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Welcome to Ask an English Teacher.
Ask an English Teacher へようこそ。私は、エイミーです。何でも聞いてください。
I'm Amy; ask me anything.
Today's question comes from Sam.
Sam, thank you so much for your follow up question; excellent question.
This question is a follow-up from a previous video, and I will go ahead and put the... the link to that video in the description of this video so you can check that one out as well.
Sam says, "I wonder if we can apply these pronunciations to 'Do you' all the time."
サムが聞いているのは、この"do you"の発音を、いつも使えるのか、ということです。
"Can we pronounce 'do you' as /d'ya/ and /ja/?"
"do you"を、"d'ya"とか"ja"と発音しても良いか。
"Example: 'Do you live here?', 'D'ya live here?,' and 'Ja live here?'"
Fantastic question; thank you.
"Do you" can be linked and reduced in questions to sound like d'ya or j'a or j'oo.
"Do you"は、疑問文では結合して省略されて、"d'ya"とか"j'uh"とか"j'oo"のように聞こえることがあります。
In Sam's example, "do you live here" can sound like "d'ya live here" or "ja live here" or "joo live here".
サムの例では、"do you live here"という文が、"d'ya live here"、"j'uh live here"、"j'oo live here"のように聞こえるのです。例を見てみましょう。
Let's practice some examples.
Do you like it?
D'ya like it? D'ya like it?
Do you need a ride?
Do you have a minute?
Do you feel like going for a walk?
Last one. Do you think they're coming?
I hope this answers your question and I hope it gives you some practice using these different ways to say "do you" in questions.
質問に答えられたでしょうか。疑問文で"do you"を使う、様々な言い方を練習できればと思います。
Do you have any questions about English?
You can leave them for me in the comment section of this video I'm happy to create follow-up videos or brand new videos about any questions you have in your English studies, thank you so much.
I'll see you next time. Bye.