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Today we are going to talk about parenting
I get a lot of questions across my email accounts
from parents that are asking how can I parent my children in alignment with that spirituality
and in alignment with source energy
because of this I want to tell you all parents out there
let yourselves off the hook
because it is not possible for you to parent perfectly
and if somebody tells you that parenting is easy
they're lying to themselves
it was not intended to be this
easy process
it was intended to be fun
you will all get the children
that you need
we make a mistake as parents
many of them
we see them as innocent and unseasoned
we do not see them as the eternal creators that they are
just because you came into this life before they did
does not mean that they are any different than you are
you come here to help this third dimensional reality
add to your own expansion which is the same thing that they're doing
we identify
ourselves as their venue of abundance
as their venue through which everything flows to them
and we make them believe
if not, believing it ourselves
that their actions
and their behavior is responsible for our happiness
we also see them as ours instead of children of the universe
these four things which i just mentioned are the biggest mistakes we make as parents
We replace the role of the universe
the role which the universe was meant to fill
with ourselves
we treat ourselves in children's lives as if we are gods
we're not meant to be the gods of their lives
we are meant to be
their guides
Your children are powerful creators just like you who have come to and out of life over and over again
they came here to learn from life
the learning
from the parenthood in child role
is just meant to be
one component of
the whole shebang
it's not really your job to teach them, or to clothe them, or to house them, or to feed them
doing that kind of thing for your children
makes you feel good which is your indication that that is in alignment
but that is not your job in being here as their parents
your job is a two part process
part one is
to foster their independence at a very early age
part too is: to demonstrate what alignment looks like
there's this absolutely fabulous quote that goes like this:
"example is not
one way to teach
it is the only way to teach"
Only from our place of alignment are we capable of teaching things which are a benefit to our children instead of
a detriment to them
from our misalignment
we teach them
how to live their life
out of alignment
with their joy, their freedom, and their own true selves
the one who is in alignment
with their own guidance system
with their own joy, with their own freedom, and with their own true self
is the one who will teach the child
to do the same
and thus, the child will make decisions in their lives based on alignment
instead of based on
some other idea which we have been
positing in the place of our own alignment
this is the difference between the child who goes to get into the car at age sixteen with other children who were drunk at the time
and the one who trusts in their own internal guidance system doesn't get in the car and thus, doesn't end up dead
if you teach your child
to stay in alignment with their own guidance system
and you teach them to find freedom instead of rebellion
your child
will make decisions based on what's right for him or herself
which is the most important thing that you can do for your children
do not expect your children's behavior
to be the basis of your happiness or lack thereof
this sets them up
to believe in their adulthood
that happiness is dependent on other people
it also sets them up to believe that he or she was responsible for the happiness
of others
that right there is the
perfect ingredients
for a chronically unhappy adult
which let's face it
all we really want for our children is that they grow up to live happy lives
those people who base their parenting
off of a system of punishment and reward
are really the problem
which is creating the society we have today which is a punishment based system
we train our children
and future adults
out of alignment
and into resistance and rebellion
and you cannot
ever, punish something
you cannot punish anything into a place of alignment
you cannot punish something into goodness
those are vibrational contradictions
it is impossible
to punish something
into the behavior
which is going to benefit them the most in the end
all that that does is teach a person to lose connection
with their own internal guidance systems
how do we parent well?
I'm gonna give you a list of do's and don'ts
The single most important don't when it comes to parenthood is:
do not strip your child of their self-concept
so, how do we strip our child of their self-concept?
