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well good morning guys morning guys greetings from buenos aires our
さて、おはようございます。ブエノスからの朝の皆さんの挨拶は、 ここ数時間ここで
last few hours here because today we're headed to a new country for me
放映され ます。今日、私は新しい国に向かっているからです。
it's been such a long time it's gonna feel like a new country and truth be told i've
only spent a few days there and that country is uruguay uruguay yeah so it's
just across the river literally across the river plate so we're going to be taking a ferry Buquebus
文字通り川のプレートを横切って川の向こう側にあるので ここでプエルトマレロからコロニアまで
here from puerto malero to colonia yeah i think it's just over an hour ferry ride on Buquebus oh
フェリーブケブスに乗るつもり ですええそれはブケブスで1時間強のフェリーに乗っていると思いますああ
so short yeah you know it's hilarious when i first came to south america i i was so cheap
そう短いええ、あなたは私が最初に南米IIに来たとき 、私は宿泊の夜を節約したかったし、
that i wanted to save a night on accommodation and they had an overnight bus from here to there
それは私が6の間のように知らない、おそらくのようにかかりました が、彼らはここから夜行バスを持っていたことを
it took probably like i don't know like between six to ten times longer and i probably saved
とても安かった、それは陽気だ知っています 10倍長くなり、おそらく チケットで約20ドルまたは30ドル 節約
about twenty or thirty dollars on the ticket and i didn't have to pay for a room so that was a little
でき、部屋代を払う必要がなかったので、 当時の私の精神 であった小さな
samuel jeffrey that was my mentality back then and those are the kinds of funds i had available
サミュエルジェフリー でした。 これらは私が利用できる種類の資金です。
for travel off back then well today we are taking the ferry and we paid for business class
当時の旅行のためにw今日はフェリーに乗ってビジネスクラスの エグゼクティブクラスに お金を払った
executive class i think it was only an extra six bucks so we're like let's see what this is about
ので、たった6ドルしかなかったと思うので、これが何であるかを 正確に 見てみましょう
yeah exactly so we're going to take business class and we'll show you the whole journey also when we
。ビジネスクラスに参加します。 我々は 、コロンビア、植民地サクラメント市のコロニアのUH町になるだろうと
arrive we're going to the uh the town of colonia in the city of colombia colonial sacramento and
we're going to be spending a few nights there so we'll probably share our first impressions of
到着した ときにも、あなたの全行程を示し、
the city and maybe take you out for dinner as well sounds good let's get going we've got a fair catch
well guys we made it we've checked out of argentina and into uruguay we're still in buenos
aires argentina but we've already been stamped yeah we've done immigration at the terminal
terminal we're waiting for the Buquebus boat to arrive and to embark we're gonna cross the uh here
ターミナルで 入国審査を行いまし た。ブケブスのボートが到着するのを待っています。乗船する
they don't say the river plate here they said uh they're gonna cross the pond the pond the pond the
ので 、ここ で川のプレートを渡るとは言わない で 、 渡るつもり だと言いました。池池池
little puddle the little puddle we're gonna cross the one of the widest rivers in the world and this
opening of the mouth the delta yeah but they still call it the little uh pond or the puddle and now
as soon as we get to colonia we're gonna look for a uruguayan bbq parrilla and we're gonna have a
nice piece of beef from uruguay and beef because i always talk in the videos how good the argentinian
私はいつもビデオでアルゼンチンの 牛肉が世界で どれほどおいしいかを話しているので、ウルグアイとビーフからの素敵な牛肉を手に入れる
beef is best in the world but i always mention i always mention that uruguay bbq has the same
つもりですが、 ウルグアイのバーベキューは アルゼンチン と同じ 品質の牛肉を
quality of beef as argentina has so today we're going on a quest to prove that i wasn't wrong
持っているといつも言っ ています。私が間違っていなかったことを証明するために探求を 続けて います
and my dad's been talking about the steak for days i have sex i have stayed my peace
and your and your uh your digestive system is ready for it yeah my gut with the antibiotics
