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  • Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk to you about self trust.

  • Most of all I'm going to teach you how to trust yourself

  • self trust can be summed up as the assured reliance on your character, ability, strength and truth

  • most of us have spent our lives listening to our parents, to our government, to our teachers and to our bosses

  • We've been raised with the idea that we do not know whats best for ourselves

  • Instead we're taught that other people who "know more than we do", know whats best for us.

  • because of this we choose what we think we are supposed to choose

  • we try to live according to what society says is right, we allow ourselves to be who we are told that we are

  • and we are caught in an endless struggle of seeking approval and reaching for recognition

  • The result is that we lose trust in ourselves

  • the cost of shaping ourselves to fit the desires preferences and expectations of others

  • is losing ourselves

  • and when we lose ourselves we become frozen without direction

  • unable to make our own choices

  • in my opinion the two most painful states that you can be in, in this particular universe

  • is the state of self-hate and the state of self-distrust

  • but the funny thing is, one of them comes from the other

  • self-hate comes from self-distrust

  • self hate is the result of you proving to yourself

  • that you are not on your side

  • instead of beating around the bush, I'm just going to jump right into the tips

  • I'm going to give you a handful of tips on how to begin to trust yourself

  • Tip number 1 is: Develop Self-Confidence

  • self-trust and self-confidence are like a married couple

  • they go hand in hand.

  • when we use the word confidence what we mean is your ability to depend on yourself

  • If you don't have self confidence you wont feel able to depend on yourself.

  • when we understand that lack of self-trust goes hand in hand with self-confidence

  • We can easily see that not trusting ourselves, is a self-worth issue

  • It's an issue if devaluing and invalidating ourselves.

  • We don't trust ourselves, we lack self esteem

  • and we do not perceive our own values.

  • One of the reasons that we don't trust ourselves is that we do not

  • accept our own abilities, talents, intentions, and value.

  • This means that step one is, you have to begin to acknowledge and take not of

  • your own abilities, your strengths your talents, your virtues

  • anything that you could see as positive about yourself

  • is going to enable you to find more trust in yourself

  • tip number 2 is allow yourself to do what you're good at

  • and what comes easily to you

  • we live in a culture that's based around the idea that effort is virtuous

  • you'll notice that things which you are really passionate about, which you are meant to do, are actually things that you are very good at.

  • But we keep telling ourselves the lie, that anything worth having is hard won

  • so we don't allow ourselves to the things that come the most naturally to us

  • this is a detriment to society because imagine the kind of society we

  • could have if we could allow ourselves to specialize in what we're good at

  • and allow other people to specialize in what they're good at.

  • and now when have the perfect society made of people who specialize at what they are good at

  • if you continue to do things that you are not good a that you struggle at

  • that you think you need to or should do you'll continue to feel as if

  • there's something wrong with you as if you're not good enough

  • this will decrease your ability to trust yourself, if we always feel as if it is a struggle

  • to do things we will always feel as if we are behind the pack

  • so own up to the things which you excel at and focus on designing

  • your life around those things,

  • give yourself permission to take pride in them

  • and give yourself credit for your successes

  • this step will give a healthy boost to your self confidence

  • and subsequently your self-trust

  • if we're doing the things which were really meant to be doing

  • which really give us joy, and of course we

  • honest about that

  • what you'll notice is that they are effortless

  • even if you have to extend some sort of energy towards them

  • it wont feel like effort

  • its not going to feel like struggle. Tip number 3:

  • let go of your attachment of finding the right answer and instead

  • find your right answer

  • those of us who have a decreased self-confidence and a lack of self trust

  • are obsessed with idea of right and wrong

  • we have to figure out the right answer

  • the problem is we cant get anyone to agree

  • because this life is lived through perspective

  • and no one person share their perspective exactly with someone else

  • that means everyone is going to disagree

  • those of us who don't trust ourselves, fear making the wrong decisions so much

  • that we procrastinate making any choice.

  • we trust everyone's opinions except for our own

  • its important for us to realize that when we're facing

  • a problem or decision, there is no such thing as one right answer

  • that we have to somehow find, so we have to gain perspective by

  • illiciting other people's opinions, but by not weighing them

  • to make our final decision. instead we need to make our own decision

  • we can use inquiry to question our current perspective and consciously

  • choose a perspective which serves our highest good

  • every single person experiences the world in their own way

  • so we make decisions about what right based on our own individual assumption, perceptions and

  • past experiences

  • and like I said no two perspectives will be the same.