1) we find fault and we criticize our children
2) Do not do everything for them
let them make their own choices
We can't think for them and hope to raise adults which are functioning and creating a healthy society
don't foster dependence
this is only going to breed resentment
and unsuccessful adults
a lot of times we mistake
fostering dependence for love
when it's exactly the opposite we are cutting our children's legs out from under themselves
do not mistake consequences
with punishment
and replacing
consequences with lecturing and threats
to understand what I mean between the difference between
and punishment
I'll give you a scenario
let's say this three-year-old is running around with a truck
and now the three-year-old runs that truck into the family pet
like a cat or a dog
the parent who understands delivering consequences versus punishment
would say something like
(utilizing empathy)
"Oh how sad, looks like the truck is gone"
then they would go down and immediately pick the truck up and put it out of the child's reach
they would not follow that up with any kind of lecturing
they would allow the child to learn from the consequence of their action
the parent who is utilizing punishment instead of the consequence
would get super super angry at the child
they may or may not take away the truck
but what they're going to do is put the child in a timeout
They're going to make it all about the parent against the child, versus the child learning from the consequence of running that truck into the family pet
don't rescue them from their problems
doing that strips them of their freedom, strips them of their ability to learn from things
we have a unique opportunity when it comes to problems and that is to help children
to solve things themselves, that builds an incredible self-concept for your children
very loving parents
come in and sort of
solve everybody's problems for them
they solve the children's problems for the child
and the child grows up and ends up resenting the parent and being incapable of solving their own problems later in life
we can help children solve their problems
but we do not solve them for them
don't deliver consequences with anger
if you deliver consequences with anger all this does is turn the fight
into the parent against the child
instead of the child learning from the consequences of their actions
children come into this life and they learn first off
from the very beginning
it's a benefit for them to understand this in the third dimension
and it is not a benefit for them to be stripped of that opportunity of understanding
don't assume that your baby is too young to understand
they are learning from the very very beginning
and quite often we look at little babies who are about six months old and think:
"Oh! they're too young to understand this, it's not time to set limits for them
and that right there is a big mistake because you're laying the foundation
before they even hit toddlerhood
of what they can expect out of adults, what they can get away with, and how safe they are
I want to interject here and talk to you a bit about ferberizing
many of you who understand the parental system of ferberizing, will know that it's
this concept, basically, that babies from the very beginning
that they can manipulate
we're not talking about six...or you know, 2 years old, 3 years old, 4 years old,
we're talking babies that come into this world and
from the very beginning learn that if they cry and you come, then they can manipulate you
The ferberizing concept as far as Source perspective is concerned is the
most damaging thing which has been created in terms of parenting
before the age of about
only cry because if one thing
they have a need
and if you do not meet that need whether it's to be coddled, whether it's to be fed,
whether it's to be changed,
you are literally undercutting
the trust system between you and your child
ferberizing your child is the worst thing you can do for a child's trust on this planet
As a parent, it will become easier and easier for you to see the difference
between a child crying out of need
which it can't meet itself
and a child which is crying out of manipulation
it's a totally different energy
and you need to trust yourself enough to know that difference
as a parent, you know the difference
we are incredibly underdeveloped when we come into this world
the nature of being a human being
makes it so that
infants can't even fit through the birth canal if they come out totally developed
like we do and like most animals do you
that's why, when we come out
we're, for lack of a better word, three months underdeveloped
so we literally are incapable of meeting our own needs
until were about three months old and even then, and as you know if you've raised a child
there's a whole lot more needs which they can't meet themselves
don't become a doormat or a dictator to your child
What you want to do is become a guide
the person who rescues their child from everything
and the person who orders them to conform
both strip the child
of their self-concept, and both make their children feel powerless
and as you know, I talk quite a bit about the fact
that powerlessness
is the number one problem to our society today
it is the reason
for all of our interpersonal,
and world conflicts which we have going on today
and then we come to, what I think is the last point and one of the
best points
of don'ts when it comes to your children
Don't feed them
unuseful beliefs
one of the most amazing gifts of having a child is the fact that you have to
examine your own limiting
and beneficial beliefs
you can't teach a child to believe something that you don't believe
but, if you want your child to
that they can do something
you cannot tell them that they can't
if you keep reinforcing: you can't do this, you can't do that,
you are setting up the belief system in them:
"I can't"
we're laying the foundations for the belief
of our children
into their adulthood
and so you should only be giving them beliefs which are useful
and, here's the cracks
for you to give them a belief which is useful
you have to give them a belief which you firmly believe
you can tell them one belief and then demonstrate an entirely other thing
like: you create your own abundance meanwhile your mother and father (us) are going to
what it looks like
to think that money doesn't grow on trees
you have a gift here with your children
when you're spouting out of your mouth unuseful beliefs you get to examine them
and when you examine them
and discover that they're unuseful you get to redo them and change them
belief and desire
must line up in the exact vibration
for manifestation to occur
so it's not enough
to culture desires in children
but not culture beliefs. You have to
culture desires and then help them believe in line with those desires
in order to help them become the manifesters of their own life
since I like ending on happy notes
here's my list of do's
The most important thing you can do for your child
is to build and healthy strong self-concept
to help them
build that concept
number one
let them think
so often when
kids get themselves into situations
we tell them what they should think instead of let them think for themselves
so let's pretend that
your son or your daughter
wants to go to school
in slippers
you may just say
That's a bad idea, go put your other shoes on!
