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  • Do you have a routine? What do you like to do in your free time?


  • Do you have any hobbies?


  • In today's lesson I'm going to teach you how to confidently tell someone about the way you spend your time in British English


  • Now your task after watching This lesson is to leave me three sentences in the comments using a different adverb of frequency each time.


  • So, how do you spend your time?


  • Let's get started.


  • adverbs of frequency


  • These are the words that we can use to say how often we do something.


  • So to explain that you do something all the time.


  • You could use the wordalways ”.

    "always "という言葉を使うことができます。

  • I always brush my teeth in the morning.

    I always brush my teeth in the morning. (私は朝、必ず歯を磨きます。)

  • If you do something most of the time but not quite always you could use the word.


  • usuallyso I Usually eat cereal for breakfast maybe on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday I do but at the weekend, I have something different.

    “usually”です。"通常 "ということは、朝食にシリアルを食べるのは、月、火、水、木、金はそうですが、週末は違うものを食べるということです。

  • So I usually eat cereal for breakfast .

    なので、I usually eat cereal for breakfast . (朝食はたいていシリアルを食べます。)となります。

  • Or you could use the wordoften”.


  • It's fine to pronounce this as often or to drop the T and say often both versions are acceptable.

    これを often と発音してもいいし、T を落として ofen と発音しても構いません。

  • I might say I often wear black shoes to work.

    わたしだったら、I often wear black shoes to work. (黒い靴を履いて仕事をすることが多い。)と言うでしょうね。

  • But if I'm feeling fruity, I might wear red shoes one day.


  • Or we can use the word


  • frequently”.


  • I frequently clean the kitchen because nobody else does it.

    I frequently clean the kitchen because nobody else does it. (誰もやらないので、頻繁にキッチンを掃除します。)

  • The things that happen some of the time you could use words likeregularly” .


  • I regularly call my mother.

    I regularly call my mother. (私は定期的に母に電話をします。)

  • Now this implies that the action happens with a definite pattern Like every Friday evening, for example, I regularly call my mother every Friday we could use the wordsometimes” .

    これは、例えば、毎週金曜日の夕方、私は定期的に母親に電話をするというように、アクションが一定のパターンで起こることを意味します。または、"sometimes "という言葉を使うこともできます。

  • I sometimes catch the bus to work maybe once a week

    I sometimes catch the bus to work maybe once a week. (週に1回くらいはバスで通勤することもあります。)

  • Or we can use the wordoccasionally”.


  • I occasionally go to the gym for I definitely need to go more

    I occasionally go to the gym for (たまにジムに行きます。)もっと行った方がいいと思います。

  • Okay to explain that you do something not very often at all.


  • You could sayrarely”.


  • I rarely phone in sick to work because I am a hard worker.

    I rarely phone in sick to work because I am a hard worker. (私は働き者なので、病欠の電話をすることはほとんどありません。)

  • and I'll always go in even if I have a cold or a fever or broken leg.


  • I rarely phone in sick to work.

    I rarely phone in sick to work. (仕事で病欠の電話をすることはほとんどありません。)

  • You could use the wordshardly ever”.

    “hardly ever”という言葉を使うこともできます。

  • I hardly ever eat dinner after 9 p.m. And that's true actually for me it's usually around 8 o'clock.

    I hardly ever eat dinner after 9 p.m. And that's true actually for me it's usually around 8 o'clock. (私は夜9時以降に夕食を食べることはほとんどありませんが、実際には8時頃になることが多いですね。)

  • And finally to explain that you do not do something at all,


  • you could use the wordnever”.


  • I never eat peanuts because I have an allergy .

    I never eat peanuts because I have an allergy . (アレルギーがあるので、ピーナッツは絶対に食べません。)

  • As you can tell the adverb of frequency usually comes before the main verb in the sentence.


  • However,


  • exception if the main verb in the sentence isto be" then the adverb of frequency comes after it.

    文中の主動詞が "to be "の場合は例外です。to be の後に頻度を表す副詞がきます。

  • for example, he is often late for work.

    例えば、 "he is often late for work." (彼はよく仕事に遅刻します。)

  • the train is usually faster than the bus.

    the train is usually faster than the bus. (電車の方がバスよりも速いことが多いです。)

  • you are always learning new English skills.

    you are always learning new English skills. (あなたは常に新しい英語のスキルを学んでいます。)

  • So now you know how to tell somebody how often you do something you can use this for anything like work hobbies and leisure activities.


  • So your task for today is to leave me those three sentences in the comments using a different adverb of frequency each time.


  • I look forward to reading it and after you've finished Jump into another lesson.


  • I'll see you there


Do you have a routine? What do you like to do in your free time?



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