字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Hop in the car and in about an hour you can be in Enoshima, a famous getaway destination near us. 江の島は都心から1時間で行ける 観光地です Known for it's beach with views of Fuji, large aquarium and fairy-tale island, 富士山が見えて 水族館もある島です see why Enoshima just might be the perfect day trip from Tokyo. 江の島の魅力を紹介します! [Life in Japan Theme Song] ポール達の家に寄り We're stopping by at Paul and Pri's place 一緒に向かいます They're going to follow us in their own car 江の島でのんびりします! And we're going to go to Enoshima to have a fun day on this holiday! Come along! やあジョーイ! Hi Joey! Hi Big guy! おじさんにタッチは? Yeah! Are you ready to go? Give a High Five to uncle Nate. 準備いい?ハイファイブ! Are you ready? High five! Yes! Alright! 楽しみだね?いいね! Are we going to have so much fun today? Oh good, good, good, good, good, good ルイーザ!やあ! Look at Leopard Luiza — hi! 可愛いね What a cutie! いいね!準備出来た? Oh my goodness, let's go have some fun? Yeah! 今はこれが必要だね Oh, I remember having to do this. It wasn't that long ago. 昔はチャイルドシートは無かったね No- one time we went to the States and all of them were in this 5 point [car seat] 渋滞です The only thing about holidays is holiday traffic. 混んでます It's red — very red. じき着くでしょう But, we'll get there. コーヒーを買って休憩します So we made a very necessary stop for coffee. And what do you think, Ruth? "Re-Coffee" 初めてだけど美味しいわ Re-Coffee, first time. Super delicious. 超美味しい Super-duper de-lish. 味見していい? Can I taste it? Uh uh. 全部飲むわ Why? I need it all. ママのだね It's Momma-chan's 富士山!ベッカが歌ってます Fuji san! And Becca singing. - ハロー! - どうしたの? Hello! Hello, hello! Well, hello! What's happening there, Mr J? 車! Car! - 着いたね!何が楽しみ? - 魚 We made it Sarah. What are you excited to see today? Fish. 僕も! Fish! Me too, fish! 来ました Here they come! - 凄い!泳ぎたい? - うん Oh my goodness! Do you guys want to go swim? Yea. 泳ぐ?とても寒いよ! Swim? It would be so cold today! カッコいいね That is cool, huh? Yea ジョーイ 富士山見えた? Wow. Joey, do you see Mt Fuji? 富士山だよ 大きいね! Do you see Mt Fuji out there? It's so big! 入ります Here we go — going in! 魚見える? Oh, do we see the fish in there? Yea, look at that one. 皆泳いでるね! Oh, they're cool, they're awesome. They're swimming around! 泳げないのもいるよ Look at the poor one — look at the poor one that can't swim. - 泳げない? - 向こうにいる There's one that can't swim? Yea, right there. 泳いだ! He's swimming!! 大きなカタツムリね Look at those huge snail— ah‚ snails? 向こうで歩いてるの見える? In the shells — see them walking over there? 見て!ジョーイ! Look Joey Joey, look! Whoa! 魚はどこ?パパに教えて! Where's the fish? You wanna show Da Da? Where's the fish? ジョーイ 初めての水族館です This is cousin Joey's first time at an aquarium, yea! あれ見える?カモフラージュしてる Do you see right there? There's one that's camouflaged. - カモフラージュ? - あれ見て Oh, a camouflaged one down there? Yea see, look. ウナギが出てきたわ Look Nate, all the eels poking out! 本当だ!奇妙だね Oh, you're right! Those are weird! 珍しいね 群れなのかな? What are those crazy—it's like a shoal of fish or something? - 何で集まってるの? - 好きなんだよ Why's it all together? That's the way they like to go. - ずっとここにいる - 好かれたね It's just here the whole time. See! They like you. アカエイが来たよ Whoa Dude, the stingray likes you — I think. 怖い! It's too scary! 見て!大群だよ! Look at all the fish! There come the fish! - 下に行ったよ! - そうだね Oohhh! Let's go down! There they went. カッコいい! Wow, cool! クリスマスツリーみたいだ!