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AI 自動生成字幕
  • We always were together walking the same road, you and me, like destiny.


  • But then, the path, it parted. You went down one road and I went the other way.

    でも道は分かれてしまったあなたは一方の道を行き 私はもう一方の道を行った

  • Loneliness the feeling in my heart is all I have to hold today. Looking at a sky that's almost just about to cry, I have to say… I can't help but think of you.


  • Ah ah, I am here beneath the night and you're not there. No, I won't cry, won't cry anymore.


  • Tryin' hard to live a life without you. To be strong when I think about you.


  • Oh, Maybe you're seeing the same big sky. A crescent moon fades into the night.

    ああ、もしかしたら同じ大きな空を見ているのかもしれない。 三日月が夜に消えていく。

  • Yes, it might be bringing us together. You know, I love you more than ever. Oh~


  • The days are getting colder. Keeping my hands warm by myself's reality. I miss your warmth so badly.


  • Want you here with me. Want you here with me. Even though you call and tell me how much you love me, I get blue.


  • You know I wanna hear it but I really don't like to lean on you. So, I'll wipe the tears away.


  • Ah ah, I am here beneath the night and you're not there. No, I won't cry, won't cry anymore.


  • Tryin' hard to live a life without you. To be strong when I think about you.


  • Wonder when I will see you again. Until that time, I guess I'll have to live.


  • Feeling the power you gave me when you pulled me close. And, said “I'll always love you, you know”.


  • Here beneath the night are you're not there. No, I won't cry, can't cry anymore.

    ここでは夜の下にあなたはいません。 いや、もう泣かない、もう泣けない。

  • Tryin' hard to live a life without you. To be strong when I think about you.


  • Oh, Maybe you're seeing the same big sky. That crescent moon fades into the night.

    ああ、もしかしたら同じ大きな空を見ているのかもしれない。 その三日月が夜に消えていく。

  • I believe it's bringing us together. You know, I love you more than ever. Holding out my hands.


  • Can you feel me. I'm reaching out to you, crescent moon.

    私を感じるか?手を差し伸べています 三日月よ

We always were together walking the same road, you and me, like destiny.


AI 自動生成字幕

ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級 日本語 泣か 生きる 強く 愛し 差し 難しい


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    阿多賓 に公開 2014 年 08 月 03 日