is feeling a lot a lot better i'm ready for uh anything that the euro y can throw at me
とても気分が良くなっています。ユーロyが私に 投げかける
so we boarded Buquebus so business is full there are no seats together so you kind of
ことができるものなら何でも準備ができている ので、Buquebusに乗り込みました。ビジネスがいっぱいなので、一緒に席がないので
have to go up to the tables and if you see a loose chair like can i sit here can i sit here
so now i understand why everyone lined up yeah so quickly like why that stampede to get on yeah
ので今はなぜそう でなければあなたはビジネスにお金を払って座っている場所がない
because otherwise you pay for business and you have nowhere to sit and yeah it's not
ので、なぜそのスタンピードがそうなるのかと同じようにすぐに並んでいました そしてそうそう
that great we got a champagne we got a champagne so i'm going to take one over to my dad i think
is that oh we we can purchase some food too you can buy some food let's let's cheers cheers
with my dad's champagne cheers with your dad champagne and the dirt let's go get a lunch
well good afternoon guys we have arrived to home sweet home for the next four nights here
家に帰ってきました。ここ コロニアウルグアイで 次の4泊の家 この場所は本当に素敵ですそれはとても静かな石畳の通り並木道
in colonia uruguay this place is really nice it's very peaceful cobbled streets tree-lined streets
それはとても眠くて静かですそして私たちはバラの茂みと バラの木の素敵なパティオの ある素敵な庭を持ってい
it's just very sleepy and quiet and going we've got a nice garden out back with a rose bush a
ますエリアにはバーベキューもありますが、今のところ到着したばかりですが 、 少し前に スーパーマリオに行きました。隣人
rose tree nice patio area there's also a barbecue but for now we just arrived not too long ago we
が犬をコリーしている ので、美しいコリーと呼ばれる コリーがあります。はい、長いように持っていた美しい犬に会いました。瞬間があります
had a quick rest went to the super mario you have collies called beautiful collies as our neighbors
oh collies the dogs yes we met beautiful dogs you had like they're long there's a moment where
you didn't quite get what i was saying no you're talking like collard greens yeah i don't know we
そう 、文字通り 隣 だ かわからないされませんでした どこ
have collard greens um we have collies beautiful dogs yes we didn't film them but we're literally
私たちは彼らが番犬ではないでしょう彼らは私にペットの贈り物を与えるようなものですええ私にペット を 与えて
next door so we'll they're not guard dogs they're they're like give me pets gifts yeah give me pets
and they were sniffing our groceries too did you think of the ride it was short huh yeah it's just
an hour across i just was basically stuffing myself and filming i didn't find a place to sit
とにかく撮影しなければならなかったので大丈夫な 場所を見つけられませんでした
which is all right because i had to film anyways but um yeah it's a short journey you just get on
が、ええと、それは あなたが 乗る短い旅です
you know what you know what most people were doing they were actually shopping like there was a duty
free there's a huge duty free and it was packed yeah it just packed the whole time people were
just shopping like like there's no tomorrow that boat it kind of reminded me a little bit of like
ちょうど明日がないように買い物をし ている間ずっと満員 でしたそれは一種の
a dated casino the vibe okay you know with a kind of the had a bit of a gold vibe and then i could
古いカジノ のような 雰囲気を 私に少し思い出させました ある種のゴールドの雰囲気があり、そこにそれが 見えました実際に
see that there was a bigger there was a bigger duty-free shop than there was actual places to
座る 場所よりも大きな免税店がありました が、適切な昼食がなかったので、少し噛み
sit and now we're gonna have a little bite because we didn't really have a proper lunch
oh we picked up a wine we'll show you that later yep yep and yeah that's kind of the update maybe
だろう私たちは食べた後にアパートツアーを するかもしれない
we'll do an apartment tour after we eat so the big update is we're going for steak tonight
okay that has been confirmed more than once and we will not let you guys down we're going for steak