水中なのに! Look, it's like a big Christmas tree down there. Do you see that? In the water? ベッカ ジョーイに押させて Becca, please let Joey push. 魚見える?どこ? Do you see the fish? Where's the fish? おじさんに教えて Where are they? Show Uncle Nate. サラ 魚はどこ? Where's the fish, Sarah? What did you do with them? - ここ - 見えないよ Right here. They might not be in here. - いるよ! - そう? Yes they are! They are? 凄く小さいね Oh, they're tiny little ones, aren't they? 海中にいるみたいだね! You guys look like your'e in the ocean! カサゴかな? Oh there's another Lion fish, huh? Oh, no it's not. 写真撮れる? Is that a good place for a picture? ジョシュア! Joshua, look! 動いちゃダメよ Stay right there — stay looking! 来た!完璧だね! Here they come, perfect timing! ワーオ! Perfect timing! 一番大きな水槽かな? Whoa! Yeah! クラゲはいる?沢山いるね! Whoa guys. This is the biggest of all the tanks, huh? あれは? Did we find the Jellyfish, Dude? Look at all those fish! Oh! Jellyfish! サラ! Whose over there? クラゲと泳いでる? Sarah! こっち見て! Are you swimming with the Jellyfish? ジョシュアがいる Look over here! Look, come right here. 消えちゃった どこだ? Look, it's Joshua. いた! Well he disappeared. Where'd he go? クラゲだよ Oh there he is! 好きだよね? Look girls, we found the Jellyfish. ベッカ!大きい! Those are some of your favorites, right? 巨大なベッカ!サラも! Becca, you're so big! クラゲ好き Becca's huge! Sarah too. アナのお気に入りだね I like that thing. 見てると面白いの Are Jellyfish maybe your favorite, Anna? すごく Maybe. It's just so satisfying to watch it. - 触れるよ - 本当に? Very satisfying. - 凄いな! - 臭うかも You can touch it. You can?! Is there water? パパ あれに触ると That's crazy! Stinks — the water stinks. こっち側だと大丈夫だけど Daddy, if we touch this side— like 逆だと怪我するの If we touch, uh, like this side we won't get hurt, - そうなの? - 確かね but if we touch like this part on the inside then we're going to get hurt. 刺されるのは嫌だよね Is that how it works? I don't know — maybe. 刺されたら? Yea, you wouldn't want to get hit by those stingers, that's for sure. 凄く痛いよ! Why, what's going to happen? ママは休憩かな Why? Because it hurts like crazy! 動きが多いのよ This is what Momma usually does in the aquariums, huh? 大量の魚を見てると酔うの It's too much movement in there. Oh? 何でか分からないけど All the things falling, and the things falling is making me nauseous. Yikes. - 何見つけた? - 像みたいの I don't know if there's a weird frequency in there, but it gave me an instant headache when I walked in. あの動かない魚? What did you find, Sarah? A Statue Fish! ご飯だよ! A Statue fish? He doesn't move, huh? ペンギンだね Eat me for lunch! まったりしてるね We found some penguins, huh? 一緒に歩いて 潜るのね That guys just chillin'. もし水槽の中だったらどうする? Well they go one way and they come back upside down 向こうに潜って 上がってくるのよ Well, what would you do if you were in a cage like this? ひっくり返った! Yea, they go that way upside down and that way up front. 大きな亀ね! Wow! And they flip. 富士山が美しいです Whoa! Look at the size of those turtles! 尻尾がある Look at Mt Fuji. Beautiful today! 昼ご飯だよ That one has a tail. 家族が多いと 沢山食べ物がいるね! OK- it's a quick lunch break! 席も沢山いるね When you have a family this size, you gotta buy a lot of lunch. Right? うん And you need a lot of seats, don't you? 江の島です 時間があったら行きましょう Yes. Yes. 探検中だね There's the island out at Enoshima. If we have time, we're going to go there later. パパじゃなくて Here we are, we're just hanging out. Mommy. - ジョシュア? - そう And Daddy—no, me. これがパパ That's you?! Yea. サラとアナとベッカ And Daddy. イルカショーが もうすぐ始まるね And Sarah and Anna and Becca. 見た?手を振ってるよ! Are we just hanging out, waiting for the dolphin show to start? 