 60リットルほどは― Desalination of ocean water has more than doubled over the last decade 人権に関わる使用だが― but the amount we make a year それ以上の使用には 課金すべき still adds up to less than 1% of the water we use. 2017年 ― We've been waiting for the holy grail of breakthrough in how expensive it is フィラデルフィアは収入に 応じて価格を変えることに to desalinate water, that is to take ocean or brackish water 人権が守られるような 価格設定が必要よ that has a lot of salts in it, from underground, 絶対的な必要性は 問題を困難にしますが ― and treat it to drinking-water standards. 解決に向け意外な動きも 生み出します That takes a lot of money and it takes a huge amount of energy right now. ケープタウンでは3月18日に 水が枯渇するはずが ― [narrator] That would make more sense if water was more valuable. 節水が始まります But that would also mean the water in everything would cost more. 明らかな効果が 出ています The price of consumer goods would skyrocket. デイ・ゼロは 1ヵ月後ろ倒しに Some industries might collapse. デイ・ゼロは 7月9日に変更に Companies like Constellation Brands might make different decisions 政府はデイ・ゼロを変更 about where they set up their operations. 新たな日付は8月末に Because remember... 予測は来年に変更 The benefit of valuing water as we should 市民と政府の 節水努力の成果です and sending, you know, a price signal, 水使用量は18年までに 4年前の半分以下に低下 is that we wouldn't be growing alfalfa in the desert. デイ・ゼロへのカウントは 無期限停止に [narrator] Growing cattle feed in the desert. デイ・ゼロの話が出て初めて 行動に繋がった That's what the Mena family does. 注目されたのね And if water suddenly became the next petroleum, 政府がデイ・ゼロの 発表をしてから― they'd be out of a living, too. 1ヵ月で 素晴らしい節水効果が出て The thing is, water isn't like petroleum. 希望が見えた Or any other commodity on Earth, for that matter. でも 運もありました Because without water, we die. 雨が降ったのです In 2010, the UN recognized access to water and sanitation as a human right. 大事なのは 枯渇する前に 水の重要さを認識すること And that's the challenge of our water crisis. そして枯渇すれば どうなるか思い出すこと How are you supposed to value an invaluable resource メキシコシティは 湖の中に造られた while ensuring everybody has it? でも今は水との縁が 遠くなってしまった When the price of water is raised, to fix pipes or encourage conservation, 昔からある水への意識を 思い出すべきだ it has the greatest impact on the poor. 個人ができることは たくさんある Sydney water is pushing for a 15% hike over four years, 水の価値を思い出すことも その一つ putting more pressure on family budgets. 日本語字幕 加藤 智子 This drive for water conservation, water saving, is now a burden that poor people must carry. Living on a fixed income, I cannot afford any of this. [narrator] It might be that we don't end up treating all water equally. We know that there is a certain percentage of water, it's around 60 liters per day per person, that is associated with human rights issues, but above that, people should pay for water. [narrator] In 2017, Philadelphia started experimenting with tying water prices to income. We need to price it in such a way that we protect basic human needs. [narrator] The fact that we all need water makes this crisis exceptionally hard. But it can also inspire people to act in exceptional ways to solve it. Cape Town's Day Zero was first scheduled for March 18. But then people started conserving. The water restrictions are clearly having some effect. Day Zero has been pushed back by a month. [woman] Cape Town announced it pushed back Day Zero until July 9th. Authorities expect Day Zero, as it's been dubbed, to take place at the end of August instead of July. Now, that's since been pushed back to next year, thanks to extraordinary efforts of residents and authorities. [narrator] By early 2018, the city's water consumption was less than half what it had been just four years earlier, and the Day Zero countdown clock was paused indefinitely. Not enough action was taken until they started talking about Day Zero. That really got people's attention. And it was remarkable, between the time that the city started to talk about Day Zero and, a month later, how much people cut back their water use. And it goes to show what we can do. [narrator] But Cape Town also got lucky. It rained. The trick is recognizing how valuable water is before there isn't enough of it, and remembering that our fates are tied to what rushes out of our taps. [Kramer] Mexico City was founded within a lake. But today our relation with water is very distant. It's very important to recover our historical consciousness with water. There are many actions individuals can take in order to save water, but also to be aware that water has a value.
B1 中級 日本語 米 Netflix 水道 リットル メキシコシティ デイ 価格 Explained | World's Water Crisis | FULL EPISODE | Netflix 15 1 joey joey に公開 2021 年 04 月 17 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語