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  • Australia passed a world first media law on Thursday designed to force big tech to pay media companies for their content.


  • The reforms are a check on companies like Facebook and Google that could be copied in other countries.


  • The legislation has been watered down after a standoff between the government and Facebook over the past week, including Facebook's drastic move to block all news for Australian users.


  • That decision set off a storm of criticism.


  • Then the social media giant took a U turn and re friended Australia on Tuesday after last minute concessions were made by the government, including ah longer period for tech companies to strike a deal with media before the government intervenes.


  • Treasurer Josh Fried Enberg trumpeted the law's passage as a win for supporting independent journalism, stating quote it was helping to sustain public interest journalism.


  • Facebook have also claimed the media codes last ditch changes as a victory, but not everyone is happy with the amendments.

    Facebookはまた、勝利としてメディアコードの最後の溝の変更を主張している, しかし、誰もが改正に満足している.

  • The changes let firms like Facebook and Google off the hook if they make so called significant contribution to Australian media.


  • Some lawmakers and publishers have warned that could unfairly leave smaller media companies out in the cold.


  • For example, a fixed payment from Facebook or Google doesn't lead to more money invested in journalism by major media firms.


  • When it was announced, Google and Facebook fiercely opposed the law.


  • But since then, Google has struck deals with several firms, including Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.

    しかし、それ以来、Googleはルパート・マードックのNews Corp.を含むいくつかの企業と取引を行っています。

  • And This week Australia's national broadcaster, ABC and other TV network said they were in talks with Facebook.


  • Other world leaders have followed the saga closely as countries like Canada and Britain consider similar steps that may loosen big tax grip on news.


Australia passed a world first media law on Thursday designed to force big tech to pay media companies for their content.


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