手を振ってる! Ah! Did you see that, Dude? He was waving! 見た?手を振ってたね He was waving. あれ見た? Was he waving? Yeah, he was waving. すごいね! Ah! Did you see that, Dude? - すごい! - そうだね! Yeah, that was fun. 話してるのかな? Whoa, that was big! That was big. カッコいいね Are they talking? ジョシュア 宙返り見た? That was cool. ジョシュアは出来る? Joshua, did you see them flip through the air? Did a huge somersault? - 多分… - 凄かったね Do you think you could do that? No? 高くジャンプしないと No. I need to be... Oh my goodness. 高く飛んで ジャンプしないと I need to be higher... jumping. Oh yea? 見える?カピバラだよ I need to be so high jumping — and then I need to jump so high to do that. 大きな船だね Do you see that Sarah? It's called a Capybara. カッコいいね There's a really big ship, huh Dude? 深海で操作できるね Very cool. Wow! どう?1人で乗れる? So when it's underwater, it can get all kinds of stuff. ジョシュア ダメよ What do you think guys? If it were one person in there, would you want to be that person? - うん - すごいね Don't Joshua. No thank you. でも一人は嫌! 誰かと一緒じゃないと Yes. Whoa, that's cool, huh? アンナ 何してるの? I mean no! If someone's going to go with me, then yes. 行こうか? 向こうにベッカがいるね What are you doing, Anna?! 次は何かな? OK let's go guys? Oh! There's Becca over there. - これから何すると思う? - 分からない Anna, do you see what we're going to do? Yea. フェリーで島に行きます Do you guys see what we're going to do? No! 島を散策します (Ruth speaking Japanese) ジョシュア ベスト着た? One thousand, 4 [hundred Yen] 船が来たよ So we're going to take a ferry from here to the island, I believe 最後に船に乗ったのは? And then we'll climb up the island and walk back. ブラジルかな Joshua, you look all set with your vest on! 日本でも乗ったよ Here comes the boat we're going to take to go over there. 行こう! When was the last time you were on a boat, girls? - 行くわよ! - 怖い! Um, in Brazil. 準備はいい? No, we did it in Japan, remember? 楽しいね! Here we go guys! 船は久しぶり OK go! This is scary! 久しぶりだね Here we go! Are we ready, guys? 色々見えるよ Whew hoo! Oh yes! 行こう! Oh fun fun fun fun 出発! It's so hisashiburi (such a long time) going on a boat like this. - サラ!楽しい? - うん It is hisashiburi going on a boat. いいね! You'll be able to see plenty. アナは?楽しい? Alright guys! ベッカも? Here we go! 到着だよ Sarah! Is it fun? Yea. もう降りるの? Aw, cool! 行こう! And my beautiful Anna-cakes! Fun? これ見て Becster, yes? 緑色の藻だね Ok let's go! We're here! 面白い下船場所だね We need to go off now? 見て! Let's go! 行こう! Whoa, look at this! My goodness. まだ濡れてないよ Green green moss there, huh? My goodness. 良かったわ まだ濡れてないって What an interesting way to disembark, huh guys? 良かった Look! すごい景色! OK let's go! 見てごらん! I didn't get any wet from there. 夏に探検したら楽しいね That's good! He did not get wet. ここから登ります I'm glad you didn't. きつい傾斜です Look at this! This is wild. 階段が沢山だね Look at this! My goodness! 水をどこかで買いたいわ This would be fun to explore in the summer a little bit. 何にする? The climbing's about to start here. 水分補給です This is a major incline here. このキリン美味しい? Heading up. Lots of stairs to go up now. お店があります I don't have any water. We'll have to find a place that sells water. - 行きましょう - そうだね! What can we have? 上向いて Need a drink on the way here. きつい階段です Is this Kirin right here good? - ベッカ 見えた? - エレベーターほしい These little shops along the way are pretty cool. もうすぐだよ OK, let's keep walking. OK let's go! ゴールはまだ先の様です Head on up! - 日本の帽子 - お土産だね It's quite the stairway here. 