度も確認されていますそして私たちはあなたたちを失望させません「 8人 でステーキを食べ に 行く
at eight okay all right guys so we've decided to have uh a picada here a little snack before our
ので、ここでピカダを少しおやつにすることにしました。 今夜のステーキの 前に、 肉とチーズのパンの肉とチーズをスライスします。かなりクラシックな
our steak tonight we slice up somewhat some meat and cheese bread meat and cheese pretty classic
オリーブです。」今日は本当にランチ を食べて いるので、ワインが少し入っています。
some olives yeah we didn't really have lunch today so we're very got a little bit of wine yep we are
ジメネスメンデスのテロワールを最大限に表現し ています。これは私たちの
having a jimenez mendez maximum expression of the terroir and this is a grape that we none
誰も 聞いた ことのないブドウです。 アリーナと呼ばれています。カベルネ・ソーヴィニョンのクロスは
of us has ever heard of yeah it's called arena no apparently it's a cross between cabernet sauvignon
2015年のリザーブです。このワインはオーク樽で使用されています。 OMフランスとアメリカ の新しいワインをしようとする
is a reserve to 2015. this wine has been in oak barrel from france and america for a month
月の 井戸歓声 のために 、それは我々が それに歓声歓声を 行くので、そこに現地生産ロゴだだ ああ 、それは私が
well cheers to trying a new wine and it's a logo it's a local production so there we go
それのAを 言うと思いますええ、それは非常にユニークだ新しい新しいワインを試すためにいつもいつも楽しいです
cheers cheers to that oh it's always always fun to try new new wines yeah it's very unique i'd say
it's a nice one and it's strong it's it's it's a nice strong wine perfect for a salad here you know
は良い濃厚なソースの重いパスタを 知っ て います
a heavy pasta with a good rich sauce yeah like i mean italian italian yeah and what did you guys
ええ私はイタリアのイタリア人を意味しますええそして あなたたちは私たちがちょうど歩いたと思いますか近所に数ブロックあなた
what do you guys think of we've just walked a few blocks in the neighborhood you like it so far
um it's so peaceful so peaceful huh very peaceful very tranquil quiet people are very nice they're
我々は新しい友人のカップルがええ の同僚 のようなオーバーええと犬犬のカップルを作った非常に友好的
very friendly we made a couple of new friends a couple of uh dogs dogs over there yeah like
だ非常にいいですので 、それは今のところ ええと、それはとても平和だ
colleagues they're just standing outside the house and waiting for someone to come by and pet
よう 彼らはただ家の外に立って誰かがやって来るのを待って 彼らを 撫で
them you know they're not guard dogs for sure and they smell your grocery bag to see what's
inside you know they stick their lawn they smell they smell the salami they smell the salami and
中にある ものを見 ます彼らはサラミと チーズの においがする
the cheese yeah we haven't seen much of the town but tomorrow we'll let you know a little bit more
when we go walking and exploring but we still have the we've got steak tonight so this will
散歩や探索に行くときに もう少しお知らせしますが、 今夜はまだステーキを持っているので、これは
just be a snack and we're going to take you to a good steakhouse like we promised earlier on
so cute so cute
the salad and the steak has arrived we ordered the basil cut right yeah my dad and i are sharing
the vasilo the porsches here huge are so much bigger than we were expecting this is my portion
ここのポーチがとても大きいバシロを 共有し ています私たちが予想していたよりも、これは
that's for sam yeah sam alone let's see i believe this is the salad this is the side
サムのための 私の部分 ですええサムだけでこれがサラダだと信じていますこれはサイド
salad guys it's like for a family for an army for an arm for a small army you know
argentinian beef is really really good but euro-wide it doesn't stay behind okay they
are like uh on par you know excellent excellent excellent excellent this is one of the top uh
はあなたが知っているパーのようです優れた優れた優れた優れたこれは ここコロニアで トップのええと
top-rated steakhouses here in colonia yeah we researched this place it's got like a
一流のステーキハウスの 1つです ええ私たちはこの場所を調査しましたそれは
kind of a family atmosphere friendly staff they brought our food quickly too very quick
一種の家族的な雰囲気のフレンドリーなスタッフ彼らは私たちの食べ物もすぐに持ってきましたv ERY迅速
yeah yeah time for me to try it you guys have been raving about this so i have very high expectations
