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this photograph was taking about eight months ago.
Welcome to watch Mojo.
And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 true crime documentaries to watch in 2021.
A man Hernandez from Bristol, Connecticut, Bristol Central High School.
And I hope that, you know, you did have something to do with their disappearance.
あなたが彼らの失踪に 何か関係していたことを 願っています
Really, really stupid to come in and take a polygraph for this list.
このリストのために ポリグラフ検査を受けるなんて 本当に本当にバカだわ
We're looking at documentaries that have been or are yet to be released in 2021.
We will also be including a few 2020 documentaries you may have missed.
What's your favorite true crime documentary?
Let us know in the comments below Number 10.
Crime Scene.
The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel The Death of ELISA Lam is one of the most puzzling stories of the 2010 back.
The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel ELISA Lamの死は、2010年の背中の中で最も不可解な物語の一つです。
In February of 2013, Lamb was found dead in the water tank of Los Angeles's infamous Cecil Hotel, have a hotel with a notorious past is the site of another bizarre case.
The body was found after guests made horrifying complaints of tainted water prior to her death.
死体が発見されたのは 客が死ぬ前に 汚染された水のせいで 恐ろしい苦情を言った後だった
Lamb, who suffered from bipolar disorder, was seen acting in a bizarre manner on the hotel's elevator security footage.
Her hand movements are very strange and around it, like she's conjuring a spirit crime scene.
The vanishing at the Cecil Hotel concerns Lambs tragic death, and it contains interviews with LAPD detectives, authors and neuro psychologists, all of whom provide their opinions on lamb, her behavior and the events that eventually led to her death.
At one point, I think I just asked him, Is there a room here that maybe somebody hasn't died in Number nine?
World's Most Wanted?
This Netflix documentary covers the absolute worst that humanity has to offer.
As the title suggests, it tells the stories of the world's most wanted criminals.
These include the leader of the Sinaloa cartel.
El Mayo, a financier of the Rwandan massacre, volition Kabuga, a suspected member of the Al Shabaab militant group known as the White Widow.
She understood the nuances, avoiding observation and surveillance.
I think she got a kick out of it.
The so called most dangerous mobster in the world, Simeon Mogilevich A and finally a Sicilian Mafia bas named Matteo Messina Denaro.
The stories are both incredibly interesting and terrifying, and the documentary is well made.
We brought every agency and the police f b i D E a T F Secret Service.
全ての機関と警察を連れてきた シークレットサービスだ
It is essential viewing for those who wish to study and witnessed the worst in humanity.
Number eight Love Fraud Netflix is absolutely knocking it out of the park in the documentary game, but they're not the only ones producing great content throughout August.
8位の「Love Fraud Netflix」は、ドキュメンタリーゲームでは絶対的に公園の外にそれをノックアウトしていますが、8月を通して素晴らしいコンテンツを制作しているのは彼らだけではありません。
In September of 2020 Showtime aired Love Fraud, a fascinating and unique documentary about the perils and unknowns of online dating.
2020年9月、Showtimeは、オンラインデートの危険性と未知の世界についての魅力的でユニークなドキュメンタリー「Love Fraud」を放送しました。
He stole four Oh one k $800,000.
The documentary has some originality appeal, as it's told in real time, and comes equipped with cartoon animations.
It concerns a man named Richard Scott Smith, who seduced women over the Internet before marrying them and calling them out of their money.
He has a whole list of different aliases.
Social Security numbers is good at what he does.
Some of his victims banded together over the Internet and hired a bounty hunter to track Smith down.
彼の被害者の中には ネットで結束して スミスを追跡するために 賞金稼ぎを雇った者もいます
I was certainly upset about what he was being accused of doing because I thought this cannot be the person I know the adventure, and the results make for thrilling television.
Number seven.
American Murder.
The Family Next Door, You All This is another unique true crime documentary.
隣の家族、あなたのすべて これもまたユニークな実録ドキュメンタリーです。
As it lacks traditional interviews and analysis, Bell is just now getting old enough to know what she's wanting in life.
She wants to be Elsa when she grows up.
Rather, it tells it's brutally tragic story through firsthand accounts and archival footage, including police body cam footage, social media posts and home video.