梅が咲き始めてます Becca — do you see it? Please be an elevator! - こっち? - 違うわよ Yea, we're almost there. まだ続きます We're not there yet. We have to go down and go up a little bit more. これで最後?ついに到着? Japan hat. There's a lot of cool souvenirs here. 券見せて カッコいいね The Plum blossoms are starting to come out. 券も買ったし 行こうか! Up here? No. すごい! This trail just goes on and on. - 造花? - 本物よ Are these the last steps? Did we make it to the top, guys? - 見事です - 写真撮りたいわ スマホは? Can you show me the tickets? Let me see. Oh cool. ネイトのスマホの方が綺麗なはず Alright, we got our tickets. Daddy got his, let's go in! パパのスマホを"借りる"だけ Oh my goodness! Ticket, Nate. - マスク取る? - そうね They look fake. They're not fake. アナ見える? Look at these. I want to take some pictures. Can I have your phone? 見えるよ!やあアナ! Yeah. Because I think your phone will do a better job than mine. 抱えてるの見える? You can't "have" Daddy's phone, you can borrow Daddy's phone. 見えないな Take my mask off? Take your mask off. そうしてたの? Mommy, can you see Anna? 頑張ったね 後で写真見せるよ Oh- I see Anna. Hi, Anna! サラの所に集まって I'm holding her, can you see me? 写真だよ! I can't see you at all. Oh my goodness. 集まって! That's how you're doing it, huh? 1・2・サラ! Oh my goodness, that was cool. Wait until you see what it looks like. ベッカ おびえてるみたいよ OK, now all of you around there. Right there where Sarah is. - 笑って ベッカ! - 1・2・3 ! Photo shoot time. OK OK, get in there with them! 暗くなったら綺麗だね One, two, Sarah! 見て下さい! Becca, you look terrified. OK Don't look terrified, Becster! One, Two, Three—smile Sarah! 嗅いでいい? OK 触らないで 嗅ぐだけよ This is going to be really cool if we wait until a little bit later. Won't it? ママ 写真撮ろう! Look at that! チューリップの香りは? OK 分からない Can I smell them, Mommy? 小さな庭よ Yea, don't touch, just smell. やっと着いた! Mommy, take a picture! 見て下さい! Are you smelling the Tulips? How do they smell? 展望台です I can't smell anything. You can't smell anything? エレベーターで昇ります Oh look at the tiny little garden. 大きい! We're finally there! 昇るよ Look what we're finally close to! 外側が見えるよ You can see to the top. 明るい! Here we go — we're going to get in the elevator to go up! 見て!すごい景色! (Speaking in Japanese) Thank you You're welcome - すごいわ - こっち見て! Have fun This is so big. - プールかな? - 違うよ OK, we're going up guys. 歩いてる人がいる Look, we're going to be able to see out. Here it goes. - 歩いて降りれるのね - そうしてもいいよ (In Japanese) Oh no... アイスクリーム! Whoa. Whew, so bright! 歩きたい! Ah! Look Dude! Oh my... goodness! 到着です Oh my goodness! Oh whoa, look over here! - 素晴らしいです - ママ これしていい? There's like a pool. No it's not. スカイツリーを思い出します Holy cow! Whoa look, they're walking it. - 富士山が見えないわ - どうかな Oh we could walk down. We could walk down if you guys want to. さっきまでいた水族館です Ice cream! Holy cow 上に行く? Let's walk down. Oh my goodness - うん! - ジョシュアは? Oh Jesus. ジョシュア! Here we go. You got this girlfriend. 上に行ってみよう! Whoa.... Wow! OK This is incredible! Mommy I want to do this. まだ上があるの?! This reminds me of Tokyo Skytree Tower すごい! Too bad you can't really see Fuji anymore. You can kind of see it. 凄すぎるね! That's the aquarium down there, where we were. 見て! Hey, let's go up? We can go up! - 富士山見える? - うん Yeah! Where' Joshua? 微かにシルエットが見えるね Joshua! 素晴らしいね!気に入った! Let's go up, Dude! We can go up. 降りたい OK! やあ!元気? We can go up more to the top?! うん Whoa, cool! - ウォーリーみたいだよ - そう? Oh my! 映画のね Super cool! さっきの船よ Look! Oh my stars! 本当だ! Oh, can you guys kind of see Mt Fuji? Oh yea. - 叫んでいい? - ダメ You can kind of see the silhouette way out there. 