oh yeah what do you think julia mean is fantastic and they cooked it to perfection
ええオハイオ州あなたはジュリア平均幻想的であり、彼らは 本当に
really really tender i think the basil is the best cut though no i just have to
完璧にそれを調理し 、私はバジルが最高のカットだと思う入札 どう思いますか 何も私はちょうど
mention this salad has a bit of everything onions tomatoes lettuce carrots beetroot rice potatoes
このサラダを言及 する必要はないものの 、すべてのビットを持っているタマネギトマト、レタス、ニンジンビートライスジャガイモ
it's so good what are we doing this is awesome what's wrong with us
what's wrong with you he's a guilty part he's the one that insisted we couldn't take any more but
ice cream with brownies and dulce de leche look at that guys dig in
amazing very good very good huh but we're we're stuck that's 3 000 calories right there
「トンはこれ以上取ることが、 アイスクリームブラウニーと、その男のドゥルセ・デ・レチェ外観は
right there samwell it's up to you now well guys it is the end of the day we're back in the little
素晴らしい非常に良い非常に良いハァッ に掘る が、我々は、我々は すぐそこ
apartment after a huge feast of a meal wow the dishes here are way bigger than we were expecting
、右が3個の000カロリーだということをしているスタックが 、それはまあ今まで皆さん次第ですサムウェル です 食事の大宴会の後 、小さな
the portions like everything is sharing size yeah when you order a main dish it's for two people
アパートに 戻ったのは一日の終わりです。 ここの料理は予想よりもはるかに大きい
it's for two people that's right i mean uh the appetite of the people in this part of
the world and the the amount that they can consume there was a table right next to us
2 人 用ですそうです 、世界の この地域の人々の食欲
those six or seven guys they were eating like i mean full full portions individually each one
と彼らが消費できる量は、私たちのすぐ隣にテーブルがありました。 彼らが食べ て いた6人か7人の男は、それぞれ完全な部分を意味します。
and on top of that a liter of beer yeah another thing to notice in this little town of uh colonia
それに加えて、1リットルのビール があります。 コロニアのこの小さな町でもう1つ気付くのは 、通りを渡る とき、
is that when you're gonna cross the streets even the avenues that don't have traffic lights
信号のない通りでさえ、 誰かが行っているのを見ると車に 火がつくということです。
the cars when they see somebody going on the street will stop automatically okay and they will
通りは自動的大丈夫停止し、彼らは あなたの道の権利を与える だろう
give you the right of way but in some of these other latin american countries you cannot just
が、これらの他のラテンアメリカ諸国のいくつかであなただけの 通りににホップ、彼らが 実行さ
hop into the to the street and try to cross if the traffic is moving you will get run over they'll
れます上のトラフィックは、あなたが実行されます移動された場合に横断しようと することはできません
run you all for you pedestrian it seems like the drivers they have a sight on top of the steering
あなたはすべてあなたの歩行者のために 彼らがあなたがサイトにあなたを置いたことを知っている歩行者のため
wheel for pedestrians you know they put you on the site and they aim and they try to get you
you know because there's something else you know like i mean you don't know how to jump but here
we were amazingly surprised very encouraging very good another surprise today that i'll mention is
when we went to the restaurant and it was time to pay i paid with a foreign card a foreign visa card
and they discount the tax automatically like as a foreigner you don't pay tax the sales
tax yeah here is called the eva yeah and it'll show it on the receipt yeah it removes the text
it's a nice little town no it's a colonial charm yeah very charming tomorrow we'll properly explore
yes there's like lightning and thunder happening outside hopefully that holds off and we get
ますはい、外で雷や雷 が発生しているように見えますが、天気が良く なる
clear weather but if not umbrella anyways first impressions are very positive here yeah and uh
こと を願っています が、傘ではない場合でも、第一印象はここで非常にポジティブですええと、
we'll uh we'll share our adventures tomorrow let's call it a good night good night see you tomorrow
明日私たちの冒険を共有しますそれを良いとしましょうおやすみなさい明日 お 会いしましょ