Placeholder Image

字幕表 動画を再生する

  • hey guys how's it goin it's Michaela and today I'm wearing this just fleece


  • hoodie I bought in Thailand it's actually like the only thing I can wear


  • on days like this because we're now at the part of fall in Japan where it's


  • like when the Sun is out it's really really warm and then when the wind blows


  • it's like freezing cold and when the Sun Goes Down you die so personally like I


  • like the hoodie up I think it's really cute but I think that's not how I want

    個人的に、フードをかけた方が 格好いいと思っているけど、やはり

  • to make this whole video so I'm gonna take it down that's better anyway if


  • you've been following me on social media the past week or so I've been hinting

    この一週間、SNS上で近々発表がある とは言っていたんですけど

  • that I had an announcement to make and I think that today it's going to be the

    やはり今日は、その発表の日にしたい! と思いましたので

  • day that I I finally let you know what that is so the thing that I have been a


  • little bit nervous and excited to announce is that as of last week I


  • became a published author it's weird right so at the beginning of this year


  • the Japan Times approached me with this idea they wanted to create a social


  • media English book for people who wanted to write captions or you know write


  • short sentences and put them out there online and yeah we work together to


  • create this cute little Instagram based caption book so the book itself is

    コラボレーションした結果、 この可愛い英語の本が出来上がりました。

  • pretty straightforward it has a photo and then it has a caption just like


  • Instagram would and the caption is very easy but its native fluent English and


  • then down below we have other words that you can replace in the sentences to


  • customize them and make them more relevant to you so every page is a

    カスタマイズして、 自分の写真にあってる文章を書いてみましょう〜!

  • different photo and a different sample caption because that's how books work

    ページ毎に写真が違うよ! [本]って、 そういうことだからね (笑)

  • and when I thought of these sentences and when I thought of the examples I


  • thought about how when studying a foreign language a lot of phrase books

    外国語のフレーズブックってあんまり ネガティブなこと

  • tend to shy away from like negative opinions or negativity and I think that

    負を教えてくれなんですよね? でも、やはり私が思うのは、

  • self-expression is really important so if you went somewhere and it wasn't that

    自己表現はとても重要ってことです! だから例えば、期待外れのレストランに言った時に

  • great you should be able to be like oh you know this spaghetti was disgusting


  • or you know like this restaurant was overrated this one wasn't this one was

    それか、例えば「このレストランは、少し過大評価されているよね」とか! このカフェは

  • great but for example if you like to a restaurant that wasn't that great you


  • could be like oh it was overrated it was pretentious it was okay you know

    もしくは、「自惚れた雰囲気があったね」とか 「まあまあだった」とか

  • I just want to give people options self-expression is really important


  • there are a lot of Fukuoka related photos because that's where I


  • and obviously I have a bias and I love coca so there's a bunch of that there's


  • a whole chapter dedicated to kitten lawn and pet photos but that's not all I also


  • have you know lists of hashtags that you can use per category I have the apps

    でも例文だけではなく、 ハッシュタグや、オススメの写真編集アプリ

  • that I use to edit photos on my phone tips for taking photos tips for learning


  • English apps that I recommend for learning English and a bunch of stuff


  • that I don't know hopefully Japanese people are going to find useful oh and


  • there's a hashtag so for language learners who want to study and actually


  • use these captions or make their own captions and practice their English


  • through Instagram there's a hashtag in this book and if you use that hashtag I


  • will be able to check the post and I can like them I can comment I can interact


  • with them and see them for myself and if you want me to check them you know I can


  • send suggestions or corrections or I can ask you questions about your photos if


  • you want me to directly interact with the photos that you upload in English


  • you can use the hashtag any way it was a really cool project and now that it's

    まあ、とにかく、そういうプロジェクトでした。 やっと本が完成できても

  • like a real thing and it's like in my hands and it's so smooth to touch and


  • the colors are vibrant and popping and you know they've done a really great job

    いろが鮮やかで、デザインはとても 良くしてくれました。

  • with the design it did not look like that at all when I submitted it to them

    本の内容を書いた時に、 ファイルがめっちゃくちゃだったのに

  • so they really cleaned it up and made it look beautiful and I'm very thankful for


  • that but yeah it's out and if you're in Japan you can find it in I think I found

    はい!とにかく、発売されていますよ! そして日本にいる方は、

  • it in the English learning section at the bookstore that I went to the other


  • day if you do see it in the wild take a photo and let me know because I actually

    実物を見かけたら、 どこで見つけたのかを教えてくださいねー!

  • don't know how many copies are out there and I don't know like how it's being


  • displayed everywhere I have found it in Fukuoka at bookstores in tangent and

    どこでどういう風に ディスプレイしているのかもきになりますねー!

