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While checking your email, you see an invitation to join a Google meet.
At first glance, you ask yourself, What is a Google meet and why did I receive the invite?
Google Meet is a video chatting app that lets you virtually connect face to face when you can't meet in person.
Google Meetは、直接会うことができないときに、仮想的に顔をつなぐことができるビデオチャットアプリです。
Some reasonable examples for why you received the invite could be for a job interview or to simply catch up with family or friends.
In this video, we will walk you through how to join a meeting and show you the basics of a video call.
In our example, we're using Chrome as our Web browser, but you can use the one you're most comfortable with since Google meet works with most Web browsers.
この例では、WebブラウザとしてChromeを使用していますが、Google meetはほとんどのWebブラウザに対応しているので、使い慣れたブラウザを使用することができます。
Once you've logged in using your Google account, click the link to the Google meat from the email invitation.
Googleアカウントでログインした後、招待メールに記載されているGoogle meatのリンクをクリックします。
If it was a Google calendar, invite click the event to see more information, then click the join with Google Meet Button.
Googleカレンダーであれば、イベントをクリックして詳細情報を確認し、「Google Meetボタンで参加」をクリックします。
Before entering the meeting, you can decide the settings you want to use.
If you haven't already approved the use of your microphone and camera, a couple browser pop ups will occur.
The first pop up appears asking you to allow Google meet to use your microphone and camera click.
最初のポップアップが表示され、Google meetがマイクとカメラのクリックを使用することを許可するよう求められます。
Allow another pop up appears asking you to allow notifications.
Click Allow.
You can choose to join the meeting with your microphone and camera on or off by clicking their icons.
Some people turn off their microphone to mute themselves when they're not talking or have too much background noise so that no one can hear them.
Others keep their microphone on but may turn off their cameras so that no one can see them.
You can make changes to these choices.
Inside the video call to click asked to join.
The meeting will open and you can carry out your video call.
You'll notice your video tile as well as the video tiles of the people you're video chatting with on your screen.
If at any point you need to turn on or off your microphone or camera, move your mouse to have the bottom toolbar appear on the screen.
There, you can click on or off the icons for the microphone and camera.
If you need to send a written message, click the message icon located at the top right of your screen.
You can type your message in the field, then click the right arrow button to have it sent to anyone in your video chat, click the X to close out of it.
Looking at the bottom toolbar, click the Three Dots icon.
A pop up menu appears showing more features.
Click settings within settings.
You can make changes to your audio and video to make sure you have the correct equipment selected within audio.
You can test your speakers to make sure they are working properly.
The settings are helpful if you find yourself unable to hear who you're talking to, or they say they can't hear or see you click the X to close out of it.
When you're done with your video call, click the Leave Call icon Mhm G C F.
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