見たい Whoa — this is awesome, I love it. - あれ? - 大きな庭だね I want to go down now. 美しい島です Well hello there, how are you today? 背が足りないね サラ Good. Good? 下ります You look like Wally. Oh, do I? 階段で下まで行きたいそうです Yea, Wally from the movie. したい! There's the boat we went on. Can I see? ママとサラはエレベーターで Oh the boat we went on! 他は階段で下ります Can I scream "Hello?" No. 怖い!本当に! I want to see. そう?ママと行く? Right there? Yea, all of that is the big gardens down below. 揺れてる What a beautiful island. 揺らさないで You're not quite tall enough, Sarah! - 行くよ! - 怖い! Ok, heading back down. ベッカ 待って! Some of these kids want to go down the steps, amazingly. All the way down. 手を振って! I want to! ママ達だね Mommy and Sarah taking the elevator down, 気付いたね And guess what — who wants to go the stairs, all the way down the stairs. OK, hold the side there, guy. 落ちるかと思った It's scary! I'm not kidding, it's scary! 沢山の階段 Is it? Here, do you want to go with mommy? 誰かな? It's shaking. 誰かな?ジョシュア! Well don't shake it. ハーイ! Alright, let's go! Scary!! どうだった? Hey Becca, wait! I am! 怖かった? Did you wave to them, Becca? I did! - 楽しかった? - うん Whoa, there they go, there they go. 良い場所見つけたね They noticed me. ラーメン食べたい気分 Whoa, I almost fell. イルミネーションのために 日没を待ちます A lot of stairs. 美味しい? Who is that way down there? ポテトフライだね Who is that way down there? Hey Dude! 気を付けて! Hi! Hi. 火傷するよ What did you girls think? Oh, you know how to do that. なんだ It says "Push" on it. 偽物だよ Did you like walking down it? Yes. Oh Josh's over there! すごい! Look at this nice place you found to wait, huh? Oh my. 美味しそうです If they had ramen, I would totally buy some. 飲み物 スープ サラダ Everyone's getting a bite to eat while we're waiting for it to get dark for the illumination. この景色 Everyone's munch, munch, munch? アナ 綺麗な夕陽だね Some French fries — are you heating them up there? 写真撮るよ いい景色だね Careful don't... I put my hand in here 灯りがつくよ Oh don't get burned, oh, oh! 行こう! Oh... Oh that's hot みんな! It's just fake. あれ見て!色も変わるね Oh my goodness! 消えたら大変ね Look at this sandwich! ライトを通り抜けます Drink, soup, salad. 綺麗です And view. Well hello there! 素晴らしいイルミネーションです! Well Anna. Pretty super-duper sunset, huh guys? 最高! OK, let's take a picture. OK, are we ready? Oh, this is going to be awesome. - 綺麗ね! - 最高だね! He turning on the lights. 南国のイルミネーションみたいだ Yea!!! 皆撮影しています Let's go guys. アイスクリーム食べたい Whoa guys! またアイスよ Oh, look at that over there. Oh this is awesome. It changes colors too! ワーオ! Now they're going to turn it off. Just kidding. 素晴らしいです We're going to walk through the lights now. タイみたい So cool now. 思い出した? Awesome illumination! And here's the tower. 熱帯の植物みたいだからね So cool! 屈まないと It's beautiful guys! Whoa, this is awesome. - 最高だね! - 見せて It's like a tropical illumination... wonderland. - 見て! - シャンデリアだね I am not the only person with a camera here. 結婚式が出来るわね I'm planning on ice cream. You're planning on it? 素敵じゃない? We still have to buy ice cream. 冬の結婚式 素敵だね Whoa! ビデオ撮りたい This is super cool. ベッカが僕のスマホで撮影します It reminds me of Thailand a little bit. Kind of. 私の番 The lights remind you of Thailand? - ベッカ!私の番 - OK I think like these tropical plants, it has kind of tropically feeling. It does. I like it. ジョシュア! Those I've got to duck. ミニガーデンがあるよ This is so cool! Can I see? スマホの練習になってる? Oh look at that! Look at the chandeliers! スマートフォン? Whoa! This would be a great place to rent for a wedding in the winter! - iPhone? - 練習中! Wouldn't that be cool? - 練習中? - そう A winter wedding in here — that would be cool. Daddy, Daddy... OK Where's your phone? Can I take a video on your phone? 