That's stripping them of the ability to think through it. So, you could play a game
more like:
Well...Do you think your slippers are going to work at recess time?
and let them think about it
if they say yes
slippers are going to work at recess time, then you've got to allow yourself to let go of it
and let them go experience
why slippers don't work
at recess time
but more likely
your child's gonna sit there for a minute
and decide to change their shoes because you've let them think about the outcome
of the choice to wear slippers to school
take ever opportunity you can to help them think for themselves
that is going to set them up for successful adulthood
let them learn from their choices
both the good ones and the bad ones
there are no bad choices
there are no failures
because successful people
turn their bad choices in their failures into wisdom, so we cannot make
an enemy of bad choices
let them solve their own problems. We can help them do that by giving suggestions
but we need to leave it in their camp
so as to empower them to let them understand that they have the power to
solve their own conflicts, and this will help them build an incredibly
strong self-concept
this will help them to understand their own power and to help them feel free
offer them empathy and understanding instead of lecturing and "I told you so"
children are meant to learn from the consequences of their own actions not
from your lecturing
it is natural to rebel against something which is
pushing negative energy towards you
when they have bad choices, when they make
bad decisions, when they have what you would see as a failure, traditionally,
if you offer them empathy and understanding for that decision they make
suddenly you're an ally
you are an ally and the enemy is the bad choice instead of you
let them make choices
this is incredibly important for your toddlers
because they allready don't feel like they have a lot of freedom
and they want it. They're in that stage basically
same with teenagers they're in that stage where
it's all about trying to foster their own independence, it's all about their
selves versus you, beacause it's the first time they can really conceptualize of themselves as a single unit
so, if you allow them to make choices within the parameters of what you
yourself think is acceptable
it will help them feel freedom
for example, you may have to leave the park
at some moment
during the day
if you've gone to the park
you have this very valuable
you could look at your child and say:
Do you want to leave now or do you want to leave in two minutes?
The child of course will pick two minutes, what you've just done is give them
freedom within the parameters of something that you can live with
so, you're going to live as a happy parent
and it's going to be a limit which is safe for them
allow them to make a ton of mistakes
this is incredibly important because like i said
we only ever really learn by actually experiencing things ourselves
it's not enough to just take your word for it
and when you let them make a ton of mistakes when they're little
the price tag is super super small
compared to making a lot of mistakes in their teenagehood
when they're small, making a mistake like running their tricycle into something
means, a skinned knee
when they're older
learning from the consequences of their actions and making mistakes
if they haven't been allowed to do so before
means, getting in their car when they're sixteen and crashing into the side of the highway
and potentially ending up dead
it's difficult to watch as a parent, I understand that
when you're watching a child
and you know that they're about to go get hurt, not destroyed, obviously should
save your children from situations if it looks like their life is on the line
but, when it doesn't look like that, it's difficult to sit back and let them make
the mistake even if it means a skinned knee, but that right there is what separates
your child
you know, right now in their successful adulthood from children who grow up to
be adults who make tons and tons of mistakes with huge price tags later
Use only enforceable statements
What I mean by an enforceable statement is
you have no control over your child's actions, it's true when they're younger
you can pick them up and control where they are physically within the world
but ultimately you have no control over another person
the only thing you have control over, is you
and so,
let's say that a child says: I don't want to brush my teeth, I don't wanna brush my teeth!
