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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • (gentle guitar music) (writing utensil scratching)


  • (bell dings)


  • Hey, Psych2Goers, and welcome back to another video.


  • Thank you so much for being here.


  • With your help and support, we're able to succeed in our mission to make mental health and psychology more accessible to everyone.


  • So, thanks again.


  • Now let's get into it.


  • Are you feeling a little lost in life?


  • Are things feeling stagnant and unmoving, like you're not progressing towards any of your life goals?


  • Do you feel like you're just repeating the same routine day after day with nothing to show for it?


  • Nowadays life is primarily centered around working a good ol' nine-to-five job, or if you're still in school, studies and assignments.


  • And this takes up so much of your time


  • so it's perfectly normal to feel like you're stuck, and that's okay.


  • The important part is to take action whenever you feel like things aren't going the right way or when they're not going anywhere at all.


  • So here are five small habits that have the power to change your life around.


  • Number one, write down three things that you're grateful for.

    1. 感謝していることを 3 つ書き起こす

  • Has something ever happened that was really important?


  • And you wanted to remember it but then you didn't write it down, then so you wound up completely forgetting about it.


  • And you simply can't rely on your memory to store every important aspect and moment of your life.


  • Time passes and you might forget about some of the important things or the things to be grateful for.


  • Writing down things you're grateful for will help you foster gratitude and allows you to think back on what's happened in your life.


  • Helping to shift your perspective.


  • Studies show that fostering gratitude will help you sleep better at night, lower your stress levels, and improve your interpersonal relationships.


  • Taking up the habit of writing down three things you're grateful for in a gratitude journal will create nothing but positive change in your life.


  • Number two, clean for 10 minutes each day.

    2. 毎日 10 分間掃除する

  • Have you ever felt overwhelmed with the thought of cleaning your apartment or your room because of how much time it's going to take?


  • Well, to avoid feeling overwhelmed, it's best to break down your tasks into smaller portions in order to make it feel more manageable and doable.


  • 10 minutes is a reasonable amount of time to devote to cleaning.

    10 分というのは、掃除に費やすのに妥当な時間です。

  • It inspires confidence that you can do it.


  • And it's also enough time for you to get something small done.


  • Try folding and hanging your clothes first and then moving on and coming back to your room to sweep or vacuum for 10 minutes.

    まず、服をたたんだり、掛けたりして、それから部屋に戻ってきて、10 分間掃いたり、掃除機を使ったりします。

  • If your apartment just feels too big to clean all at once, try and start with one room at a time, like in the kitchen doing dishes or in the living room to straighten up the couch.


  • If you can get something small done in 10 minutes, you'll be that much closer to getting everything done in a timely fashion.

    何か小さなことを 10 分でできれば、それだけ、全てのことをタイムリーに終える状態に近づけます。

  • Number three, take care of your skin.

    3. スキンケアをする

  • Does your confidence take a hit whenever you're upset about your dry skin in the winter or have a bad breakout?


  • Believe it or not, the way your skin looks can be directly related to how you're feeling and vice versa.


  • According to dermatologist and clinical psychologist Richard G. Fried, inflamed skin, thinning hair, and brittle nails can be physical manifestations of your mental state.


  • These unwanted physical changes can have a negative impact on how you feel.


  • This will further worsen your skin, hair, and nails, and create a vicious cycle.


  • This is one of the main reasons why taking care of your skin is so important since it helps to foster a strong emotional state with high levels of confidence and a strong and positive outlook on life.


  • Number four, implement the 80/20 principle.

    4. 80:20の法則を実行する

  • The 80/20 principle was first observed in the 1800s by an economist named Wilfredo Pareto.

    80:20の法則とは、1800 年代の経済学者、ヴィルフレド・パレートが最初に述べた考えです。

  • He noted that 80% of the land in his home country was owned by 20% of the population.

    彼は、母国において、80 %の土地が人口の 20 %によって所有されていると述べました。

  • This principle holds true nearly 200 years later and can even be applied to different topics such as business or athletics.

    約 200 年後も、この原理は当てはまっており、ビジネスや運動競技など、様々な分野で適用されています。

  • Are you wondering if this principle can be applied to your life and how?


  • Well, it's been found that 80% of your success will come from just 20% of your work.

    成功の 80 %は、あなたが行った仕事の 20 % が理由であると分かっています。

  • This means that 80% of what you do will be unimportant or irrelevant to your success.

    つまり、あなたがしていることの 80 % は重要でないか、成功には関係していないということです。

  • The main point of applying the 80/20 principle into your life is that you identify that 20% of the things that you do actually result in success.

    80:20 の法則を人生に当てはめるうえで重要なのは、あなたが行う 20 % の事柄が、実際に成功につながっていると確認することです。

  • A simple way of identifying the 20% is by making a to-do list with your most important tasks at the top, and the least important at the bottom.

    その 20 を特定するシンプルな方法は、やることリストを作って、一番重要なタスクをリストの最初に置き、最も重要でないことを一番下に置きます。

  • Finally, cross out 80% of your tasks from the bottom so that you're only left with the top 20%.

    最後に、下から 80 % のタスクを消して、上位 20 % が残るようにします。

  • By doing this, you will improve your productivity and efficiency by focusing all of your efforts on the tasks that will actually yield success.


  • Number five, implement effective daily routines.

    5. 効果的な毎日のルーティンを導入する

  • Do you happen to wake up in the morning feeling tired and unmotivated?


  • This can be a telling sign that your daily routines are not working properly or effectively for you.


  • Daily routines are broken down into your morning routine and your evening routine.


  • An effective morning routine should stimulate your body and mind while giving you a boost of energy and inspiration.


  • Of course, everyone has a daily routine that is unique to them, so you'll need to find what works best for you.


  • For the morning time, you could read the morning news, go out for an early jog, or listen to a podcast while you get ready for the day.


  • Now, let's talk about an effective evening routine.


  • The main purpose of your evening routine is to de-stress your body and mind after a long day of work or school, while also gradually preparing you for bed.


  • During this time, you should do things that you enjoy and engage in quiet hobbies like reading, writing, or watching a relaxing TV show.


  • If you're looking to change your life by implementing these habits, it's important to remember that habits are difficult to build and can take some time to properly put into practice.


  • Focus on implementing them one by one without rushing anything, and you'll surely feel like your daily life is slowly turning in the right direction.

    急がず、1 つ1 つを実行するようにしましょう。そうすれば、毎日の生活がゆっくりと、正しい方向に向かっていくのが確かに分かるでしょう。

  • If you've found this video helpful, like and share it with someone who might benefit from it too.


  • And the studies and references used are listed in the description below.


  • Don't forget to hit the subscribe button for more Psych2Go videos.


  • Thank you for watching and we'll see you next time.


(gentle guitar music) (writing utensil scratching)


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