走らないで Whew! - 私の番! - 怒らないで It's my turn. It's my turn. ちょっと待って Becca! Becca! No No no, Becca, it's my turn. OK 忍者の場所があるよ Joshua! 今日最後の写真です There's the mini garden. - これで最後? - こっち向いて Are you girls getting good practice for when you have your own cell phone. 1・2・3 Smart phone? Yep. 1・2・3 行きましょう Iphone? We're practicing! 手が冷たいわね You're practicing? Yep. 私の手は? OK 最後のビデオを撮ったら 家に帰るわよ No Anna, don't run with Daddy's phone. 桜か梅かな? Give me it now! Hey, don't get mad. - すごい! - ゴージャスだわ Actually, hang on. 素晴らしい! Mommy I'm going to go to the ninja place. - アナ 来て! - 写真撮らないと Getting our final pictures here. - 急いで - とても綺麗です Maybe final pictures here? Turn your face a little more. 1・2・3 One, two, three. ”ようこそ江の島へ” One, two, three. OK, let's go. 撮影の弟子です Your hands are so cold. - 写真? - パノラマモード What about my hands? これから山を下って アイスを買って帰宅します One last video here, and then we're going to go home...go down the mountain. アイスクリーム! These are Sakura or Plum trees, probably? わあ!茂みでヘビを見たかと思った Look at those! It's gorgeous! Where's Daddy's camera? 座って Oh my goodness! アイスクリームです Hurry Anna please! I need it. This is where we need some pictures. 一日中楽しみにしてました Hurry, all four. Those are so pretty. そうだね? One, two, three. 美味しそう! It's says "Welcome Enoshima." Welcome to Enoshima! みんないいね! Look at my young protege, taking videos. もうすぐね Pictures? Oh, panoramic. Look at that! 楽しい1日だったね Now we start our decent back down the island, find some ice cream, and go to the car. 長い橋を渡ります We get some ice cream. Get some ice cream! - "ありがとう"は? - "Life in Japan 見てくれてありがとう!" I hope our parking lot doesn't close. チャンネル登録お願いします! Wow! Huh? どう? Whoa! That was a bush. I thought I saw a snake or something. チャンネル登録お願いします! OK, go sit right there. バイバイ! We got our ice cream. Finally! カット?OK We've been waiting all day... mostly patiently. Yeah. 楽しい日でした! Mostly, huh? スマホで撮影? 電池切れた? Yum, oh yum! インスタだよ! Oh wow guys! Yum. 128GBのカードが一杯になりました Things are closing up. 20-30分の動画になるでしょう Well guys, that was super cool. 見て下さい! You have to walk this bridge back off the island. It's a long bridge. 綺麗な写真が沢山撮れました Say "Thanks for watching!" Thanks for watching for Life in Japan. 壮大な動画が出来そうです If you like this video, subscribe! どう思う? Is it like that? 沢山 If you like this video, please subscribe! そうだね 仕事が沢山だ! Bye bye! Are you done? OK. It was such a fun day! We switched to the phone, are we out of battery? No, Instagram! So today I filled up a 128 GB memory card full of footage, Over 60 minutes of footage, and this video that we do will probably end up being 30 minutes or maybe even 20 minutes long. Look at all this footage. Look at all of that beautiful, lovely footage. Oh my goodness! This is going to be an epic video here, oh yes. What do you think, Sarah? That's a lot. That's a lot, huh? Daddy has a lot of work to do now, huh?
B1 中級 日本語 ベッカ ジョシュア サラ アンナ クラゲ いい 東京からの日帰り旅行はこれがベスト? 魅惑の江ノ島|日本の暮らし 第96話 (Is this the best day trip from Tokyo? Enchanting Enoshima | Life in Japan Episode 96) 13 0 Summer に公開 2021 年 02 月 26 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語