Looking at them and saying: Brush your teeth!
is not going to work, that is something which is completely out of your control
but you can control yourself
meaning you can tell the child:
Well that's so sad because mommy or daddy
only reads books to babies who brush their teeth
then, you've put the decision and the ball back in their court
and you've used an enforceable statement which you can then follow through on
which has nothing to do with controlling
their behavior
you will have an
incredibly irresponsible
and very rebellious child
if you use unenforceable statements
because they'll learn pretty quickly
I don't actually have to do
anything that you say
because you can't actually control me
So, you want to make them aware of the fact that while you don't control them
you do control you
develop strategies
to keep calm
and to
stay in alignment
so you aren't
breaking a sweat when you're parenting
and flooding them with anger and negative emotion
the reason is this
children who watch their parents really really struggle at parenthood
and struggle at life
develop this understanding
which looks like this
if the most powerful people in my life
can't control me
that must mean
I'm pretty bad
When you make it obvious that it's very difficult to parent your child
they are coming up with a terrible self-concept
The self-concept is: I am bad, there is something wrong with me
They personalize it
and they take it as if it's their fault
So, whatever it takes for you to develop strategies
to decrease your stress relative to parenthood
to prepare yourself for things in the future so you don't get blindsided
and the more fun, and free, and easy you can make this
the better chance you have of your child developing this idea:
The most powerful people in my life
really love me
and think that I'm a good kid
and it's easy for them to parent me
I must be pretty good
Don't be afraid to show your emotions
this may sound like a contradiction to what I've just said, but it isn't
the reason is, that you have an opportunity, when you're showing emotion,
to demonstrate what it looks like to climb the emotional scale
for example
you could
explain to them something like embarrassment. Let's say that your kid is throwing a major fit
when they're throwing a major fit in the store, you could utilize things like
going around the corner and just disappearing on him because you can control your own body placement
and then they'll pretty soon realize that that's not working to get what they want
and they'll come up and they'll follow you, but you may still feel super super embarrassed
so, and that may lead you looking like you're pretty angry
and so, you can sit outside with your child right after you leave the store
and explain to your child that you're feeling really really upset and frustrated
and you need to explain:
mommy feels or daddy feels really really frustrated because mommy or daddy feels
i feel embarrassed because when you act that way some people,
it makes mommy or daddy feel like some people think that I'm a bad parent
so I'm going to sit here and try to talk my way into feeling like a good parent right now
because that's what it's going to take for me to be a good parent to you
and I think you deserve that
and then you can demonstrate what it looks like to think your way into a
better and better emotion
So, they are visually seeng what it looks like to come from
anger and frustration, all the way into joy
and parenting in alignment
and that will register in their brain
for years and years to come
in terms of how to talk their way out of negative emotional states
so as to not make negative emotion, the enemy
Spend way way more time enjoying your children
and having fun with them
and understanding them, and having these experiences with them
than you ever do
delivering consequences
this will help them gravitate towards positivity
instead of gravitating away from negativity
those two things are not the same
It will also help them
in their lives so as to
insure that they're not trying to get any attention
for negativity just because it's attention
set limits
this may sound odd for somebody in my position, who is saying that there are no limits,
to say that it's important to set limits for your children
the reason is is that we're bringing them into a society which believes in limits
and so
raising children which are always outside the limit sets them up for failure within society in general
it is possible for you to explain that there are no limits while also setting them up to succeed within a society of limits
and that's super important so that they don't push the limit and end up in jail
you are not breaking their spirit when you're setting limits for them
instead, you are actually making them feel safe and loved
and you are teaching them to feel creative within limits instead of
resisting limits
which is set up by society
if you teach your children to resist
which are set up by society
you're setting them up to suffer in the end
teach your children that they create their own abundance and their own lives
not that you create their abundance and lives, this is difficult because
you are, for lack of a better word, the vortex through which your children flow
and in the beginning, you are the vortex through which all things flow to your child
things like clothing, things like
shelter, things like teaching
but for them to believe that you are the vortex through which everything comes for them
is a misunderstanding and it
definitely hurts them in the end
when you're a parent who really can't provide something for your child
because of lack of money or whatever it is
to look at your child and say
I can't do that, you can't do that
is detrimental
what it can be replaced with, is something like:
does not have a good enough vibration
relative to money to have enough to get that right now
but I am not your only way to get that item