  • an no one can see the situation from your perspective.

  • your also never going to be able to have all the information that you would like to have

  • in order to make your decision

  • you cant know everything

  • and so sometimes you have to take a risk by making a choice anyway

  • you cannot A right answer, all you can find is your right answer

  • Tip number 4 is: Take risk. even if those risk might result in mistake.

  • Or what you would call failure

  • Those of us who don;t; trust ourselves, hate the idea of taking risk.

  • because we hate the idea of mistakes

  • because our self worth is so wrapped up in getting everything right

  • but here's the thing, if you don't take the risk, you've failed already.

  • I'll tell you a personal story.

  • Way back when, I was in my sports career, I was a professional skier.

  • And as usual before races, I would be in the bathroom throwing up.

  • because I hated the idea of potentially losing.

  • But one day, I was on the chair lift, on the way up to the start of the racing gate.

  • and I realized, I've lost 100 percent of the races that I didn't run.

  • It was a really important epiphany for me. One that people could really benefit by

  • when they're struggling with self distrust

  • we like to think that if we don't take risk we don't fail

  • but the truth is exactly the opposite, if we don't take the risk we've already failed

  • While it can be scary for us to take risk in life, It's one of the best ways that we can build our capacity for self-trust

  • Taking risk takes courage and courage makes us feel better about ourselves.

  • It allows us to see what we're really capable of which in turn helps us to trust ourselves

  • and don't forget... if you don't take a risk, to see if you can trust yourself, you'll never know that you can

  • Tip number 5: Take responsibility for your choices and consequences of those choices

  • Both if they be good, or bad

  • owning the responsibility for the decisions we make is crucial when were developing trust in ourselves

  • we need to experience both the process of making a decision

  • and the process of directly experiencing the results of that decision so that we can learn

  • if we fall into the trap of denying our part in the decision, or blame others for the decision we made

  • we end up depriving ourselves of the opportunity to learn

  • likewise if we escape from the consequence of our decisions we miss the opportunity

  • for getting the feedback we need to we can make different decisions in the future

  • this is the same thing as robbing ourselves of an improved life in the future

  • also you cant blame someone else, without simultaneously acknowledging your powerlessness

  • when were trying to trust ourselves we have to see ourselves as worthy of trust

  • we cant see ourselves as weak and trust ourselves at the same time

  • when you blame someone else, you're recognizing them as the victor and you as the loser

  • who are you really going to trust?

  • Someone who is going to let you down?

  • by blaming someone else, you acknowledge the fact that you can let yourself down,

  • that you are the one who is powerless

  • and so instead of it benefiting you in any way, you may have removed the blame from yourself, but you've also acknowledged yourself, as incapable.

  • Tip number 6: live your life according to a sense of integrity.

  • If you don't life your life according to Integrity, you cannot develop self trust.

  • take some time and ask yourself , what does integrity really mean?

  • You'll find that authenticity and integrity go hand in hand.

  • What does it mean to be authentic?

  • lack of integrity can reflect out into the world in big ways such as intentionally sabotaging someone else or stealing from them.

  • It can also reflect out into the world in small ways such as telling little white lies, gossiping, or not standing up for yourself.

  • Any lack of integrity, erodes the self concept

  • identify what it means to you personally, to have integrity.

  • No one can decide this for you because no two people have the dame values morals or ethics.

  • Identify the areas in your life where you are not living with integrity.

  • and then pick three changes you can make right now to restore that integrity.

  • For example in order to restore integrity you could write an I'm Sorry letter to somebody who you've

  • been feeling guilty about for quite some time.

  • You could come out of the closet, and admit that you're gay.

  • You could repay money that you stole, when you were younger,

  • the list goes on and on.

  • Tip number 7: Acknowledge the ways that you do trust yourself.

  • We when we identify that we don;t trust ourselves,

  • often feel like that's it's own statement, I don't trust myself, period, the end.

  • But the reality is we all trust ourselves relative to some things

  • and we distrust ourselves relative to other things

  • and when we're trying to develop our self trust

  • we have to acknowledge the things we do trust ourselves with

  • when we are looking to develop self trust,

  • like anything else we are looking to strengthen a vibration

  • focusing positively toward the ways you already do trust yourself

  • strengthens the vibration of self trust

  • So me, for example,

  • I might not trust myself to rebuild a car,

  • But I can trust myself to make a really good dish for dinner!