If someone took her, it would have to have been someone she knew.
The intimate point of view makes the documentary all the more tragic, hard to watch and ultimately captivating.
And I hope that, you know, he did have something to do with their disappearance really, really stupid for me to come in and take a polygraph today, the story concerns the Watch family, specifically Christopher Lee Watts, who searches for his missing wife and daughters.
そして私は願っています 彼は彼らの失踪に何か関係していると 本当に馬鹿げています 今日ポリグラフ検査を受けに来て
This is absolutely the worst possible outcome that any of us could imagine.
The heartbreaking story is much deeper than it initially appears, and watching it unfold made for some of the most enthralling and upsetting TV of 2020 number six Ohanesian in real life.
Discovery Plus is attempting to get in on the documentary game and released on Asian in Real Life in January of 2021.
ディスカバリープラスはドキュメンタリーゲームに参入しようとしており、2021年1月に「Asian in Real Life」で公開される。
Indonesian first made a video that was kind of like in support of me.
The documentary follows controversial Youtuber Ohanesian Real name.
James Jackson.
No nation has long been the subject of online controversy, owing to a multitude of problems.
I know what you're thinking.
I should go to hell for making that video about Eugenia.
I'm not worried about that because I'm Satan.
He's been the subject of numerous awful allegations, including harassment, the release of personal information of other YouTubers to the public.
And he's been banned from Vidcon for making horribly insensitive comments.
恐ろしく無神経な発言をしたために Vidconから追放されたんだ
He would encourage the audience to go harass anyone really anyone he really wanted to.
He's even faced allegations of grooming.
The documentary is produced by Chris Hansen, the former presenter of Dateline NBC's To Catch a Predator.
このドキュメンタリーは、NBCのデータライン「To Catch a Predator」の元司会者であるクリス・ハンセンが制作しています。
I think there's a day of reckoning coming for YouTube and other social media platforms, and you'll see why Number five.
The Vow.
HBO has long been one of the leaders in television production, and that continued in 2020.
With the vow, This documentary tells the story of a cult called Nexium Executive success Programs.
SP Nexium is a methodology for optimizing or enhancing human experience and behaviour.
While posing as a New York based marketing company, Nexium would offer so called SP courses for nearly $3000.
The average person has probably between two and 300 of these limiting beliefs.
These courses were really just a form of mind control and often left its victims dealing with psychotic episodes and hallucinations.
So you're doing a whole bunch of things and pretending you have no choice.
You're emotionally dishonest.
There was also a secret society within the cult known as Dominus obsequious Terrarium, in which women or obedient female companions were physically branded and forced to have physical relations with the cult's founder, Keith Ranieri.
また、教団内には「Dominus obsequious Terrarium」と呼ばれる秘密結社があり、女性や従順な女性の仲間には肉体的な焼印を押し付け、教団創設者キース・ラニエリとの肉体関係を強要していました。
You will be as ethical as possible.
You will be that what you want to see in the world?
Yes, it's something like the Handmaid's tale come to life, but worse.
Number four.
Murder to Mercy, The Santoyo Brown Story Released on Netflix in April 2020 this documentary covers the story of convicted murderer Santoyo Brown.
2020年4月にNetflixで公開された「Murder to Mercy, The Santoyo Brown Story」は、有罪判決を受けた殺人犯サントヨ・ブラウンの物語を扱ったドキュメンタリー。
I shot him because I thought he was going to shoot me.
Brown became a victim of trafficking at a young age, during which time she met a 43 year old real estate agent named Johnny Allen, who offered her $150 who made the suggestion of going to his house?
He did.
I had actually suggested the hotel.
We was right there at Brown, killed Alan during the encounter and stole $172 from his wallet.
Your testimony today is that you felt you harm you if you try to leave.
But you felt comfortable get not only getting the car going up with.
She was subsequently convicted and sentenced to life in prison.
Brown states that she felt unsafe with Alan and killed him in self defense.
My 22nd birthday was kind of hard because I looked at it like I was supposed to be graduating college, but I'm in here.
After serving over 10 years in prison, Brown's sentence was commuted and she was released in August of 2019.
It's a twisted, sad and tragic story.