that they're wanting so much
so you can explain to them how to create
with their own mind, you can explain that the whole universe is
their venue of abundance
and if it doesn't come through you, if they focus enough it'll come through
something or someone else or some other opportunity
They don't have to look at you as if you're this big limit to them
in terms of what you can and can't do for them
expect the best from them
regardless of what has happened in the past
you cannot
desire a behavior from a child and expect a different behavior
and get what you want
you have to find a way to talk your way into
expecting the best from them
paying attention to their best qualities
and what you'll find is that pretty soon they'll start lining up with your new expectation
Help them understand their own internal guidance system
we grow up, for the most part in a society, so far not understanding what our emotions are
if you explain to your children what their emotions are and how to dictate their emotions based on the thought they're thinking
and to teach them to control
what they're thinking about, so as to control their emotional
guidance system
so as to go in the direction of what they feel is joy
you will be giving them
the most valuable key, when it comes to parenthood
you would teach them how to stay in alignment
with themselves
which, trust me, at the end of the day
that's all there is
because by the time they're sixteen years old
you have absolutely no control
before that, lets go twelve and thirteen. By twelve and thirteen years old
you have no control over your children
so it's super important that before then
you bring them into awareness of their own guidance system because you can't be there
whispering in their ear, being the
angel on their shoulder
telling them
which way to go in their life
they have to be able
to trust their own internal guidance system
to get them through this life
cuz you
simply can't be there all the time
lead by example
it is the only way to teach your children
for example, if you want your child to enjoy chores
you better act like you enjoy chores and find a way to enjoy it
you can
give them examples of solving problems you can give them an example of
behavior towards others
most importantly you want to give your child example of what it looks like to stay in alignment
with who you are
to stay in alignment with joy
to stay in alignment
with what you think is right and wrong
you have to demonstrate what it looks like to stay in your own alignment if you want your children to do the same
that is the most beneficial thing you can do for them
if you are constantly demonstrating that it's
appropriate to
someone else's happiness over your own happiness
you will raise a child who does the same
so figure out what it is you want
to teach them in terms of alignment
figure out what it is you want
for them to be doing or not doing
what beliefs you want them to hold and not hold
and become the manifestation of it
is one of the biggest opportunities for expansion in this universe
you really don't understand love until you have a child
many of you who have children know exactly what I mean
don't expect perfection
it's not what your children want anyways none of your children coming down to this reality said:
Parent of mine, I expected you to be in the exact place of perfection before I came down
No! they knew exactly what they were getting into
they came down here so as to
utilize this relationship between you and them
to aid in their own expansion
so don't fall into guilt
the access of your power is always in the now
so it's never too late to switch up your game
regardless of having made a mistake
five years ago or five minutes ago
you can always
choose to parent
in alignment
with the parent you want to be
right now
they will be learning regardless of whether you parent well or parent terribly
because, either way, their expansion is being caused by the relationship
So, the question is:
What do you want their concepts and their beliefs about themselves and about the world, to become?
you've better become an example of exactly that
for this reason children are your greatest excuse to use as a means
to become more
How valuable is it
to have created in your life an excuse
for you to have to stay in alignment with who you really are
to have to stay in alignment with your own internal guidance system
it's fabulous, our children are our greatest teachers because they are
the excuse which forces us to become the manifestation of that which we really want to be
so all of that being said, I could sum this up very quickly and tell you
that the best thing that you can do for your children, period, the end... (or anybody)
but with this we're going through children, because children really are the basis by which our future
the best thing you can do for your children
is to believe in them and to trust them with themselves
nothing erodes the self-concept like saying: I know better for you what is right for you, than you do
when you look in your child's face and you say:
I believe in you, I believe that you can do anything
I trust for you to know what's right for you, I trust for you to know what's right vs. wrong for you
I trust you to go in the direction of what's right all the time for you and I trust that you know what that is
you are giving your child and incredibly invaluable thing
which is you're handing them
this self-concept and freedom
to create their lives and to create themselves in line with their own true self
with their own concept with that which who they were intended to be before they came here
you're letting them do exactly what they intended from Source perspective to do down here on this planet
so the most important thing you can do is trust your children with themselves
and to teach them how to do the same
and when you start doing this you will literally see them bloom right in front of your eyes