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Hey guys, today we're going to show you some words that people often use incorrectly.
Even native speakers will often mix these words up, or use them in the wrong way, so let's get into it.
Hi guys, my name is David Harling, and on this channel, we teach you practical English for general conversation and business.
As we mentioned at the beginning, we're looking today at common mistakes that even native speakers make.
The first one is this: 'I'd love to visit Australia, but I'm scared of all the poisonous snakes and spiders!'
最初はこれです。「I'd love to visit Australia, but I'm scared of all the poisonous snakes and spiders!(オーストラリアに行きたいけど、毒を持ったヘビとかクモが怖いんだよな!)」
Okay, so what was wrong with that sentence?
Well, do you know the difference between poisonous and venomous?
皆さんは、poisonous と venomous の違いは分かりますか?
'Poisonous' means something that will cause illness or death through eating or drinking
Poisonous とは食べたり飲んだりすると病気になったり死んでしまう物を指します。
So, you might say: 'The adventurer was lost in the forest, he hadn't eaten in days, and he really wanted to eat the berries that he had found, but he didn't know if they were poisonous.'
So, 'poisonous' means something you eat or drink can cause you illness or death.
ですから、Poisonous とは食べたり飲んだりすると病気になったり死んでしまう物を指します。
But a snake or spider bite is different.
If an animal uses venom as a defence, such as through a bite or a sting, then the animal would be described as 'venomous'. It is 'venomous'.
So, let's go back to that first scene and see what should've been said:
'I'd love to visit Australia, but I'm scared of all the venomous snakes and spiders!'
「I'd love to visit Australia, but I'm scared of all the venomous snakes and spiders!」
Our next mistake that native speakers often make is deciding which word to use to mean the opposite of 'more'.
Should it be 'less' or 'fewer'.
Let's look at an example: 'There are less people visiting shops this year because of COVID.'
例文で考えてみましょう。「There are less people visiting shops this year because of covid(Covidのせいで今年はお店に足を運ぶ人が少なくなっている)」
'I'm so glad the airport is closed; there is fewer noise now that there are no airplanes flying overhead!'
「I'm so glad the airport is closed, there is fewer noise now that there are no airplanes flying overhead!(いやー、空港が閉まって飛行機が全然飛んでないから騒音が少なくてすごく嬉しいよ!)」
Okay, so what was wrong with those sentences?
Well, there is a simple rule to follow when deciding which word to use.
We use the word 'fewer' for countable nouns, and we use 'less' for uncountable nouns.
A countable noun is a thing that you can count.
So, for example, children. You can count children; you can say there are five children. you can say there are 30 children, you can count their number.
But what is an uncountable noun?
Well, noise is a good example. How do you count noise?
Stress could be another example of an uncountable noun - you cannot easily count it.
So, when we are talking about an uncountable noun, we use the word 'less'.
So, for example, you would not say that there is fewer stress in my new job, you would say that there is 'less' stress in my new job.
例えば、「 there is fewer stress in my new job」とは言わずに「there is 'less' stress in my new job」です。
Let's look at those first two sentences again and see what they should have been.
There are fewer people visiting shops this year because of COVID.
「There are fewer people visiting shops this year because of covid」
I'm so glad the airport is closed; There is much less noise now that there are no airplanes flying overhead.
「I'm so glad the airport is closed there is much less noise now that there are no airplanes flying overhead」
And finally, we're going to look at a word that people get wrong all the time: The word is 'literally'.
The word 'literally' is one of the most misused words in the English language.
Let's have a look at some examples.
'When I heard the phone ring, I literally flew across the room.'
「when I heard the phone ring, I literally flew across the room(電話が鳴った時、文字通り部屋を飛んでいったよ)」
'I literally had a heart attack when I heard the news.'
「I literally had a heart attack when I heard the news(そのニュースを聞いた時、文字通り心臓発作が起きたよ)」
'They were literally over the moon when they heard the good news.'
「They were literally over the moon when they heard the good news(その良い知らせを聞いた時、彼らは文字通り天にも昇る気持ちになった)」
The word 'literally', means something that is actually true, something that is without exaggeration.
Unfortunately, today most people use this word when they are exaggerating, so unless you sprouted wings and took flight across the room you should not say that you literally flew across the room.
残念ながら、現在では多くの人が強調して大げさに話す時に使ってしまします。ですから「literally flew across the room」というのは、実際に背中に羽が生えて部屋の中を飛んでいった場合にしか使うべきではないんです。
If you heard some news and you actually had a heart attack, you ended up in the hospital, then in that case you can say that you literally had a heart attack when you heard the news.
もし何かのニュースを聞いて心臓発作が起きたら、病院送りになるわけですから、この場合では「literally had a heart attack 」とは言えません。
If you did not actually have a heart attack, then what you meant to say was that you figuratively had a heart attack, or you can say I nearly had a heart attack, but do not say 'literally'.
もし実際に心臓発作が起きたのでなければ、本来は「figuratively had a heart attack」や「nearly had a heart attack」とは言えますが、「literally」とは言いません。
You did not literally have a heart attack.
So, there you have just three of the common mistakes made by native English speakers.
I hope this short lesson has been interesting for you, and if you liked it then you know what to do: hit that like button, and while you're there consider subscribing to the channel for more content like this.
I'll see you in the next one.