  • Take some time to compile a list of all the ways that you

  • currently know you can trust yourself

  • Compile this list, by filling in the blanks as many times as you can

  • fill in the bank

  • for example

  • I trust myself to be loyal to the person I committed to

  • or

  • regardless of weather or not that means breaking a commitment that I have made to someone

  • some other examples might be...

  • I trust myself to care for my pets

  • Or, I trust myself to do exactly what I say, I'm going to do

  • Nothing is to small or to large to included in this list,

  • any kind of trust, no matter it is in , is important because it is trust

  • tip number 8: Listen to your feelings

  • Feelings always have an important message to share

  • they always have value.

  • most of in this world have no idea what emotions actually are

  • we've lost touch with the fact that they are the compass,

  • leading you through life, they are always the instant feedback about the truth

  • of who you are and where you are in this moment

  • if you're ignoring that, then you're out of touch with yourself completely

  • the average person views feeling a a menace,

  • something to fight, something he or she is powerless to

  • a drawback, and even something to distrust

  • the average person has no idea what purpose they serve,

  • So most of us are living in a tug of war between binging a slave to our emotions

  • and flipping around to wage war with them

  • we have a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry set up to make a profit

  • from chemically aiding people to suppress their feelings and change them.

  • this is especially sad considering that your feelings are the compass

  • guiding you through this adventure called life

  • they are all the guidance you will ever need

  • that why intuition speaks to you via the root of our feelings,

  • it is only when you ignore your feelings,

  • that you become convinced that your feeling have ever failed you

  • or are negative in nature

  • this tip goes hand in hand wit the last tip, when it comes to trusting yourself.

  • and the reason I saved this one for last

  • is because it is the Holy Grail of self-trust

  • The reason you don't trust yourself,

  • Is because you have made a living practice of abandoning yourself

  • the Holy Grail of learning to trust yourself

  • is to stop abandoning yourself

  • so, Ive invented an acronym.

  • the acronym is STAY

  • Stop Abandoning Yourself

  • The first way to stop abandoning yourself is to stop running away from your negative emotions

  • This might sound a little interesting because self help experts like myself are always

  • trying to teach you how to feel better, but the reality is

  • when you are attempting to fell better, or feel differ,

  • Some part of you is abandoning the truth of how you actually feel

  • have you notice that when you start to feel negative emotions , that negative emotion

  • is overlaid with a kind of panic,

  • its overlaid with a kind of panic because one aspect of you being knows

  • that the minuet you feel bad, your gonna want to escape yourself and escape that feeling

  • you cant try to escape the feeling with simultaneously trying to escape yourself

  • that is the same as abandoning yourself

  • so what we do when we're learning to trust ourselves is exactly the opposite

  • instead of trying to feel better or change our emotions or escape the way we feel,

  • we learn to completely be with our emotionalism unconditionally

  • regardless of weather they feel good, or feel bad

  • this teaches you that no matter how you feel, you will be there for yourself

  • which is the opposite of how the people in your childhood life, dealt with you

  • Their participation and approval of you, was conditioned upon you feeling good

  • every time you felt bad they tried to immediately change it as if something went wrong

  • or they tried to leave, until you felt better

  • all of those types of actions taught you to do the same thing to yourself

  • and a lot of us do it in very harmful ways, a lot of us use

  • A lot of us use addiction

  • we try to escape our emotions by doing something that ultimately

  • harms ourselves

  • so the message is when i feel bad

  • not only am I going to try to escape myself

  • which is abandoning myself

  • I'm also going to harm myself as well

  • I teach a process which enables you to be with yourself unconditionally in my other video

  • on YouTube titled, "healing the emotional body"

  • so if I were you I would look back at that video, and follow that process

  • and it will help you to learn how to not abandon yourself by running away from negative emotion.

  • if you begin to stop abandoning yourself when you're experiencing negative emotion

  • you will come to trust that you will always be there for yourself

  • you will feel a deep sense of inner peace arise within you

  • a deep sense of inner Peace you never knew could exist

  • the next part of the equation , of not abandoning yourself,

  • is to develop healthy boundaries

  • so I'm going to talk to you about boundaries for a minuet

  • boundaries basically mean having a sense of self versus other

  • when it come to participating in the physical dimension the individual perspectives,

  • and experiences what is currently serving the expansion of this universe and so

  • we perceive the indifference between ourselves and the rest of the world

  • this individual perspective is a kind of boundary that defines us form everything else

  • we have to hear again and again from self help persist sand physiologist

  • that it is crucial to our well begin to develop healthy boundaries

  • but what are boundaries really?