Johnny's life mattered, okay, Johnny was loved, and he's missed dearly number three Killer Inside the Mind of Aaron Hernandez.
ジョニーの人生は重要だった ジョニーは愛されていた 彼は惜しまれている 第3のキラーは アーロン・ヘルナンデスの心の中にいる
This documentary is cleverly titled as it literally delves into the mind of Aaron Hernandez and explores a topic that transcends the true crime genre.
A man, Hernandez from Bristol, Connecticut.
Happily at Bristol Central High School, Hernandez was a professional football player who played with the New England Patriots in June of 2013.
Hernandez was suspected of murdering a man named Odin Lloyd.
Family members say Lloyd played some Semiprofessional football.
They say he was an honest, hard working young man.
He was eventually found guilty and sentenced to life following the taking of his own life in prison.
Hernandez's brain was studied by Boston University, and he was found to have advanced C T e, a neurodegenerative disease associated with football and repeated head injuries.
ヘルナンデスの脳はボストン大学で研究され、サッカーや度重なる頭部損傷に伴う神経変性疾患であるC T eが進行していることが判明しました。
Oh yeah, How do you love America?
Numerous experts believe that Hernandez's advanced CT might have contributed to the murder as its associated with aggression, paranoia and a lack of impulse control.
多くの専門家は ヘルナンデスの高度なCTが 殺人に貢献したのではないかと考えています 攻撃性、被害妄想、衝動制御の欠如に関連しているからです
It is a fascinating topic that deserves more exploration.
We pay tribute to a fallen teammate, brother and friend.
Number 53 employed number two, the Ripper that Mom had been taken to heaven, and we weren't going to see her again.
53番は2番を採用した リッパーはママが天国に連れて行かれたと言っていた 二度と会うつもりはなかった
Released just in time for Christmas and containing absolutely no holiday cheer, Netflix says the Ripper covers the murderous spree of Peter Sutcliffe Today.
The number of policemen hunting the killer of Patricia Atkinson, last seen alive, leaving the Carlisle Hotel shortly before closing time on Saturday night, was doubled to 100.
Dubbed the Yorkshire Ripper, Sutcliffe stalked the county of West Yorkshire throughout the late seventies, killing 13 women and injuring another 7 to 9.
Wilma McCann was a girl who liked the night life she associated with people nightclubs, and she was somewhat of a prostitute.
The killings generated national attention, and many people noted similarities with the infamous Jack the Ripper case, leading to Sutcliffe moniker like Jack Sutcliffe targeted sex workers.
Police had made a distinction between her killing and the killing of the other women.
They described her as the first innocent.
This dock is well produced, tells a gripping, tragic story and contains interviews with many notable figures, including investigators and the survivors of the Ripper.
Sutcliffe died in custody prior to its release.
サトクリフは釈放前に 拘留中に死亡した
My fear every Sunday morning when the telephone rings is, Are we in business again?
Before we continue?
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Yeah, Number one Night Stalker.
The Hunt for a serial killer Richard Ramirez is one of the most notorious serial killers in American history.
連続殺人犯を追え リチャード・ラミレスは、アメリカ史上最も悪名高い連続殺人犯の一人です。
They've got a young Asian girl that is driving down the street, and all of a sudden she has stopped legging Los Angeles and San Francisco between 1984 and 1985.
Ramirez would break into homes, kill the occupants and leave behind erstwhile satanic symbols.
ラミレスは 家に押し入って住人を殺し、かつての悪魔のシンボルを残していった。
Why wasn't she killed right there in the car?
Whoever the suspect was wanted, Confrontation wanted to see that fear.
Dubbed the Night Stalker by the media, Ramirez was eventually convicted on 13 counts of murder and was serving 19 death sentences at San Quentin.
When he died of cancer in 2013, he was saying this Netflix documentary is highly engaging, using dramatic reenactments, interviews and archival footage to tell the story of Ramirez and the detectives that successfully hunted him down.
All the neighbors just hunt together and got him.
There's one guy holding them at bay with this metal bar.
I could tell that he had been hit.
It's both a horrifying true crime documentary and a riveting detective tale.
Horrible things were done to me as a six year old when I'm most impressionable and I'm okay.
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Mhm, yeah.