  • stuff and that's really exciting um but yeah for those of you who don't

    凄くワクワクしています。ああ、 で探すのがめんどくさい方には

  • really want to look for it and you just want to buy it first of all thank you


  • that's really really cool of you umm second of all is yeah it's

    ー ありがとう、感謝しています! うん、一番早く手に入れられる方法と言えば

  • definitely quicker and easier to find it on Amazon so check the link in the


  • description if you want to order a copy that's that Instagram English my first


  • book my name is on it my photos are in it my dog is in it my cat is in it I'm


  • very very happy about this thank you to the Japan Times for collaborating with

    中々いい作品になったので、 ジャパンタイムズ様に感謝しています!

  • me on this project anyway so that's one thing that has been happening lately


  • that is citing the others I've been traveling a


  • lot lately finally again as you guys know I went to Kochi with Sharla and

    ご存じだと思いますが、この間は、 シャーラの高知県に行きました

  • that was a lot of fun we had a great time exploring Shikoku and I had never


  • been to Kochi and I had no idea that it was so beautiful and I ate so much

    こんな美しい日本があるんだー!と感動しました。 そして、カツオ食べすぎて

  • consul that I had to like go on no fish diet for like two weeks before I could


  • eat fish again not because the consul was gross but because I had it literally


  • like three times a day and by the end I was just like next week I'm gonna have a


  • video up with Kim Dao in Tokyo lens and that's very exciting we went and


  • explored greater Tokyo which I realized is ironic considering Sharla and I also

    この間は東京の田舎で遊んできました。 (この間シャーラと東京を

  • made a video where we talked about why you shouldn't go to Tokyo but yeah that

    少しディスった動画を投稿したのにね) そうですよ、東京に言って周ってきましたが

  • was also very fun and it was very fast-paced and hectic I finally got to


  • go to mount to kaol which I know about from Sharla's videos and I've always

    最後に高尾山にも行けたし、 シャーラさんの動画でみて知ったので、

  • wanted to check it out and it was really nice that video will be up next week I

    やっと行けてよかったですよ! その動画は・・・来週かな? 載せるのが。

  • think I don't know I haven't made it yet but I will after this goes up I promise

    まだ、作っていませんけどね。笑 この動画の次に作ろうと思っています。

  • that's that's gonna be on next on my list of things to do next week I'm going


  • on a trip around Kyushu so that will be fun


  • and after that I don't know I think I might be doing a little bit more


  • traveling before the year is up and I'm really excited to kind of like get out


  • there and take more photos and you know see more of Japan cuz I feel like a lot


  • of this year I spent at home kind of being a shut-in being a mopey shut-in


  • because uh I don't know uh why I don't know sometimes my feelings get the best

    なぜだろう? 理由がはっきり分かりませんが、たまに、ね、気持ちいが暗くなっちゃうと

  • of me and I don't feel like doing anything at all this is Sarah and you

    何もしなくなっちゃう時ってありますよね?? あ、そしてサラです。

  • might remember her from a few videos ago and if you haven't seen that video you


  • might be surprised to know that we have a new dog but this is sad and she's


  • wearing a sweater because I tried to cut her hair myself and I did a very


  • terrible job and then I had to shave it all off and now her hair is quite short


  • and I'm worried that it's a little too cold now for her to be as hairless as

    そして最近また冷えてきたので、 寒くなるのかなと心配してて

  • she is I know that some people don't like having dogs with clothes but I feel


  • like in this case like this nice little fleece is keeping her warm because I


  • made a mistake and I will not try to cut her hair myself ever again anyway I'm


  • gonna take these guys for a walk and there's a coffee

    さて、これからはお散歩にでかけて、 コーヒーでも飲んできます。

  • place that I like to go to what I'm walking them so I'm gonna stop by there

    犬の散歩で立ち寄るのが好きな 珈琲屋さんがあるので!

  • and get a coffee and then I'm gonna edit this and I'm gonna put it online and


  • I'll see you guys tonight all except if you're seeing it you're

    今夜はお会いしましょう! 今この動画をみているなら、会っています。

  • seeing me now and then I'll see you again next week when I upload the


  • greater Tokyo video with Tokyo lens and Kim Dao and that will be exciting too


  • and if you live in Japan and you see my book let me know send me a photo on


  • Instagram and tag me put it in your story I don't know just like show me I

    Instagramでタグを付けて ストーリーに載せたりしてください

  • want to see it cuz it just it doesn't feel real to me even though the thing is


  • it's here and it's in my hand and it's a real like tangible thing it doesn't feel


  • real to me so yeah if you do see it in the wild send me a photo let me know


  • anyway thank you so much for watching and I will talk to you guys again soon


  • bye


  • you

hey guys how's it goin it's Michaela and today I'm wearing this just fleece



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