  • Boundaries are guidelines for how someone related the self to the rest of the world

  • they are rules of conduct built out of beliefs, opinions, attitudes past experiences

  • and social learning

  • personal boundaries operate in two directions

  • affecting both the incoming and the outgoing interactions in people

  • personal boundaries help to define and individual by outlining likes and dislikes

  • what is right for them personally, or wrong for them personally

  • defining these things helps us to know how we will and wont be treated

  • by ourselves and by others

  • here are some sign that you may have unhealthy boundaries

  • saying yes when you mean no

  • or no when you mean yes

  • feeling guilty when you say no

  • acting against your integrity or values in order to please

  • not speaking up when yo have something to say

  • adopting another persons beliefs or ideas so that you accepted

  • not calling out someone who mistreats you

  • accepting physical touch or sex when you don't want it

  • allowing yourself to be interrupted or distracted to accommodate

  • another persons immediate wants or needs

  • giving to much just to be perceived as a useful

  • becoming overly involved in someones problems or difficulties

  • allowing people to say things to you or in front of you

  • that make you uncomfortable

  • not defining and communicating your emotional needs in your relationship

  • now the biggest problem when it comes to boundaries is not

  • other people violating our boundaries

  • Its us violating our own boundaries

  • every time you let yourself do something that doesn't feel good to you

  • you arr violating your own boundaries.

  • you are betraying yourself

  • if you let someone violate your boundaries.

  • you are violating your own boundaries

  • because you are betraying yourself

  • anytime you go against, your personal boundaries

  • you violate yourself, you abandon yourself

  • and you allow hate to rule the day

  • I'm going to simplify the concept of boundaries to you in a very concrete way

  • for example if someone said something that hurt you

  • it means they crossed an emotional boundary and you will feel hurt

  • which is you indication that your boundaries need to be reasserted

  • another example could be

  • someone ask you to a party which you don't feel like you want to go to

  • but you go anyway

  • you feel bad. which is you indication that you have violated your own boundary

  • this is why it is so crucial to be in touch with how you feel all day everyday

  • we can think of a boundary as an imaginary line that defines and separates

  • your personal happiness, your personal integrity

  • your personal desires,you're personal needs and therefore your personal truth

  • from the rest f the universe

  • he who doesn't list to and respect his own feelings.

  • violates his own boundaries. end of story.

  • So what crucial to start paying attention to and listening to and discovering how you truly feel

  • its so important for you to know why you like and what you don't like

  • what you want and what you don't want

  • to start to define who you are, and really know who you are

  • so that you can live in state of authenticity

  • because then and only then will you be able to live according to your own boundaries

  • because only then will you be listening to your feelings

  • your feeling are speaking your personal truth

  • it is crucial that we not only know who we are and what we really want, but also

  • that we know that we are know for who we are and what we really want by others

  • when we are ashamed of who we are and what we want

  • we have poor boundaries

  • and we are shamed for who we are by others, all the time

  • this person has no self rust.

  • this is the person who's feeling were invalidated as a child

  • so you can understand what led to this issue of yours with self trust

  • and I'm going to explain a common scenario that arises from childhood

  • a child begins to feel angry because their parent is always working and never has

  • time to be with them. the child expresses that anger and is invalidated

  • the parent says:

  • I spend more time with you than any other parent I know spends with their child

  • And the child is shamed for being ungrateful

  • the child learns that the way they feel is not true and that they should

  • be ashamed for feeling the way they feel

  • that emotion is suppressed

  • anger is not acceptable, so the child creates a false self that cannot express anger

  • who says thank you, all the time

  • over time he or she believes that who they really are is happy grateful

  • they have never really admitted to the fact that deep down they truly feel angry,

  • so how do you know if you have setup a false self?

  • you feel other people thinking negatively of you.

  • Ask yourself these questions:

  • begging to pay attention to how you feel and honor your emotions

  • which leads to not abandoning yourself

  • is like Pandora's box

  • you can open that box and ever close it again

  • it changes everything about your life

  • absolutely every aspect of your life will change as a result of doing

  • this final step of the how to trust yourself process.

  • Now trusting yourself is a process, its not something that happens over night

  • but trusting yourself is the inevitable byproduct

  • of begining to really honor who you truly are

  • and admitting to who you truly are

  • Have a good week.

  • Subtitles by the community

Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk to you about self trust.


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自分を信頼する方法 - ティールスワン (How To Trust Yourself -Teal Swan-)

  • 349 39
    Hhart Budha に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日